This is a brief technical report of our proposed method for Multiple-Object Tracking (MOT) Challenge in Complex Environments. In this paper, we treat the MOT task as a two-stage task including human detection and trajectory matching. Specifically, we designed an improved human detector and associated most of detection to guarantee the integrity of the motion trajectory. We also propose a location-wise matching matrix to obtain more accurate trace matching. Without any model merging, our method achieves 66.672 HOTA and 93.971 MOTA on the DanceTrack challenge dataset.
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多对象跟踪(MOT)的目标是检测和跟踪场景中的所有对象,同时为每个对象保留唯一的标识符。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的可靠的最新跟踪器,该跟踪器可以结合运动和外观信息的优势,以及摄像机运动补偿以及更准确的Kalman滤波器状态矢量。我们的新跟踪器在Mot17和Mot20测试集的Motchallenge [29,11]的数据集[29,11]中,Bot-Sort-Reid排名第一,就所有主要MOT指标而言:MOTA,IDF1和HOTA。对于Mot17:80.5 Mota,80.2 IDF1和65.0 HOTA。源代码和预培训模型可在上找到
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多目标跟踪(MOT)的典型管道是使用探测器进行对象本地化,并在重新识别(RE-ID)之后进行对象关联。该管道通过对象检测和重新ID的最近进展部分而部分地激励,并且部分地通过现有的跟踪数据集中的偏差激励,其中大多数物体倾向于具有区分外观和RE-ID模型足以建立关联。为了响应这种偏见,我们希望重新强调多目标跟踪的方法也应该在对象外观不充分辨别时起作用。为此,我们提出了一个大型数据集,用于多人跟踪,人类具有相似的外观,多样化的运动和极端关节。由于数据集包含主要组跳舞视频,我们将其命名为“DanceTrack”。我们预计DanceTrack可以提供更好的平台,以开发更多的MOT算法,这些算法依赖于视觉识别并更依赖于运动分析。在我们的数据集上,我们在数据集上基准测试了几个最先进的追踪器,并在与现有基准测试中遵守DanceTrack的显着性能下降。 DataSet,项目代码和竞争服务器播放:\ url {}。
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We propose a Cascaded Buffered IoU (C-BIoU) tracker to track multiple objects that have irregular motions and indistinguishable appearances. When appearance features are unreliable and geometric features are confused by irregular motions, applying conventional Multiple Object Tracking (MOT) methods may generate unsatisfactory results. To address this issue, our C-BIoU tracker adds buffers to expand the matching space of detections and tracks, which mitigates the effect of irregular motions in two aspects: one is to directly match identical but non-overlapping detections and tracks in adjacent frames, and the other is to compensate for the motion estimation bias in the matching space. In addition, to reduce the risk of overexpansion of the matching space, cascaded matching is employed: first matching alive tracks and detections with a small buffer, and then matching unmatched tracks and detections with a large buffer. Despite its simplicity, our C-BIoU tracker works surprisingly well and achieves state-of-the-art results on MOT datasets that focus on irregular motions and indistinguishable appearances. Moreover, the C-BIoU tracker is the dominant component for our 2-nd place solution in the CVPR'22 SoccerNet MOT and ECCV'22 MOTComplex DanceTrack challenges. Finally, we analyze the limitation of our C-BIoU tracker in ablation studies and discuss its application scope.
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Existing Multiple Object Tracking (MOT) methods design complex architectures for better tracking performance. However, without a proper organization of input information, they still fail to perform tracking robustly and suffer from frequent identity switches. In this paper, we propose two novel methods together with a simple online Message Passing Network (MPN) to address these limitations. First, we explore different integration methods for the graph node and edge embeddings and put forward a new IoU (Intersection over Union) guided function, which improves long term tracking and handles identity switches. Second, we introduce a hierarchical sampling strategy to construct sparser graphs which allows to focus the training on more difficult samples. Experimental results demonstrate that a simple online MPN with these two contributions can perform better than many state-of-the-art methods. In addition, our association method generalizes well and can also improve the results of private detection based methods.
