Sampling diverse programs from a code language model and reranking with model likelihood is a popular method for code generation but it is prone to preferring degenerate solutions. Inspired by collaborative programming, we propose Coder-Reviewer reranking. We augment Coder language models from past work, which generate programs given language instructions, with Reviewer models, which evaluate the likelihood of the instruction given the generated programs. We perform an extensive study across six datasets with eight models from three model families. Experimental results show that Coder-Reviewer reranking leads to consistent and significant improvement (up to 17% absolute accuracy gain) over reranking with the Coder model only. When combined with executability filtering, Coder-Reviewer reranking can often outperform the minimum Bayes risk method. Coder-Reviewer reranking is easy to implement by prompting, can generalize to different programming languages, and works well with off-the-shelf hyperparameters.
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给定编程问题,预训练的语言模型(例如Codex)证明了通过采样生成多个不同代码解决方案的能力。但是,从这些样本中选择正确或最佳解决方案仍然是一个挑战。尽管验证代码解决方案正确性的一种简单方法是通过执行测试用例,但生产高质量的测试用例非常昂贵。在本文中,我们探讨了使用预训练的语言模型自动生成测试用例,称我们的方法Codet:使用生成测试的代码生成。 CODET使用生成的测试用例执行代码解决方案,然后根据与生成的测试用例和其他生成的解决方案的双重执行协议选择最佳解决方案。我们在五个具有HumaneVal和MBPP基准的不同预训练模型上评估Codet。广泛的实验结果表明,Codet可以实现对以前方法的显着,一致且令人惊讶的改进。例如,CODET将HOMANEVAL的通行证提高到65.8%,在Code-Davinci-002模型上的绝对增长率为18.8%,并且比以前的最新结果相比,绝对20+%提高。
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程序合成或代码生成旨在生成满足问题规范的程序。使用大规模预处理的语言模型(LMS)的最新方法显示出令人鼓舞的结果,但它们有一些关键的局限性。特别是,他们经常遵循标准监督的微调程序,仅从对自然语言问题描述和基础真相计划对培训代码生成模型。这种范式在很大程度上忽略了问题规范中的一些重要但潜在的信号,例如单位测试,因此在求解复杂的看不见的编码任务时通常会导致性能差。为了解决这些局限性,我们提出了“ Coderl”,这是通过验证的LMS和深入强化学习(RL)实现程序合成任务的新框架。具体而言,在培训期间,我们将代码生成的LM视为参与者网络,并引入批评网络,该网络经过培训,以预测生成的程序的功能正确性,并为演员提供密集的反馈信号。在推理期间,我们引入了一种新一代程序,具有关键的抽样策略,该过程允许模型根据示例单位测试和评论家分数的反馈自动重新生成程序。对于模型骨架,我们扩展了Codet5的编码器架构,具有增强的学习目标,更大的模型大小和更好的预处理数据。我们的方法不仅在具有挑战性的应用程序基准上实现了新的SOTA结果,而且还显示出强大的零弹性传输能力,并在简单的MBPP基准上具有新的SOTA结果。
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我们提出了Pangu-Coder,这是一种仅预读的解码器语言模型,该模型采用pangu-alpha架构进行文本到代码生成,即给定自然语言问题描述的编程语言解决方案的合成。我们使用两阶段策略训练Pangu-Coder:第一阶段采用因果语言建模(CLM)来预先培训原始编程语言数据,而第二阶段则使用因果语言建模和掩盖语言建模(MLM)的组合培训目标,专注于文本到代码生成的下游任务,并培训松散的自然语言程序定义和代码功能。最后,我们讨论了pangu-coder-ft,该pander the是通过竞争性编程问题和代码与持续集成测试的结合进行了微调的。我们评估了pangu-coder,重点是它是否生成功能上正确的程序,并证明它在参加较小的上下文窗口和较少的数据培训的同时,它比诸如Codex之类的类似大小的模型(例如Codex)实现等效性或更好的性能。
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Computational notebooks, such as Jupyter notebooks, are interactive computing environments that are ubiquitous among data scientists to perform data wrangling and analytic tasks. To measure the performance of AI pair programmers that automatically synthesize programs for those tasks given natural language (NL) intents from users, we build ARCADE, a benchmark of 1082 code generation problems using the pandas data analysis framework in data science notebooks. ARCADE features multiple rounds of NL-to-code problems from the same notebook. It requires a model to understand rich multi-modal contexts, such as existing notebook cells and their execution states as well as previous turns of interaction. To establish a strong baseline on this challenging task, we develop PaChiNCo, a 62B code language model (LM) for Python computational notebooks, which significantly outperforms public code LMs. Finally, we explore few-shot prompting strategies to elicit better code with step-by-step decomposition and NL explanation, showing the potential to improve the diversity and explainability of model predictions.
