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We present a novel method for local image feature matching. Instead of performing image feature detection, description, and matching sequentially, we propose to first establish pixel-wise dense matches at a coarse level and later refine the good matches at a fine level. In contrast to dense methods that use a cost volume to search correspondences, we use self and cross attention layers in Transformer to obtain feature descriptors that are conditioned on both images. The global receptive field provided by Transformer enables our method to produce dense matches in low-texture areas, where feature detectors usually struggle to produce repeatable interest points. The experiments on indoor and outdoor datasets show that LoFTR outperforms state-of-the-art methods by a large margin. LoFTR also ranks first on two public benchmarks of visual localization among the published methods. Code is available at our project page: https://zju3dv.github.io/loftr/.
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This paper introduces SuperGlue, a neural network that matches two sets of local features by jointly finding correspondences and rejecting non-matchable points. Assignments are estimated by solving a differentiable optimal transport problem, whose costs are predicted by a graph neural network. We introduce a flexible context aggregation mechanism based on attention, enabling SuperGlue to reason about the underlying 3D scene and feature assignments jointly. Compared to traditional, hand-designed heuristics, our technique learns priors over geometric transformations and regularities of the 3D world through end-to-end training from image pairs. SuperGlue outperforms other learned approaches and achieves state-of-the-art results on the task of pose estimation in challenging real-world indoor and outdoor environments. The proposed method performs matching in real-time on a modern GPU and can be readily integrated into modern SfM or SLAM systems. The code and trained weights are publicly available at github.com/magicleap/SuperGluePretrainedNetwork.
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本地图像功能匹配,旨在识别图像对的识别和相应的相似区域,是计算机视觉中的重要概念。大多数现有的图像匹配方法遵循一对一的分配原则,并采用共同最近的邻居来确保跨图像之间本地特征之间的独特对应关系。但是,来自不同条件的图像可能会容纳大规模变化或观点多样性,以便一对一的分配可能在密集匹配中导致模棱两可或丢失的表示形式。在本文中,我们介绍了一种新颖的无探测器本地特征匹配方法Adamatcher,该方法首先通过轻巧的特征交互模块与密集的特征相关联,并估算了配对图像的可见面积,然后执行贴片级多到 - 一个分配可以预测匹配建议,并最终根据一对一的完善模块进行完善。广泛的实验表明,Adamatcher的表现优于固体基线,并在许多下游任务上实现最先进的结果。此外,多对一分配和一对一的完善模块可以用作其他匹配方法(例如Superglue)的改进网络,以进一步提高其性能。代码将在出版时提供。
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本地功能匹配是在子像素级别上的计算密集任务。尽管基于检测器的方法和特征描述符在低文本场景中遇到了困难,但具有顺序提取到匹配管道的基于CNN的方法无法使用编码器的匹配能力,并且倾向于覆盖用于匹配的解码器。相比之下,我们提出了一种新型的层次提取和匹配变压器,称为火柴场。在层次编码器的每个阶段,我们将自我注意事项与特征提取和特征匹配的交叉注意相结合,从而产生了人直觉提取和匹配方案。这种匹配感知的编码器释放了过载的解码器,并使该模型高效。此外,将自我交叉注意在分层体系结构中的多尺度特征结合起来,可以提高匹配的鲁棒性,尤其是在低文本室内场景或更少的室外培训数据中。得益于这样的策略,MatchFormer是效率,鲁棒性和精度的多赢解决方案。与以前的室内姿势估计中的最佳方法相比,我们的Lite MatchFormer只有45%的Gflops,但获得了 +1.3%的精度增益和41%的运行速度提升。大型火柴构造器以四个不同的基准达到最新的基准,包括室内姿势估计(SCANNET),室外姿势估计(Megadepth),同型估计和图像匹配(HPATCH)和视觉定位(INLOC)。
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Erroneous feature matches have severe impact on subsequent camera pose estimation and often require additional, time-costly measures, like RANSAC, for outlier rejection. Our method tackles this challenge by addressing feature matching and pose optimization jointly. To this end, we propose a graph attention network to predict image correspondences along with confidence weights. The resulting matches serve as weighted constraints in a differentiable pose estimation. Training feature matching with gradients from pose optimization naturally learns to down-weight outliers and boosts pose estimation on image pairs compared to SuperGlue by 6.7% on ScanNet. At the same time, it reduces the pose estimation time by over 50% and renders RANSAC iterations unnecessary. Moreover, we integrate information from multiple views by spanning the graph across multiple frames to predict the matches all at once. Multi-view matching combined with end-to-end training improves the pose estimation metrics on Matterport3D by 18.8% compared to SuperGlue.
