Recent studies have shown that CLIP has achieved remarkable success in performing zero-shot inference while its fine-tuning performance is not satisfactory. In this paper, we identify that fine-tuning performance is significantly impacted by hyper-parameter choices. We examine various key hyper-parameters and empirically evaluate their impact in fine-tuning CLIP for classification tasks through a comprehensive study. We find that the fine-tuning performance of CLIP is substantially underestimated. Equipped with hyper-parameter refinement, we demonstrate CLIP itself is better or at least competitive in fine-tuning compared with large-scale supervised pre-training approaches or latest works that use CLIP as prediction targets in Masked Image Modeling. Specifically, CLIP ViT-Base/16 and CLIP ViT-Large/14 can achieve 85.7%,88.0% finetuning Top-1 accuracy on the ImageNet-1K dataset . These observations challenge the conventional conclusion that CLIP is not suitable for fine-tuning, and motivate us to rethink recently proposed improvements based on CLIP. We will release our code publicly at \url{}.
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尽管在各种应用中取得了突出的性能,但点云识别模型经常遭受自然腐败和对抗性扰动的困扰。在本文中,我们深入研究了点云识别模型的一般鲁棒性,并提出了点云对比对抗训练(PointCat)。 PointCat的主要直觉是鼓励目标识别模型缩小清洁点云和损坏点云之间的决策差距。具体而言,我们利用有监督的对比损失来促进识别模型提取的超晶体特征的对齐和均匀性,并设计一对带有动态原型指南的集中式损失,以避免这些特征与其属于其属于其归属类别群的偏离。为了提供更具挑战性的损坏点云,我们对噪声生成器以及从头开始的识别模型进行了对手训练,而不是将基于梯度的攻击用作内部循环,例如以前的对手训练方法。全面的实验表明,在包括各种损坏的情况下,所提出的PointCat优于基线方法,并显着提高不同点云识别模型的稳健性,包括各向同性点噪声,LIDAR模拟的噪声,随机点掉落和对抗性扰动。
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我们提出了引导蒙面的自动编码器(bootmae),这是一种新的视觉BERT预训练方法。 Bootmae用两个核心设计改进了原始的蒙版自动编码器(MAE):1)动量编码器,该动量编码器可作为额外的BERT预测目标提供在线功能; 2)试图降低编码器的压力以记住目标特定信息的靶向解码器。第一个设计的动机是通过观察到的,即使用预定的MAE提取特征,因为掩盖令牌的BERT预测目标可以实现更好的预训练性能。因此,我们与原始的MAE编码器并行添加了一个动量编码器,该编码器通过将其自己的表示作为BERT预测目标来引导预处理性能。在第二个设计中,我们将特定于目标的信息(例如,未掩盖贴片的像素值)直接传达到解码器中,以减少记住目标特定信息的编码器的压力。因此,编码器专注于语义建模,这是BERT预训练的目的,并且不需要浪费其在记住与预测目标相关的未掩盖令牌的信息时的能力。通过广泛的实验,我们的Bootmae在ImageNet-1k上获得了$ 84.2 \%$ $ $ $+0.8 \%$在同一预训练时期。 Bootmae还获得了$+1.0 $ MIOU在ADE20K上的语义细分和$+1.3 $ box ap,$+1.4 $+1.4 $ bask ap改进对象检测和可可数据集上的细分。代码在上发布。
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本文探讨了贝尔视觉变压器预训练的更好的码本。最近的工作成功地转移了从NLP到视野领域的BERT预训练。它直接采用一个简单的离散VAE作为视觉销售器,但尚未考虑由此产生的视觉令牌的语义水平。相比之下,NLP字段中的离散令牌是自然的高度语义。这种差异激励我们学习一个感知码本。我们惊奇地找到了一个简单而有效的想法:在DVAE训练期间强制执行感知相似性。我们证明,所提出的感知码本生成的视觉令牌确实表现出更好的语义含义,随后有助于预训练在各种下游任务中实现卓越的转移性能。例如,我们在Imagenet-1K上实现了84.5前1个精度,vit-B骨干,优于竞争方法Beit +1.3,具有相同的训练纪元。它还可以通过+1.3框AP和+1.0掩模AP,在ADE20K上的语义细分,在ADE20K上提高对象检测和分割任务的性能,+1.0 miou,代码和型号将在\ url {https://}。
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我们介绍了移动前的Mobilenet和Transformer的平行设计,在两侧桥。该结构利用MobileNet在全局互动下在局部加工和变压器处的优点。而且桥梁可以实现本地和全局特征的双向融合。不同于近期Vision变形金机的作品,移动设备中的变压器包含很少的令牌(例如6或更少的令牌),这些代币被随机初始化以学习全球前沿,导致计算成本低。结合所提出的轻量度跨关注模型桥梁,移动前不仅是计算高效的,而且还有更多的表示力量。它在从25米到500米到500米拖鞋的低浮圈制度以25米到500米的潮流表现出MobileNetv3。例如,移动前者在294米的拖鞋处获得77.9 \%的前1个精度,获得1.3 \%的MobileNetv3,但节省了17 \%的计算。当传输到对象检测时,移动式以前从RetinAnet框架中占MobileNetv3到8.6 AP。此外,我们通过用移动设备替换DETR中的骨干,编码器和解码器来构建高效的端到端探测器,该骨干,其优于12个AP,但节省了52 \%的计算成本和36 \%的参数。
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我们介绍克斯内变压器,一种高效且有效的变压器的骨干,用于通用视觉任务。变压器设计的具有挑战性的问题是,全球自我关注来计算成本昂贵,而局部自我关注经常限制每个令牌的相互作用。为了解决这个问题,我们开发了以平行的横向和垂直条纹在水平和垂直条纹中计算自我关注的交叉形窗口自我关注机制,通过将输入特征分成相等的条纹而获得的每个条纹宽度。我们提供了条纹宽度效果的数学分析,并改变变压器网络的不同层的条纹宽度,这在限制计算成本时实现了强大的建模能力。我们还介绍了本地增强的位置编码(LEPE),比现有的编码方案更好地处理本地位置信息。 LEPE自然支持任意输入分辨率,因此对下游任务特别有效和友好。 CSWIN变压器并入其具有这些设计和分层结构,展示了普通愿景任务的竞争性能。具体来说,它在ImageNet-1K上实现了85.4 \%Top-1精度,而无需任何额外的培训数据或标签,53.9盒AP和46.4掩模AP,ADE20K语义分割任务上的52.2 Miou,超过以前的状态 - 在类似的拖鞋设置下,艺术品+1.2,+2.0,+1.4和+2.0分别为+1.2,+2.0,+1.4和+2.0。通过在较大的数据集Imagenet-21k上进行前预先预订,我们在Ave20K上实现了87.5%的成像-1K和高分性能,55.7 miou。代码和模型可在中找到。
