Identifying named entities such as a person, location or organization, in documents can highlight key information to readers. Training Named Entity Recognition (NER) models requires an annotated data set, which can be a time-consuming labour-intensive task. Nevertheless, there are publicly available NER data sets for general English. Recently there has been interest in developing NER for legal text. However, prior work and experimental results reported here indicate that there is a significant degradation in performance when NER methods trained on a general English data set are applied to legal text. We describe a publicly available legal NER data set, called E-NER, based on legal company filings available from the US Securities and Exchange Commission's EDGAR data set. Training a number of different NER algorithms on the general English CoNLL-2003 corpus but testing on our test collection confirmed significant degradations in accuracy, as measured by the F1-score, of between 29.4\% and 60.4\%, compared to training and testing on the E-NER collection.
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Projection operations are a typical computation bottleneck in online learning. In this paper, we enable projection-free online learning within the framework of Online Convex Optimization with Memory (OCO-M) -- OCO-M captures how the history of decisions affects the current outcome by allowing the online learning loss functions to depend on both current and past decisions. Particularly, we introduce the first projection-free meta-base learning algorithm with memory that minimizes dynamic regret, i.e., that minimizes the suboptimality against any sequence of time-varying decisions. We are motivated by artificial intelligence applications where autonomous agents need to adapt to time-varying environments in real-time, accounting for how past decisions affect the present. Examples of such applications are: online control of dynamical systems; statistical arbitrage; and time series prediction. The algorithm builds on the Online Frank-Wolfe (OFW) and Hedge algorithms. We demonstrate how our algorithm can be applied to the online control of linear time-varying systems in the presence of unpredictable process noise. To this end, we develop the first controller with memory and bounded dynamic regret against any optimal time-varying linear feedback control policy. We validate our algorithm in simulated scenarios of online control of linear time-invariant systems.
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Graph neural networks have shown to learn effective node representations, enabling node-, link-, and graph-level inference. Conventional graph networks assume static relations between nodes, while relations between entities in a video often evolve over time, with nodes entering and exiting dynamically. In such temporally-dynamic graphs, a core problem is inferring the future state of spatio-temporal edges, which can constitute multiple types of relations. To address this problem, we propose MTD-GNN, a graph network for predicting temporally-dynamic edges for multiple types of relations. We propose a factorized spatio-temporal graph attention layer to learn dynamic node representations and present a multi-task edge prediction loss that models multiple relations simultaneously. The proposed architecture operates on top of scene graphs that we obtain from videos through object detection and spatio-temporal linking. Experimental evaluations on ActionGenome and CLEVRER show that modeling multiple relations in our temporally-dynamic graph network can be mutually beneficial, outperforming existing static and spatio-temporal graph neural networks, as well as state-of-the-art predicate classification methods.
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In contrast to the rapid digitalization of several industries, agriculture suffers from low adoption of smart farming tools. While AI-driven digital agriculture tools can offer high-performing predictive functionalities, they lack tangible quantitative evidence on their benefits to the farmers. Field experiments can derive such evidence, but are often costly, time consuming and hence limited in scope and scale of application. To this end, we propose an observational causal inference framework for the empirical evaluation of the impact of digital tools on target farm performance indicators (e.g., yield in this case). This way, we can increase farmers' trust via enhancing the transparency of the digital agriculture market and accelerate the adoption of technologies that aim to secure farmer income resilience and global agricultural sustainability. As a case study, we designed and implemented a recommendation system for the optimal sowing time of cotton based on numerical weather predictions, which was used by a farmers' cooperative during the growing season of 2021. We then leverage agricultural knowledge, collected yield data, and environmental information to develop a causal graph of the farm system. Using the back-door criterion, we identify the impact of sowing recommendations on the yield and subsequently estimate it using linear regression, matching, inverse propensity score weighting and meta-learners. The results reveal that a field sown according to our recommendations exhibited a statistically significant yield increase that ranged from 12% to 17%, depending on the method. The effect estimates were robust, as indicated by the agreement among the estimation methods and four successful refutation tests. We argue that this approach can be implemented for decision support systems of other fields, extending their evaluation beyond a performance assessment of internal functionalities.
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Mobile traffic prediction is of great importance on the path of enabling 5G mobile networks to perform smart and efficient infrastructure planning and management. However, available data are limited to base station logging information. Hence, training methods for generating high-quality predictions that can generalize to new observations on different parties are in demand. Traditional approaches require collecting measurements from different base stations and sending them to a central entity, followed by performing machine learning operations using the received data. The dissemination of local observations raises privacy, confidentiality, and performance concerns, hindering the applicability of machine learning techniques. Various distributed learning methods have been proposed to address this issue, but their application to traffic prediction has yet to be explored. In this work, we study the effectiveness of federated learning applied to raw base station aggregated LTE data for time-series forecasting. We evaluate one-step predictions using 5 different neural network architectures trained with a federated setting on non-iid data. The presented algorithms have been submitted to the Global Federated Traffic Prediction for 5G and Beyond Challenge. Our results show that the learning architectures adapted to the federated setting achieve equivalent prediction error to the centralized setting, pre-processing techniques on base stations lead to higher forecasting accuracy, while state-of-the-art aggregators do not outperform simple approaches.
