It does not matter whether it is a job interview with Tech Giants, Wall Street firms, or a small startup; all candidates want to demonstrate their best selves or even present themselves better than they really are. Meanwhile, recruiters want to know the candidates' authentic selves and detect soft skills that prove an expert candidate would be a great fit in any company. Recruiters worldwide usually struggle to find employees with the highest level of these skills. Digital footprints can assist recruiters in this process by providing candidates' unique set of online activities, while social media delivers one of the largest digital footprints to track people. In this study, for the first time, we show that a wide range of behavioral competencies consisting of 16 in-demand soft skills can be automatically predicted from Instagram profiles based on the following lists and other quantitative features using machine learning algorithms. We also provide predictions on Big Five personality traits. Models were built based on a sample of 400 Iranian volunteer users who answered an online questionnaire and provided their Instagram usernames which allowed us to crawl the public profiles. We applied several machine learning algorithms to the uniformed data. Deep learning models mostly outperformed by demonstrating 70% and 69% average Accuracy in two-level and three-level classifications respectively. Creating a large pool of people with the highest level of soft skills, and making more accurate evaluations of job candidates is possible with the application of AI on social media user-generated data.
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Bipedal robots have received much attention because of the variety of motion maneuvers that they can produce, and the many applications they have in various areas including rehabilitation. One of these motion maneuvers is walking. In this study, we presented a framework for the trajectory optimization of a 5-link (planar) Biped Robot using hybrid optimization. The walking is modeled with two phases of single-stance (support) phase and the collision phase. The dynamic equations of the robot in each phase are extracted by the Lagrange method. It is assumed that the robot heel strike to the ground is full plastic. The gait is optimized with a method called hybrid optimization. The objective function of this problem is considered to be the integral of torque-squared along the trajectory, and also various constraints such as zero dynamics are satisfied without any approximation. Furthermore, in a new framework, there is presented a constraint called impact invariance, which ensures the periodicity of the time-varying trajectories. On the other hand, other constraints provide better and more human-like movement.
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The importance of humanoid robots in today's world is undeniable, one of the most important features of humanoid robots is the ability to maneuver in environments such as stairs that other robots can not easily cross. A suitable algorithm to generate the path for the bipedal robot to climb is very important. In this paper, an optimization-based method to generate an optimal stairway for under-actuated bipedal robots without an ankle actuator is presented. The generated paths are based on zero and non-zero dynamics of the problem, and according to the satisfaction of the zero dynamics constraint in the problem, tracking the path is possible, in other words, the problem can be dynamically feasible. The optimization method used in the problem is a gradient-based method that has a suitable number of function evaluations for computational processing. This method can also be utilized to go down the stairs.
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National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations(NASDAQ) is an American stock exchange based. It is one of the most valuable stock economic indices in the world and is located in New York City \cite{pagano2008quality}. The volatility of the stock market and the influence of economic indicators such as crude oil, gold, and the dollar in the stock market, and NASDAQ shares are also affected and have a volatile and chaotic nature \cite{firouzjaee2022lstm}.In this article, we have examined the effect of oil, dollar, gold, and the volatility of the stock market in the economic market, and then we have also examined the effect of these indicators on NASDAQ stocks. Then we started to analyze the impact of the feedback on the past prices of NASDAQ stocks and its impact on the current price. Using PCA and Linear Regression algorithm, we have designed an optimal dynamic learning experience for modeling these stocks. The results obtained from the quantitative analysis are consistent with the results of the qualitative analysis of economic studies, and the modeling done with the optimal dynamic experience of machine learning justifies the current price of NASDAQ shares.
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With the advent of deep learning application on edge devices, researchers actively try to optimize their deployments on low-power and restricted memory devices. There are established compression method such as quantization, pruning, and architecture search that leverage commodity hardware. Apart from conventional compression algorithms, one may redesign the operations of deep learning models that lead to more efficient implementation. To this end, we propose EuclidNet, a compression method, designed to be implemented on hardware which replaces multiplication, $xw$, with Euclidean distance $(x-w)^2$. We show that EuclidNet is aligned with matrix multiplication and it can be used as a measure of similarity in case of convolutional layers. Furthermore, we show that under various transformations and noise scenarios, EuclidNet exhibits the same performance compared to the deep learning models designed with multiplication operations.
