域适应是神经机器翻译的重要挑战。但是,传统的微调解决方案需要多次额外的培训,并产生高昂的成本。在本文中,我们提出了一种非调节范式,通过基于及时的方法解决域的适应性。具体来说,我们构建了双语短语级数据库,并从中检索相关对作为输入句子的提示。通过利用检索到的短语级提示(REPP),我们有效地提高了翻译质量。实验表明,我们的方法改善了域特异性的机器翻译,可用于6.2 BLEU分数,并改善了在没有额外训练的情况下,精度为11.5%的翻译约束。
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Large-scale generative models show an impressive ability to perform a wide range of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks using in-context learning, where a few examples are used to describe a task to the model. For Machine Translation (MT), these examples are typically randomly sampled from the development dataset with a similar distribution as the evaluation set. However, it is unclear how the choice of these in-context examples and their ordering impacts the output translation quality. In this work, we aim to understand the properties of good in-context examples for MT in both in-domain and out-of-domain settings. We show that the translation quality and the domain of the in-context examples matter and that 1-shot noisy unrelated example can have a catastrophic impact on output quality. While concatenating multiple random examples reduces the effect of noise, a single good prompt optimized to maximize translation quality on the development dataset can elicit learned information from the pre-trained language model. Adding similar examples based on an n-gram overlap with the test source significantly and consistently improves the translation quality of the outputs, outperforming a strong kNN-MT baseline in 2 out of 4 out-of-domain datasets.
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Neural machine translation(NMT) has aroused wide attention due to its impressive quality. Beyond quality, controlling translation styles is also an important demand for many languages. Previous related studies mainly focus on controlling formality and gain some improvements. However, they still face two challenges. The first is the evaluation limitation. Style contains abundant information including lexis, syntax, etc. But only formality is well studied. The second is the heavy reliance on iterative fine-tuning when new styles are required. Correspondingly, this paper contributes in terms of the benchmark and approach. First, we re-visit this task and propose a multiway stylized machine translation (MSMT) benchmark, which includes multiple categories of styles in four language directions to push the boundary of this task. Second, we propose a method named style activation prompt (StyleAP) by retrieving prompts from stylized monolingual corpus, which needs no extra fine-tuning. Experiments show that StyleAP could effectively control the style of translation and achieve remarkable performance. All of our data and code are released at https://github.com/IvanWang0730/StyleAP.
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如何根据新出现的情况有效地调整神经电机翻译(NMT)模型而不会再培训?尽管神经机翻译成功,但更新部署的型号在线仍然是一个挑战。现有的非参数方法从数据库中检索类似的示例以指导翻译过程是有希望的,但容易被检索到的示例过度。在这项工作中,我们建议使用示例检索(Kster)进行内核平滑的翻译,这是一种在线调整神经计算机翻译模型的有效方法。域适应和多域机平移数据集的实验表明,即使没有昂贵的再培训,Kster也能够通过最佳现有在线适应方法实现1.1至1.5 BLEU分数的提高。代码和培训的型号在https://github.com/jiangqn/kster发布。
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Large language models (LLMs) that have been trained on multilingual but not parallel text exhibit a remarkable ability to translate between languages. We probe this ability in an in-depth study of the pathways language model (PaLM), which has demonstrated the strongest machine translation (MT) performance among similarly-trained LLMs to date. We investigate various strategies for choosing translation examples for few-shot prompting, concluding that example quality is the most important factor. Using optimized prompts, we revisit previous assessments of PaLM's MT capabilities with more recent test sets, modern MT metrics, and human evaluation, and find that its performance, while impressive, still lags that of state-of-the-art supervised systems. We conclude by providing an analysis of PaLM's MT output which reveals some interesting properties and prospects for future work.
