我们报告了以前未被发现的多项式加强学习(MARL),名为“责任扩散”(DR)。博士导致谈判可靠的责任划分以完成复杂的合作任务。它反映了现有算法如何处理基于价值和基于策略的MARL方法的多种探索难题的缺陷。该DR问题与社会心理学领域(也称为旁观者效应)中具有相同名称的现象具有相似之处。在这项工作中,我们从理论上分析了DR问题的原因开始,我们强调DR问题与奖励成型或信用分配问题无关。为了解决DR问题,我们提出了一种政策共振方法,以改变多种勘探探索策略并促进MARL算法在困难的MARL任务中的性能。大多数现有的MARL算法可以配备此方法,以解决由DR问题引起的性能降解。实验是在多个测试基准任务中进行的,包括FME,诊断性多种环境和竞争性的多基因游戏ADCA。最后,我们在SOTA MARL算法上实施了策略共振方法,以说明这种方法的有效性。
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如今,配备了AI系统的摄像机可以捕获和分析图像以自动检测人员。但是,当在现实世界(即物理对抗示例)中收到故意设计的模式时,AI系统可能会犯错误。先前的作品表明,可以在衣服上打印对抗斑块,以逃避基于DNN的人探测器。但是,当视角(即相机与物体的角度)变化时,这些对抗性示例可能会在攻击成功率中造成灾难性下降。要执行多角度攻击,我们提出了对抗纹理(Advexture)。 advtexture可以用任意形状覆盖衣服,以便穿着这样的衣服的人可以从不同的视角躲避人探测器。我们提出了一种生成方法,称为基于环形作用的可扩展生成攻击(TC-EGA),以用重复的结构来制作advexture。我们用advexure印刷了几块布,然后在物理世界中制作了T恤,裙子和连衣裙。实验表明,这些衣服可以欺骗物理世界中的人探测器。
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Audio-visual approaches involving visual inputs have laid the foundation for recent progress in speech separation. However, the optimization of the concurrent usage of auditory and visual inputs is still an active research area. Inspired by the cortico-thalamo-cortical circuit, in which the sensory processing mechanisms of different modalities modulate one another via the non-lemniscal sensory thalamus, we propose a novel cortico-thalamo-cortical neural network (CTCNet) for audio-visual speech separation (AVSS). First, the CTCNet learns hierarchical auditory and visual representations in a bottom-up manner in separate auditory and visual subnetworks, mimicking the functions of the auditory and visual cortical areas. Then, inspired by the large number of connections between cortical regions and the thalamus, the model fuses the auditory and visual information in a thalamic subnetwork through top-down connections. Finally, the model transmits this fused information back to the auditory and visual subnetworks, and the above process is repeated several times. The results of experiments on three speech separation benchmark datasets show that CTCNet remarkably outperforms existing AVSS methods with considerablely fewer parameters. These results suggest that mimicking the anatomical connectome of the mammalian brain has great potential for advancing the development of deep neural networks. Project repo is https://github.com/JusperLee/CTCNet.
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This is a brief technical report of our proposed method for Multiple-Object Tracking (MOT) Challenge in Complex Environments. In this paper, we treat the MOT task as a two-stage task including human detection and trajectory matching. Specifically, we designed an improved human detector and associated most of detection to guarantee the integrity of the motion trajectory. We also propose a location-wise matching matrix to obtain more accurate trace matching. Without any model merging, our method achieves 66.672 HOTA and 93.971 MOTA on the DanceTrack challenge dataset.
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Adversarial attacks can easily fool object recognition systems based on deep neural networks (DNNs). Although many defense methods have been proposed in recent years, most of them can still be adaptively evaded. One reason for the weak adversarial robustness may be that DNNs are only supervised by category labels and do not have part-based inductive bias like the recognition process of humans. Inspired by a well-known theory in cognitive psychology -- recognition-by-components, we propose a novel object recognition model ROCK (Recognizing Object by Components with human prior Knowledge). It first segments parts of objects from images, then scores part segmentation results with predefined human prior knowledge, and finally outputs prediction based on the scores. The first stage of ROCK corresponds to the process of decomposing objects into parts in human vision. The second stage corresponds to the decision process of the human brain. ROCK shows better robustness than classical recognition models across various attack settings. These results encourage researchers to rethink the rationality of currently widely-used DNN-based object recognition models and explore the potential of part-based models, once important but recently ignored, for improving robustness.