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Crop phenology is crucial information for crop yield estimation and agricultural management. Traditionally, phenology has been observed from the ground; however Earth observation, weather and soil data have been used to capture the physiological growth of crops. In this work, we propose a new approach for the within-season phenology estimation for cotton at the field level. For this, we exploit a variety of Earth observation vegetation indices (derived from Sentinel-2) and numerical simulations of atmospheric and soil parameters. Our method is unsupervised to address the ever-present problem of sparse and scarce ground truth data that makes most supervised alternatives impractical in real-world scenarios. We applied fuzzy c-means clustering to identify the principal phenological stages of cotton and then used the cluster membership weights to further predict the transitional phases between adjacent stages. In order to evaluate our models, we collected 1,285 crop growth ground observations in Orchomenos, Greece. We introduced a new collection protocol, assigning up to two phenology labels that represent the primary and secondary growth stage in the field and thus indicate when stages are transitioning. Our model was tested against a baseline model that allowed to isolate the random agreement and evaluate its true competence. The results showed that our model considerably outperforms the baseline one, which is promising considering the unsupervised nature of the approach. The limitations and the relevant future work are thoroughly discussed. The ground observations are formatted in an ready-to-use dataset and will be available at upon publication.
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Fairness-aware mining of massive data streams is a growing and challenging concern in the contemporary domain of machine learning. Many stream learning algorithms are used to replace humans at critical decision-making points e.g., hiring staff, assessing credit risk, etc. This calls for handling massive incoming information with minimum response delay while ensuring fair and high quality decisions. Recent discrimination-aware learning methods are optimized based on overall accuracy. However, the overall accuracy is biased in favor of the majority class; therefore, state-of-the-art methods mainly diminish discrimination by partially or completely ignoring the minority class. In this context, we propose a novel adaptation of Na\"ive Bayes to mitigate discrimination embedded in the streams while maintaining high predictive performance for both the majority and minority classes. Our proposed algorithm is simple, fast, and attains multi-objective optimization goals. To handle class imbalance and concept drifts, a dynamic instance weighting module is proposed, which gives more importance to recent instances and less importance to obsolete instances based on their membership in minority or majority class. We conducted experiments on a range of streaming and static datasets and deduced that our proposed methodology outperforms existing state-of-the-art fairness-aware methods in terms of both discrimination score and balanced accuracy.
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The continuous increase in global population and the impact of climate change on crop production are expected to affect the food sector significantly. In this context, there is need for timely, large-scale and precise mapping of crops for evidence-based decision making. A key enabler towards this direction are new satellite missions that freely offer big remote sensing data of high spatio-temporal resolution and global coverage. During the previous decade and because of this surge of big Earth observations, deep learning methods have dominated the remote sensing and crop mapping literature. Nevertheless, deep learning models require large amounts of annotated data that are scarce and hard-to-acquire. To address this problem, transfer learning methods can be used to exploit available annotations and enable crop mapping for other regions, crop types and years of inspection. In this work, we have developed and trained a deep learning model for paddy rice detection in South Korea using Sentinel-1 VH time-series. We then fine-tune the model for i) paddy rice detection in France and Spain and ii) barley detection in the Netherlands. Additionally, we propose a modification in the pre-trained weights in order to incorporate extra input features (Sentinel-1 VV). Our approach shows excellent performance when transferring in different areas for the same crop type and rather promising results when transferring in a different area and crop type.
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Persistent homology, a powerful mathematical tool for data analysis, summarizes the shape of data through tracking topological features across changes in different scales. Classical algorithms for persistent homology are often constrained by running times and memory requirements that grow exponentially on the number of data points. To surpass this problem, two quantum algorithms of persistent homology have been developed based on two different approaches. However, both of these quantum algorithms consider a data set in the form of a point cloud, which can be restrictive considering that many data sets come in the form of time series. In this paper, we alleviate this issue by establishing a quantum Takens's delay embedding algorithm, which turns a time series into a point cloud by considering a pertinent embedding into a higher dimensional space. Having this quantum transformation of time series to point clouds, then one may use a quantum persistent homology algorithm to extract the topological features from the point cloud associated with the original times series.
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In contrast to the rapid digitalization of several industries, agriculture suffers from low adoption of climate-smart farming tools. Even though AI-driven digital agriculture can offer high-performing predictive functionalities, it lacks tangible quantitative evidence on its benefits to the farmers. Field experiments can derive such evidence, but are often costly and time consuming. To this end, we propose an observational causal inference framework for the empirical evaluation of the impact of digital tools on target farm performance indicators. This way, we can increase farmers' trust by enhancing the transparency of the digital agriculture market, and in turn accelerate the adoption of technologies that aim to increase productivity and secure a sustainable and resilient agriculture against a changing climate. As a case study, we perform an empirical evaluation of a recommendation system for optimal cotton sowing, which was used by a farmers' cooperative during the growing season of 2021. We leverage agricultural knowledge to develop a causal graph of the farm system, we use the back-door criterion to identify the impact of recommendations on the yield and subsequently estimate it using several methods on observational data. The results show that a field sown according to our recommendations enjoyed a significant increase in yield (12% to 17%).
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