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Time series anomaly detection has applications in a wide range of research fields and applications, including manufacturing and healthcare. The presence of anomalies can indicate novel or unexpected events, such as production faults, system defects, or heart fluttering, and is therefore of particular interest. The large size and complex patterns of time series have led researchers to develop specialised deep learning models for detecting anomalous patterns. This survey focuses on providing structured and comprehensive state-of-the-art time series anomaly detection models through the use of deep learning. It providing a taxonomy based on the factors that divide anomaly detection models into different categories. Aside from describing the basic anomaly detection technique for each category, the advantages and limitations are also discussed. Furthermore, this study includes examples of deep anomaly detection in time series across various application domains in recent years. It finally summarises open issues in research and challenges faced while adopting deep anomaly detection models.
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现代高性能计算(HPC)系统的复杂性日益增加,需要引入自动化和数据驱动的方法,以支持系统管理员为增加系统可用性的努力。异常检测是改善可用性不可或缺的一部分,因为它减轻了系统管理员的负担,并减少了异常和解决方案之间的时间。但是,对当前的最新检测方法进行了监督和半监督,因此它们需要具有异常的人体标签数据集 - 在生产HPC系统中收集通常是不切实际的。基于聚类的无监督异常检测方法,旨在减轻准确的异常数据的需求,到目前为止的性能差。在这项工作中,我们通过提出RUAD来克服这些局限性,RUAD是一种新型的无监督异常检测模型。 Ruad比当前的半监督和无监督的SOA方法取得了更好的结果。这是通过考虑数据中的时间依赖性以及在模型体系结构中包括长短期限内存单元的实现。提出的方法是根据tier-0系统(带有980个节点的Cineca的Marconi100的完整历史)评估的。 RUAD在半监督训练中达到曲线(AUC)下的区域(AUC)为0.763,在无监督的训练中达到了0.767的AUC,这改进了SOA方法,在半监督训练中达到0.747的AUC,无需训练的AUC和0.734的AUC在无处不在的AUC中提高了AUC。训练。它还大大优于基于聚类的当前SOA无监督的异常检测方法,其AUC为0.548。
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A Digital Twin (DT) is a simulation of a physical system that provides information to make decisions that add economic, social or commercial value. The behaviour of a physical system changes over time, a DT must therefore be continually updated with data from the physical systems to reflect its changing behaviour. For resource-constrained systems, updating a DT is non-trivial because of challenges such as on-board learning and the off-board data transfer. This paper presents a framework for updating data-driven DTs of resource-constrained systems geared towards system health monitoring. The proposed solution consists of: (1) an on-board system running a light-weight DT allowing the prioritisation and parsimonious transfer of data generated by the physical system; and (2) off-board robust updating of the DT and detection of anomalous behaviours. Two case studies are considered using a production gas turbine engine system to demonstrate the digital representation accuracy for real-world, time-varying physical systems.
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燃气轮机发动机是复杂的机器,通常产生大量数据,并且需要仔细监控,以允许具有成本效益的预防性维护。在航空航天应用中,将所有测量数据返回到地面是昂贵的,通常会导致有用,高值,要丢弃的数据。因此,在实时检测,优先级和返回有用数据的能力是至关重要的。本文提出了由卷积神经网络常态模型描述的系统输出测量,实时优先考虑预防性维护决策者。由于燃气轮机发动机时变行为的复杂性,导出精确的物理模型难以困难,并且通常导致预测精度低的模型和与实时执行不相容。数据驱动的建模是一种理想的替代方案,生产高精度,资产特定模型,而无需从第一原理推导。我们提出了一种用于在线检测和异常数据的优先级的数据驱动系统。通过集成到深神经预测模型中的不确定管理,避免了偏离新的操作条件的数据评估。测试是对实际和合成数据进行的,显示对真实和合成故障的敏感性。该系统能够在低功耗嵌入式硬件上实时运行,目前正在部署Rolls-Royce Pearl 15发动机飞行试验。
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Anomaly detection on time series data is increasingly common across various industrial domains that monitor metrics in order to prevent potential accidents and economic losses. However, a scarcity of labeled data and ambiguous definitions of anomalies can complicate these efforts. Recent unsupervised machine learning methods have made remarkable progress in tackling this problem using either single-timestamp predictions or time series reconstructions. While traditionally considered separately, these methods are not mutually exclusive and can offer complementary perspectives on anomaly detection. This paper first highlights the successes and limitations of prediction-based and reconstruction-based methods with visualized time series signals and anomaly scores. We then propose AER (Auto-encoder with Regression), a joint model that combines a vanilla auto-encoder and an LSTM regressor to incorporate the successes and address the limitations of each method. Our model can produce bi-directional predictions while simultaneously reconstructing the original time series by optimizing a joint objective function. Furthermore, we propose several ways of combining the prediction and reconstruction errors through a series of ablation studies. Finally, we compare the performance of the AER architecture against two prediction-based methods and three reconstruction-based methods on 12 well-known univariate time series datasets from NASA, Yahoo, Numenta, and UCR. The results show that AER has the highest averaged F1 score across all datasets (a 23.5% improvement compared to ARIMA) while retaining a runtime similar to its vanilla auto-encoder and regressor components. Our model is available in Orion, an open-source benchmarking tool for time series anomaly detection.