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It is well believed that the higher uncertainty in a word of the caption, the more inter-correlated context information is required to determine it. However, current image captioning methods usually consider the generation of all words in a sentence sequentially and equally. In this paper, we propose an uncertainty-aware image captioning framework, which parallelly and iteratively operates insertion of discontinuous candidate words between existing words from easy to difficult until converged. We hypothesize that high-uncertainty words in a sentence need more prior information to make a correct decision and should be produced at a later stage. The resulting non-autoregressive hierarchy makes the caption generation explainable and intuitive. Specifically, we utilize an image-conditioned bag-of-word model to measure the word uncertainty and apply a dynamic programming algorithm to construct the training pairs. During inference, we devise an uncertainty-adaptive parallel beam search technique that yields an empirically logarithmic time complexity. Extensive experiments on the MS COCO benchmark reveal that our approach outperforms the strong baseline and related methods on both captioning quality as well as decoding speed.
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Recently, unsupervised learning has made impressive progress on various tasks. Despite the dominance of discriminative models, increasing attention is drawn to representations learned by generative models and in particular, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). Previous works on the interpretation of GANs reveal that GANs encode semantics in feature maps in a linearly separable form. In this work, we further find that GAN's features can be well clustered with the linear separability assumption. We propose a novel clustering algorithm, named KLiSH, which leverages the linear separability to cluster GAN's features. KLiSH succeeds in extracting fine-grained semantics of GANs trained on datasets of various objects, e.g., car, portrait, animals, and so on. With KLiSH, we can sample images from GANs along with their segmentation masks and synthesize paired image-segmentation datasets. Using the synthesized datasets, we enable two downstream applications. First, we train semantic segmentation networks on these datasets and test them on real images, realizing unsupervised semantic segmentation. Second, we train image-to-image translation networks on the synthesized datasets, enabling semantic-conditional image synthesis without human annotations.
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For saving cost, many deep neural networks (DNNs) are trained on third-party datasets downloaded from internet, which enables attacker to implant backdoor into DNNs. In 2D domain, inherent structures of different image formats are similar. Hence, backdoor attack designed for one image format will suite for others. However, when it comes to 3D world, there is a huge disparity among different 3D data structures. As a result, backdoor pattern designed for one certain 3D data structure will be disable for other data structures of the same 3D scene. Therefore, this paper designs a uniform backdoor pattern: NRBdoor (Noisy Rotation Backdoor) which is able to adapt for heterogeneous 3D data structures. Specifically, we start from the unit rotation and then search for the optimal pattern by noise generation and selection process. The proposed NRBdoor is natural and imperceptible, since rotation is a common operation which usually contains noise due to both the miss match between a pair of points and the sensor calibration error for real-world 3D scene. Extensive experiments on 3D mesh and point cloud show that the proposed NRBdoor achieves state-of-the-art performance, with negligible shape variation.
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Although substantial efforts have been made using graph neural networks (GNNs) for AI-driven drug discovery (AIDD), effective molecular representation learning remains an open challenge, especially in the case of insufficient labeled molecules. Recent studies suggest that big GNN models pre-trained by self-supervised learning on unlabeled datasets enable better transfer performance in downstream molecular property prediction tasks. However, they often require large-scale datasets and considerable computational resources, which is time-consuming, computationally expensive, and environmentally unfriendly. To alleviate these limitations, we propose a novel pre-training model for molecular representation learning, Bi-branch Masked Graph Transformer Autoencoder (BatmanNet). BatmanNet features two tailored and complementary graph autoencoders to reconstruct the missing nodes and edges from a masked molecular graph. To our surprise, BatmanNet discovered that the highly masked proportion (60%) of the atoms and bonds achieved the best performance. We further propose an asymmetric graph-based encoder-decoder architecture for either nodes and edges, where a transformer-based encoder only takes the visible subset of nodes or edges, and a lightweight decoder reconstructs the original molecule from the latent representation and mask tokens. With this simple yet effective asymmetrical design, our BatmanNet can learn efficiently even from a much smaller-scale unlabeled molecular dataset to capture the underlying structural and semantic information, overcoming a major limitation of current deep neural networks for molecular representation learning. For instance, using only 250K unlabelled molecules as pre-training data, our BatmanNet with 2.575M parameters achieves a 0.5% improvement on the average AUC compared with the current state-of-the-art method with 100M parameters pre-trained on 11M molecules.
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We explore the capability of plain Vision Transformers (ViTs) for semantic segmentation and propose the SegVit. Previous ViT-based segmentation networks usually learn a pixel-level representation from the output of the ViT. Differently, we make use of the fundamental component -- attention mechanism, to generate masks for semantic segmentation. Specifically, we propose the Attention-to-Mask (ATM) module, in which the similarity maps between a set of learnable class tokens and the spatial feature maps are transferred to the segmentation masks. Experiments show that our proposed SegVit using the ATM module outperforms its counterparts using the plain ViT backbone on the ADE20K dataset and achieves new state-of-the-art performance on COCO-Stuff-10K and PASCAL-Context datasets. Furthermore, to reduce the computational cost of the ViT backbone, we propose query-based down-sampling (QD) and query-based up-sampling (QU) to build a Shrunk structure. With the proposed Shrunk structure, the model can save up to $40\%$ computations while maintaining competitive performance.
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