作为标准本地模型和中央模型之间的中间信任模型,差异隐私的洗牌模型已引起了人们的极大兴趣[EFMRTT19;CSUZZ19]。该模型的关键结果是,随机洗牌本地随机数据放大了差异隐私保证。这种放大意味着对数据匿名贡献的系统提供了更大的隐私保证[BEMMRLRKTS17]。在这项工作中,我们通过在理论和数字上逐渐改造结果来改善最新隐私放大的状态。我们的第一个贡献是对LDP Randomizers洗牌输出的R \'enyi差异隐私参数的首次渐近最佳分析。我们的第二个贡献是通过改组对隐私放大的新分析。该分析改进了[FMT20]的技术,并导致所有参数设置中的数值范围更紧密。
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我们考虑一个顺序设置,其中使用单个数据集用于执行自适应选择的分析,同时确保每个参与者的差别隐私丢失不超过预先指定的隐私预算。此问题的标准方法依赖于限制所有个人对所有个人的隐私损失的最坏情况估计,以及每个单一分析的所有可能的数据值。然而,在许多情况下,这种方法过于保守,特别是对于“典型”数据点,通过参与大部分分析产生很少的隐私损失。在这项工作中,我们基于每个分析中每个人的个性化隐私损失估计的价值,给出了更严格的隐私损失会计的方法。实现我们设计R \'enyi差异隐私的过滤器。过滤器是一种工具,可确保具有自适应选择的隐私参数的组合算法序列的隐私参数不超过预先预算。我们的过滤器比以往的$(\ epsilon,\ delta)$ - rogers等人的差别隐私更简单且更紧密。我们将结果应用于对嘈杂渐变下降的分析,并显示个性化会计可以实用,易于实施,并且只能使隐私式权衡更紧密。
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State-of-the-art results on image recognition tasks are achieved using over-parameterized learning algorithms that (nearly) perfectly fit the training set and are known to fit well even random labels. This tendency to memorize the labels of the training data is not explained by existing theoretical analyses. Memorization of the training data also presents significant privacy risks when the training data contains sensitive personal information and thus it is important to understand whether such memorization is necessary for accurate learning.We provide the first conceptual explanation and a theoretical model for this phenomenon. Specifically, we demonstrate that for natural data distributions memorization of labels is necessary for achieving closeto-optimal generalization error. Crucially, even labels of outliers and noisy labels need to be memorized. The model is motivated and supported by the results of several recent empirical works. In our model, data is sampled from a mixture of subpopulations and our results show that memorization is necessary whenever the distribution of subpopulation frequencies is long-tailed. Image and text data is known to be long-tailed and therefore our results establish a formal link between these empirical phenomena. Our results allow to quantify the cost of limiting memorization in learning and explain the disparate effects that privacy and model compression have on different subgroups.
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In this paper, we formulate the problem of predicting a geolocation from free text as a sequence-to-sequence problem. Using this formulation, we obtain a geocoding model by training a T5 encoder-decoder transformer model using free text as an input and geolocation as an output. The geocoding model was trained on geo-tagged wikidump data with adaptive cell partitioning for the geolocation representation. All of the code including Rest-based application, dataset and model checkpoints used in this work are publicly available.
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The Covid-19 pandemic induced a vast increase in adolescents diagnosed with eating disorders and hospitalized due to eating disorders. This immense growth stemmed partially from the stress of the pandemic but also from increased exposure to content that promotes eating disorders via social media, which, within the last decade, has become plagued by pro-eating disorder content. This study aimed to create a deep learning model capable of determining whether a given social media post promotes eating disorders based solely on image data. Tweets from hashtags that have been documented to promote eating disorders along with tweets from unrelated hashtags were collected. After prepossessing, these images were labeled as either pro-eating disorder or not based on which Twitter hashtag they were scraped from. Several deep-learning models were trained on the scraped dataset and were evaluated based on their accuracy, F1 score, precision, and recall. Ultimately, the vision transformer model was determined to be the most accurate, attaining an F1 score of 0.877 and an accuracy of 86.7% on the test set. The model, which was applied to unlabeled Twitter image data scraped from "#selfie", uncovered seasonal fluctuations in the relative abundance of pro-eating disorder content, which reached its peak in the summertime. These fluctuations correspond not only to the seasons, but also to stressors, such as the Covid-19 pandemic. Moreover, the Twitter image data indicated that the relative amount of pro-eating disorder content has been steadily rising over the last five years and is likely to continue increasing in the future.