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关键点匹配是多个图像相关应用的关键组件,例如图像拼接,视觉同时定位和映射(SLAM)等。基于手工制作和最近出现的深度学习的关键点匹配方法仅依赖于关键点和本地功能,同时在上述应用中丢失其他可用传感器(如惯性测量单元(IMU))的视觉。在本文中,我们证明IMU集成的运动估计可用于利用图像之间的关键点之前的空间分布。为此,提出了一种注意力制剂的概率视角,以自然地将空间分布集成到注意力图神经网络中。在空间分布的帮助下,可以减少用于建模隐藏特征的网络的努力。此外,我们为所提出的关键点匹配网络提出了一个投影损耗,它在匹配和未匹配的关键点之间提供了平滑的边缘。图像匹配在Visual Slam数据集上的实验表明了呈现的方法的有效性和效率。
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监督的多视图立体声(MVS)方法在重建质量方面取得了显着进步,但遭受了收集大规模基础真相深度的挑战。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于知识蒸馏的MVS的新型自我监督培训管道,称为\ textit {kd-Mvs},主要由自我监督的教师培训和基于蒸馏的学生培训组成。具体而言,使用光度和特征一致性同时以自学的方式对教师模型进行了训练。然后,我们通过概率知识转移将教师模型的知识提炼为学生模型。在对经过验证的知识的监督下,学生模型能够以很大的优势优于其老师。在多个数据集上进行的广泛实验表明,我们的方法甚至可以胜过监督方法。
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In this paper, we propose an end-to-end framework that jointly learns keypoint detection, descriptor representation and cross-frame matching for the task of image-based 3D localization. Prior art has tackled each of these components individually, purportedly aiming to alleviate difficulties in effectively train a holistic network. We design a self-supervised image warping correspondence loss for both feature detection and matching, a weakly-supervised epipolar constraints loss on relative camera pose learning, and a directional matching scheme that detects key-point features in a source image and performs coarse-to-fine correspondence search on the target image. We leverage this framework to enforce cycle consistency in our matching module. In addition, we propose a new loss to robustly handle both definite inlier/outlier matches and less-certain matches. The integration of these learning mechanisms enables end-to-end training of a single network performing all three localization components. Bench-marking our approach on public data-sets, exemplifies how such an end-to-end framework is able to yield more accurate localization that out-performs both traditional methods as well as state-of-the-art weakly supervised methods.
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Recently, Bird's-Eye-View (BEV) representation has gained increasing attention in multi-view 3D object detection, which has demonstrated promising applications in autonomous driving. Although multi-view camera systems can be deployed at low cost, the lack of depth information makes current approaches adopt large models for good performance. Therefore, it is essential to improve the efficiency of BEV 3D object detection. Knowledge Distillation (KD) is one of the most practical techniques to train efficient yet accurate models. However, BEV KD is still under-explored to the best of our knowledge. Different from image classification tasks, BEV 3D object detection approaches are more complicated and consist of several components. In this paper, we propose a unified framework named BEV-LGKD to transfer the knowledge in the teacher-student manner. However, directly applying the teacher-student paradigm to BEV features fails to achieve satisfying results due to heavy background information in RGB cameras. To solve this problem, we propose to leverage the localization advantage of LiDAR points. Specifically, we transform the LiDAR points to BEV space and generate the foreground mask and view-dependent mask for the teacher-student paradigm. It is to be noted that our method only uses LiDAR points to guide the KD between RGB models. As the quality of depth estimation is crucial for BEV perception, we further introduce depth distillation to our framework. Our unified framework is simple yet effective and achieves a significant performance boost. Code will be released.
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We introduce a lightweight network to improve descriptors of keypoints within the same image. The network takes the original descriptors and the geometric properties of keypoints as the input, and uses an MLP-based self-boosting stage and a Transformer-based cross-boosting stage to enhance the descriptors. The enhanced descriptors can be either real-valued or binary ones. We use the proposed network to boost both hand-crafted (ORB, SIFT) and the state-of-the-art learning-based descriptors (SuperPoint, ALIKE) and evaluate them on image matching, visual localization, and structure-from-motion tasks. The results show that our method significantly improves the performance of each task, particularly in challenging cases such as large illumination changes or repetitive patterns. Our method requires only 3.2ms on desktop GPU and 27ms on embedded GPU to process 2000 features, which is fast enough to be applied to a practical system.
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Knowledge distillation facilitates the training of a compact student network by using a deep teacher one. While this has achieved great success in many tasks, it remains completely unstudied for image-based 6D object pose estimation. In this work, we introduce the first knowledge distillation method driven by the 6D pose estimation task. To this end, we observe that most modern 6D pose estimation frameworks output local predictions, such as sparse 2D keypoints or dense representations, and that the compact student network typically struggles to predict such local quantities precisely. Therefore, instead of imposing prediction-to-prediction supervision from the teacher to the student, we propose to distill the teacher's \emph{distribution} of local predictions into the student network, facilitating its training. Our experiments on several benchmarks show that our distillation method yields state-of-the-art results with different compact student models and for both keypoint-based and dense prediction-based architectures.
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This paper proposes a generalizable, end-to-end deep learning-based method for relative pose regression between two images. Given two images of the same scene captured from different viewpoints, our algorithm predicts the relative rotation and translation between the two respective cameras. Despite recent progress in the field, current deep-based methods exhibit only limited generalization to scenes not seen in training. Our approach introduces a network architecture that extracts a grid of coarse features for each input image using the pre-trained LoFTR network. It subsequently relates corresponding features in the two images, and finally uses a convolutional network to recover the relative rotation and translation between the respective cameras. Our experiments indicate that the proposed architecture can generalize to novel scenes, obtaining higher accuracy than existing deep-learning-based methods in various settings and datasets, in particular with limited training data.
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