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给定传感器读数随着时间的推移从电网上,我们如何在发生异常时准确地检测?实现这一目标的关键部分是使用电网传感器网络在电网上实时地在实时检测到自然故障或恶意的任何不寻常的事件。行业中现有的坏数据探测器缺乏鲁布布利地检测广泛类型的异常,特别是由于新兴网络攻击而造成的复杂性,因为它们一次在网格的单个测量快照上运行。新的ML方法更广泛适用,但通常不会考虑拓扑变化对传感器测量的影响,因此无法适应历史数据中的定期拓扑调整。因此,我们向DynWatch,基于域知识和拓扑知识算法用于使用动态网格上的传感器进行异常检测。我们的方法准确,优于实验中的现有方法20%以上(F-Measure);快速,在60K +分支机用中的每次传感器上平均运行小于1.7ms,使用笔记本电脑,并在图表的大小上线性缩放。
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The detection of anomalies in time series data is crucial in a wide range of applications, such as system monitoring, health care or cyber security. While the vast number of available methods makes selecting the right method for a certain application hard enough, different methods have different strengths, e.g. regarding the type of anomalies they are able to find. In this work, we compare six unsupervised anomaly detection methods with different complexities to answer the questions: Are the more complex methods usually performing better? And are there specific anomaly types that those method are tailored to? The comparison is done on the UCR anomaly archive, a recent benchmark dataset for anomaly detection. We compare the six methods by analyzing the experimental results on a dataset- and anomaly type level after tuning the necessary hyperparameter for each method. Additionally we examine the ability of individual methods to incorporate prior knowledge about the anomalies and analyse the differences of point-wise and sequence wise features. We show with broad experiments, that the classical machine learning methods show a superior performance compared to the deep learning methods across a wide range of anomaly types.
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A new Lossy Causal Temporal Convolutional Neural Network Autoencoder for anomaly detection is proposed in this work. Our framework uses a rate-distortion loss and an entropy bottleneck to learn a compressed latent representation for the task. The main idea of using a rate-distortion loss is to introduce representation flexibility that ignores or becomes robust to unlikely events with distinctive patterns, such as anomalies. These anomalies manifest as unique distortion features that can be accurately detected in testing conditions. This new architecture allows us to train a fully unsupervised model that has high accuracy in detecting anomalies from a distortion score despite being trained with some portion of unlabelled anomalous data. This setting is in stark contrast to many of the state-of-the-art unsupervised methodologies that require the model to be only trained on "normal data". We argue that this partially violates the concept of unsupervised training for anomaly detection as the model uses an informed decision that selects what is normal from abnormal for training. Additionally, there is evidence to suggest it also effects the models ability at generalisation. We demonstrate that models that succeed in the paradigm where they are only trained on normal data fail to be robust when anomalous data is injected into the training. In contrast, our compression-based approach converges to a robust representation that tolerates some anomalous distortion. The robust representation achieved by a model using a rate-distortion loss can be used in a more realistic unsupervised anomaly detection scheme.
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Due to the issue that existing wireless sensor network (WSN)-based anomaly detection methods only consider and analyze temporal features, in this paper, a self-supervised learning-based anomaly node detection method based on an autoencoder is designed. This method integrates temporal WSN data flow feature extraction, spatial position feature extraction and intermodal WSN correlation feature extraction into the design of the autoencoder to make full use of the spatial and temporal information of the WSN for anomaly detection. First, a fully connected network is used to extract the temporal features of nodes by considering a single mode from a local spatial perspective. Second, a graph neural network (GNN) is used to introduce the WSN topology from a global spatial perspective for anomaly detection and extract the spatial and temporal features of the data flows of nodes and their neighbors by considering a single mode. Then, the adaptive fusion method involving weighted summation is used to extract the relevant features between different models. In addition, this paper introduces a gated recurrent unit (GRU) to solve the long-term dependence problem of the time dimension. Eventually, the reconstructed output of the decoder and the hidden layer representation of the autoencoder are fed into a fully connected network to calculate the anomaly probability of the current system. Since the spatial feature extraction operation is advanced, the designed method can be applied to the task of large-scale network anomaly detection by adding a clustering operation. Experiments show that the designed method outperforms the baselines, and the F1 score reaches 90.6%, which is 5.2% higher than those of the existing anomaly detection methods based on unsupervised reconstruction and prediction. Code and model are available at https://github.com/GuetYe/anomaly_detection/GLSL
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