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This paper presents The Shared Task on Euphemism Detection for the Third Workshop on Figurative Language Processing (FigLang 2022) held in conjunction with EMNLP 2022. Participants were invited to investigate the euphemism detection task: given input text, identify whether it contains a euphemism. The input data is a corpus of sentences containing potentially euphemistic terms (PETs) collected from the GloWbE corpus (Davies and Fuchs, 2015), and are human-annotated as containing either a euphemistic or literal usage of a PET. In this paper, we present the results and analyze the common themes, methods and findings of the participating teams
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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目标。借助(子)毫米观测值的大量分子发射数据和詹姆斯·韦伯(James Webb)空间望远镜红外光谱,访问原磁盘的化学成分的快进模型至关重要。方法。我们使用了热化学建模代码来生成各种多样的原行星磁盘模型。我们训练了一个最初的邻居(KNN)回归剂,以立即预测其他磁盘模型的化学反应。结果。我们表明,由于所采用的原行业磁盘模型中局部物理条件之间的相关性,可以仅使用一小部分物理条件来准确地重现化学反应。我们讨论此方法的不确定性和局限性。结论。所提出的方法可用于对线排放数据的贝叶斯拟合,以从观测值中检索磁盘属性。我们提出了在其他磁盘化学模型集上再现相同方法的管道。
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神经算法推理的基石是解决算法任务的能力,尤其是以一种概括分布的方式。尽管近年来,该领域的方法学改进激增,但它们主要集中在建立专家模型上。专业模型能够学习仅执行一种算法或具有相同控制流骨干的算法的集合。相反,在这里,我们专注于构建通才神经算法学习者 - 单个图形神经网络处理器,能够学习执行各种算法,例如分类,搜索,动态编程,路径触发和几何学。我们利用CLRS基准来凭经验表明,就像在感知领域的最新成功一样,通才算法学习者可以通过“合并”知识来构建。也就是说,只要我们能够在单任务制度中学习很好地执行它们,就可以以多任务的方式有效地学习算法。在此激励的基础上,我们为CLR提供了一系列改进,对CLR的输入表示,培训制度和处理器体系结构,将平均单任务性能提高了20%以上。然后,我们进行了多任务学习者的彻底消融,以利用这些改进。我们的结果表明,一位通才学习者有效地结合了专家模型所捕获的知识。
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我们建议第一个通过对弱的微型计算机进行深入学习的实时语义细分的系统,例如Raspberry Pi Zero Zero V2(其价格\ 15美元)附加到玩具无人机上。特别是,由于Raspberry Pi的重量不到$ 16 $,并且其大小是信用卡的一半,因此我们可以轻松地将其连接到普通的商业DJI Tello玩具器中(<\ $ 100,<90克,98 $ \ \时间$ 92.5 $ \ times $ 41毫米)。结果是可以从板载单眼RGB摄像头(无GPS或LIDAR传感器)实时检测和分类对象的自动无人机(无笔记本电脑或人类)。伴侣视频展示了这款Tello无人机如何扫描实验室的人(例如使用消防员或安全部队)以及在实验室外的空停车位。现有的深度学习解决方案要么在这种物联网设备上实时计算要么太慢,要么提供不切实际的质量结果。我们的主要挑战是设计一个系统,该系统在网络,深度学习平台/框架,压缩技术和压缩比的众多组合中占有最好的选择。为此,我们提供了一种有效的搜索算法,旨在找到最佳组合,从而导致网络运行时间与其准确性/性能之间的最佳权衡。
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