提出了一种多网格多块大小矢量量化(MGBVQ)方法,用于在这项工作中进行图像编码。图像编码的基本概念是在量化和熵编码之前删除像素之间的相关性,例如,由现代图像编码标准采用的离散余弦变换(DCT)和内部预测。我们提出了一种删除像素相关性的新方法。首先,通过将相关性分解为长期和短距离相关性,我们由于其平滑度而表示较粗的网格中的远距离相关性,从而导致多元格里德(MG)编码体系结构。其次,我们表明可以通过一组矢量量化器(VQS)有效地编码短程相关性。沿着这条线,我们争论了非常大的块大小的VQ的有效性,并提出了一种实施它们的便捷方法。通过实验结果表明,MGBVQ提供了出色的速率 - 持续性能(RD)性能,与现有的图像编码器相当,复杂性较低。此外,它提供了渐进式编码的Bitstream。
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The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first identified in Wuhan, China, in early December 2019 and now becoming a pandemic. When COVID-19 patients undergo radiography examination, radiologists can observe the present of radiographic abnormalities from their chest X-ray (CXR) images. In this study, a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) model was proposed to aid radiologists in diagnosing COVID-19 patients. First, this work conducted a comparative study on the performance of modified VGG-16, ResNet-50 and DenseNet-121 to classify CXR images into normal, COVID-19 and viral pneumonia. Then, the impact of image augmentation on the classification results was evaluated. The publicly available COVID-19 Radiography Database was used throughout this study. After comparison, ResNet-50 achieved the highest accuracy with 95.88%. Next, after training ResNet-50 with rotation, translation, horizontal flip, intensity shift and zoom augmented dataset, the accuracy dropped to 80.95%. Furthermore, an ablation study on the effect of image augmentation on the classification results found that the combinations of rotation and intensity shift augmentation methods obtained an accuracy higher than baseline, which is 96.14%. Finally, ResNet-50 with rotation and intensity shift augmentations performed the best and was proposed as the final classification model in this work. These findings demonstrated that the proposed classification model can provide a promising result for COVID-19 diagnosis.
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Users' physical safety is an increasing concern as the market for intelligent systems continues to grow, where unconstrained systems may recommend users dangerous actions that can lead to serious injury. Covertly unsafe text, language that contains actionable physical harm, but requires further reasoning to identify such harm, is an area of particular interest, as such texts may arise from everyday scenarios and are challenging to detect as harmful. Qualifying the knowledge required to reason about the safety of various texts and providing human-interpretable rationales can shed light on the risk of systems to specific user groups, helping both stakeholders manage the risks of their systems and policymakers to provide concrete safeguards for consumer safety. We propose FARM, a novel framework that leverages external knowledge for trustworthy rationale generation in the context of safety. In particular, FARM foveates on missing knowledge in specific scenarios, retrieves this knowledge with attribution to trustworthy sources, and uses this to both classify the safety of the original text and generate human-interpretable rationales, combining critically important qualities for sensitive domains such as user safety. Furthermore, FARM obtains state-of-the-art results on the SafeText dataset, improving safety classification accuracy by 5.29 points.
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Conditional diffusion probabilistic models can model the distribution of natural images and can generate diverse and realistic samples based on given conditions. However, oftentimes their results can be unrealistic with observable color shifts and textures. We believe that this issue results from the divergence between the probabilistic distribution learned by the model and the distribution of natural images. The delicate conditions gradually enlarge the divergence during each sampling timestep. To address this issue, we introduce a new method that brings the predicted samples to the training data manifold using a pretrained unconditional diffusion model. The unconditional model acts as a regularizer and reduces the divergence introduced by the conditional model at each sampling step. We perform comprehensive experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on super-resolution, colorization, turbulence removal, and image-deraining tasks. The improvements obtained by our method suggest that the priors can be incorporated as a general plugin for improving conditional diffusion models.
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In a high dimensional linear predictive regression where the number of potential predictors can be larger than the sample size, we consider using LASSO, a popular L1-penalized regression method, to estimate the sparse coefficients when many unit root regressors are present. Consistency of LASSO relies on two building blocks: the deviation bound of the cross product of the regressors and the error term, and the restricted eigenvalue of the Gram matrix of the regressors. In our setting where unit root regressors are driven by temporal dependent non-Gaussian innovations, we establish original probabilistic bounds for these two building blocks. The bounds imply that the rates of convergence of LASSO are different from those in the familiar cross sectional case. In practical applications given a mixture of stationary and nonstationary predictors, asymptotic guarantee of LASSO is preserved if all predictors are scale-standardized. In an empirical example of forecasting the unemployment rate with many macroeconomic time series, strong performance is delivered by LASSO when the initial specification is guided by macroeconomic domain expertise.
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Existing methods for large-scale point cloud semantic segmentation require expensive, tedious and error-prone manual point-wise annotations. Intuitively, weakly supervised training is a direct solution to reduce the cost of labeling. However, for weakly supervised large-scale point cloud semantic segmentation, too few annotations will inevitably lead to ineffective learning of network. We propose an effective weakly supervised method containing two components to solve the above problem. Firstly, we construct a pretext task, \textit{i.e.,} point cloud colorization, with a self-supervised learning to transfer the learned prior knowledge from a large amount of unlabeled point cloud to a weakly supervised network. In this way, the representation capability of the weakly supervised network can be improved by the guidance from a heterogeneous task. Besides, to generate pseudo label for unlabeled data, a sparse label propagation mechanism is proposed with the help of generated class prototypes, which is used to measure the classification confidence of unlabeled point. Our method is evaluated on large-scale point cloud datasets with different scenarios including indoor and outdoor. The experimental results show the large gain against existing weakly supervised and comparable results to fully supervised methods\footnote{Code based on mindspore: https://github.com/dmcv-ecnu/MindSpore\_ModelZoo/tree/main/WS3\_MindSpore}.
