尽管在各种应用中取得了突出的性能,但点云识别模型经常遭受自然腐败和对抗性扰动的困扰。在本文中,我们深入研究了点云识别模型的一般鲁棒性,并提出了点云对比对抗训练(PointCat)。 PointCat的主要直觉是鼓励目标识别模型缩小清洁点云和损坏点云之间的决策差距。具体而言,我们利用有监督的对比损失来促进识别模型提取的超晶体特征的对齐和均匀性,并设计一对带有动态原型指南的集中式损失,以避免这些特征与其属于其属于其归属类别群的偏离。为了提供更具挑战性的损坏点云,我们对噪声生成器以及从头开始的识别模型进行了对手训练,而不是将基于梯度的攻击用作内部循环,例如以前的对手训练方法。全面的实验表明,在包括各种损坏的情况下,所提出的PointCat优于基线方法,并显着提高不同点云识别模型的稳健性,包括各向同性点噪声,LIDAR模拟的噪声,随机点掉落和对抗性扰动。
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虽然近年来,在2D图像领域的攻击和防御中,许多努力已经探讨了3D模型的脆弱性。现有的3D攻击者通常在点云上执行点明智的扰动,从而导致变形的结构或异常值,这很容易被人类察觉。此外,它们的对抗示例是在白盒设置下产生的,当转移到攻击远程黑匣子型号时经常遭受低成功率。在本文中,我们通过提出一种新的难以察觉的转移攻击(ITA):1)难以察觉的3D点云攻击来自两个新的和具有挑战性的观点:1)难以察觉:沿着邻域表面的正常向量限制每个点的扰动方向,导致产生具有类似几何特性的示例,从而增强了难以察觉。 2)可转移性:我们开发了一个对抗性转变模型,以产生最有害的扭曲,并强制实施对抗性示例来抵抗它,从而提高其对未知黑匣子型号的可转移性。此外,我们建议通过学习更辨别的点云表示来培训更强大的黑盒3D模型来防御此类ITA攻击。广泛的评估表明,我们的ITA攻击比最先进的人更令人无法察觉和可转让,并验证我们的国防战略的优势。
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Deep 3D point cloud models are sensitive to adversarial attacks, which poses threats to safety-critical applications such as autonomous driving. Robust training and defend-by-denoise are typical strategies for defending adversarial perturbations, including adversarial training and statistical filtering, respectively. However, they either induce massive computational overhead or rely heavily upon specified noise priors, limiting generalized robustness against attacks of all kinds. This paper introduces a new defense mechanism based on denoising diffusion models that can adaptively remove diverse noises with a tailored intensity estimator. Specifically, we first estimate adversarial distortions by calculating the distance of the points to their neighborhood best-fit plane. Depending on the distortion degree, we choose specific diffusion time steps for the input point cloud and perform the forward diffusion to disrupt potential adversarial shifts. Then we conduct the reverse denoising process to restore the disrupted point cloud back to a clean distribution. This approach enables effective defense against adaptive attacks with varying noise budgets, achieving accentuated robustness of existing 3D deep recognition models.
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Point cloud completion, as the upstream procedure of 3D recognition and segmentation, has become an essential part of many tasks such as navigation and scene understanding. While various point cloud completion models have demonstrated their powerful capabilities, their robustness against adversarial attacks, which have been proven to be fatally malicious towards deep neural networks, remains unknown. In addition, existing attack approaches towards point cloud classifiers cannot be applied to the completion models due to different output forms and attack purposes. In order to evaluate the robustness of the completion models, we propose PointCA, the first adversarial attack against 3D point cloud completion models. PointCA can generate adversarial point clouds that maintain high similarity with the original ones, while being completed as another object with totally different semantic information. Specifically, we minimize the representation discrepancy between the adversarial example and the target point set to jointly explore the adversarial point clouds in the geometry space and the feature space. Furthermore, to launch a stealthier attack, we innovatively employ the neighbourhood density information to tailor the perturbation constraint, leading to geometry-aware and distribution-adaptive modifications for each point. Extensive experiments against different premier point cloud completion networks show that PointCA can cause a performance degradation from 77.9% to 16.7%, with the structure chamfer distance kept below 0.01. We conclude that existing completion models are severely vulnerable to adversarial examples, and state-of-the-art defenses for point cloud classification will be partially invalid when applied to incomplete and uneven point cloud data.
