Existing solutions to network scheduling typically assume that the instantaneous link rates are completely known before a scheduling decision is made or consider a bandit setting where the accurate link quality is discovered only after it has been used for data transmission. In practice, the decision maker can obtain (relatively accurate) channel information, e.g., through beamforming in mmWave networks, right before data transmission. However, frequent beamforming incurs a formidable overhead in densely deployed mmWave WLANs. In this paper, we consider the important problem of throughput optimization with joint link probing and scheduling. The problem is challenging even when the link rate distributions are pre-known (the offline setting) due to the necessity of balancing the information gains from probing and the cost of reducing the data transmission opportunity. We develop an approximation algorithm with guaranteed performance when the probing decision is non-adaptive, and a dynamic programming based solution for the more challenging adaptive setting. We further extend our solutions to the online setting with unknown link rate distributions and develop a contextual-bandit based algorithm and derive its regret bound. Numerical results using data traces collected from real-world mmWave deployments demonstrate the efficiency of our solutions.
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Ensemble learning serves as a straightforward way to improve the performance of almost any machine learning algorithm. Existing deep ensemble methods usually naively train many different models and then aggregate their predictions. This is not optimal in our view from two aspects: i) Naively training multiple models adds much more computational burden, especially in the deep learning era; ii) Purely optimizing each base model without considering their interactions limits the diversity of ensemble and performance gains. We tackle these issues by proposing deep negative correlation classification (DNCC), in which the accuracy and diversity trade-off is systematically controlled by decomposing the loss function seamlessly into individual accuracy and the correlation between individual models and the ensemble. DNCC yields a deep classification ensemble where the individual estimator is both accurate and negatively correlated. Thanks to the optimized diversities, DNCC works well even when utilizing a shared network backbone, which significantly improves its efficiency when compared with most existing ensemble systems. Extensive experiments on multiple benchmark datasets and network structures demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method.
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Natural language interaction is a promising direction for democratizing 3D shape design. However, existing methods for text-driven 3D shape editing face challenges in producing decoupled, local edits to 3D shapes. We address this problem by learning disentangled latent representations that ground language in 3D geometry. To this end, we propose a complementary tool set including a novel network architecture, a disentanglement loss, and a new editing procedure. Additionally, to measure edit locality, we define a new metric that we call part-wise edit precision. We show that our method outperforms existing SOTA methods by 20% in terms of edit locality, and up to 6.6% in terms of language reference resolution accuracy. Our work suggests that by solely disentangling language representations, downstream 3D shape editing can become more local to relevant parts, even if the model was never given explicit part-based supervision.
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Sampling diverse programs from a code language model and reranking with model likelihood is a popular method for code generation but it is prone to preferring degenerate solutions. Inspired by collaborative programming, we propose Coder-Reviewer reranking. We augment Coder language models from past work, which generate programs given language instructions, with Reviewer models, which evaluate the likelihood of the instruction given the generated programs. We perform an extensive study across six datasets with eight models from three model families. Experimental results show that Coder-Reviewer reranking leads to consistent and significant improvement (up to 17% absolute accuracy gain) over reranking with the Coder model only. When combined with executability filtering, Coder-Reviewer reranking can often outperform the minimum Bayes risk method. Coder-Reviewer reranking is easy to implement by prompting, can generalize to different programming languages, and works well with off-the-shelf hyperparameters.
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This paper introduces the shared task of summarizing documents in several creative domains, namely literary texts, movie scripts, and television scripts. Summarizing these creative documents requires making complex literary interpretations, as well as understanding non-trivial temporal dependencies in texts containing varied styles of plot development and narrative structure. This poses unique challenges and is yet underexplored for text summarization systems. In this shared task, we introduce four sub-tasks and their corresponding datasets, focusing on summarizing books, movie scripts, primetime television scripts, and daytime soap opera scripts. We detail the process of curating these datasets for the task, as well as the metrics used for the evaluation of the submissions. As part of the CREATIVESUMM workshop at COLING 2022, the shared task attracted 18 submissions in total. We discuss the submissions and the baselines for each sub-task in this paper, along with directions for facilitating future work in the field.
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在这项工作中,我们在分配强化学习方面建立了最新的进步,以基于IQN提供模型的最新分配变体。我们通过使用GAN模型的生成器和鉴别器功能与分位数回归来实现这一目标,从而近似于状态返回分布的完整分位数。我们证明了基线数据集的性能提高-57 Atari 2600游戏。此外,我们使用算法来显示Atari游戏中风险敏感政策的最新培训表现,并通过政策优化和评估。
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从最佳运输到稳健的维度降低,可以将大量的机器学习应用程序放入Riemannian歧管上的Min-Max优化问题中。尽管在欧几里得的环境中已经分析了许多最小的最大算法,但事实证明,将这些结果转化为Riemannian案例已被证明是难以捉摸的。张等。 [2022]最近表明,测量凸凹入的凹入问题总是容纳鞍点解决方案。受此结果的启发,我们研究了Riemannian和最佳欧几里得空间凸入concove算法之间的性能差距。我们在负面的情况下回答了这个问题,证明Riemannian校正的外部(RCEG)方法在地球上强烈convex-concove案例中以线性速率实现了最后近期收敛,与欧几里得结果匹配。我们的结果还扩展到随机或非平滑案例,在这种情况下,RCEG和Riemanian梯度上升下降(RGDA)达到了近乎最佳的收敛速率,直到因歧管的曲率而定为因素。
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