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Establishing open and general benchmarks has been a critical driving force behind the success of modern machine learning techniques. As machine learning is being applied to broader domains and tasks, there is a need to establish richer and more diverse benchmarks to better reflect the reality of the application scenarios. Graph learning is an emerging field of machine learning that urgently needs more and better benchmarks. To accommodate the need, we introduce Graph Learning Indexer (GLI), a benchmark curation platform for graph learning. In comparison to existing graph learning benchmark libraries, GLI highlights two novel design objectives. First, GLI is designed to incentivize \emph{dataset contributors}. In particular, we incorporate various measures to minimize the effort of contributing and maintaining a dataset, increase the usability of the contributed dataset, as well as encourage attributions to different contributors of the dataset. Second, GLI is designed to curate a knowledge base, instead of a plain collection, of benchmark datasets. We use multiple sources of meta information to augment the benchmark datasets with \emph{rich characteristics}, so that they can be easily selected and used in downstream research or development. The source code of GLI is available at \url{https://github.com/Graph-Learning-Benchmarks/gli}.
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In recent years, using a self-supervised learning framework to learn the general characteristics of graphs has been considered a promising paradigm for graph representation learning. The core of self-supervised learning strategies for graph neural networks lies in constructing suitable positive sample selection strategies. However, existing GNNs typically aggregate information from neighboring nodes to update node representations, leading to an over-reliance on neighboring positive samples, i.e., homophilous samples; while ignoring long-range positive samples, i.e., positive samples that are far apart on the graph but structurally equivalent samples, a problem we call "neighbor bias." This neighbor bias can reduce the generalization performance of GNNs. In this paper, we argue that the generalization properties of GNNs should be determined by combining homogeneous samples and structurally equivalent samples, which we call the "GC combination hypothesis." Therefore, we propose a topological signal-driven self-supervised method. It uses a topological information-guided structural equivalence sampling strategy. First, we extract multiscale topological features using persistent homology. Then we compute the structural equivalence of node pairs based on their topological features. In particular, we design a topological loss function to pull in non-neighboring node pairs with high structural equivalence in the representation space to alleviate neighbor bias. Finally, we use the joint training mechanism to adjust the effect of structural equivalence on the model to fit datasets with different characteristics. We conducted experiments on the node classification task across seven graph datasets. The results show that the model performance can be effectively improved using a strategy of topological signal enhancement.
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Recent advances on text-to-image generation have witnessed the rise of diffusion models which act as powerful generative models. Nevertheless, it is not trivial to exploit such latent variable models to capture the dependency among discrete words and meanwhile pursue complex visual-language alignment in image captioning. In this paper, we break the deeply rooted conventions in learning Transformer-based encoder-decoder, and propose a new diffusion model based paradigm tailored for image captioning, namely Semantic-Conditional Diffusion Networks (SCD-Net). Technically, for each input image, we first search the semantically relevant sentences via cross-modal retrieval model to convey the comprehensive semantic information. The rich semantics are further regarded as semantic prior to trigger the learning of Diffusion Transformer, which produces the output sentence in a diffusion process. In SCD-Net, multiple Diffusion Transformer structures are stacked to progressively strengthen the output sentence with better visional-language alignment and linguistical coherence in a cascaded manner. Furthermore, to stabilize the diffusion process, a new self-critical sequence training strategy is designed to guide the learning of SCD-Net with the knowledge of a standard autoregressive Transformer model. Extensive experiments on COCO dataset demonstrate the promising potential of using diffusion models in the challenging image captioning task. Source code is available at \url{https://github.com/YehLi/xmodaler/tree/master/configs/image_caption/scdnet}.
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Automated audio captioning is a cross-modal translation task for describing the content of audio clips with natural language sentences. This task has attracted increasing attention and substantial progress has been made in recent years. Captions generated by existing models are generally faithful to the content of audio clips, however, these machine-generated captions are often deterministic (e.g., generating a fixed caption for a given audio clip), simple (e.g., using common words and simple grammar), and generic (e.g., generating the same caption for similar audio clips). When people are asked to describe the content of an audio clip, different people tend to focus on different sound events and describe an audio clip diversely from various aspects using distinct words and grammar. We believe that an audio captioning system should have the ability to generate diverse captions, either for a fixed audio clip, or across similar audio clips. To this end, we propose an adversarial training framework based on a conditional generative adversarial network (C-GAN) to improve diversity of audio captioning systems. A caption generator and two hybrid discriminators compete and are learned jointly, where the caption generator can be any standard encoder-decoder captioning model used to generate captions, and the hybrid discriminators assess the generated captions from different criteria, such as their naturalness and semantics. We conduct experiments on the Clotho dataset. The results show that our proposed model can generate captions with better diversity as compared to state-of-the-art methods.
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