Reinforcement learning (RL) is one of the most important branches of AI. Due to its capacity for self-adaption and decision-making in dynamic environments, reinforcement learning has been widely applied in multiple areas, such as healthcare, data markets, autonomous driving, and robotics. However, some of these applications and systems have been shown to be vulnerable to security or privacy attacks, resulting in unreliable or unstable services. A large number of studies have focused on these security and privacy problems in reinforcement learning. However, few surveys have provided a systematic review and comparison of existing problems and state-of-the-art solutions to keep up with the pace of emerging threats. Accordingly, we herein present such a comprehensive review to explain and summarize the challenges associated with security and privacy in reinforcement learning from a new perspective, namely that of the Markov Decision Process (MDP). In this survey, we first introduce the key concepts related to this area. Next, we cover the security and privacy issues linked to the state, action, environment, and reward function of the MDP process, respectively. We further highlight the special characteristics of security and privacy methodologies related to reinforcement learning. Finally, we discuss the possible future research directions within this area.
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Detecting abrupt changes in data distribution is one of the most significant tasks in streaming data analysis. Although many unsupervised Change-Point Detection (CPD) methods have been proposed recently to identify those changes, they still suffer from missing subtle changes, poor scalability, or/and sensitive to noise points. To meet these challenges, we are the first to generalise the CPD problem as a special case of the Change-Interval Detection (CID) problem. Then we propose a CID method, named iCID, based on a recent Isolation Distributional Kernel (IDK). iCID identifies the change interval if there is a high dissimilarity score between two non-homogeneous temporal adjacent intervals. The data-dependent property and finite feature map of IDK enabled iCID to efficiently identify various types of change points in data streams with the tolerance of noise points. Moreover, the proposed online and offline versions of iCID have the ability to optimise key parameter settings. The effectiveness and efficiency of iCID have been systematically verified on both synthetic and real-world datasets.
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In recent years, vision-centric perception has flourished in various autonomous driving tasks, including 3D detection, semantic map construction, motion forecasting, and depth estimation. Nevertheless, the latency of vision-centric approaches is too high for practical deployment (e.g., most camera-based 3D detectors have a runtime greater than 300ms). To bridge the gap between ideal research and real-world applications, it is necessary to quantify the trade-off between performance and efficiency. Traditionally, autonomous-driving perception benchmarks perform the offline evaluation, neglecting the inference time delay. To mitigate the problem, we propose the Autonomous-driving StreAming Perception (ASAP) benchmark, which is the first benchmark to evaluate the online performance of vision-centric perception in autonomous driving. On the basis of the 2Hz annotated nuScenes dataset, we first propose an annotation-extending pipeline to generate high-frame-rate labels for the 12Hz raw images. Referring to the practical deployment, the Streaming Perception Under constRained-computation (SPUR) evaluation protocol is further constructed, where the 12Hz inputs are utilized for streaming evaluation under the constraints of different computational resources. In the ASAP benchmark, comprehensive experiment results reveal that the model rank alters under different constraints, suggesting that the model latency and computation budget should be considered as design choices to optimize the practical deployment. To facilitate further research, we establish baselines for camera-based streaming 3D detection, which consistently enhance the streaming performance across various hardware. ASAP project page:
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Automatically identifying feature correspondences between multimodal images is facing enormous challenges because of the significant differences both in radiation and geometry. To address these problems, we propose a novel feature matching method, named R2FD2, that is robust to radiation and rotation differences.Our R2FD2 is conducted in two critical contributions, consisting of a repeatable feature detector and a rotation-invariant feature descriptor. In the first stage, a repeatable feature detector called the Multi-channel Auto-correlation of the Log-Gabor is presented for feature detection, which combines the multi-channel auto-correlation strategy with the Log-Gabor wavelets to detect interest points with high repeatability and uniform distribution. In the second stage, a rotation-invariant feature descriptor is constructed, named the Rotation-invariant Maximum index map of the Log-Gabor, which consists of two components: fast assignment of dominant orientation and construction of feature representation. In the process of fast assignment of dominant orientation, a Rotation-invariant Maximum Index Map is built to address rotation deformations. Then, the proposed RMLG incorporates the rotation-invariant RMIM with the spatial configuration of DAISY to depict a more discriminative feature representation, which improves RMLGs resistance to radiation and rotation variances.
