我们呈现3DVNET,一种新型多视图立体声(MVS)深度预测方法,该方法结合了基于深度和体积的MVS方法的优点。我们的关键思想是使用3D场景建模网络,可迭代地更新一组粗略深度预测,从而产生高度准确的预测,它达成底层场景几何形状。与现有的深度预测技术不同,我们的方法使用体积3D卷积神经网络(CNN),该网络(CNN)在所有深度图中共同地在世界空间上运行。因此,网络可以学习有意义的场景级别。此外,与现有的体积MVS技术不同,我们的3D CNN在特征增强点云上运行,允许有效地聚合多视图信息和灵活的深度映射的迭代细化。实验结果表明,我们的方法超过了Scannet DataSet的深度预测和3D重建度量的最先进的准确性,以及来自Tum-RGBD和ICL-Nuim数据集的一系列场景。这表明我们的方法既有效又推广到新设置。
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传统上,来自摆姿势的图像的3D室内场景重建分为两个阶段:人均深度估计,然后进行深度合并和表面重建。最近,出现了一个直接在最终3D体积特征空间中进行重建的方法家族。尽管这些方法显示出令人印象深刻的重建结果,但它们依赖于昂贵的3D卷积层,从而限制了其在资源受限环境中的应用。在这项工作中,我们回到了传统的路线,并展示着专注于高质量的多视图深度预测如何使用简单的现成深度融合来高度准确的3D重建。我们提出了一个简单的最先进的多视图深度估计器,其中有两个主要贡献:1)精心设计的2D CNN,该2D CNN利用强大的图像先验以及平面扫描特征量和几何损失,并结合2)将密钥帧和几何元数据集成到成本量中,这允许知情的深度平面评分。我们的方法在当前的最新估计中获得了重要的领先优势,以进行深度估计,并在扫描仪和7个镜头上进行3D重建,但仍允许在线实时实时低音重建。代码,模型和结果可在https://nianticlabs.github.io/simplerecon上找到
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We present an end-to-end deep learning architecture for depth map inference from multi-view images. In the network, we first extract deep visual image features, and then build the 3D cost volume upon the reference camera frustum via the differentiable homography warping. Next, we apply 3D convolutions to regularize and regress the initial depth map, which is then refined with the reference image to generate the final output. Our framework flexibly adapts arbitrary N-view inputs using a variance-based cost metric that maps multiple features into one cost feature. The proposed MVSNet is demonstrated on the large-scale indoor DTU dataset. With simple post-processing, our method not only significantly outperforms previous state-of-the-arts, but also is several times faster in runtime. We also evaluate MVSNet on the complex outdoor Tanks and Temples dataset, where our method ranks first before April 18, 2018 without any fine-tuning, showing the strong generalization ability of MVSNet.
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In this paper, we present a learning-based approach for multi-view stereo (MVS), i.e., estimate the depth map of a reference frame using posed multi-view images. Our core idea lies in leveraging a "learning-to-optimize" paradigm to iteratively index a plane-sweeping cost volume and regress the depth map via a convolutional Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU). Since the cost volume plays a paramount role in encoding the multi-view geometry, we aim to improve its construction both in pixel- and frame- levels. In the pixel level, we propose to break the symmetry of the Siamese network (which is typically used in MVS to extract image features) by introducing a transformer block to the reference image (but not to the source images). Such an asymmetric volume allows the network to extract global features from the reference image to predict its depth map. In view of the inaccuracy of poses between reference and source images, we propose to incorporate a residual pose network to make corrections to the relative poses, which essentially rectifies the cost volume in the frame-level. We conduct extensive experiments on real-world MVS datasets and show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of both within-dataset evaluation and cross-dataset generalization.
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With the success of neural volume rendering in novel view synthesis, neural implicit reconstruction with volume rendering has become popular. However, most methods optimize per-scene functions and are unable to generalize to novel scenes. We introduce VolRecon, a generalizable implicit reconstruction method with Signed Ray Distance Function (SRDF). To reconstruct with fine details and little noise, we combine projection features, aggregated from multi-view features with a view transformer, and volume features interpolated from a coarse global feature volume. A ray transformer computes SRDF values of all the samples along a ray to estimate the surface location, which are used for volume rendering of color and depth. Extensive experiments on DTU and ETH3D demonstrate the effectiveness and generalization ability of our method. On DTU, our method outperforms SparseNeuS by about 30% in sparse view reconstruction and achieves comparable quality as MVSNet in full view reconstruction. Besides, our method shows good generalization ability on the large-scale ETH3D benchmark. Project page: https://fangjinhuawang.github.io/VolRecon.
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We present a learnt system for multi-view stereopsis. In contrast to recent learning based methods for 3D reconstruction, we leverage the underlying 3D geometry of the problem through feature projection and unprojection along viewing rays. By formulating these operations in a differentiable manner, we are able to learn the system end-to-end for the task of metric 3D reconstruction. End-to-end learning allows us to jointly reason about shape priors while conforming to geometric constraints, enabling reconstruction from much fewer images (even a single image) than required by classical approaches as well as completion of unseen surfaces. We thoroughly evaluate our approach on the ShapeNet dataset and demonstrate the benefits over classical approaches and recent learning based methods.
