This paper introduces a new few-shot learning pipeline that casts relevance ranking for image retrieval as binary ranking relation classification. In comparison to image classification, ranking relation classification is sample efficient and domain agnostic. Besides, it provides a new perspective on few-shot learning and is complementary to state-of-the-art methods. The core component of our deep neural network is a simple MLP, which takes as input an image triplet encoded as the difference between two vector-Kronecker products, and outputs a binary relevance ranking order. The proposed RankMLP can be built on top of any state-of-the-art feature extractors, and our entire deep neural network is called the ranking deep neural network, or RankDNN. Meanwhile, RankDNN can be flexibly fused with other post-processing methods. During the meta test, RankDNN ranks support images according to their similarity with the query samples, and each query sample is assigned the class label of its nearest neighbor. Experiments demonstrate that RankDNN can effectively improve the performance of its baselines based on a variety of backbones and it outperforms previous state-of-the-art algorithms on multiple few-shot learning benchmarks, including miniImageNet, tieredImageNet, Caltech-UCSD Birds, and CIFAR-FS. Furthermore, experiments on the cross-domain challenge demonstrate the superior transferability of RankDNN.The code is available at:
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很少有射击学习(FSL)由于其在模型训练中的能力而无需过多的数据而引起了计算机视觉的越来越多的关注。 FSL具有挑战性,因为培训和测试类别(基础与新颖集)可能会在很大程度上多样化。传统的基于转移的解决方案旨在将从大型培训集中学到的知识转移到目标测试集中是有限的,因为任务分配转移的关键不利影响没有充分解决。在本文中,我们通过结合度量学习和通道注意的概念扩展了基于转移方法的解决方案。为了更好地利用特征主链提取的特征表示,我们提出了特定于类的通道注意(CSCA)模块,该模块通过分配每个类别的CSCA权重向量来学会突出显示每个类中的判别通道。与旨在学习全球班级功能的一般注意力模块不同,CSCA模块旨在通过非常有效的计算来学习本地和特定的特定功能。我们评估了CSCA模块在标准基准测试中的性能,包括Miniimagenet,Cifar-imagenet,Cifar-FS和Cub-200-200-2011。实验在电感和/跨域设置中进行。我们取得了新的最新结果。
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从少数样本中学习的多功能性是人类智能的标志。很少有学习能力超越机器的努力。受概率深度学习的承诺和力量的启发,我们提出了一个新颖的变异推理网络,用于几个射击分类(被构成三叉戟),将图像的表示形式分离为语义和标记潜在变量,并以相互交织的方式推断它们。为了诱导任务意识,作为三叉戟推理机制的一部分,我们使用一种新型的基于内置的基于注意的转导功能提取模块(我们致电ATTFEX)在查询和支持图像上借鉴了几次任务的图像。我们广泛的实验结果证实了三叉戟的功效,并证明,使用最简单的骨架,它在最常见的数据集Miniimagenet和Tieredimagenet中设置了新的最新时间(最多可提高4%和5%,,高达4%和5%分别是)以及最近具有挑战性的跨域迷你膜 - > CUB场景,其范围超出了最佳现有跨域基线的显着利润率(最高20%)。可以在我们的GitHub存储库中找到代码和实验:
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Few-shot classification aims to learn a classifier to recognize unseen classes during training with limited labeled examples. While significant progress has been made, the growing complexity of network designs, meta-learning algorithms, and differences in implementation details make a fair comparison difficult. In this paper, we present 1) a consistent comparative analysis of several representative few-shot classification algorithms, with results showing that deeper backbones significantly reduce the performance differences among methods on datasets with limited domain differences, 2) a modified baseline method that surprisingly achieves competitive performance when compared with the state-of-the-art on both the mini-ImageNet and the CUB datasets, and 3) a new experimental setting for evaluating the cross-domain generalization ability for few-shot classification algorithms. Our results reveal that reducing intra-class variation is an important factor when the feature backbone is shallow, but not as critical when using deeper backbones. In a realistic cross-domain evaluation setting, we show that a baseline method with a standard fine-tuning practice compares favorably against other state-of-the-art few-shot learning algorithms.
