The security of artificial intelligence (AI) is an important research area towards safe, reliable, and trustworthy AI systems. To accelerate the research on AI security, the Artificial Intelligence Security Competition (AISC) was organized by the Zhongguancun Laboratory, China Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team, Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Tsinghua University, and RealAI as part of the Zhongguancun International Frontier Technology Innovation Competition ( The competition consists of three tracks, including Deepfake Security Competition, Autonomous Driving Security Competition, and Face Recognition Security Competition. This report will introduce the competition rules of these three tracks and the solutions of top-ranking teams in each track.
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Graph neural networks have achieved significant success in representation learning. However, the performance gains come at a cost; acquiring comprehensive labeled data for training can be prohibitively expensive. Active learning mitigates this issue by searching the unexplored data space and prioritizing the selection of data to maximize model's performance gain. In this paper, we propose a novel method SMARTQUERY, a framework to learn a graph neural network with very few labeled nodes using a hybrid uncertainty reduction function. This is achieved using two key steps: (a) design a multi-stage active graph learning framework by exploiting diverse explicit graph information and (b) introduce label propagation to efficiently exploit known labels to assess the implicit embedding information. Using a comprehensive set of experiments on three network datasets, we demonstrate the competitive performance of our method against state-of-the-arts on very few labeled data (up to 5 labeled nodes per class).
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Robotic force-based compliance control is a preferred approach to achieve high-precision assembly tasks. When the geometric features of assembly objects are asymmetric or irregular, reinforcement learning (RL) agents are gradually incorporated into the compliance controller to adapt to complex force-pose mapping which is hard to model analytically. Since force-pose mapping is strongly dependent on geometric features, a compliance controller is only optimal for current geometric features. To reduce the learning cost of assembly objects with different geometric features, this paper is devoted to answering how to reconfigure existing controllers for new assembly objects with different geometric features. In this paper, model-based parameters are first reconfigured based on the proposed Equivalent Theory of Compliance Law (ETCL). Then the RL agent is transferred based on the proposed Weighted Dimensional Policy Distillation (WDPD) method. The experiment results demonstrate that the control reconfiguration method costs less time and achieves better control performance, which confirms the validity of proposed methods.
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今天的网络世界难以多变量。在极端品种中收集的指标需要多变量算法以正确检测异常。然而,基于预测的算法,如被广泛证明的方法,通常在数据集中进行次优或不一致。一个关键的常见问题是他们努力成为一个尺寸适合的,但异常在自然中是独特的。我们提出了一种裁定到这种区别的方法。提出FMUAD - 一种基于预测,多方面,无监督的异常检测框架。FMUAD明确,分别捕获异常类型的签名性状 - 空间变化,时间变化和相关变化 - 与独立模块。然后,模块共同学习最佳特征表示,这是非常灵活和直观的,与类别中的大多数其他模型不同。广泛的实验表明我们的FMUAD框架始终如一地优于其他最先进的预测的异常探测器。
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最近,许多方法通过基于伪标签的对比学习来解决无监督的域自适应人员重新识别(UDA RE-ID)问题。在培训期间,通过简单地平均来自具有相同伪标签的集群的所有实例特征来获得UNI-Firedroid表示。然而,由于群集结果不完美的聚类结果,群集可能包含具有不同标识(标签噪声)的图像,这使得UNI质心表示不适当。在本文中,我们介绍了一种新的多质心存储器(MCM),以在群集中自适应地捕获不同的身份信息。 MCM可以通过为查询图像选择适当的正/负质心来有效地减轻标签噪声问题。此外,我们进一步提出了两种策略来改善对比学习过程。首先,我们介绍了一个域特定的对比度学习(DSCL)机制,通过仅通过相同域进行比较样本来完全探索局部信息。其次,我们提出了二阶最近的插值(Soni)以获得丰富和信息性的负样本。我们将MCM,DSCL和Soni集成到一个名为Multi-Firedroid表示网络(MCRN)的统一框架中。广泛的实验证明了MCRN在多个UDA重新ID任务上的最先进方法和完全无监督的重新ID任务的优越性。
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对象检测在过去十年中取得了实质性进展。然而,只有少量样品检测新颖类仍然有挑战性,因为低数据制度下的深度学习通常会导致降级的特征空间。现有的作品采用整体微调范例来解决这个问题,其中模型首先在具有丰富样本的所有基类上进行预培训,然后它用于雕刻新颖的类特征空间。尽管如此,这个范例仍然不完美。微调,一个小型类可以隐含地利用多个基类的知识来构造其特征空间,它引起分散的特征空间,因此违反了级别的可分离性。为了克服这些障碍,我们提出了一系列两步的微调框架,通过关联和歧视(FADI),为每个新颖类带来了一个具有两个积分步骤的判别特征空间。 1)在关联步骤中,与隐式利用多个基类相反,我们通过显式模仿特定的基类特征空间来构造一个紧凑的新颖类别特征空间。具体地,我们根据其语义相似性将每个小组与基类联系起来。之后,新类的特征空间可以容易地模仿相关基类的良好训练的特征空间。 2)在歧视步骤中,为了确保新型类和相关基类之间的可分离性,我们解除了基础和新类的分类分支。为了进一步放大所有类之间的阶级间可分性,施加了专用的专用边缘损失。对Pascal VOC和MS-Coco Datasets的广泛实验表明FADI实现了新的SOTA性能,显着改善了任何拍摄/分裂的基线+18.7。值得注意的是,优势在极其镜头方案上最为宣布。
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Video semantic segmentation (VSS) is beneficial for dealing with dynamic scenes due to the continuous property of the real-world environment. On the one hand, some methods alleviate the predicted inconsistent problem between continuous frames. On the other hand, other methods employ the previous frame as the prior information to assist in segmenting the current frame. Although the previous methods achieve superior performances on the independent and identically distributed (i.i.d) data, they can not generalize well on other unseen domains. Thus, we explore a new task, the video generalizable semantic segmentation (VGSS) task that considers both continuous frames and domain generalization. In this paper, we propose a class-wise non-salient region generalized (CNSG) framework for the VGSS task. Concretely, we first define the class-wise non-salient feature, which describes features of the class-wise non-salient region that carry more generalizable information. Then, we propose a class-wise non-salient feature reasoning strategy to select and enhance the most generalized channels adaptively. Finally, we propose an inter-frame non-salient centroid alignment loss to alleviate the predicted inconsistent problem in the VGSS task. We also extend our video-based framework to the image-based generalizable semantic segmentation (IGSS) task. Experiments demonstrate that our CNSG framework yields significant improvement in the VGSS and IGSS tasks.
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