自我对准过程可以提供准确的罪恶初始态度。常规的两种方法通常包括粗糙和细微的对齐过程。粗对齐通常基于OBA(基于优化的对准)方法,批次估计自我对准开始时恒定的初始态度。 OBA迅速收敛,但是准确性很低,因为该方法不考虑IMU的偏差错误。细胞对齐应用递归的贝叶斯滤波器,这使得对IMU的系统误差估计更加准确,但与此同时,态度误差以较大的标题未对准角缓慢收敛。研究人员提出了统一的自我对准以在一个过程中实现自我对准,但是当未对准角度很大时,基于递归贝叶斯过滤器的现有方法仍然很慢。在本文中,提出了基于批处理估计器FGO(因子图优化)的统一方法。据作者所知,这是第一种批处理方法,能够同时估算IMU的所有系统误差和恒定的初始态度,并具有快速的收敛性和高精度。通过对旋转罪的模拟和物理实验来验证该方法的有效性。
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A reliable self-contained navigation system is essential for autonomous vehicles. Based on our previous study on Wheel-INS \cite{niu2019}, a wheel-mounted inertial measurement unit (Wheel-IMU)-based dead reckoning (DR) system, in this paper, we propose a multiple IMUs-based DR solution for the wheeled robots. The IMUs are mounted at different places of the wheeled vehicles to acquire various dynamic information. In particular, at least one IMU has to be mounted at the wheel to measure the wheel velocity and take advantages of the rotation modulation. The system is implemented through a distributed extended Kalman filter structure where each subsystem (corresponding to each IMU) retains and updates its own states separately. The relative position constraints between the multiple IMUs are exploited to further limit the error drift and improve the system robustness. Particularly, we present the DR systems using dual Wheel-IMUs, one Wheel-IMU plus one vehicle body-mounted IMU (Body-IMU), and dual Wheel-IMUs plus one Body-IMU as examples for analysis and comparison. Field tests illustrate that the proposed multi-IMU DR system outperforms the single Wheel-INS in terms of both positioning and heading accuracy. By comparing with the centralized filter, the proposed distributed filter shows unimportant accuracy degradation while holds significant computation efficiency. Moreover, among the three multi-IMU configurations, the one Body-IMU plus one Wheel-IMU design obtains the minimum drift rate. The position drift rates of the three configurations are 0.82\% (dual Wheel-IMUs), 0.69\% (one Body-IMU plus one Wheel-IMU), and 0.73\% (dual Wheel-IMUs plus one Body-IMU), respectively.
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本文解决了现场机器人动态运动下动态在线估计和3轴磁力计的硬铁和软铁偏置的动态在线估计和补偿问题,利用了3轴磁力计和3轴角度的偏置测量速率传感器。所提出的磁力计和角速度偏差估计器(MAVBE)利用了对经受角速度偏移的磁力计信号的非线性处理动态的15状态过程模型,同时估计9个磁力计偏置参数和3个角速率传感器偏置参数,在扩展卡尔曼过滤器框架。偏置参数局部可操作性在数值评估。偏置补偿信号与3轴加速度计信号一起用于估计偏置补偿磁力大地测量标题。与Chesapeake Bay,MD,MD,MD,MD,MD,MD,MD,MD,MD的数值模拟,实验室实验和全规模场试验中,评估了所提出的MAVBE方法的性能。对于所提出的Mavbe,(i)仪器态度不需要估计偏差,结果表明(ii)偏差是本地可观察的,(iii)偏差估计迅速收敛到真正的偏置参数,(iv)仅适用于适度的仪器偏压估计收敛需要激发,并且(v)对磁力计硬铁和柔软铁偏差的补偿显着提高了动态前线估计精度。
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Visual Inertial Odometry (VIO) is the problem of estimating a robot's trajectory by combining information from an inertial measurement unit (IMU) and a camera, and is of great interest to the robotics community. This paper develops a novel Lie group symmetry for the VIO problem and applies the recently proposed equivariant filter. The symmetry is shown to be compatible with the invariance of the VIO reference frame, lead to exact linearisation of bias-free IMU dynamics, and provide equivariance of the visual measurement function. As a result, the equivariant filter (EqF) based on this Lie group is a consistent estimator for VIO with lower linearisation error in the propagation of state dynamics and a higher order equivariant output approximation than standard formulations. Experimental results on the popular EuRoC and UZH FPV datasets demonstrate that the proposed system outperforms other state-of-the-art VIO algorithms in terms of both speed and accuracy.
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姿势估计对于机器人感知,路径计划等很重要。机器人姿势可以在基质谎言组上建模,并且通常通过基于滤波器的方法进行估算。在本文中,我们在存在随机噪声的情况下建立了不变扩展Kalman滤波器(IEKF)的误差公式,并将其应用于视觉辅助惯性导航。我们通过OpenVINS平台上的数值模拟和实验评估我们的算法。在Euroc公共MAV数据集上执行的仿真和实验都表明,我们的算法优于某些基于最先进的滤波器方法,例如基于Quaternion的EKF,首先估计Jacobian EKF等。
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A monocular visual-inertial system (VINS), consisting of a camera and a low-cost inertial measurement unit (IMU), forms the minimum sensor suite for metric six degreesof-freedom (DOF) state estimation. However, the lack of direct distance measurement poses significant challenges in terms of IMU processing, estimator initialization, extrinsic calibration, and nonlinear optimization. In this work, we present VINS-Mono: a robust and versatile monocular visual-inertial state estimator. Our approach starts with a robust procedure for estimator initialization and failure recovery. A tightly-coupled, nonlinear optimization-based method is used to obtain high accuracy visual-inertial odometry by fusing pre-integrated IMU measurements and feature observations. A loop detection module, in combination with our tightly-coupled formulation, enables relocalization with minimum computation overhead. We additionally perform four degrees-of-freedom pose graph optimization to enforce global consistency. We validate the performance of our system on public datasets and real-world experiments and compare against other state-of-the-art algorithms. We also perform onboard closed-loop autonomous flight on the MAV platform and port the algorithm to an iOS-based demonstration. We highlight that the proposed work is a reliable, complete, and versatile system that is applicable for different applications that require high accuracy localization. We open source our implementations for both PCs 1 and iOS mobile devices 2 .
