联合学习仅通过将本地模型更新传输到中央服务器来减轻分布式学习的隐私风险。但是,它面临着挑战,包括客户数据集的统计异质性以及客户设备的资源限制,这严重影响了培训性能和用户体验。先前的工作通过将个性化与模型压缩方案结合起来解决了这些挑战,包括量化和修剪。但是,修剪是数据依赖性的,因此必须在客户端进行,这需要相当大的计算成本。此外,修剪通常会在\ {0,1 \} $中训练二进制超级卸义$ \,这显着限制了模型容量,但没有计算益处。因此,培训需要高计算成本,并且需要很长时间才能收敛,而模型性能则没有回报。在这项工作中,我们提出了Hidenseek,该HIDENSEK在初始化时采用单次数据不合稳定的修剪来获得基于权重的突触显着性的子网。然后,每个客户端优化了\ { - 1,+1 \} $乘以未经修复的权重的标志Super-Mask $ \,以允许更快的收敛速度与最先进的压缩率相同。三个数据集的经验结果表明,与最先进的hidenseek相比,Hidenseek将推论精度提高了40.6 \%,同时将沟通成本和培训时间分别降低了39.7 \%和46.8%。
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Artificial intelligence methods including deep neural networks (DNN) can provide rapid molecular classification of tumors from routine histology with accuracy that matches or exceeds human pathologists. Discerning how neural networks make their predictions remains a significant challenge, but explainability tools help provide insights into what models have learned when corresponding histologic features are poorly defined. Here, we present a method for improving explainability of DNN models using synthetic histology generated by a conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN). We show that cGANs generate high-quality synthetic histology images that can be leveraged for explaining DNN models trained to classify molecularly-subtyped tumors, exposing histologic features associated with molecular state. Fine-tuning synthetic histology through class and layer blending illustrates nuanced morphologic differences between tumor subtypes. Finally, we demonstrate the use of synthetic histology for augmenting pathologist-in-training education, showing that these intuitive visualizations can reinforce and improve understanding of histologic manifestations of tumor biology.
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Image super-resolution is a common task on mobile and IoT devices, where one often needs to upscale and enhance low-resolution images and video frames. While numerous solutions have been proposed for this problem in the past, they are usually not compatible with low-power mobile NPUs having many computational and memory constraints. In this Mobile AI challenge, we address this problem and propose the participants to design an efficient quantized image super-resolution solution that can demonstrate a real-time performance on mobile NPUs. The participants were provided with the DIV2K dataset and trained INT8 models to do a high-quality 3X image upscaling. The runtime of all models was evaluated on the Synaptics VS680 Smart Home board with a dedicated edge NPU capable of accelerating quantized neural networks. All proposed solutions are fully compatible with the above NPU, demonstrating an up to 60 FPS rate when reconstructing Full HD resolution images. A detailed description of all models developed in the challenge is provided in this paper.
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由于存在浓烟或阴霾,从室外视觉环境收集的图像通常会降解。在这些退化的视觉环境(DVE)中,在场景理解中进行研究的关键挑战是缺乏代表性的基准数据集。这些数据集需要评估降级设置中的最新对象识别和其他计算机视觉算法。在本文中,我们通过引入带有朦胧和无雾图像的第一个配对的真实图像基准数据集以及原位的雾化密度测量来解决其中的一些限制。该数据集是在受控的环境中生产的,其专业烟雾产生机器覆盖了整个场景,并由从无人机(UAV)(UAV)和无人接地车(UGV)的角度捕获的图像组成。我们还评估了一组代表性的最先进的飞行方法以及数据集中的对象探测器。本文介绍的完整数据集,包括地面真相对象分类框和雾密度测量值,为社区提供了以下网址评估其算法的信息:https://a2i2-archangel.vision。该数据集的一个子集已用于在CVPR UG2 2022挑战的雾痕中进行对象检测。
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In this paper, we propose a novel technique, namely INVALIDATOR, to automatically assess the correctness of APR-generated patches via semantic and syntactic reasoning. INVALIDATOR reasons about program semantic via program invariants while it also captures program syntax via language semantic learned from large code corpus using the pre-trained language model. Given a buggy program and the developer-patched program, INVALIDATOR infers likely invariants on both programs. Then, INVALIDATOR determines that a APR-generated patch overfits if: (1) it violates correct specifications or (2) maintains errors behaviors of the original buggy program. In case our approach fails to determine an overfitting patch based on invariants, INVALIDATOR utilizes a trained model from labeled patches to assess patch correctness based on program syntax. The benefit of INVALIDATOR is three-fold. First, INVALIDATOR is able to leverage both semantic and syntactic reasoning to enhance its discriminant capability. Second, INVALIDATOR does not require new test cases to be generated but instead only relies on the current test suite and uses invariant inference to generalize the behaviors of a program. Third, INVALIDATOR is fully automated. We have conducted our experiments on a dataset of 885 patches generated on real-world programs in Defects4J. Experiment results show that INVALIDATOR correctly classified 79% overfitting patches, accounting for 23% more overfitting patches being detected by the best baseline. INVALIDATOR also substantially outperforms the best baselines by 14% and 19% in terms of Accuracy and F-Measure, respectively.
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When robots learn reward functions using high capacity models that take raw state directly as input, they need to both learn a representation for what matters in the task -- the task ``features" -- as well as how to combine these features into a single objective. If they try to do both at once from input designed to teach the full reward function, it is easy to end up with a representation that contains spurious correlations in the data, which fails to generalize to new settings. Instead, our ultimate goal is to enable robots to identify and isolate the causal features that people actually care about and use when they represent states and behavior. Our idea is that we can tune into this representation by asking users what behaviors they consider similar: behaviors will be similar if the features that matter are similar, even if low-level behavior is different; conversely, behaviors will be different if even one of the features that matter differs. This, in turn, is what enables the robot to disambiguate between what needs to go into the representation versus what is spurious, as well as what aspects of behavior can be compressed together versus not. The notion of learning representations based on similarity has a nice parallel in contrastive learning, a self-supervised representation learning technique that maps visually similar data points to similar embeddings, where similarity is defined by a designer through data augmentation heuristics. By contrast, in order to learn the representations that people use, so we can learn their preferences and objectives, we use their definition of similarity. In simulation as well as in a user study, we show that learning through such similarity queries leads to representations that, while far from perfect, are indeed more generalizable than self-supervised and task-input alternatives.
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