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Deep learning-based 3D object detectors have made significant progress in recent years and have been deployed in a wide range of applications. It is crucial to understand the robustness of detectors against adversarial attacks when employing detectors in security-critical applications. In this paper, we make the first attempt to conduct a thorough evaluation and analysis of the robustness of 3D detectors under adversarial attacks. Specifically, we first extend three kinds of adversarial attacks to the 3D object detection task to benchmark the robustness of state-of-the-art 3D object detectors against attacks on KITTI and Waymo datasets, subsequently followed by the analysis of the relationship between robustness and properties of detectors. Then, we explore the transferability of cross-model, cross-task, and cross-data attacks. We finally conduct comprehensive experiments of defense for 3D detectors, demonstrating that simple transformations like flipping are of little help in improving robustness when the strategy of transformation imposed on input point cloud data is exposed to attackers. Our findings will facilitate investigations in understanding and defending the adversarial attacks against 3D object detectors to advance this field.
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最近,3D深度学习模型已被证明易于对其2D对应物的对抗性攻击影响。大多数最先进的(SOTA)3D对抗性攻击对3D点云进行扰动。为了在物理场景中再现这些攻击,需要重建生成的对抗3D点云以网状,这导致其对抗效果显着下降。在本文中,我们提出了一个名为Mesh攻击的强烈的3D对抗性攻击,通过直接对3D对象的网格进行扰动来解决这个问题。为了利用最有效的基于梯度的攻击,介绍了一种可差异化的样本模块,其反向传播点云梯度以网格传播。为了进一步确保没有异常值和3D可打印的对抗性网状示例,采用了三种网格损耗。广泛的实验表明,所提出的方案优于SOTA 3D攻击,通过显着的保证金。我们还在各种防御下实现了SOTA表现。我们的代码可用于:https://github.com/cuge1995/mesh-attack。
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基于深度神经网络(DNN)的智能信息(IOT)系统已被广泛部署在现实世界中。然而,发现DNNS易受对抗性示例的影响,这提高了人们对智能物联网系统的可靠性和安全性的担忧。测试和评估IOT系统的稳健性成为必要和必要。最近已经提出了各种攻击和策略,但效率问题仍未纠正。现有方法是计算地广泛或耗时,这在实践中不适用。在本文中,我们提出了一种称为攻击启发GaN(AI-GaN)的新框架,在有条件地产生对抗性实例。曾经接受过培训,可以有效地给予对抗扰动的输入图像和目标类。我们在白盒设置的不同数据集中应用AI-GaN,黑匣子设置和由最先进的防御保护的目标模型。通过广泛的实验,AI-GaN实现了高攻击成功率,优于现有方法,并显着降低了生成时间。此外,首次,AI-GaN成功地缩放到复杂的数据集。 Cifar-100和Imagenet,所有课程中的成功率约为90美元。
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In the scenario of black-box adversarial attack, the target model's parameters are unknown, and the attacker aims to find a successful adversarial perturbation based on query feedback under a query budget. Due to the limited feedback information, existing query-based black-box attack methods often require many queries for attacking each benign example. To reduce query cost, we propose to utilize the feedback information across historical attacks, dubbed example-level adversarial transferability. Specifically, by treating the attack on each benign example as one task, we develop a meta-learning framework by training a meta-generator to produce perturbations conditioned on benign examples. When attacking a new benign example, the meta generator can be quickly fine-tuned based on the feedback information of the new task as well as a few historical attacks to produce effective perturbations. Moreover, since the meta-train procedure consumes many queries to learn a generalizable generator, we utilize model-level adversarial transferability to train the meta-generator on a white-box surrogate model, then transfer it to help the attack against the target model. The proposed framework with the two types of adversarial transferability can be naturally combined with any off-the-shelf query-based attack methods to boost their performance, which is verified by extensive experiments.
