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We study iterative methods for (two-stage) robust combinatorial optimization problems with discrete uncertainty. We propose a machine-learning-based heuristic to determine starting scenarios that provide strong lower bounds. To this end, we design dimension-independent features and train a Random Forest Classifier on small-dimensional instances. Experiments show that our method improves the solution process for larger instances than contained in the training set and also provides a feature importance-score which gives insights into the role of scenario properties.
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Two-stage robust optimization problems constitute one of the hardest optimization problem classes. One of the solution approaches to this class of problems is K-adaptability. This approach simultaneously seeks the best partitioning of the uncertainty set of scenarios into K subsets, and optimizes decisions corresponding to each of these subsets. In general case, it is solved using the K-adaptability branch-and-bound algorithm, which requires exploration of exponentially-growing solution trees. To accelerate finding high-quality solutions in such trees, we propose a machine learning-based node selection strategy. In particular, we construct a feature engineering scheme based on general two-stage robust optimization insights that allows us to train our machine learning tool on a database of resolved B&B trees, and to apply it as-is to problems of different sizes and/or types. We experimentally show that using our learned node selection strategy outperforms a vanilla, random node selection strategy when tested on problems of the same type as the training problems, also in case the K-value or the problem size differs from the training ones.
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In recent years there has been growing attention to interpretable machine learning models which can give explanatory insights on their behavior. Thanks to their interpretability, decision trees have been intensively studied for classification tasks, and due to the remarkable advances in mixed-integer programming (MIP), various approaches have been proposed to formulate the problem of training an Optimal Classification Tree (OCT) as a MIP model. We present a novel mixed-integer quadratic formulation for the OCT problem, which exploits the generalization capabilities of Support Vector Machines for binary classification. Our model, denoted as Margin Optimal Classification Tree (MARGOT), encompasses the use of maximum margin multivariate hyperplanes nested in a binary tree structure. To enhance the interpretability of our approach, we analyse two alternative versions of MARGOT, which include feature selection constraints inducing local sparsity of the hyperplanes. First, MARGOT has been tested on non-linearly separable synthetic datasets in 2-dimensional feature space to provide a graphical representation of the maximum margin approach. Finally, the proposed models have been tested on benchmark datasets from the UCI repository. The MARGOT formulation turns out to be easier to solve than other OCT approaches, and the generated tree better generalizes on new observations. The two interpretable versions are effective in selecting the most relevant features and maintaining good prediction quality.
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Decision-making problems are commonly formulated as optimization problems, which are then solved to make optimal decisions. In this work, we consider the inverse problem where we use prior decision data to uncover the underlying decision-making process in the form of a mathematical optimization model. This statistical learning problem is referred to as data-driven inverse optimization. We focus on problems where the underlying decision-making process is modeled as a convex optimization problem whose parameters are unknown. We formulate the inverse optimization problem as a bilevel program and propose an efficient block coordinate descent-based algorithm to solve large problem instances. Numerical experiments on synthetic datasets demonstrate the computational advantage of our method compared to standard commercial solvers. Moreover, the real-world utility of the proposed approach is highlighted through two realistic case studies in which we consider estimating risk preferences and learning local constraint parameters of agents in a multiplayer Nash bargaining game.
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我们为学习限制建立了混合整数优化的广泛方法论基础。我们提出了一种用于数据驱动决策的端到端管道,其中使用机器学习直接从数据中学习限制和目标,并且培训的模型嵌入在优化配方中。我们利用许多机器学习方法的混合整数优化 - 焦点,包括线性模型,决策树,集合和多层的感知。对多种方法的考虑允许我们捕获决策,上下文变量和结果之间的各种潜在关系。我们还使用观察结果的凸船体来表征决策信任区域,以确保可信的建议并避免推断。我们有效地使用列生成和聚类来纳入这个表示。结合域驱动的约束和客观术语,嵌入式模型和信任区域定义了处方生成的混合整数优化问题。我们将此框架实施为从业者的Python包(OptiCl)。我们展示了化疗优化和世界食物计划规划中的方法。案例研究说明了在生成高质量处方的框架中的框架,由信任区域添加的值,加入多个机器学习方法以及包含多个学习约束的框架。
