Calibration is defined as the ratio of the average predicted click rate to the true click rate. The optimization of calibration is essential to many online advertising recommendation systems because it directly affects the downstream bids in ads auctions and the amount of money charged to advertisers. Despite its importance, calibration optimization often suffers from a problem called "maximization bias". Maximization bias refers to the phenomenon that the maximum of predicted values overestimates the true maximum. The problem is introduced because the calibration is computed on the set selected by the prediction model itself. It persists even if unbiased predictions can be achieved on every datapoint and worsens when covariate shifts exist between the training and test sets. To mitigate this problem, we theorize the quantification of maximization bias and propose a variance-adjusting debiasing (VAD) meta-algorithm in this paper. The algorithm is efficient, robust, and practical as it is able to mitigate maximization bias problems under covariate shifts, neither incurring additional online serving costs nor compromising the ranking performance. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm using a state-of-the-art recommendation neural network model on a large-scale real-world dataset.
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Training labels for graph embedding algorithms could be costly to obtain in many practical scenarios. Active learning (AL) algorithms are very helpful to obtain the most useful labels for training while keeping the total number of label queries under a certain budget. The existing Active Graph Embedding framework proposes to use centrality score, density score, and entropy score to evaluate the value of unlabeled nodes, and it has been shown to be capable of bringing some improvement to the node classification tasks of Graph Convolutional Networks. However, when evaluating the importance of unlabeled nodes, it fails to consider the influence of existing labeled nodes on the value of unlabeled nodes. In other words, given the same unlabeled node, the computed informative score is always the same and is agnostic to the labeled node set. With the aim to address this limitation, in this work, we introduce 3 dissimilarity-based information scores for active learning: feature dissimilarity score (FDS), structure dissimilarity score (SDS), and embedding dissimilarity score (EDS). We find out that those three scores are able to take the influence of the labeled set on the value of unlabeled candidates into consideration, boosting our AL performance. According to experiments, our newly proposed scores boost the classification accuracy by 2.1% on average and are capable of generalizing to different Graph Neural Network architectures.
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抽象和推理语料库(ARC)是一组用于测试代理人灵活解决新颖问题的能力的程序任务。虽然大多数弧任务对于人类来说很容易,但它们对最先进的AI有挑战性。是什么让建筑物智能系统概括到新颖的情况,例如arc困难?我们可以通过研究\ emph {语言}的差异来找到答案:虽然人类在容易地生成和解释了一般语言中,计算机系统被束缚到他们可以精确执行的狭窄域的语言。我们呈现LARC,The \ Texit {语言完整的ARC}:一组人类参与者的一系列自然语言描述,这些人参与者在如何使用单独的语言解决acc任务,其中包含88 \%的成功说明弧任务。我们将收集的指示分析为“自然程序”,发现当他们类似于计算机程序时,它们以两种方式截然不同:首先,它们含有各种基元;其次,他们经常利用直接可执行代码超出交际策略。我们证明这两个区别防止了当前的程序合成技术利用LACC到其全部潜力,并提供有关如何构建下一代程序合成器的具体建议。
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强化学习的关键挑战是解决了长地平规划问题。最近的工作已经利用计划在这些设置中引导钢筋学习。但是,这些方法对用户施加了高手动负担,因为它们必须为每项新任务提供指导计划。部分观察到的环境进一步使编程任务复杂化,因为程序必须实现正确,理想地最佳地实现策略,处理环境的隐藏区域的所有可能配置。我们提出了一种新的方法,模型预测程序合成(MPP),它使用程序综合来自动生成指导程序。它培训了一种生成模型来预测世界的未观察到的部分,然后以鲁棒到其不确定性的方式基于来自该模型的样本来综合程序。在我们的实验中,我们表明我们的方法在一组具有挑战性的基准上显着优于非程序引导的方法,包括2D Minecraft-Inspired环境,代理商必须完成复杂的子组织序列来实现其目标,并实现类似的使用手动程序指导代理的性能。我们的结果表明,我们的方法可以在不需要用户为每项新任务提供新的指导计划的情况下获得方案引导的强化学习的好处。
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In this paper, we propose a robust 3D detector, named Cross Modal Transformer (CMT), for end-to-end 3D multi-modal detection. Without explicit view transformation, CMT takes the image and point clouds tokens as inputs and directly outputs accurate 3D bounding boxes. The spatial alignment of multi-modal tokens is performed implicitly, by encoding the 3D points into multi-modal features. The core design of CMT is quite simple while its performance is impressive. CMT obtains 73.0% NDS on nuScenes benchmark. Moreover, CMT has a strong robustness even if the LiDAR is missing. Code will be released at
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Different people speak with diverse personalized speaking styles. Although existing one-shot talking head methods have made significant progress in lip sync, natural facial expressions, and stable head motions, they still cannot generate diverse speaking styles in the final talking head videos. To tackle this problem, we propose a one-shot style-controllable talking face generation framework. In a nutshell, we aim to attain a speaking style from an arbitrary reference speaking video and then drive the one-shot portrait to speak with the reference speaking style and another piece of audio. Specifically, we first develop a style encoder to extract dynamic facial motion patterns of a style reference video and then encode them into a style code. Afterward, we introduce a style-controllable decoder to synthesize stylized facial animations from the speech content and style code. In order to integrate the reference speaking style into generated videos, we design a style-aware adaptive transformer, which enables the encoded style code to adjust the weights of the feed-forward layers accordingly. Thanks to the style-aware adaptation mechanism, the reference speaking style can be better embedded into synthesized videos during decoding. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method is capable of generating talking head videos with diverse speaking styles from only one portrait image and an audio clip while achieving authentic visual effects. Project Page:
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The visual dimension of cities has been a fundamental subject in urban studies, since the pioneering work of scholars such as Sitte, Lynch, Arnheim, and Jacobs. Several decades later, big data and artificial intelligence (AI) are revolutionizing how people move, sense, and interact with cities. This paper reviews the literature on the appearance and function of cities to illustrate how visual information has been used to understand them. A conceptual framework, Urban Visual Intelligence, is introduced to systematically elaborate on how new image data sources and AI techniques are reshaping the way researchers perceive and measure cities, enabling the study of the physical environment and its interactions with socioeconomic environments at various scales. The paper argues that these new approaches enable researchers to revisit the classic urban theories and themes, and potentially help cities create environments that are more in line with human behaviors and aspirations in the digital age.