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Recurrent neural networks (RNN) are the backbone of many text and speech applications. These architectures are typically made up of several computationally complex components such as; non-linear activation functions, normalization, bi-directional dependence and attention. In order to maintain good accuracy, these components are frequently run using full-precision floating-point computation, making them slow, inefficient and difficult to deploy on edge devices. In addition, the complex nature of these operations makes them challenging to quantize using standard quantization methods without a significant performance drop. We present a quantization-aware training method for obtaining a highly accurate integer-only recurrent neural network (iRNN). Our approach supports layer normalization, attention, and an adaptive piecewise linear (PWL) approximation of activation functions, to serve a wide range of state-of-the-art RNNs. The proposed method enables RNN-based language models to run on edge devices with $2\times$ improvement in runtime, and $4\times$ reduction in model size while maintaining similar accuracy as its full-precision counterpart.
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Fine-tuning a Pre-trained Language Model (PLM) on a specific downstream task has been a well-known paradigm in Natural Language Processing. However, with the ever-growing size of PLMs, training the entire model on several downstream tasks becomes very expensive and resource-hungry. Recently, different Parameter Efficient Tuning (PET) techniques are proposed to improve the efficiency of fine-tuning PLMs. One popular category of PET methods is the low-rank adaptation methods which insert learnable truncated SVD modules into the original model either sequentially or in parallel. However, low-rank decomposition suffers from limited representation power. In this work, we address this problem using the Kronecker product instead of the low-rank representation. We introduce KronA, a Kronecker product-based adapter module for efficient fine-tuning of Transformer-based PLMs. We apply the proposed methods for fine-tuning T5 on the GLUE benchmark to show that incorporating the Kronecker-based modules can outperform state-of-the-art PET methods.
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Runtime monitoring provides a more realistic and applicable alternative to verification in the setting of real neural networks used in industry. It is particularly useful for detecting out-of-distribution (OOD) inputs, for which the network was not trained and can yield erroneous results. We extend a runtime-monitoring approach previously proposed for classification networks to perception systems capable of identification and localization of multiple objects. Furthermore, we analyze its adequacy experimentally on different kinds of OOD settings, documenting the overall efficacy of our approach.
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Deep Neural Networks (DNN) are becoming increasingly more important in assisted and automated driving. Using such entities which are obtained using machine learning is inevitable: tasks such as recognizing traffic signs cannot be developed reasonably using traditional software development methods. DNN however do have the problem that they are mostly black boxes and therefore hard to understand and debug. One particular problem is that they are prone to hidden backdoors. This means that the DNN misclassifies its input, because it considers properties that should not be decisive for the output. Backdoors may either be introduced by malicious attackers or by inappropriate training. In any case, detecting and removing them is important in the automotive area, as they might lead to safety violations with potentially severe consequences. In this paper, we introduce a novel method to remove backdoors. Our method works for both intentional as well as unintentional backdoors. We also do not require prior knowledge about the shape or distribution of backdoors. Experimental evidence shows that our method performs well on several medium-sized examples.
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In order to avoid conventional controlling methods which created obstacles due to the complexity of systems and intense demand on data density, developing modern and more efficient control methods are required. In this way, reinforcement learning off-policy and model-free algorithms help to avoid working with complex models. In terms of speed and accuracy, they become prominent methods because the algorithms use their past experience to learn the optimal policies. In this study, three reinforcement learning algorithms; DDPG, TD3 and SAC have been used to train Fetch robotic manipulator for four different tasks in MuJoCo simulation environment. All of these algorithms are off-policy and able to achieve their desired target by optimizing both policy and value functions. In the current study, the efficiency and the speed of these three algorithms are analyzed in a controlled environment.
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