We present a robust, privacy-preserving visual localization algorithm using event cameras. While event cameras can potentially make robust localization due to high dynamic range and small motion blur, the sensors exhibit large domain gaps making it difficult to directly apply conventional image-based localization algorithms. To mitigate the gap, we propose applying event-to-image conversion prior to localization which leads to stable localization. In the privacy perspective, event cameras capture only a fraction of visual information compared to normal cameras, and thus can naturally hide sensitive visual details. To further enhance the privacy protection in our event-based pipeline, we introduce privacy protection at two levels, namely sensor and network level. Sensor level protection aims at hiding facial details with lightweight filtering while network level protection targets hiding the entire user's view in private scene applications using a novel neural network inference pipeline. Both levels of protection involve light-weight computation and incur only a small performance loss. We thus project our method to serve as a building block for practical location-based services using event cameras. The code and dataset will be made public through the following link: https://github.com/82magnolia/event_localization.
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We propose a domain adaptation method, MoDA, which adapts a pretrained embodied agent to a new, noisy environment without ground-truth supervision. Map-based memory provides important contextual information for visual navigation, and exhibits unique spatial structure mainly composed of flat walls and rectangular obstacles. Our adaptation approach encourages the inherent regularities on the estimated maps to guide the agent to overcome the prevalent domain discrepancy in a novel environment. Specifically, we propose an efficient learning curriculum to handle the visual and dynamics corruptions in an online manner, self-supervised with pseudo clean maps generated by style transfer networks. Because the map-based representation provides spatial knowledge for the agent's policy, our formulation can deploy the pretrained policy networks from simulators in a new setting. We evaluate MoDA in various practical scenarios and show that our proposed method quickly enhances the agent's performance in downstream tasks including localization, mapping, exploration, and point-goal navigation.
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我们提出了CPO,这是一种快速且强大的算法,该算法与可能包含更改的场景的3D点云相对于2D全景图。为了稳健地处理场景的变化,我们的方法偏离了传统的特征点匹配,并着重于全景图像提供的空间上下文。具体而言,我们建议使用得分图提出有效的颜色直方图生成和随后的鲁棒定位。通过利用球形投影的唯一模棱两可,我们提出了大量相机姿势的非常快的颜色直方图生成,而无需明确渲染所有候选姿势的图像。我们将全景云和点云的区域一致性作为2D/3D分数图,并使用它们来称量输入颜色值以进一步提高鲁棒性。加权颜色分布很快找到了良好的初始姿势,并实现了基于梯度的优化的稳定收敛。 CPO是轻量级的,在所有测试的场景中都能实现有效的本地化,尽管场景变化,重复性结构或无特征区域都显示出稳定的性能,这是带有透视摄像头视觉定位的典型挑战。
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我们提出EV-NERF,这是一个从事件数据得出的神经辐射场。虽然事件摄像机可以测量高框架速率的细微亮度变化,但低照明或极端运动的测量却遭受了显着的域差异,并具有复杂的噪声。结果,基于事件的视觉任务的性能不会转移到具有挑战性的环境中,在这种环境中,事件摄像机预计会在普通摄像机上蓬勃发展。我们发现,NERF的多视图一致性提供了强大的自我实施信号,以消除虚假测量结果并提取一致的基础结构,尽管输入高度嘈杂。 EV-NERF的输入不是原始NERF的图像,而是事件测量值,并伴随着传感器的运动。使用反映传感器测量模型的损耗函数,EV-NERF创建了一个集成的神经体积,该量总结了捕获约2-4秒的非结构化和稀疏数据点。生成的神经体积还可以从具有合理深度估计的新型视图中产生强度图像,这可以作为各种基于视觉任务的高质量输入。我们的结果表明,EV-NERF在极端噪声条件和高动力范围成像下实现了强度图像重建的竞争性能。
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GPT-3显示了培训的大规模语言模型(LMS)的卓越情调学习能力,培训数十亿规模数据。在这里,我们解决了GPT-3纸张报告的一些剩余问题,例如非英语LM,不同大小模型的性能,以及最近引入的迅速优化对上下文学习的效果。为实现这一目标,我们介绍了HyperClova,一个韩国VPT-3的韩国变体训练在一个以韩国为中心的560b标准的令牌。通过我们的韩国特定标记化,HyperClova与我们的培训配置增强,显示了韩国各种下游任务的最先进的上下游零射击和几秒钟学习表演。此外,我们展示了基于及时的学习的性能优势,并演示如何集成到迅速的工程管道中。然后,我们讨论了通过引入Hyperclova Studio,互动提示工程界面向ML的非专家提供AI原型设计能力来实现No Code AI范例的可能性。最后,我们展示了我们具有三个成功的内部应用程序的方法的潜力。
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Federated learning (FL) has emerged as a solution to deal with the risk of privacy leaks in machine learning training. This approach allows a variety of mobile devices to collaboratively train a machine learning model without sharing the raw on-device training data with the cloud. However, efficient edge deployment of FL is challenging because of the system/data heterogeneity and runtime variance. This paper optimizes the energy-efficiency of FL use cases while guaranteeing model convergence, by accounting for the aforementioned challenges. We propose FedGPO based on a reinforcement learning, which learns how to identify optimal global parameters (B, E, K) for each FL aggregation round adapting to the system/data heterogeneity and stochastic runtime variance. In our experiments, FedGPO improves the model convergence time by 2.4 times, and achieves 3.6 times higher energy efficiency over the baseline settings, respectively.
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Recent 3D generative models have achieved remarkable performance in synthesizing high resolution photorealistic images with view consistency and detailed 3D shapes, but training them for diverse domains is challenging since it requires massive training images and their camera distribution information. Text-guided domain adaptation methods have shown impressive performance on converting the 2D generative model on one domain into the models on other domains with different styles by leveraging the CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training), rather than collecting massive datasets for those domains. However, one drawback of them is that the sample diversity in the original generative model is not well-preserved in the domain-adapted generative models due to the deterministic nature of the CLIP text encoder. Text-guided domain adaptation will be even more challenging for 3D generative models not only because of catastrophic diversity loss, but also because of inferior text-image correspondence and poor image quality. Here we propose DATID-3D, a domain adaptation method tailored for 3D generative models using text-to-image diffusion models that can synthesize diverse images per text prompt without collecting additional images and camera information for the target domain. Unlike 3D extensions of prior text-guided domain adaptation methods, our novel pipeline was able to fine-tune the state-of-the-art 3D generator of the source domain to synthesize high resolution, multi-view consistent images in text-guided targeted domains without additional data, outperforming the existing text-guided domain adaptation methods in diversity and text-image correspondence. Furthermore, we propose and demonstrate diverse 3D image manipulations such as one-shot instance-selected adaptation and single-view manipulated 3D reconstruction to fully enjoy diversity in text.
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Image super-resolution is a common task on mobile and IoT devices, where one often needs to upscale and enhance low-resolution images and video frames. While numerous solutions have been proposed for this problem in the past, they are usually not compatible with low-power mobile NPUs having many computational and memory constraints. In this Mobile AI challenge, we address this problem and propose the participants to design an efficient quantized image super-resolution solution that can demonstrate a real-time performance on mobile NPUs. The participants were provided with the DIV2K dataset and trained INT8 models to do a high-quality 3X image upscaling. The runtime of all models was evaluated on the Synaptics VS680 Smart Home board with a dedicated edge NPU capable of accelerating quantized neural networks. All proposed solutions are fully compatible with the above NPU, demonstrating an up to 60 FPS rate when reconstructing Full HD resolution images. A detailed description of all models developed in the challenge is provided in this paper.
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