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Ego-pose estimation and dynamic object tracking are two critical problems for autonomous driving systems. The solutions to these problems are generally based on their respective assumptions, \ie{the static world assumption for simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) and the accurate ego-pose assumption for object tracking}. However, these assumptions are challenging to hold in dynamic road scenarios, where SLAM and object tracking become closely correlated. Therefore, we propose DL-SLOT, a dynamic LiDAR SLAM and object tracking method, to simultaneously address these two coupled problems. This method integrates the state estimations of both the autonomous vehicle and the stationary and dynamic objects in the environment into a unified optimization framework. First, we used object detection to identify all points belonging to potentially dynamic objects. Subsequently, a LiDAR odometry was conducted using the filtered point cloud. Simultaneously, we proposed a sliding window-based object association method that accurately associates objects according to the historical trajectories of tracked objects. The ego-states and those of the stationary and dynamic objects are integrated into the sliding window-based collaborative graph optimization. The stationary objects are subsequently restored from the potentially dynamic object set. Finally, a global pose-graph is implemented to eliminate the accumulated error. Experiments on KITTI datasets demonstrate that our method achieves better accuracy than SLAM and object tracking baseline methods. This confirms that solving SLAM and object tracking simultaneously is mutually advantageous, dramatically improving the robustness and accuracy of SLAM and object tracking in dynamic road scenarios.
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This paper focuses on analyzing and improving the commonsense ability of recent popular vision-language (VL) models. Despite the great success, we observe that existing VL-models still lack commonsense knowledge/reasoning ability (e.g., "Lemons are sour"), which is a vital component towards artificial general intelligence. Through our analysis, we find one important reason is that existing large-scale VL datasets do not contain much commonsense knowledge, which motivates us to improve the commonsense of VL-models from the data perspective. Rather than collecting a new VL training dataset, we propose a more scalable strategy, i.e., "Data Augmentation with kNowledge graph linearization for CommonsensE capability" (DANCE). It can be viewed as one type of data augmentation technique, which can inject commonsense knowledge into existing VL datasets on the fly during training. More specifically, we leverage the commonsense knowledge graph (e.g., ConceptNet) and create variants of text description in VL datasets via bidirectional sub-graph sequentialization. For better commonsense evaluation, we further propose the first retrieval-based commonsense diagnostic benchmark. By conducting extensive experiments on some representative VL-models, we demonstrate that our DANCE technique is able to significantly improve the commonsense ability while maintaining the performance on vanilla retrieval tasks. The code and data are available at
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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Binaural rendering of ambisonic signals is of broad interest to virtual reality and immersive media. Conventional methods often require manually measured Head-Related Transfer Functions (HRTFs). To address this issue, we collect a paired ambisonic-binaural dataset and propose a deep learning framework in an end-to-end manner. Experimental results show that neural networks outperform the conventional method in objective metrics and achieve comparable subjective metrics. To validate the proposed framework, we experimentally explore different settings of the input features, model structures, output features, and loss functions. Our proposed system achieves an SDR of 7.32 and MOSs of 3.83, 3.58, 3.87, 3.58 in quality, timbre, localization, and immersion dimensions.
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在本文中,我们考虑了神经视频压缩(NVC)中位分配的问题。由于帧参考结构,使用相同的R-D(速率)权衡参数$ \ lambda $的当前NVC方法是次优的,这带来了位分配的需求。与以前基于启发式和经验R-D模型的方法不同,我们建议通过基于梯度的优化解决此问题。具体而言,我们首先提出了一种基于半损坏的变异推理(SAVI)的连续位实现方法。然后,我们通过更改SAVI目标,使用迭代优化提出了一个像素级隐式分配方法。此外,我们基于NVC的可区分特征得出了精确的R-D模型。我们通过使用精确的R-D模型证明其等效性与位分配的等效性来展示我们的方法的最佳性。实验结果表明,我们的方法显着改善了NVC方法,并且胜过现有的位分配方法。我们的方法是所有可区分NVC方法的插件,并且可以直接在现有的预训练模型上采用。
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对抗性训练(AT)通常被认为是防御对抗性例子的最有效的方法之一,可能会在很大程度上损害标准绩效,因此对工业规模的生产和应用的有用性有限。令人惊讶的是,这种现象在自然语言处理(NLP)任务中完全相反,在该任务中甚至可以从中受益。我们注意到NLP任务中AT的优点可能来自离散和符号输入空间。为了借用NLP风格的优势,我们提出了离散的对抗训练(DAT)。 DAT利用VQGAN改革图像数据以离散类似文本的输入,即视觉单词。然后,它可以最大程度地减少这种离散图像的最大风险,并具有符号对抗扰动。我们从分布的角度进一步提供了解释,以证明DAT的有效性。作为增强视觉表示的插件技术,DAT可以在多个任务上取得重大改进,包括图像分类,对象检测和自我监督学习。尤其是,该模型通过胶带自动编码(MAE)预先训练并由我们的DAT进行微调,而没有额外的数据可以在Imagenet-C上获得31.40 MCE,并且在Stylized-Imagenet上进行了32.77%的TOP-1准确性,建立了新的状态 - 艺术。该代码将在上找到。
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