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在这封信中,我们提出了一个可靠的实时,实时的,惯性导航系统(INS) - 中心的GNSS-视觉惯性导航系统(IC-GVIN),用于轮式机器人,其中在两个状态估计中都可以完全利用精确的INS和视觉过程。为了改善系统的鲁棒性,通过严格的离群策略,在整个基于关键帧的视觉过程中采用了INS信息。采用GNSS来执行IC-GVIN的准确和方便的初始化,并进一步用于在大规模环境中实现绝对定位。 IMU,Visual和GNSS测量值紧密地融合在因子图优化的框架内。进行了专用的实验,以评估轮式机器人上IC-GVIN的鲁棒性和准确性。 IC-GVIN在带有移动对象的各种视觉降低场景中表现出卓越的鲁棒性。与最先进的视觉惯性导航系统相比,所提出的方法在各种环境中都能提高鲁棒性和准确性。我们开源的代码与GitHub上的数据集结合在一起
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Estimation algorithms, such as the sliding window filter, produce an estimate and uncertainty of desired states. This task becomes challenging when the problem involves unobservable states. In these situations, it is critical for the algorithm to ``know what it doesn't know'', meaning that it must maintain the unobservable states as unobservable during algorithm deployment. This letter presents general requirements for maintaining consistency in sliding window filters involving unobservable states. The value of these requirements when designing a navigation solution is experimentally shown within the context of visual-inertial SLAM making use of IMU preintegration.
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我们在本文中介绍Raillomer,实现实时准确和鲁棒的内径测量和轨道车辆的测绘。 Raillomer从两个Lidars,IMU,火车车程和全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)接收器接收测量。作为前端,来自IMU / Royomer缩放组的估计动作De-Skews DeSoised Point云并为框架到框架激光轨道测量产生初始猜测。作为后端,配制了基于滑动窗口的因子图以共同优化多模态信息。另外,我们利用来自提取的轨道轨道和结构外观描述符的平面约束,以进一步改善对重复结构的系统鲁棒性。为了确保全局常见和更少的模糊映射结果,我们开发了一种两级映射方法,首先以本地刻度执行扫描到地图,然后利用GNSS信息来注册模块。该方法在聚集的数据集上广泛评估了多次范围内的数据集,并且表明Raillomer即使在大或退化的环境中也能提供排入量级定位精度。我们还将Raillomer集成到互动列车状态和铁路监控系统原型设计中,已经部署到实验货量交通铁路。
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Accurate and safety-quantifiable localization is of great significance for safety-critical autonomous systems, such as unmanned ground vehicles (UGV) and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). The visual odometry-based method can provide accurate positioning in a short period but is subjected to drift over time. Moreover, the quantification of the safety of the localization solution (the error is bounded by a certain value) is still a challenge. To fill the gaps, this paper proposes a safety-quantifiable line feature-based visual localization method with a prior map. The visual-inertial odometry provides a high-frequency local pose estimation which serves as the initial guess for the visual localization. By obtaining a visual line feature pair association, a foot point-based constraint is proposed to construct the cost function between the 2D lines extracted from the real-time image and the 3D lines extracted from the high-precision prior 3D point cloud map. Moreover, a global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM) inspired method is employed to quantify the safety of the derived localization solution. Among that, an outlier rejection (also well-known as fault detection and exclusion) strategy is employed via the weighted sum of squares residual with a Chi-squared probability distribution. A protection level (PL) scheme considering multiple outliers is derived and utilized to quantify the potential error bound of the localization solution in both position and rotation domains. The effectiveness of the proposed safety-quantifiable localization system is verified using the datasets collected in the UAV indoor and UGV outdoor environments.
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A reliable pose estimator robust to environmental disturbances is desirable for mobile robots. To this end, inertial measurement units (IMUs) play an important role because they can perceive the full motion state of the vehicle independently. However, it suffers from accumulative error due to inherent noise and bias instability, especially for low-cost sensors. In our previous studies on Wheel-INS \cite{niu2021, wu2021}, we proposed to limit the error drift of the pure inertial navigation system (INS) by mounting an IMU to the wheel of the robot to take advantage of rotation modulation. However, it still drifted over a long period of time due to the lack of external correction signals. In this letter, we propose to exploit the environmental perception ability of Wheel-INS to achieve simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) with only one IMU. To be specific, we use the road bank angles (mirrored by the robot roll angles estimated by Wheel-INS) as terrain features to enable the loop closure with a Rao-Blackwellized particle filter. The road bank angle is sampled and stored according to the robot position in the grid maps maintained by the particles. The weights of the particles are updated according to the difference between the currently estimated roll sequence and the terrain map. Field experiments suggest the feasibility of the idea to perform SLAM in Wheel-INS using the robot roll angle estimates. In addition, the positioning accuracy is improved significantly (more than 30\%) over Wheel-INS. Source code of our implementation is publicly available (https://github.com/i2Nav-WHU/Wheel-SLAM).
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