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This paper explores a pragmatic approach to multiple object tracking where the main focus is to associate objects efficiently for online and realtime applications. To this end, detection quality is identified as a key factor influencing tracking performance, where changing the detector can improve tracking by up to 18.9%. Despite only using a rudimentary combination of familiar techniques such as the Kalman Filter and Hungarian algorithm for the tracking components, this approach achieves an accuracy comparable to state-of-the-art online trackers. Furthermore, due to the simplicity of our tracking method, the tracker updates at a rate of 260 Hz which is over 20x faster than other state-of-the-art trackers.
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我们的目标是使用多个摄像机和计算机愿望来检测和识别多个对象,以及用于灾难响应无人机的计算机视觉。主要挑战是驯服检测错误,解决ID切换和碎片,适应多尺度特征和具有全局摄像机运动的多种视图。提出了两种简单的方法来解决这些问题。一个是一个快速的多摄像机系统,该系统添加了katchlet关联,另一个是结合高性能检测器和跟踪器来解决限制。 (...)与验证数据集中的基线(85.44%)相比,我们的第一种方法(85.71%)的准确性略有改善。在基于L2-NOR误差计算的最终结果中,基线为48.1,而拟议的模型组合为34.9,其误差减少为27.4%。在第二种方法中,虽然Deepsort仅通过硬件和时间限制来处理四分之一的帧,但我们的模型与Deepsort(42.9%)以召回的召回方式优于Fairmot(71.4%)。我们的两种模型分别在2020年和2021年的韩国科学和ICT组织的“AI Grand Challenge”中排名第二和第三位。源代码在这些URL上公开可用(,,,。
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3D多对象跟踪(MOT)确保在连续动态检测过程中保持一致性,有利于自动驾驶中随后的运动计划和导航任务。但是,基于摄像头的方法在闭塞情况下受到影响,准确跟踪基于激光雷达的方法的对象的不规则运动可能是具有挑战性的。某些融合方法效果很好,但不认为在遮挡下出现外观特征的不可信问题。同时,错误检测问题也显着影响跟踪。因此,我们根据组合的外观运动优化(Camo-Mot)提出了一种新颖的相机融合3D MOT框架,该框架使用相机和激光镜数据,并大大减少了由遮挡和错误检测引起的跟踪故障。对于遮挡问题,我们是第一个提出遮挡头来有效地选择最佳对象外观的人,从而减少了闭塞的影响。为了减少错误检测在跟踪中的影响,我们根据置信得分设计一个运动成本矩阵,从而提高了3D空间中的定位和对象预测准确性。由于现有的多目标跟踪方法仅考虑一个类别,因此我们还建议建立多类损失,以在多类别场景中实现多目标跟踪。在Kitti和Nuscenes跟踪基准测试上进行了一系列验证实验。我们提出的方法在KITTI测试数据集上的所有多模式MOT方法中实现了最先进的性能和最低的身份开关(IDS)值(CAR为23,行人为137)。并且我们提出的方法在Nuscenes测试数据集上以75.3%的AMOTA进行了所有算法中的最新性能。
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由于3D对象检测和2D MOT的快速发展,3D多对象跟踪(MOT)已取得了巨大的成就。最近的高级工作通常采用一系列对象属性,例如位置,大小,速度和外观,以提供3D MOT的关联线索。但是,由于某些视觉噪音,例如遮挡和模糊,这些提示可能无法可靠,从而导致跟踪性能瓶颈。为了揭示困境,我们进行了广泛的经验分析,以揭示每个线索的关键瓶颈及其彼此之间的相关性。分析结果激发了我们有效地吸收所有线索之间的优点,并适应性地产生最佳的应对方式。具体而言,我们提出位置和速度质量学习,该学习有效地指导网络估计预测对象属性的质量。基于这些质量估计,我们提出了一种质量意识的对象关联(QOA)策略,以利用质量得分作为实现强大关联的重要参考因素。尽管具有简单性,但广泛的实验表明,提出的策略可显着提高2.2%的AMOTA跟踪性能,而我们的方法的表现优于所有现有的最先进的Nuscenes上的最新作品。此外,Qtrack在Nuscenes验证和测试集上实现了48.0%和51.1%的AMOTA跟踪性能,这大大降低了纯摄像头和基于LIDAR的跟踪器之间的性能差距。
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本文旨在解决多个对象跟踪(MOT),这是计算机视觉中的一个重要问题,但由于许多实际问题,尤其是阻塞,因此仍然具有挑战性。确实,我们提出了一种新的实时深度透视图 - 了解多个对象跟踪(DP-MOT)方法,以解决MOT中的闭塞问题。首先提出了一个简单但有效的主题深度估计(SODE),以在2D场景中自动以无监督的方式自动订购检测到的受试者的深度位置。使用SODE的输出,提出了一个新的活动伪3D KALMAN滤波器,即具有动态控制变量的Kalman滤波器的简单但有效的扩展,以动态更新对象的运动。此外,在数据关联步骤中提出了一种新的高阶关联方法,以合并检测到的对象之间的一阶和二阶关系。与标准MOT基准的最新MOT方法相比,提出的方法始终达到最先进的性能。