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大型语言模型已经证明了能够在自然语言和编程语言文本上进行条件和生成的能力。这样的模型打开了多语言代码生成的可能性:代码生成模型是否可以将知识从一种语言推广到另一种语言?尽管当代代码生成模型可以生成语义上正确的Python代码,但对它们使用其他语言的能力知之甚少。我们通过提出Multipl-E来促进该主题的探索,这是自然语言到代码生成的第一个多语言平行基准。 Multipl-E扩展了HumaneVal基准(Chen等,2021),以支持另外18种编程语言,涵盖了一系列编程范式和受欢迎程度。我们在Multipl-E:Codex和Incoder上评估了两个最先进的代码生成模型。我们发现,在几种语言上,法典匹配,甚至超过了其在Python上的性能。在多型E中表示的编程语言范围使我们能够探索语言频率和语言功能对模型性能的影响。最后,将代码生成基准分配给新编程语言的多重方法既可扩展又可扩展。我们描述了一种通用方法,可以轻松地增加对新基准和语言的支持。
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Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated an impressive ability to generate code for various programming tasks. In many instances, LLMs can generate a correct program for a task when given numerous trials. Consequently, a recent trend is to do large scale sampling of programs using a model and then filtering/ranking the programs based on the program execution on a small number of known unit tests to select one candidate solution. However, these approaches assume that the unit tests are given and assume the ability to safely execute the generated programs (which can do arbitrary dangerous operations such as file manipulations). Both of the above assumptions are impractical in real-world software development. In this paper, we propose CodeRanker, a neural ranker that can predict the correctness of a sampled program without executing it. Our CodeRanker is fault-aware i.e., it is trained to predict different kinds of execution information such as predicting the exact compile/runtime error type (e.g., an IndexError or a TypeError). We show that CodeRanker can significantly increase the pass@1 accuracy of various code generation models (including Codex, GPT-Neo, GPT-J) on APPS, HumanEval and MBPP datasets.
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编写代码时,大多数程序员会犯错误。这些错误中的一些很小,几乎不需要对原始程序进行编辑 - 最近称为最后一个英里错误的错误。这些错误打破了经验丰富的开发人员的流程,并且可以使新手程序员陷入困境。针对此类错误的现有自动化维修技术是特定于域的,并且不容易延续到新域。转移符号方法需要实质性的工程和神经方法需要数据和重新培训。我们介绍RING,这是一种多语言维修引擎,该引擎由经过代码训练的大型语言模型(例如Codex)提供动力。这样的多语言引擎可以为编程援助提供一个翻转的模型,该模型与传统的代码建议技术相比,程序员编写代码和AI援助建议修复。从程序员手动修复错误的方式中汲取灵感,我们表明,基于迅速的策略将修复作为本地化,转换和候选排名概念化,可以成功地在多个域中成功维修程序,但努力最少。我们通过评估6个不同的域并将性能与域特异性维修引擎进行比较,为这种多语言维修引擎提供了第一个结果。我们表明,环可以超过这些域中3个域中的特定于域特异性修复引擎。我们还确定了使用LLMC进行多语言维修的未来研究方向。
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Finetuning language models on a collection of datasets phrased as instructions has been shown to improve model performance and generalization to unseen tasks. In this paper we explore instruction finetuning with a particular focus on (1) scaling the number of tasks, (2) scaling the model size, and (3) finetuning on chain-of-thought data. We find that instruction finetuning with the above aspects dramatically improves performance on a variety of model classes (PaLM, T5, U-PaLM), prompting setups (zero-shot, few-shot, CoT), and evaluation benchmarks (MMLU, BBH, TyDiQA, MGSM, open-ended generation). For instance, Flan-PaLM 540B instruction-finetuned on 1.8K tasks outperforms PALM 540B by a large margin (+9.4% on average). Flan-PaLM 540B achieves state-of-the-art performance on several benchmarks, such as 75.2% on five-shot MMLU. We also publicly release Flan-T5 checkpoints, which achieve strong few-shot performance even compared to much larger models, such as PaLM 62B. Overall, instruction finetuning is a general method for improving the performance and usability of pretrained language models.