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以前的研究,将一般神经计算机翻译(NMT)模型调整为特定域通常忽略同一域内的翻译中的分集,这是真实情景中域适应的核心问题。这种具有挑战性的情景的一个代表是部署与特定主题的会议的翻译系统,例如全球变暖或冠状病毒,因为时间表通常存在极低的资源。为了激励在这种情况下更广泛的调查,我们在机器翻译(Flgada)中展示了一个真实的细粒度域适应任务。 Flgada DataSet由汉英翻译任务组成,用于信息技术的四个子域:自治车辆,AI教育,实时网络和智能手机。每个子域都配备有开发集和测试集以进行评估目的。为了更接近现实,Flgada不采用任何域名双语培训数据,但提供双语词典和Wiki知识库,这可以在短时间内更容易获得。我们基准于细粒度的域适应任务,并显示深入的分析,表明存在仍然有挑战性的问题,以进一步提高异构资源的性能。
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在任何翻译工作流程中,从源到目标的域知识保存至关重要。在翻译行业中,接收高度专业化的项目是很常见的,那里几乎没有任何平行的内域数据。在这种情况下,没有足够的内域数据来微调机器翻译(MT)模型,生成与相关上下文一致的翻译很具有挑战性。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种新颖的方法,用于域适应性,以利用最新的审计语言模型(LMS)来用于特定于域的MT的域数据增强,并模拟(a)的(a)小型双语数据集的域特征,或(b)要翻译的单语源文本。将这个想法与反翻译相结合,我们可以为两种用例生成大量的合成双语内域数据。为了进行调查,我们使用最先进的变压器体系结构。我们采用混合的微调来训练模型,从而显着改善了内域文本的翻译。更具体地说,在这两种情况下,我们提出的方法分别在阿拉伯语到英语对阿拉伯语言对上分别提高了大约5-6个BLEU和2-3 BLEU。此外,人类评估的结果证实了自动评估结果。
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Neural Machine Translation (NMT) has obtained state-of-the art performance for several language pairs, while only using parallel data for training. Targetside monolingual data plays an important role in boosting fluency for phrasebased statistical machine translation, and we investigate the use of monolingual data for NMT. In contrast to previous work, which combines NMT models with separately trained language models, we note that encoder-decoder NMT architectures already have the capacity to learn the same information as a language model, and we explore strategies to train with monolingual data without changing the neural network architecture. By pairing monolingual training data with an automatic backtranslation, we can treat it as additional parallel training data, and we obtain substantial improvements on the WMT 15 task English↔German (+2.8-3.7 BLEU), and for the low-resourced IWSLT 14 task Turkish→English (+2.1-3.4 BLEU), obtaining new state-of-the-art results. We also show that fine-tuning on in-domain monolingual and parallel data gives substantial improvements for the IWSLT 15 task English→German.
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Multilingual Pretrained Language Models (MPLMs) have shown their strong multilinguality in recent empirical cross-lingual transfer studies. In this paper, we propose the Prompts Augmented by Retrieval Crosslingually (PARC) pipeline to improve the zero-shot performance on low-resource languages (LRLs) by augmenting the context with semantically similar sentences retrieved from a high-resource language (HRL) as prompts. PARC improves the zero-shot performance on three downstream tasks (binary sentiment classification, topic categorization and natural language inference) with multilingual parallel test sets across 10 LRLs covering 6 language families in both unlabeled settings (+5.1%) and labeled settings (+16.3%). PARC-labeled also outperforms the finetuning baseline by 3.7%. We find a significant positive correlation between cross-lingual transfer performance on one side, and the similarity between the high- and low-resource languages as well as the amount of low-resource pretraining data on the other side. A robustness analysis suggests that PARC has the potential to achieve even stronger performance with more powerful MPLMs.
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Multi-source translation (MST), which typically receives multiple source sentences of the same meaning in different languages, has been shown superior to single-source translation. As the quantity of multi-source parallel data is limited, taking full advantage of single-source data and limited multi-source data to make models perform well when receiving as many as possible sources remains a challenge. Unlike previous work mostly devoted to supervised scenarios, we focus on zero-shot MST: expecting models to be able to process unseen combinations of multiple sources, e.g., unseen language combinations, during inference. We propose a simple yet effective parameter efficient method, named Prompt Gating, which appends prompts to the model inputs and attaches gates on the extended hidden states for each encoder layer. It shows strong zero-shot transferability (+9.0 BLEU points maximally) and remarkable compositionality (+15.6 BLEU points maximally) on MST, and also shows its superiorities over baselines on lexically constrained translation.