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Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have shown satisfying performance on various graph learning tasks. To achieve better fitting capability, most GNNs are with a large number of parameters, which makes these GNNs computationally expensive. Therefore, it is difficult to deploy them onto edge devices with scarce computational resources, e.g., mobile phones and wearable smart devices. Knowledge Distillation (KD) is a common solution to compress GNNs, where a light-weighted model (i.e., the student model) is encouraged to mimic the behavior of a computationally expensive GNN (i.e., the teacher GNN model). Nevertheless, most existing GNN-based KD methods lack fairness consideration. As a consequence, the student model usually inherits and even exaggerates the bias from the teacher GNN. To handle such a problem, we take initial steps towards fair knowledge distillation for GNNs. Specifically, we first formulate a novel problem of fair knowledge distillation for GNN-based teacher-student frameworks. Then we propose a principled framework named RELIANT to mitigate the bias exhibited by the student model. Notably, the design of RELIANT is decoupled from any specific teacher and student model structures, and thus can be easily adapted to various GNN-based KD frameworks. We perform extensive experiments on multiple real-world datasets, which corroborates that RELIANT achieves less biased GNN knowledge distillation while maintaining high prediction utility.
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Despite significant progress in object categorization, in recent years, a number of important challenges remain; mainly, the ability to learn from limited labeled data and to recognize object classes within large, potentially open, set of labels. Zero-shot learning is one way of addressing these challenges, but it has only been shown to work with limited sized class vocabularies and typically requires separation between supervised and unsupervised classes, allowing former to inform the latter but not vice versa. We propose the notion of vocabulary-informed learning to alleviate the above mentioned challenges and address problems of supervised, zero-shot, generalized zero-shot and open set recognition using a unified framework. Specifically, we propose a weighted maximum margin framework for semantic manifold-based recognition that incorporates distance constraints from (both supervised and unsupervised) vocabulary atoms. Distance constraints ensure that labeled samples are projected closer to their correct prototypes, in the embedding space, than to others. We illustrate that resulting model shows improvements in supervised, zero-shot, generalized zero-shot, and large open set recognition, with up to 310K class vocabulary on Animal with Attributes and ImageNet datasets.
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Advances in computer vision and machine learning techniques have led to significant development in 2D and 3D human pose estimation from RGB cameras, LiDAR, and radars. However, human pose estimation from images is adversely affected by occlusion and lighting, which are common in many scenarios of interest. Radar and LiDAR technologies, on the other hand, need specialized hardware that is expensive and power-intensive. Furthermore, placing these sensors in non-public areas raises significant privacy concerns. To address these limitations, recent research has explored the use of WiFi antennas (1D sensors) for body segmentation and key-point body detection. This paper further expands on the use of the WiFi signal in combination with deep learning architectures, commonly used in computer vision, to estimate dense human pose correspondence. We developed a deep neural network that maps the phase and amplitude of WiFi signals to UV coordinates within 24 human regions. The results of the study reveal that our model can estimate the dense pose of multiple subjects, with comparable performance to image-based approaches, by utilizing WiFi signals as the only input. This paves the way for low-cost, broadly accessible, and privacy-preserving algorithms for human sensing.
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