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Designing powerful adversarial attacks is of paramount importance for the evaluation of $\ell_p$-bounded adversarial defenses. Projected Gradient Descent (PGD) is one of the most effective and conceptually simple algorithms to generate such adversaries. The search space of PGD is dictated by the steepest ascent directions of an objective. Despite the plethora of objective function choices, there is no universally superior option and robustness overestimation may arise from ill-suited objective selection. Driven by this observation, we postulate that the combination of different objectives through a simple loss alternating scheme renders PGD more robust towards design choices. We experimentally verify this assertion on a synthetic-data example and by evaluating our proposed method across 25 different $\ell_{\infty}$-robust models and 3 datasets. The performance improvement is consistent, when compared to the single loss counterparts. In the CIFAR-10 dataset, our strongest adversarial attack outperforms all of the white-box components of AutoAttack (AA) ensemble, as well as the most powerful attacks existing on the literature, achieving state-of-the-art results in the computational budget of our study ($T=100$, no restarts).
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Deep Neural Networks are vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Among many defense strategies, adversarial training with untargeted attacks is one of the most effective methods. Theoretically, adversarial perturbation in untargeted attacks can be added along arbitrary directions and the predicted labels of untargeted attacks should be unpredictable. However, we find that the naturally imbalanced inter-class semantic similarity makes those hard-class pairs become virtual targets of each other. This study investigates the impact of such closely-coupled classes on adversarial attacks and develops a self-paced reweighting strategy in adversarial training accordingly. Specifically, we propose to upweight hard-class pair losses in model optimization, which prompts learning discriminative features from hard classes. We further incorporate a term to quantify hard-class pair consistency in adversarial training, which greatly boosts model robustness. Extensive experiments show that the proposed adversarial training method achieves superior robustness performance over state-of-the-art defenses against a wide range of adversarial attacks.
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利用3D点云数据已经成为在面部识别和自动驾驶等许多领域部署人工智能的迫切需要。然而,3D点云的深度学习仍然容易受到对抗的攻击,例如迭代攻击,点转换攻击和生成攻击。这些攻击需要在严格的界限内限制对抗性示例的扰动,导致不切实际的逆势3D点云。在本文中,我们提出了对普遍的图形 - 卷积生成的对抗网络(ADVGCGAN)从头开始产生视觉上现实的对抗3D点云。具体地,我们使用图形卷积发电机和带有辅助分类器的鉴别器来生成现实点云,从真实3D数据学习潜在分布。不受限制的对抗性攻击损失纳入GaN的特殊逆势训练中,使得发电机能够产生对抗实例来欺骗目标网络。与现有的最先进的攻击方法相比,实验结果表明了我们不受限制的对抗性攻击方法的有效性,具有更高的攻击成功率和视觉质量。此外,拟议的Advgcan可以实现更好的防御模型和比具有强烈伪装的现有攻击方法更好的转移性能。
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随着各种3D安全关键应用的关注,点云学习模型已被证明容易受到对抗性攻击的影响。尽管现有的3D攻击方法达到了很高的成功率,但它们会以明显的扰动来深入研究数据空间,这可能会忽略几何特征。取而代之的是,我们从新的角度提出了点云攻击 - 图谱域攻击,旨在在光谱域中扰动图形转换系数,该系数对应于改变某些几何结构。具体而言,利用图形信号处理,我们首先通过图形傅立叶变换(GFT)自适应地将点的坐标转换为光谱域,以进行紧凑的表示。然后,我们基于我们建议通过可学习的图形光谱滤波器扰动GFT系数的几何结构的影响。考虑到低频组件主要有助于3D对象的粗糙形状,我们进一步引入了低频约束,以限制不察觉到的高频组件中的扰动。最后,通过将扰动的光谱表示形式转换回数据域,从而生成对抗点云。实验结果证明了拟议攻击的有效性,这些攻击既有易经性和攻击成功率。
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Video classification systems are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, which can create severe security problems in video verification. Current black-box attacks need a large number of queries to succeed, resulting in high computational overhead in the process of attack. On the other hand, attacks with restricted perturbations are ineffective against defenses such as denoising or adversarial training. In this paper, we focus on unrestricted perturbations and propose StyleFool, a black-box video adversarial attack via style transfer to fool the video classification system. StyleFool first utilizes color theme proximity to select the best style image, which helps avoid unnatural details in the stylized videos. Meanwhile, the target class confidence is additionally considered in targeted attacks to influence the output distribution of the classifier by moving the stylized video closer to or even across the decision boundary. A gradient-free method is then employed to further optimize the adversarial perturbations. We carry out extensive experiments to evaluate StyleFool on two standard datasets, UCF-101 and HMDB-51. The experimental results demonstrate that StyleFool outperforms the state-of-the-art adversarial attacks in terms of both the number of queries and the robustness against existing defenses. Moreover, 50% of the stylized videos in untargeted attacks do not need any query since they can already fool the video classification model. Furthermore, we evaluate the indistinguishability through a user study to show that the adversarial samples of StyleFool look imperceptible to human eyes, despite unrestricted perturbations.