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Pre-trained multilingual language models show significant performance gains for zero-shot cross-lingual model transfer on a wide range of natural language understanding (NLU) tasks. Previously, for zero-shot cross-lingual evaluation, pre-trained models are only fine-tuned on English data and tested on a variety of target languages. In this paper, we do cross-lingual evaluation on various NLU tasks (sentence classification, sequence labeling, question answering) using prompt-tuning and compare it with fine-tuning. The results show that prompt tuning achieves much better cross-lingual transfer than fine-tuning across datasets, with only 0.1% to 0.3% tuned parameters. Additionally, we demonstrate through the analysis that prompt tuning can have better cross-lingual transferability of representations on downstream tasks with better aligned decision boundaries.
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The BLOOM model is a large open-source multilingual language model capable of zero-shot learning, but its pretraining was limited to 46 languages. To improve its zero-shot performance on unseen languages, it is desirable to adapt BLOOM, but previous works have only explored adapting small language models. In this work, we apply existing language adaptation strategies to BLOOM and benchmark its zero-shot prompting performance on eight new languages. We find language adaptation to be effective at improving zero-shot performance in new languages. Surprisingly, adapter-based finetuning is more effective than continued pretraining for large models. In addition, we discover that prompting performance is not significantly affected by language specifics, such as the writing system. It is primarily determined by the size of the language adaptation data. We also add new languages to BLOOMZ, which is a multitask finetuned version of BLOOM capable of following task instructions zero-shot. We find including a new language in the multitask fine-tuning mixture to be the most effective method to teach BLOOMZ a new language. We conclude that with sufficient training data language adaptation can generalize well to diverse languages. Our code is available at \url{https://github.com/bigscience-workshop/multilingual-modeling/}.
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通过自我监督的学习预先训练的大型语言模型在各种各样的任务上表现出令人印象深刻的零击功能。在这项工作中,我们介绍了Welm:一种针对中文的精心读取的预训练的语言模型,能够无缝执行不同类型的任务,以零或几次演示。 Welm通过“阅读”涵盖广泛主题的精选高质量语料库来接受10b参数的培训。我们表明,韦尔姆拥有有关各种领域和语言的广泛知识。在18个单语(中文)任务中,WELM可以大大优于现有的预训练模型,尺寸相似,并匹配高达25倍大的模型的性能。韦尔姆还表现出强大的多种语言和代码转换理解的能力,优于预先对30种语言进行预培训的现有多语言模型。此外,我们收集了人工编写的提示,并通过多次培训进行了大量的中文和微调韦尔姆的监督数据集。最终的模型可以实现对看不见的任务类型的强烈概括,并在零射门学习中优于无监督的韦尔姆。最后,我们证明韦尔姆具有解释和校准自己的决策的基本技能,这可能是未来研究的有希望的方向。我们的模型可以从https://welm.weixin.qq.com/docs/api/应用。
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GPT-3显示了培训的大规模语言模型(LMS)的卓越情调学习能力,培训数十亿规模数据。在这里,我们解决了GPT-3纸张报告的一些剩余问题,例如非英语LM,不同大小模型的性能,以及最近引入的迅速优化对上下文学习的效果。为实现这一目标,我们介绍了HyperClova,一个韩国VPT-3的韩国变体训练在一个以韩国为中心的560b标准的令牌。通过我们的韩国特定标记化,HyperClova与我们的培训配置增强,显示了韩国各种下游任务的最先进的上下游零射击和几秒钟学习表演。此外,我们展示了基于及时的学习的性能优势,并演示如何集成到迅速的工程管道中。然后,我们讨论了通过引入Hyperclova Studio,互动提示工程界面向ML的非专家提供AI原型设计能力来实现No Code AI范例的可能性。最后,我们展示了我们具有三个成功的内部应用程序的方法的潜力。
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虽然端到端的神经机翻译(NMT)取得了令人印象深刻的进步,但嘈杂的输入通常会导致模型变得脆弱和不稳定。生成对抗性示例作为增强数据被证明是有用的,以减轻这个问题。对逆势示例生成(AEG)的现有方法是字级或字符级。在本文中,我们提出了一个短语级侵犯示例生成(PAEG)方法来增强模型的鲁棒性。我们的方法利用基于梯度的策略来替代源输入中的弱势位置的短语。我们在三个基准中验证了我们的方法,包括LDC中文 - 英语,IWSLT14德语,以及WMT14英语 - 德语任务。实验结果表明,与以前的方法相比,我们的方法显着提高了性能。
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