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This is our 2nd-place solution for the ECCV 2022 Multiple People Tracking in Group Dance Challenge. Our method mainly includes two steps: online short-term tracking using our Cascaded Buffer-IoU (C-BIoU) Tracker, and, offline long-term tracking using appearance feature and hierarchical clustering. Our C-BIoU tracker adds buffers to expand the matching space of detections and tracks, which mitigates the effect of irregular motions in two aspects: one is to directly match identical but non-overlapping detections and tracks in adjacent frames, and the other is to compensate for the motion estimation bias in the matching space. In addition, to reduce the risk of overexpansion of the matching space, cascaded matching is employed: first matching alive tracks and detections with a small buffer, and then matching unmatched tracks and detections with a large buffer. After using our C-BIoU for online tracking, we applied the offline refinement introduced by ReMOTS.
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在体育视频中跟踪多个运动员是一项非常具有挑战性的多对象跟踪(MOT)任务,因为运动员通常具有相同的外观并且彼此密切相同,因此使常见的遮挡问题成为一个令人讨厌的重复检测。在本文中,重复检测是新的,精确地定义为闭塞,通过一帧在多个检测箱上在同一运动员上误会。为了解决这个问题,我们精心设计了一种基于变压器的新型副本检测器(d $^3 $),用于培训,以及一种特定的算法拉力赛 - 亨加利亚(RH)进行匹配。一旦发生重复检测,D $^3 $立即通过生成增强框损耗来修改过程。由团队运动替代规则触发的RH极为适合体育视频。此外,为了补充没有拍摄更改的跟踪数据集,我们根据名为RallyTrack的体育视频发布了一个新数据集。在RallyTrack上进行了广泛的实验表明,将D $^3 $和RH结合起来,可以通过MOTA中的9.2和4.5在Hota中大幅提高跟踪性能。同时,关于Mot系列和Dancetrack的实验发现,D $^3 $可以在训练过程中加速融合,尤其是在MOT17上节省多达80%的原始培训时间。最后,我们的模型只能通过排球视频进行培训,可以直接应用于MAT的篮球和足球视频,该视频显示了我们方法的优先级。我们的数据集可从获得。
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This study proposes an improved end-to-end multi-target tracking algorithm that adapts to multi-view multi-scale scenes based on the self-attentive mechanism of the transformer's encoder-decoder structure. A multi-dimensional feature extraction backbone network is combined with a self-built semantic raster map, which is stored in the encoder for correlation and generates target position encoding and multi-dimensional feature vectors. The decoder incorporates four methods: spatial clustering and semantic filtering of multi-view targets, dynamic matching of multi-dimensional features, space-time logic-based multi-target tracking, and space-time convergence network (STCN)-based parameter passing. Through the fusion of multiple decoding methods, muti-camera targets are tracked in three dimensions: temporal logic, spatial logic, and feature matching. For the MOT17 dataset, this study's method significantly outperforms the current state-of-the-art method MiniTrackV2 [49] by 2.2% to 0.836 on Multiple Object Tracking Accuracy(MOTA) metric. Furthermore, this study proposes a retrospective mechanism for the first time, and adopts a reverse-order processing method to optimise the historical mislabeled targets for improving the Identification F1-score(IDF1). For the self-built dataset OVIT-MOT01, the IDF1 improves from 0.948 to 0.967, and the Multi-camera Tracking Accuracy(MCTA) improves from 0.878 to 0.909, which significantly improves the continuous tracking accuracy and scene adaptation. This research method introduces a new attentional tracking paradigm which is able to achieve state-of-the-art performance on multi-target tracking (MOT17 and OVIT-MOT01) tasks.
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