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Deep neural networks have empowered accurate device-free human activity recognition, which has wide applications. Deep models can extract robust features from various sensors and generalize well even in challenging situations such as data-insufficient cases. However, these systems could be vulnerable to input perturbations, i.e. adversarial attacks. We empirically demonstrate that both black-box Gaussian attacks and modern adversarial white-box attacks can render their accuracies to plummet. In this paper, we firstly point out that such phenomenon can bring severe safety hazards to device-free sensing systems, and then propose a novel learning framework, SecureSense, to defend common attacks. SecureSense aims to achieve consistent predictions regardless of whether there exists an attack on its input or not, alleviating the negative effect of distribution perturbation caused by adversarial attacks. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed method can significantly enhance the model robustness of existing deep models, overcoming possible attacks. The results validate that our method works well on wireless human activity recognition and person identification systems. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to investigate adversarial attacks and further develop a novel defense framework for wireless human activity recognition in mobile computing research.
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Deep hashing has been extensively utilized in massive image retrieval because of its efficiency and effectiveness. However, deep hashing models are vulnerable to adversarial examples, making it essential to develop adversarial defense methods for image retrieval. Existing solutions achieved limited defense performance because of using weak adversarial samples for training and lacking discriminative optimization objectives to learn robust features. In this paper, we present a min-max based Center-guided Adversarial Training, namely CgAT, to improve the robustness of deep hashing networks through worst adversarial examples. Specifically, we first formulate the center code as a semantically-discriminative representative of the input image content, which preserves the semantic similarity with positive samples and dissimilarity with negative examples. We prove that a mathematical formula can calculate the center code immediately. After obtaining the center codes in each optimization iteration of the deep hashing network, they are adopted to guide the adversarial training process. On the one hand, CgAT generates the worst adversarial examples as augmented data by maximizing the Hamming distance between the hash codes of the adversarial examples and the center codes. On the other hand, CgAT learns to mitigate the effects of adversarial samples by minimizing the Hamming distance to the center codes. Extensive experiments on the benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our adversarial training algorithm in defending against adversarial attacks for deep hashing-based retrieval. Compared with the current state-of-the-art defense method, we significantly improve the defense performance by an average of 18.61%, 12.35%, and 11.56% on FLICKR-25K, NUS-WIDE, and MS-COCO, respectively.
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人群计数已被广泛用于估计安全至关重要的场景中的人数,被证明很容易受到物理世界中对抗性例子的影响(例如,对抗性斑块)。尽管有害,但对抗性例子也很有价值,对于评估和更好地理解模型的鲁棒性也很有价值。但是,现有的对抗人群计算的对抗性示例生成方法在不同的黑盒模型之间缺乏强大的可传递性,这限制了它们对现实世界系统的实用性。本文提出了与模型不变特征正相关的事实,本文提出了感知的对抗贴片(PAP)生成框架,以使用模型共享的感知功能来定制对对抗性的扰动。具体来说,我们将一种自适应人群密度加权方法手工制作,以捕获各种模型中不变的量表感知特征,并利用密度引导的注意力来捕获模型共享的位置感知。证明它们都可以提高我们对抗斑块的攻击性转移性。广泛的实验表明,我们的PAP可以在数字世界和物理世界中实现最先进的进攻性能,并且以大幅度的优于以前的提案(最多+685.7 MAE和+699.5 MSE)。此外,我们从经验上证明,对我们的PAP进行的对抗训练可以使香草模型的性能受益,以减轻人群计数的几个实际挑战,包括跨数据集的概括(高达-376.0 MAE和-376.0 MAE和-354.9 MSE)和对复杂背景的鲁棒性(上升)至-10.3 MAE和-16.4 MSE)。
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