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In this paper, we develop an efficient multi-scale network to predict action classes in partial videos in an end-to-end manner. Unlike most existing methods with offline feature generation, our method directly takes frames as input and further models motion evolution on two different temporal scales.Therefore, we solve the complexity problems of the two stages of modeling and the problem of insufficient temporal and spatial information of a single scale. Our proposed End-to-End MultiScale Network (E2EMSNet) is composed of two scales which are named segment scale and observed global scale. The segment scale leverages temporal difference over consecutive frames for finer motion patterns by supplying 2D convolutions. For observed global scale, a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) is incorporated to capture motion features of observed frames. Our model provides a simple and efficient modeling framework with a small computational cost. Our E2EMSNet is evaluated on three challenging datasets: BIT, HMDB51, and UCF101. The extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method for action prediction in videos.
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Deep convolutional networks have achieved great success for visual recognition in still images. However, for action recognition in videos, the advantage over traditional methods is not so evident. This paper aims to discover the principles to design effective ConvNet architectures for action recognition in videos and learn these models given limited training samples. Our first contribution is temporal segment network (TSN), a novel framework for video-based action recognition. which is based on the idea of long-range temporal structure modeling. It combines a sparse temporal sampling strategy and video-level supervision to enable efficient and effective learning using the whole action video. The other contribution is our study on a series of good practices in learning ConvNets on video data with the help of temporal segment network. Our approach obtains the state-the-of-art performance on the datasets of HMDB51 (69.4%) and UCF101 (94.2%). We also visualize the learned ConvNet models, which qualitatively demonstrates the effectiveness of temporal segment network and the proposed good practices. 1
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Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have been regarded as a powerful class of models for image recognition problems. Nevertheless, it is not trivial when utilizing a CNN for learning spatio-temporal video representation. A few studies have shown that performing 3D convolutions is a rewarding approach to capture both spatial and temporal dimensions in videos. However, the development of a very deep 3D CNN from scratch results in expensive computational cost and memory demand. A valid question is why not recycle off-the-shelf 2D networks for a 3D CNN. In this paper, we devise multiple variants of bottleneck building blocks in a residual learning framework by simulating 3 × 3 × 3 convolutions with 1 × 3 × 3 convolutional filters on spatial domain (equivalent to 2D CNN) plus 3 × 1 × 1 convolutions to construct temporal connections on adjacent feature maps in time. Furthermore, we propose a new architecture, named , that exploits all the variants of blocks but composes each in different placement of ResNet, following the philosophy that enhancing structural diversity with going deep could improve the power of neural networks. Our P3D ResNet achieves clear improvements on Sports-1M video classification dataset against 3D CNN and frame-based 2D CNN by 5.3% and 1.8%, respectively. We further examine the generalization performance of video representation produced by our pre-trained P3D ResNet on five different benchmarks and three different tasks, demonstrating superior performances over several state-of-the-art techniques.
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Human activity recognition (HAR) using drone-mounted cameras has attracted considerable interest from the computer vision research community in recent years. A robust and efficient HAR system has a pivotal role in fields like video surveillance, crowd behavior analysis, sports analysis, and human-computer interaction. What makes it challenging are the complex poses, understanding different viewpoints, and the environmental scenarios where the action is taking place. To address such complexities, in this paper, we propose a novel Sparse Weighted Temporal Attention (SWTA) module to utilize sparsely sampled video frames for obtaining global weighted temporal attention. The proposed SWTA is comprised of two parts. First, temporal segment network that sparsely samples a given set of frames. Second, weighted temporal attention, which incorporates a fusion of attention maps derived from optical flow, with raw RGB images. This is followed by a basenet network, which comprises a convolutional neural network (CNN) module along with fully connected layers that provide us with activity recognition. The SWTA network can be used as a plug-in module to the existing deep CNN architectures, for optimizing them to learn temporal information by eliminating the need for a separate temporal stream. It has been evaluated on three publicly available benchmark datasets, namely Okutama, MOD20, and Drone-Action. The proposed model has received an accuracy of 72.76%, 92.56%, and 78.86% on the respective datasets thereby surpassing the previous state-of-the-art performances by a margin of 25.26%, 18.56%, and 2.94%, respectively.
