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Multimodal machine translation (MMT) aims to improve translation quality by incorporating information from other modalities, such as vision. Previous MMT systems mainly focus on better access and use of visual information and tend to validate their methods on image-related datasets. These studies face two challenges. First, they can only utilize triple data (bilingual texts with images), which is scarce; second, current benchmarks are relatively restricted and do not correspond to realistic scenarios. Therefore, this paper correspondingly establishes new methods and new datasets for MMT. First, we propose a framework 2/3-Triplet with two new approaches to enhance MMT by utilizing large-scale non-triple data: monolingual image-text data and parallel text-only data. Second, we construct an English-Chinese {e}-commercial {m}ulti{m}odal {t}ranslation dataset (including training and testing), named EMMT, where its test set is carefully selected as some words are ambiguous and shall be translated mistakenly without the help of images. Experiments show that our method is more suitable for real-world scenarios and can significantly improve translation performance by using more non-triple data. In addition, our model also rivals various SOTA models in conventional multimodal translation benchmarks.
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Neural machine translation(NMT) has aroused wide attention due to its impressive quality. Beyond quality, controlling translation styles is also an important demand for many languages. Previous related studies mainly focus on controlling formality and gain some improvements. However, they still face two challenges. The first is the evaluation limitation. Style contains abundant information including lexis, syntax, etc. But only formality is well studied. The second is the heavy reliance on iterative fine-tuning when new styles are required. Correspondingly, this paper contributes in terms of the benchmark and approach. First, we re-visit this task and propose a multiway stylized machine translation (MSMT) benchmark, which includes multiple categories of styles in four language directions to push the boundary of this task. Second, we propose a method named style activation prompt (StyleAP) by retrieving prompts from stylized monolingual corpus, which needs no extra fine-tuning. Experiments show that StyleAP could effectively control the style of translation and achieve remarkable performance. All of our data and code are released at https://github.com/IvanWang0730/StyleAP.
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Nearest Neighbor Machine Translation (kNNMT) is a simple and effective method of augmenting neural machine translation (NMT) with a token-level nearest neighbor retrieval mechanism. The effectiveness of kNNMT directly depends on the quality of retrieved neighbors. However, original kNNMT builds datastores based on representations from NMT models, which would result in poor retrieval accuracy when NMT models are not good enough, leading to sub-optimal translation performance. In this paper, we propose PRED, a framework that leverages Pre-trained models for Datastores in kNN-MT. Better representations from pre-trained models allow us to build datastores of better quality. We also design a novel contrastive alignment objective to mitigate the representation gap between the NMT model and pre-trained models, enabling the NMT model to retrieve from better datastores. We conduct extensive experiments on both bilingual and multilingual translation benchmarks, including WMT17 English $\leftrightarrow$ Chinese, WMT14 English $\leftrightarrow$ German, IWSLT14 German $\leftrightarrow$ English, and IWSLT14 multilingual datasets. Empirical results demonstrate the effectiveness of PRED.
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域适应是神经机器翻译的重要挑战。但是,传统的微调解决方案需要多次额外的培训,并产生高昂的成本。在本文中,我们提出了一种非调节范式,通过基于及时的方法解决域的适应性。具体来说,我们构建了双语短语级数据库,并从中检索相关对作为输入句子的提示。通过利用检索到的短语级提示(REPP),我们有效地提高了翻译质量。实验表明,我们的方法改善了域特异性的机器翻译,可用于6.2 BLEU分数,并改善了在没有额外训练的情况下,精度为11.5%的翻译约束。
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很难精确地注释对象实例及其在3D空间中的语义,因此,合成数据被广泛用于这些任务,例如类别级别6D对象姿势和大小估计。然而,合成域中的简易注释带来了合成到真实(SIM2REAL)域间隙的下行效应。在这项工作中,我们的目标是在SIM2REAL,无监督的域适应的任务设置中解决此问题,以适应类别级别6D对象姿势和尺寸估计。我们提出了一种基于新型的深层变形网络构建的方法,该网络缩短为DPDN。 DPDN学会了将分类形状先验的变形特征与对象观察的特征相匹配,因此能够在特征空间中建立深层对应,以直接回归对象姿势和尺寸。为了减少SIM2REAL域间隙,我们通过一致性学习在DPDN上制定了一个新颖的自我监督目标。更具体地说,我们对每个对象观察进行了两个刚性转换,并分别将它们送入DPDN以产生双重预测集。除了平行学习之外,还采用了一个矛盾术语来保持双重预测之间的交叉一致性,以提高DPDN对姿势变化的敏感性,而单个的内部矛盾范围则用于在每个学习本身内实施自我适应。我们在合成摄像头25和现实世界Real275数据集的两个训练集上训练DPDN;我们的结果优于无监督和监督设置下的Real275测试集中的现有方法。消融研究还验证了我们设计的功效。我们的代码将在https://github.com/jiehonglin/self-dpdn公开发布。
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