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Deploying reliable deep learning techniques in interdisciplinary applications needs learned models to output accurate and ({even more importantly}) explainable predictions. Existing approaches typically explicate network outputs in a post-hoc fashion, under an implicit assumption that faithful explanations come from accurate predictions/classifications. We have an opposite claim that explanations boost (or even determine) classification. That is, end-to-end learning of explanation factors to augment discriminative representation extraction could be a more intuitive strategy to inversely assure fine-grained explainability, e.g., in those neuroimaging and neuroscience studies with high-dimensional data containing noisy, redundant, and task-irrelevant information. In this paper, we propose such an explainable geometric deep network dubbed as NeuroExplainer, with applications to uncover altered infant cortical development patterns associated with preterm birth. Given fundamental cortical attributes as network input, our NeuroExplainer adopts a hierarchical attention-decoding framework to learn fine-grained attentions and respective discriminative representations to accurately recognize preterm infants from term-born infants at term-equivalent age. NeuroExplainer learns the hierarchical attention-decoding modules under subject-level weak supervision coupled with targeted regularizers deduced from domain knowledge regarding brain development. These prior-guided constraints implicitly maximizes the explainability metrics (i.e., fidelity, sparsity, and stability) in network training, driving the learned network to output detailed explanations and accurate classifications. Experimental results on the public dHCP benchmark suggest that NeuroExplainer led to quantitatively reliable explanation results that are qualitatively consistent with representative neuroimaging studies.
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Domain adaptive detection aims to improve the generalization of detectors on target domain. To reduce discrepancy in feature distributions between two domains, recent approaches achieve domain adaption through feature alignment in different granularities via adversarial learning. However, they neglect the relationship between multiple granularities and different features in alignment, degrading detection. Addressing this, we introduce a unified multi-granularity alignment (MGA)-based detection framework for domain-invariant feature learning. The key is to encode the dependencies across different granularities including pixel-, instance-, and category-levels simultaneously to align two domains. Specifically, based on pixel-level features, we first develop an omni-scale gated fusion (OSGF) module to aggregate discriminative representations of instances with scale-aware convolutions, leading to robust multi-scale detection. Besides, we introduce multi-granularity discriminators to identify where, either source or target domains, different granularities of samples come from. Note that, MGA not only leverages instance discriminability in different categories but also exploits category consistency between two domains for detection. Furthermore, we present an adaptive exponential moving average (AEMA) strategy that explores model assessments for model update to improve pseudo labels and alleviate local misalignment problem, boosting detection robustness. Extensive experiments on multiple domain adaption scenarios validate the superiority of MGA over other approaches on FCOS and Faster R-CNN detectors. Code will be released at
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In the scenario of black-box adversarial attack, the target model's parameters are unknown, and the attacker aims to find a successful adversarial perturbation based on query feedback under a query budget. Due to the limited feedback information, existing query-based black-box attack methods often require many queries for attacking each benign example. To reduce query cost, we propose to utilize the feedback information across historical attacks, dubbed example-level adversarial transferability. Specifically, by treating the attack on each benign example as one task, we develop a meta-learning framework by training a meta-generator to produce perturbations conditioned on benign examples. When attacking a new benign example, the meta generator can be quickly fine-tuned based on the feedback information of the new task as well as a few historical attacks to produce effective perturbations. Moreover, since the meta-train procedure consumes many queries to learn a generalizable generator, we utilize model-level adversarial transferability to train the meta-generator on a white-box surrogate model, then transfer it to help the attack against the target model. The proposed framework with the two types of adversarial transferability can be naturally combined with any off-the-shelf query-based attack methods to boost their performance, which is verified by extensive experiments.
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