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我们研究了通过中等数量的成对比较查询引发决策者偏好的问题,以使它们成为特定问题的高质量推荐。我们受到高赌场域中的应用程序的推动,例如选择分配稀缺资源的政策以满足基本需求(例如,用于移植或住房的肾脏,因为那些经历无家可归者),其中需要由(部分)提出引出的偏好。我们在基于偏好的偏好中模拟不确定性,并调查两个设置:a)脱机偏出设置,其中所有查询都是一次,b)在线诱因设置,其中按时间顺序选择查询。我们提出了这些问题的强大优化制剂,这些问题集成了偏好诱导和推荐阶段,其目的是最大化最坏情况的效用或最小化最坏情况的后悔,并研究其复杂性。对于离线案例,在活动偏好诱导与决策信息发现的两个半阶段的稳健优化问题的形式中,我们提供了我们通过列解决的混合二进制线性程序的形式提供了等效的重构。 -Constraint生成。对于在线设置,主动偏好学习采用多级强大优化问题的形式与决策依赖的信息发现,我们提出了一种保守的解决方案方法。合成数据的数值研究表明,我们的方法在最坏情况级别,后悔和效用方面从文献中倾斜最先进的方法。我们展示了我们的方法论如何用于协助无家可归的服务机构选择分配不同类型的稀缺住房资源的政策,以遇到无家可归者。
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This paper surveys the recent attempts, both from the machine learning and operations research communities, at leveraging machine learning to solve combinatorial optimization problems. Given the hard nature of these problems, state-of-the-art algorithms rely on handcrafted heuristics for making decisions that are otherwise too expensive to compute or mathematically not well defined. Thus, machine learning looks like a natural candidate to make such decisions in a more principled and optimized way. We advocate for pushing further the integration of machine learning and combinatorial optimization and detail a methodology to do so. A main point of the paper is seeing generic optimization problems as data points and inquiring what is the relevant distribution of problems to use for learning on a given task.
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In the last years many accurate decision support systems have been constructed as black boxes, that is as systems that hide their internal logic to the user. This lack of explanation constitutes both a practical and an ethical issue. The literature reports many approaches aimed at overcoming this crucial weakness sometimes at the cost of scarifying accuracy for interpretability. The applications in which black box decision systems can be used are various, and each approach is typically developed to provide a solution for a specific problem and, as a consequence, delineating explicitly or implicitly its own definition of interpretability and explanation. The aim of this paper is to provide a classification of the main problems addressed in the literature with respect to the notion of explanation and the type of black box system. Given a problem definition, a black box type, and a desired explanation this survey should help the researcher to find the proposals more useful for his own work. The proposed classification of approaches to open black box models should also be useful for putting the many research open questions in perspective.
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Algorithms that involve both forecasting and optimization are at the core of solutions to many difficult real-world problems, such as in supply chains (inventory optimization), traffic, and in the transition towards carbon-free energy generation in battery/load/production scheduling in sustainable energy systems. Typically, in these scenarios we want to solve an optimization problem that depends on unknown future values, which therefore need to be forecast. As both forecasting and optimization are difficult problems in their own right, relatively few research has been done in this area. This paper presents the findings of the ``IEEE-CIS Technical Challenge on Predict+Optimize for Renewable Energy Scheduling," held in 2021. We present a comparison and evaluation of the seven highest-ranked solutions in the competition, to provide researchers with a benchmark problem and to establish the state of the art for this benchmark, with the aim to foster and facilitate research in this area. The competition used data from the Monash Microgrid, as well as weather data and energy market data. It then focused on two main challenges: forecasting renewable energy production and demand, and obtaining an optimal schedule for the activities (lectures) and on-site batteries that lead to the lowest cost of energy. The most accurate forecasts were obtained by gradient-boosted tree and random forest models, and optimization was mostly performed using mixed integer linear and quadratic programming. The winning method predicted different scenarios and optimized over all scenarios jointly using a sample average approximation method.
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我们介绍了多模式的汽车和乘车共享问题(MMCRP),其中使用一台汽车来涵盖一组乘车请求,同时将发现的请求分配给其他运输方式(MOT)。汽车的路线由一次或多个旅行组成。每次旅行都必须具有特定但不明的驱动程序,以仓库开始,然后以(可能不同的)仓库结束。即使两个骑行没有相同的起源和/或目的地,也允许在用户之间共享骑行。用户始终可以根据各个首选项列表使用其他运输方式。该问题可以作为车辆调度问题提出。为了解决该问题,构建了一个辅助图,在该图中,每次旅行在仓库中的启动和结尾,并覆盖可能的乘车共享,以时空图中的形式建模为弧。我们提出了一种基于列生成的两层分解算法,其中主问题可确保最多只能涵盖每个请求,并且定价问题通过在时间 - 时间中解决一种最短路径问题来生成新的有希望的路线空间网络。报告了基于现实实例的计算实验。基准实例基于奥地利维也纳的人口,空间和经济数据。我们通过在合理时间内基于列生成的方法来解决大型实例,并进一步研究了各种精确和启发式定价方案。
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