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传统的细颗粒图像分类通常依赖于带注释的地面真相的大规模训练样本。但是,某些子类别在实际应用中可能几乎没有可用的样本。在本文中,我们建议使用多频邻域(MFN)和双交叉调制(DCM)提出一个新颖的几弹性细颗粒图像分类网络(FICNET)。采用模块MFN来捕获空间域和频域中的信息。然后,提取自相似性和多频成分以产生多频结构表示。 DCM使用分别考虑全球环境信息和类别之间的微妙关系来调节嵌入过程。针对两个少量任务的三个细粒基准数据集进行的综合实验验证了FICNET与最先进的方法相比具有出色的性能。特别是,在两个数据集“ Caltech-UCSD鸟”和“ Stanford Cars”上进行的实验分别可以获得分类精度93.17 \%和95.36 \%。它们甚至高于一般的细粒图像分类方法可以实现的。
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Few-shot learning aims to fast adapt a deep model from a few examples. While pre-training and meta-training can create deep models powerful for few-shot generalization, we find that pre-training and meta-training focuses respectively on cross-domain transferability and cross-task transferability, which restricts their data efficiency in the entangled settings of domain shift and task shift. We thus propose the Omni-Training framework to seamlessly bridge pre-training and meta-training for data-efficient few-shot learning. Our first contribution is a tri-flow Omni-Net architecture. Besides the joint representation flow, Omni-Net introduces two parallel flows for pre-training and meta-training, responsible for improving domain transferability and task transferability respectively. Omni-Net further coordinates the parallel flows by routing their representations via the joint-flow, enabling knowledge transfer across flows. Our second contribution is the Omni-Loss, which introduces a self-distillation strategy separately on the pre-training and meta-training objectives for boosting knowledge transfer throughout different training stages. Omni-Training is a general framework to accommodate many existing algorithms. Evaluations justify that our single framework consistently and clearly outperforms the individual state-of-the-art methods on both cross-task and cross-domain settings in a variety of classification, regression and reinforcement learning problems.
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Recent methods for deep metric learning have been focusing on designing different contrastive loss functions between positive and negative pairs of samples so that the learned feature embedding is able to pull positive samples of the same class closer and push negative samples from different classes away from each other. In this work, we recognize that there is a significant semantic gap between features at the intermediate feature layer and class labels at the final output layer. To bridge this gap, we develop a contrastive Bayesian analysis to characterize and model the posterior probabilities of image labels conditioned by their features similarity in a contrastive learning setting. This contrastive Bayesian analysis leads to a new loss function for deep metric learning. To improve the generalization capability of the proposed method onto new classes, we further extend the contrastive Bayesian loss with a metric variance constraint. Our experimental results and ablation studies demonstrate that the proposed contrastive Bayesian metric learning method significantly improves the performance of deep metric learning in both supervised and pseudo-supervised scenarios, outperforming existing methods by a large margin.
