This paper introduces a new few-shot learning pipeline that casts relevance ranking for image retrieval as binary ranking relation classification. In comparison to image classification, ranking relation classification is sample efficient and domain agnostic. Besides, it provides a new perspective on few-shot learning and is complementary to state-of-the-art methods. The core component of our deep neural network is a simple MLP, which takes as input an image triplet encoded as the difference between two vector-Kronecker products, and outputs a binary relevance ranking order. The proposed RankMLP can be built on top of any state-of-the-art feature extractors, and our entire deep neural network is called the ranking deep neural network, or RankDNN. Meanwhile, RankDNN can be flexibly fused with other post-processing methods. During the meta test, RankDNN ranks support images according to their similarity with the query samples, and each query sample is assigned the class label of its nearest neighbor. Experiments demonstrate that RankDNN can effectively improve the performance of its baselines based on a variety of backbones and it outperforms previous state-of-the-art algorithms on multiple few-shot learning benchmarks, including miniImageNet, tieredImageNet, Caltech-UCSD Birds, and CIFAR-FS. Furthermore, experiments on the cross-domain challenge demonstrate the superior transferability of RankDNN.The code is available at:
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已知神经网络在输入图像上产生过度自信的预测,即使这些图像不存在(OOD)样本。这限制了神经网络模型在存在OOD样本的实际场景中的应用。许多现有方法通过利用各种提示来确定OOD实例,例如在特征空间,逻辑空间,梯度空间或图像的原始空间中查找不规则模式。相反,本文提出了一种简单的测试时间线性训练(ETLT)用于OOD检测方法。从经验上讲,我们发现输入图像的概率不存在,与神经网络提取的功能令人惊讶地线性相关。具体来说,许多最先进的OOD算法虽然旨在以不同的方式衡量可靠性,但实际上导致OOD得分主要与其图像特征线性相关。因此,通过简单地学习从配对图像特征训练并在测试时间推断的OOD分数的线性回归模型,我们可以为测试实例做出更精确的OOD预测。我们进一步提出了该方法的在线变体,该变体可以实现有希望的性能,并且在现实世界中更为实用。值得注意的是,我们将FPR95从$ 51.37 \%$提高到CIFAR-10数据集的$ 12.30 \%$,最大的SoftMax概率是基本的OOD检测器。在几个基准数据集上进行的广泛实验显示了ETLT对OOD检测任务的功效。
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我们研究了Wang等人介绍的熵调查的,探索性扩散过程制定的Q-学习(RL)的Q-学习(RL)的持续时间对应物。 (2020)随着常规(大)Q功能在连续的时间崩溃,我们考虑其一阶近似,并在“(小)Q功能”一词中造成术语。此功能与瞬时优势率函数以及哈密顿量有关。我们围绕时间离散化独立于Q功能开发了“ Q学习”理论。鉴于随机策略,我们通过某些随机过程的martingale条件共同表征了相关的Q功能和价值函数。然后,我们将理论应用来设计不同的参与者批评算法来解决潜在的RL问题,具体取决于是否可以明确计算从Q功能产生的Gibbs测量的密度函数。我们的一种算法解释了著名的Q学习算法SARSA,另一个算法恢复了基于政策梯度(PG)在Jia和Zhou(2021)中提出的基于策略梯度(PG)。最后,我们进行了仿真实验,以将我们的算法的性能与JIA和Zhou(2021)中的PG基算法的性能以及时间消化的常规Q学习算法进行比较。
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我们在王等人开发的正规化探索制剂下,研究政策梯度(PG),以便在连续时间和空间中进行加强学习。 (2020)。我们代表值函数的梯度相对于给定的参数化随机策略,作为可以使用样本和当前值函数进行评估的辅助运行奖励函数的预期集成。这有效地将PG转化为策略评估(PE)问题,使我们能够应用贾和周最近开发的Martingale方法来解决我们的PG问题。基于此分析,我们为RL提出了两种类型的演员 - 批评算法,在那里我们同时和交替地学习和更新值函数和策略。第一类型直接基于上述表示,涉及未来的轨迹,因此是离线的。专为在线学习的第二种类型使用了政策梯度的一阶条件,并将其转化为Martingale正交状态。然后在更新策略时使用随机近似并入这些条件。最后,我们通过模拟在两个具体示例中展示了算法。
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Despite significant progress in object categorization, in recent years, a number of important challenges remain; mainly, the ability to learn from limited labeled data and to recognize object classes within large, potentially open, set of labels. Zero-shot learning is one way of addressing these challenges, but it has only been shown to work with limited sized class vocabularies and typically requires separation between supervised and unsupervised classes, allowing former to inform the latter but not vice versa. We propose the notion of vocabulary-informed learning to alleviate the above mentioned challenges and address problems of supervised, zero-shot, generalized zero-shot and open set recognition using a unified framework. Specifically, we propose a weighted maximum margin framework for semantic manifold-based recognition that incorporates distance constraints from (both supervised and unsupervised) vocabulary atoms. Distance constraints ensure that labeled samples are projected closer to their correct prototypes, in the embedding space, than to others. We illustrate that resulting model shows improvements in supervised, zero-shot, generalized zero-shot, and large open set recognition, with up to 310K class vocabulary on Animal with Attributes and ImageNet datasets.
