高斯工艺(GPS)是高度表达的概率模型。一个主要的限制是他们的计算复杂性。天真,精确的GP推理需要$ \ MATHCAL {o}(n^3)$计算$ n $表示建模点的数量。当前克服此限制的方法分别依赖于数据或内核的稀疏,结构化或随机表示形式,并且通常涉及嵌套的优化以评估GP。我们提出了一种名为迭代图表改进(ICR)的新的,生成的方法,以在$ \ Mathcal {o}(n)$ ntive ntime ntime ntime ntake ntige内核中衰减内核,而无需嵌套优化的时间。 ICR通过将不同分辨率的建模位置的视图与用户提供的坐标图组合在一起,代表长期和短距离相关性。在我们对两个数量级的间距有所不同的点的实验中,ICR的准确性与最新的GP方法相当。 ICR在CPU和GPU上以一个数量级的计算速度来优于现有方法,并且已经成功地应用于具有122亿美元参数的GP模型。
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The viral load of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 varies on logarithmic scales and possibly with age. Controversial claims have been made in the literature regarding whether the viral load distribution actually depends on the age of the patients. Such a dependence would have implications for the COVID-19 spreading mechanism, the age-dependent immune system reaction, and thus for policymaking. We hereby develop a method to analyze viral-load distribution data as a function of the patients' age within a flexible, non-parametric, hierarchical, Bayesian, and causal model. The causal nature of the developed reconstruction additionally allows to test for bias in the data. This could be due to, e.g., bias in patient-testing and data collection or systematic errors in the measurement of the viral load. We perform these tests by calculating the Bayesian evidence for each implied possible causal direction. The possibility of testing for bias in data collection and identifying causal directions can be very useful in other contexts as well. For this reason we make our model freely available. When applied to publicly available age and SARS-CoV-2 viral load data, we find a statistically significant increase in the viral load with age, but only for one of the two analyzed datasets. If we consider this dataset, and based on the current understanding of viral load's impact on patients' infectivity, we expect a non-negligible difference in the infectivity of different age groups. This difference is nonetheless too small to justify considering any age group as noninfectious.
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As the accuracy of machine learning models increases at a fast rate, so does their demand for energy and compute resources. On a low level, the major part of these resources is consumed by data movement between different memory units. Modern hardware architectures contain a form of fast memory (e.g., cache, registers), which is small, and a slow memory (e.g., DRAM), which is larger but expensive to access. We can only process data that is stored in fast memory, which incurs data movement (input/output-operations, or I/Os) between the two units. In this paper, we provide a rigorous theoretical analysis of the I/Os needed in sparse feedforward neural network (FFNN) inference. We establish bounds that determine the optimal number of I/Os up to a factor of 2 and present a method that uses a number of I/Os within that range. Much of the I/O-complexity is determined by a few high-level properties of the FFNN (number of inputs, outputs, neurons, and connections), but if we want to get closer to the exact lower bound, the instance-specific sparsity patterns need to be considered. Departing from the 2-optimal computation strategy, we show how to reduce the number of I/Os further with simulated annealing. Complementing this result, we provide an algorithm that constructively generates networks with maximum I/O-efficiency for inference. We test the algorithms and empirically verify our theoretical and algorithmic contributions. In our experiments on real hardware we observe speedups of up to 45$\times$ relative to the standard way of performing inference.
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In this paper a global reactive motion planning framework for robotic manipulators in complex dynamic environments is presented. In particular, the circular field predictions (CFP) planner from Becker et al. (2021) is extended to ensure obstacle avoidance of the whole structure of a robotic manipulator. Towards this end, a motion planning framework is developed that leverages global information about promising avoidance directions from arbitrary configuration space motion planners, resulting in improved global trajectories while reactively avoiding dynamic obstacles and decreasing the required computational power. The resulting motion planning framework is tested in multiple simulations with complex and dynamic obstacles and demonstrates great potential compared to existing motion planning approaches.
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Federated Learning (FL) is a scheme for collaboratively training Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) with multiple data sources from different clients. Instead of sharing the data, each client trains the model locally, resulting in improved privacy. However, recently so-called targeted poisoning attacks have been proposed that allow individual clients to inject a backdoor into the trained model. Existing defenses against these backdoor attacks either rely on techniques like Differential Privacy to mitigate the backdoor, or analyze the weights of the individual models and apply outlier detection methods that restricts these defenses to certain data distributions. However, adding noise to the models' parameters or excluding benign outliers might also reduce the accuracy of the collaboratively trained model. Additionally, allowing the server to inspect the clients' models creates a privacy risk due to existing knowledge extraction methods. We propose CrowdGuard, a model filtering defense, that mitigates backdoor attacks by leveraging the clients' data to analyze the individual models before the aggregation. To prevent data leaks, the server sends the individual models to secure enclaves, running in client-located Trusted Execution Environments. To effectively distinguish benign and poisoned models, even if the data of different clients are not independently and identically distributed (non-IID), we introduce a novel metric called HLBIM to analyze the outputs of the DNN's hidden layers. We show that the applied significance-based detection algorithm combined can effectively detect poisoned models, even in non-IID scenarios. We show in our extensive evaluation that CrowdGuard can effectively mitigate targeted poisoning attacks and achieve in various scenarios a True-Positive-Rate of 100% and a True-Negative-Rate of 100%.
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成倍增长的模型大小驱动了深度学习的持续成功,但它带来了过度的计算和记忆成本。从算法的角度来看,已经研究了模型的稀疏和量化以减轻问题。从体系结构的角度来看,硬件供应商提供了张量核心以进行加速。但是,由于严格的数据布局要求以及缺乏有效操纵低精度整数的支持,因此从稀疏的低精度矩阵操作中获得实践加速非常具有挑战性。我们提出了Magicube,这是一个高性能的稀疏矩阵库,用于张量芯上的低精度整数。 Magicube支持SPMM和SDDMM,这是深度学习的两个主要稀疏操作。 NVIDIA A100 GPU的实验结果表明,Magicube平均在供应商优化的库中平均达到1.44倍(高达2.37倍)的速度,用于稀疏内核,而在最先进的艺术品上进行了1.43倍的速度,具有可比的准确性。端到端稀疏变压器推断。
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