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旨在使用非常有限的样本识别看不见的类的几个射击分类吸引了越来越多的关注。通常,它被称为公制学习问题。几乎没有射击分类的核心问题是如何学习(1)支持和查询集中图像的一致表示以及(2)在支持和查询集之间的图像的有效度量学习。在本文中,我们表明,这两个挑战可以通过统一的查询支持变压器(QSFormer)模型同时建模。具体而言,提出的QSFormer涉及全局查询支持样品变压器(SampleFormer)分支和局部补丁变压器(PatchFormer)学习分支。 SampleFormer旨在捕获样品在支持和查询集以进行图像表示方面的依赖性。它采用编码器,解码器和交叉注意力,分别对几个射击分类任务的支持,查询(图像)表示和度量学习进行建模。同样,作为全球学习分支的补充,我们采用了局部贴片变压器,通过捕获本地图像贴片的长距离依赖性来提取每个图像样本的结构表示。此外,还提出了一种新型的跨尺度交互式提取器(CIFE)来提取和融合多尺度CNN特征,作为建议的少量学习方法的有效骨干模块。所有模块都集成到统一的框架中,并以端到端的方式进行了训练。在四个流行数据集上进行的广泛实验证明了所提出的QSFormer的有效性和优势。
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图形神经网络(GNNS)已被用于解决几次拍摄学习(FSL)问题,并在转换设置下显示出很大的潜力。但是在归纳设置下,现有的基于GNN的方法竞争较差。这是因为它们使用实例GNN作为标签传播/分类模块,其与特征嵌入网络共同学习。这种设计是有问题的,因为分类器需要在嵌入而不快速地适应新任务。为了克服这个问题,本文提出了一种新的混合GNN(HGNN)模型,包括两个GNN,实例GNN和原型GNN。它们代替标签传播,它们用作嵌入适应模块的功能,以便快速适应嵌入到新任务的元学员的功能。重要的是,他们旨在处理FSL中的基本但经常被忽视的挑战,即只有每班少量镜头,任何几次拍摄的分类器都会对差异或可能导致阶层的严重采样镜头敏感分配重叠。 %我们的两个GNNS旨在分别解决这两种类型的差别少量射击,并且在混合GNN模型中利用它们的互补性。广泛的实验表明,我们的HGNN在三个FSL基准上获得了新的最先进。
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细粒度的图像分析(FGIA)是计算机视觉和模式识别中的长期和基本问题,并为一组多种现实世界应用提供了基础。 FGIA的任务是从属类别分析视觉物体,例如汽车或汽车型号的种类。细粒度分析中固有的小阶级和阶级阶级内变异使其成为一个具有挑战性的问题。利用深度学习的进步,近年来,我们在深入学习动力的FGIA中见证了显着进展。在本文中,我们对这些进展的系统进行了系统的调查,我们试图通过巩固两个基本的细粒度研究领域 - 细粒度的图像识别和细粒度的图像检索来重新定义和扩大FGIA领域。此外,我们还审查了FGIA的其他关键问题,例如公开可用的基准数据集和相关域的特定于应用程序。我们通过突出几个研究方向和开放问题,从社区中突出了几个研究方向和开放问题。
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在本文中,我们看看跨域几秒分类的问题,旨在从以前看不见的类别和域名的域中学习分类器。最近的方法广泛地通过参数参数化与前者通常在大型训练集上学习的任务 - 不可行的和任务特定权重参数来解决这个问题,并且后者通过在小型支撑集上通过辅助网络动态预测。在这项工作中,我们专注于对后者的估计,并建议将特定于任务特定权重直接在小型支架上学习,以与动态估计它们。特别地,通过系统分析,我们示出了通过矩阵形式的参数适配器以备体网络的多个中间层的参数化适配器的任务特定权重显着提高了Meta DataSet中最先进模型的性能基准以较小的额外费用。
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从有限的例子中学习和推广,我,e,几次拍摄的学习,对许多真实世界视觉应用的核心重要性是核心重要性。实现少量学习的主要方法是实现来自不同类别的样本是独特的嵌入的嵌入。最近的研究表明,通过双曲线几何嵌入较低的分层和结构化数据,使其适合几次拍摄的学习。在本文中,我们建议学习上下文知识的双曲标准,以表征与学习集合的点与设置距离相关联的点之间的距离。为此,我们将度量标准作为双曲线空间的切线束上的加权总和,并制定自适应地并基于点的星座获得重量的机制。这不仅使得公制本地,而且依赖于手头的任务,这意味着度量根据它比较的样本。我们经验证明,这种度量在异常值存在下产生鲁棒性,并实现基线模型的切实改善。这包括五个流行的少量分类基准,即迷你想象,分层 - 想象成,CALTECH-UCSD鸟-200-2011(幼崽),CIFAR-FS和FC100的最先进的结果。
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本文研究了几种皮肤疾病分类问题。基于至关重要的观察,即皮肤病图像通常存在于一类中的多个子群体(即,一类疾病中图像的外观变化并形成多个不同的子组),我们设计了一种新型的亚群集感知网络,即扫描,以提高准确性以稀有皮肤疾病诊断。由于几次学习的性能很大程度上取决于学习特征编码器的质量,因此指导扫描设计的主要原理是每个类的内在子簇表示学习,以便更好地描述特征分布。具体而言,扫描遵循双分支框架,第一个分支是学习范围的特征以区分不同的皮肤疾病,第二个分支是学习可以有效地将每个班级划分为几个组的特征,以保留子 - 每个类中的聚集结构。为了实现第二个分支的目标,我们提出了一个集群损失,可以通过无监督的聚类学习图像相似性。为了确保每个子集群中的样品来自同一类,我们进一步设计了纯度损失,以完善无监督的聚类结果。我们在两个公共数据集上评估了拟议方法,以进行几次皮肤疾病分类。实验结果验证了我们的框架在SD-198和DERM7PT数据集​​上优于其他最先进方法约为2%至4%。
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Learning with limited data is a key challenge for visual recognition. Many few-shot learning methods address this challenge by learning an instance embedding function from seen classes and apply the function to instances from unseen classes with limited labels. This style of transfer learning is task-agnostic: the embedding function is not learned optimally discriminative with respect to the unseen classes, where discerning among them leads to the target task. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to adapt the instance embeddings to the target classification task with a set-to-set function, yielding embeddings that are task-specific and are discriminative. We empirically investigated various instantiations of such set-to-set functions and observed the Transformer is most effective -as it naturally satisfies key properties of our desired model. We denote this model as FEAT (few-shot embedding adaptation w/ Transformer) and validate it on both the standard few-shot classification benchmark and four extended few-shot learning settings with essential use cases, i.e., cross-domain, transductive, generalized few-shot learning, and low-shot learning. It archived consistent improvements over baseline models as well as previous methods, and established the new stateof-the-art results on two benchmarks.