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A noisy training set usually leads to the degradation of the generalization and robustness of neural networks. In this paper, we propose a novel theoretically guaranteed clean sample selection framework for learning with noisy labels. Specifically, we first present a Scalable Penalized Regression (SPR) method, to model the linear relation between network features and one-hot labels. In SPR, the clean data are identified by the zero mean-shift parameters solved in the regression model. We theoretically show that SPR can recover clean data under some conditions. Under general scenarios, the conditions may be no longer satisfied; and some noisy data are falsely selected as clean data. To solve this problem, we propose a data-adaptive method for Scalable Penalized Regression with Knockoff filters (Knockoffs-SPR), which is provable to control the False-Selection-Rate (FSR) in the selected clean data. To improve the efficiency, we further present a split algorithm that divides the whole training set into small pieces that can be solved in parallel to make the framework scalable to large datasets. While Knockoffs-SPR can be regarded as a sample selection module for a standard supervised training pipeline, we further combine it with a semi-supervised algorithm to exploit the support of noisy data as unlabeled data. Experimental results on several benchmark datasets and real-world noisy datasets show the effectiveness of our framework and validate the theoretical results of Knockoffs-SPR. Our code and pre-trained models will be released.
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Positive-Unlabeled (PU) learning aims to learn a model with rare positive samples and abundant unlabeled samples. Compared with classical binary classification, the task of PU learning is much more challenging due to the existence of many incompletely-annotated data instances. Since only part of the most confident positive samples are available and evidence is not enough to categorize the rest samples, many of these unlabeled data may also be the positive samples. Research on this topic is particularly useful and essential to many real-world tasks which demand very expensive labelling cost. For example, the recognition tasks in disease diagnosis, recommendation system and satellite image recognition may only have few positive samples that can be annotated by the experts. These methods mainly omit the intrinsic hardness of some unlabeled data, which can result in sub-optimal performance as a consequence of fitting the easy noisy data and not sufficiently utilizing the hard data. In this paper, we focus on improving the commonly-used nnPU with a novel training pipeline. We highlight the intrinsic difference of hardness of samples in the dataset and the proper learning strategies for easy and hard data. By considering this fact, we propose first splitting the unlabeled dataset with an early-stop strategy. The samples that have inconsistent predictions between the temporary and base model are considered as hard samples. Then the model utilizes a noise-tolerant Jensen-Shannon divergence loss for easy data; and a dual-source consistency regularization for hard data which includes a cross-consistency between student and base model for low-level features and self-consistency for high-level features and predictions, respectively.
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The task of Few-shot learning (FSL) aims to transfer the knowledge learned from base categories with sufficient labelled data to novel categories with scarce known information. It is currently an important research question and has great practical values in the real-world applications. Despite extensive previous efforts are made on few-shot learning tasks, we emphasize that most existing methods did not take into account the distributional shift caused by sample selection bias in the FSL scenario. Such a selection bias can induce spurious correlation between the semantic causal features, that are causally and semantically related to the class label, and the other non-causal features. Critically, the former ones should be invariant across changes in distributions, highly related to the classes of interest, and thus well generalizable to novel classes, while the latter ones are not stable to changes in the distribution. To resolve this problem, we propose a novel data augmentation strategy dubbed as PatchMix that can break this spurious dependency by replacing the patch-level information and supervision of the query images with random gallery images from different classes from the query ones. We theoretically show that such an augmentation mechanism, different from existing ones, is able to identify the causal features. To further make these features to be discriminative enough for classification, we propose Correlation-guided Reconstruction (CGR) and Hardness-Aware module for instance discrimination and easier discrimination between similar classes. Moreover, such a framework can be adapted to the unsupervised FSL scenario.
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