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在不同观点之间找到准确的对应关系是无监督的多视图立体声(MVS)的跟腱。现有方法是基于以下假设:相应的像素具有相似的光度特征。但是,在实际场景中,多视图图像观察到非斜面的表面和经验遮挡。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种新颖的方法,即神经渲染(RC-MVSNET),以解决观点之间对应关系的歧义问题。具体而言,我们施加了一个深度渲染一致性损失,以限制靠近对象表面的几何特征以减轻遮挡。同时,我们引入了参考视图综合损失,以产生一致的监督,即使是针对非兰伯特表面。关于DTU和TANKS \&Temples基准测试的广泛实验表明,我们的RC-MVSNET方法在无监督的MVS框架上实现了最先进的性能,并对许多有监督的方法进行了竞争性能。该代码在https://github.com/上发布。 BOESE0601/RC-MVSNET
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在本文中,我们串联串联一个实时单手抄语和密集的测绘框架。对于姿势估计,串联基于关键帧的滑动窗口执行光度束调整。为了增加稳健性,我们提出了一种新颖的跟踪前端,使用从全局模型中呈现的深度图来执行密集的直接图像对齐,该模型从密集的深度预测逐渐构建。为了预测密集的深度映射,我们提出了通过分层构造具有自适应视图聚合的3D成本卷来平衡关键帧之间的不同立体声基线的3D成本卷来使用整个活动密钥帧窗口的级联视图 - 聚合MVSNet(CVA-MVSNET)。最后,将预测的深度映射融合到表示为截短的符号距离函数(TSDF)体素网格的一致的全局映射中。我们的实验结果表明,在相机跟踪方面,串联优于其他最先进的传统和学习的单眼视觉径管(VO)方法。此外,串联示出了最先进的实时3D重建性能。
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Deep learning has recently demonstrated its excellent performance for multi-view stereo (MVS). However, one major limitation of current learned MVS approaches is the scalability: the memory-consuming cost volume regularization makes the learned MVS hard to be applied to highresolution scenes. In this paper, we introduce a scalable multi-view stereo framework based on the recurrent neural network. Instead of regularizing the entire 3D cost volume in one go, the proposed Recurrent Multi-view Stereo Network (R-MVSNet) sequentially regularizes the 2D cost maps along the depth direction via the gated recurrent unit (GRU). This reduces dramatically the memory consumption and makes high-resolution reconstruction feasible. We first show the state-of-the-art performance achieved by the proposed R-MVSNet on the recent MVS benchmarks. Then, we further demonstrate the scalability of the proposed method on several large-scale scenarios, where previous learned approaches often fail due to the memory constraint. Code is available at https://github.com/ YoYo000/MVSNet.
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多视图立体声(MVS)是精确三维重建的重要任务。最近的研究试图通过设计聚合的3D成本卷及其正则化来提高MV中匹配成本体积的性能。本文侧重于学习强大的特征提取网络,以增强匹配成本的性能,在其他步骤中没有重大计算。特别是,我们提出了一种动态刻度特征提取网络,即CDSFNET。它由多个新颖的卷积层组成,每个卷积层可以为由图像表面的法线曲率指导的每个像素选择适当的补丁比例。因此,CDFSNet可以估计最佳补丁尺度,以学习参考和源图像之间准确匹配计算的判别特征。通过将具有适当成本制定策略的强大提取功能组合,我们的MVS架构可以更精确地估计深度映射。广泛的实验表明,该方法在复杂的户外场景中优于其他最先进的方法。它显着提高了重建模型的完整性。结果,该方法可以在比其他MVS方法更快的运行时间和更低的内存中处理更高的分辨率输入。我们的源代码可用于URL {https:/github.com/truongkhang/cds-mvsnet}。
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来自单眼图像的3D对象检测是计算机视觉的具有挑战性且长期存在的问题。为了从不同的角度组合信息而没有麻烦的2D实例跟踪,最近的方法倾向于通过在空间中密集的常规3D网格进行采样,这是效率低下的多视图。在本文中,我们试图通过提出可学习的关键点采样方法来改善多视图特征聚合,该方法将伪表面点散布在3D空间中,以保持数据稀疏性。然后使用多视图几何约束和视觉特征增强的分散点来推断场景中的对象位置和形状。为了明确地弥补单帧和模型多视图几何形状的局限性,我们进一步提出了一个表面滤波器模块以抑制噪声。实验结果表明,就3D检测而言,我们的方法的性能明显优于以前的作品(在某些类别的扫描仪上改善了0.1 AP)。该代码将公开可用。
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We propose a novel approach for deep learning-based Multi-View Stereo (MVS). For each pixel in the reference image, our method leverages a deep architecture to search for the corresponding point in the source image directly along the corresponding epipolar line. We denote our method DELS-MVS: Deep Epipolar Line Search Multi-View Stereo. Previous works in deep MVS select a range of interest within the depth space, discretize it, and sample the epipolar line according to the resulting depth values: this can result in an uneven scanning of the epipolar line, hence of the image space. Instead, our method works directly on the epipolar line: this guarantees an even scanning of the image space and avoids both the need to select a depth range of interest, which is often not known a priori and can vary dramatically from scene to scene, and the need for a suitable discretization of the depth space. In fact, our search is iterative, which avoids the building of a cost volume, costly both to store and to process. Finally, our method performs a robust geometry-aware fusion of the estimated depth maps, leveraging a confidence predicted alongside each depth. We test DELS-MVS on the ETH3D, Tanks and Temples and DTU benchmarks and achieve competitive results with respect to state-of-the-art approaches.
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In this work, we address the lack of 3D understanding of generative neural networks by introducing a persistent 3D feature embedding for view synthesis. To this end, we propose DeepVoxels, a learned representation that encodes the view-dependent appearance of a 3D scene without having to explicitly model its geometry. At its core, our approach is based on a Cartesian 3D grid of persistent embedded features that learn to make use of the underlying 3D scene structure. Our approach combines insights from 3D geometric computer vision with recent advances in learning image-to-image mappings based on adversarial loss functions. DeepVoxels is supervised, without requiring a 3D reconstruction of the scene, using a 2D re-rendering loss and enforces perspective and multi-view geometry in a principled manner. We apply our persistent 3D scene representation to the problem of novel view synthesis demonstrating high-quality results for a variety of challenging scenes.
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