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Sign language recognition (SLR) aims to overcome the communication barrier for the people with deafness or the people with hard hearing. Most existing approaches can be typically divided into two lines, i.e., Skeleton-based and RGB-based methods, but both the two lines of methods have their limitations. RGB-based approaches usually overlook the fine-grained hand structure, while Skeleton-based methods do not take the facial expression into account. In attempts to address both limitations, we propose a new framework named Spatial-temporal Part-aware network (StepNet), based on RGB parts. As the name implies, StepNet consists of two modules: Part-level Spatial Modeling and Part-level Temporal Modeling. Particularly, without using any keypoint-level annotations, Part-level Spatial Modeling implicitly captures the appearance-based properties, such as hands and faces, in the feature space. On the other hand, Part-level Temporal Modeling captures the pertinent properties over time by implicitly mining the long-short term context. Extensive experiments show that our StepNet, thanks to Spatial-temporal modules, achieves competitive Top-1 Per-instance accuracy on three widely-used SLR benchmarks, i.e., 56.89% on WLASL, 77.2% on NMFs-CSL, and 77.1% on BOBSL. Moreover, the proposed method is compatible with the optical flow input, and can yield higher performance if fused. We hope that this work can serve as a preliminary step for the people with deafness.
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在本文中,我们提出了一种新的视频表示学习方法,名为时间挤压(TS)池,这可以从长期的视频帧中提取基本移动信息,并将其映射到一组名为挤压图像的几个图像中。通过将时间挤压池作为层嵌入到现成的卷积神经网络(CNN)中,我们设计了一个名为Temporal Squeeze网络(TESNet)的新视频分类模型。由此产生的挤压图像包含来自视频帧的基本移动信息,对应于视频分类任务的优化。我们在两个视频分类基准上评估我们的架构,并与最先进的结果进行了比较。
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Spatiotemporal and motion features are two complementary and crucial information for video action recognition. Recent state-of-the-art methods adopt a 3D CNN stream to learn spatiotemporal features and another flow stream to learn motion features. In this work, we aim to efficiently encode these two features in a unified 2D framework. To this end, we first propose an STM block, which contains a Channel-wise SpatioTemporal Module (CSTM) to present the spatiotemporal features and a Channel-wise Motion Module (CMM) to efficiently encode motion features. We then replace original residual blocks in the ResNet architecture with STM blcoks to form a simple yet effective STM network by introducing very limited extra computation cost. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed STM network outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on both temporal-related datasets (i.e., Something-Something v1 & v2 and Jester) and scene-related datasets (i.e., Kinetics-400, UCF-101, and HMDB-51) with the help of encoding spatiotemporal and motion features together. * The work was done during an internship at SenseTime.
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直觉可能表明,运动和动态信息是基于视频的动作识别的关键。相比之下,有证据表明,最新的深入学习视频理解架构偏向单帧可用的静态信息。目前,缺少用于隔离视频中动态信息影响的方法和相应的数据集。他们的缺席使得很难理解当代体系结构如何利用动态和静态信息。我们以新颖的外观免费数据集(AFD)做出反应,以进行动作识别。 AFD缺乏与单个帧中的动作识别有关的静态信息。动力学的建模对于解决任务是必要的,因为仅通过考虑时间维度才能明显作用。我们评估了AFD上的11种当代行动识别体系结构及其相关的RGB视频。我们的结果表明,与RGB相比,AFD上所有体系结构的性能均显着下降。我们还对人类进行了免费研究,该研究表明他们在AFD和RGB上的识别准确性非常相似,并且比AFD评估的体系结构要好得多。我们的结果激发了一种新颖的体系结构,在当代设计中,在AFD和RGB上的最佳性能中恢复了光流的明确恢复。
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Temporal modeling is key for action recognition in videos. It normally considers both short-range motions and long-range aggregations. In this paper, we propose a Temporal Excitation and Aggregation (TEA) block, including a motion excitation (ME) module and a multiple temporal aggregation (MTA) module, specifically designed to capture both short-and long-range temporal evolution. In particular, for short-range motion modeling, the ME module calculates the feature-level temporal differences from spatiotemporal features. It then utilizes the differences to excite the motion-sensitive channels of the features. The long-range temporal aggregations in previous works are typically achieved by stacking a large number of local temporal convolutions. Each convolution processes a local temporal window at a time. In contrast, the MTA module proposes to deform the local convolution to a group of subconvolutions, forming a hierarchical residual architecture. Without introducing additional parameters, the features will be processed with a series of sub-convolutions, and each frame could complete multiple temporal aggregations with neighborhoods. The final equivalent receptive field of temporal dimension is accordingly enlarged, which is capable of modeling the long-range temporal relationship over distant frames. The two components of the TEA block are complementary in temporal modeling. Finally, our approach achieves impressive results at low FLOPs on several action recognition benchmarks, such as Kinetics, Something-Something, HMDB51, and UCF101, which confirms its effectiveness and efficiency.