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在时间序列分析中,很少有时间的时间序列分类(几乎没有射击TSC)是一个具有挑战性的问题。当同一类的时间序列在光谱域不完全一致或不同类别的时间序列在光谱域中部分一致时,很难分类。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种名为Spectral Edgagation图网络(SPGN)的新方法,以明确建模并传播不同时间序列与图网络之间的光谱关系。据我们所知,SPGN是第一个在不同间隔中使用光谱比较的人,并涉及所有时间序列的光谱传播,该频谱序列与图形网络相比,少量射击TSC。 SPGN首先使用带通滤波器在光谱域中扩展时间序列,以计算时间序列之间的光谱关系。 SPGN配备了图形网络,然后将光谱关系与标签信息集成在一起以进行光谱传播。进一步的研究传达了光谱关系获取和光谱传播之间的双向效应。我们在几乎没有TSC基准的基准上进行了广泛的实验。 SPGN优于最先进的结果,$ 4 \%\ sim 13 \%$。此外,在跨域和跨路设置下,SPGN的价格分别超过$ 12 \%$和$ 9 \%$。
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Deep Metric Learning (DML) learns a non-linear semantic embedding from input data that brings similar pairs together while keeping dissimilar data away from each other. To this end, many different methods are proposed in the last decade with promising results in various applications. The success of a DML algorithm greatly depends on its loss function. However, no loss function is perfect, and it deals only with some aspects of an optimal similarity embedding. Besides, the generalizability of the DML on unseen categories during the test stage is an important matter that is not considered by existing loss functions. To address these challenges, we propose novel approaches to combine different losses built on top of a shared deep feature extractor. The proposed ensemble of losses enforces the deep model to extract features that are consistent with all losses. Since the selected losses are diverse and each emphasizes different aspects of an optimal semantic embedding, our effective combining methods yield a considerable improvement over any individual loss and generalize well on unseen categories. Here, there is no limitation in choosing loss functions, and our methods can work with any set of existing ones. Besides, they can optimize each loss function as well as its weight in an end-to-end paradigm with no need to adjust any hyper-parameter. We evaluate our methods on some popular datasets from the machine vision domain in conventional Zero-Shot-Learning (ZSL) settings. The results are very encouraging and show that our methods outperform all baseline losses by a large margin in all datasets.
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The focus of recent meta-learning research has been on the development of learning algorithms that can quickly adapt to test time tasks with limited data and low computational cost. Few-shot learning is widely used as one of the standard benchmarks in meta-learning. In this work, we show that a simple baseline: learning a supervised or selfsupervised representation on the meta-training set, followed by training a linear classifier on top of this representation, outperforms state-of-the-art few-shot learning methods. An additional boost can be achieved through the use of selfdistillation. This demonstrates that using a good learned embedding model can be more effective than sophisticated meta-learning algorithms. We believe that our findings motivate a rethinking of few-shot image classification benchmarks and the associated role of meta-learning algorithms.
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