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已经发现,旨在在未修剪视频的开始和终点范围内发现的时间动作实例的时间动作提案生成可以在很大程度上受益于适当的时间和语义上下文的剥削。最新的努力致力于通过自我发项模块来考虑基于时间的环境和基于相似性的语义上下文。但是,他们仍然遭受混乱的背景信息和有限的上下文特征学习的困扰。在本文中,我们提出了一个基于金字塔区域的新型插槽注意(PRSLOT)模块来解决这些问题。我们的PRSLOT模块不使用相似性计算,而是直接以编码器方式来学习本地关系,并基于注意力输入功能(称为\ textit {slot}}的注意力输入功能,生成了局部区域的表示。具体而言,在输入段级级别上,PRSLOT模块将目标段作为\ textIt {query},其周围区域为\ textit {key},然后通过聚集每个\ textit {query-key}插槽来生成插槽表示。具有平行金字塔策略的本地摘要上下文。基于PRSLOT模块,我们提出了一种基于金字塔区域的新型插槽注意网络,称为PRSA-NET,以学习具有丰富的时间和语义上下文的统一视觉表示,以获得更好的建议生成。广泛的实验是在两个广泛采用的Thumos14和ActivityNet-1.3基准上进行的。我们的PRSA-NET优于其他最先进的方法。特别是,我们将AR@100从以前的最佳50.67%提高到56.12%,以生成提案,并在0.5 TIOU下将地图从51.9 \%\%提高到58.7 \%\%\%\%\%,以在Thumos14上进行动作检测。 \ textit {代码可在} \ url {https://github.com/handhand123/prsa-net}中获得
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有效地对视频中的空间信息进行建模对于动作识别至关重要。为了实现这一目标,最先进的方法通常采用卷积操作员和密集的相互作用模块,例如非本地块。但是,这些方法无法准确地符合视频中的各种事件。一方面,采用的卷积是有固定尺度的,因此在各种尺度的事件中挣扎。另一方面,密集的相互作用建模范式仅在动作 - 欧元零件时实现次优性能,给最终预测带来了其他噪音。在本文中,我们提出了一个统一的动作识别框架,以通过引入以下设计来研究视频内容的动态性质。首先,在提取本地提示时,我们会生成动态尺度的时空内核,以适应各种事件。其次,为了将这些线索准确地汇总为全局视频表示形式,我们建议仅通过变压器在一些选定的前景对象之间进行交互,从而产生稀疏的范式。我们将提出的框架称为事件自适应网络(EAN),因为这两个关键设计都适应输入视频内容。为了利用本地细分市场内的短期运动,我们提出了一种新颖有效的潜在运动代码(LMC)模块,进一步改善了框架的性能。在几个大规模视频数据集上进行了广泛的实验,例如,某种东西,动力学和潜水48,验证了我们的模型是否在低拖鞋上实现了最先进或竞争性的表演。代码可在:https://github.com/tianyuan168326/ean-pytorch中找到。
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