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本文探讨了提高语言模型的零次学习能力的简单方法。我们表明,指令调整 - 通过对说明书中所述的任务集合微调语言模型 - 大幅提升零射门上看不见任务中的表现。我们采取预训练的语言模型和指令调整它通过自然语言指令模板语言表达了60NLP任务137B参数。我们评估这种指令调整模型,我们称之为FLAN,在看不见的任务类型。FLAN显着改善其未修饰的对应的性能和超过25的20个任务,我们评估零射门175BGPT-3。FLAN甚至GPT-3通过在安利,RTE,BoolQ,AI2-ARC,OpenbookQA和StoryCloze大比分胜过几拍。消融研究显示任务和模型的规模,这个数字是指令调整取得成功的关键组成部分。
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Recently, there has been significant progress in teaching language models to perform step-by-step reasoning to solve complex numerical reasoning tasks. Chain-of-thoughts prompting (CoT) is by far the state-of-art method for these tasks. CoT uses language models to perform both reasoning and computation in the multi-step `thought' process. To disentangle computation from reasoning, we propose `Program of Thoughts' (PoT), which uses language models (mainly Codex) to express the reasoning process as a program. The computation is relegated to an external computer, which executes the generated programs to derive the answer. We evaluate PoT on five math word problem datasets (GSM, AQuA, SVAMP, TabMWP, MultiArith) and three financial-QA datasets (FinQA, ConvFinQA, TATQA) for both few-shot and zero-shot setups. Under both few-shot and zero-shot settings, PoT can show an average performance gain over CoT by around 12\% across all the evaluated datasets. By combining PoT with self-consistency decoding, we can achieve SoTA performance on all math problem datasets and near-SoTA performance on financial datasets. All of our data and code are released in Github\footnote{\url{}}.
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大型预先训练的语言模型可以在可以在一个可以“单通”中的任务上进行非常好,例如生成现实文本或合成计算机程序。但是,他们与需要无限的多步计算的任务斗争,例如添加整数或执行程序。令人惊讶的是,我们发现这些相同的模型能够执行复杂的多步计算 - 即使在少量射门中,当被要求执行操作“一步一步”时,表示中间计算的结果。特别是,我们通过询问它们将中间计算步骤发出到“ScratchPad”来执行变压器来执行多步计算。在一系列越来越复杂的任务范围内,从加入任意程序的执行范围,我们表明Scratchpads显着提高了语言模型执行多步计算的能力。
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预先训练的大语言模型(LLM)(例如OpenAI Codex)通过从非正式自然语言(NL)意图中生成自然代码来自动化编码的重要方面。但是,生成的代码无法满足用户意图的任何正确性保证。实际上,很难定义正确性的概念,因为自然语言可能是模棱两可的,并且缺乏正式的语义。在本文中,我们通过提出测试驱动的用户形式化(TDUIF)的工作流程来解决以上问题的第一步,该工作流利用轻量级用户的反馈共同将用户的意图正式化为测试(部分规范) ),(b)生成符合正式用户意图的代码。要对算法进行可扩展的大规模自动化评估,而无需循环中的用户,我们描述了如何使用参考解决方案模拟用户与高保真性的互动。我们还描述并实施了几种算法组件(包括突变和排名一组测试)的替代实现,这些实现可用于有效解决TDUIF问题。我们已经开发了一个系统的Ticoder,该系统实现了多种解决方案来进行TDUIF,并将其对MBPP学术代码生成基准测试的相对有效性进行了比较。在MBPP上使用OpenAI Codex LLM的结果很有希望:我们的最佳算法将通行证@1代码生成准确度指标从48.39%提高到单个用户查询,最高为85.48%,最多可达55.48%,最多可提供5个用户查询。其次,我们可以生成与用户意图在1.69个用户查询中的非平凡功能单位测试,该数据集为90.40%的示例,用于此数据集。
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To extend the scope of coding queries to more realistic settings, we propose ODEX, the first open-domain execution-based natural language (NL) to code generation dataset. ODEX has 945 NL-Code pairs spanning 79 diverse libraries, along with 1,707 human-written test cases for execution. Our NL-Code pairs are harvested from StackOverflow forums to encourage natural and practical coding queries, which are then carefully rephrased to ensure intent clarity and prevent potential data memorization. Moreover, ODEX supports four natural languages as intents, in English, Spanish, Japanese, and Russian. ODEX unveils intriguing behavioral differences between top-performing Code LMs: Codex performs better on open-domain queries, yet CodeGen captures a better balance between open- and closed-domain. ODEX corroborates the merits of execution-based evaluation over metrics without execution but also unveils their complementary effects. Powerful models such as CodeGen-6B only achieve an 11.96 pass rate at top-1 prediction, suggesting plenty of headroom for improvement. We release ODEX to facilitate research into open-domain problems for the code generation community.
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大规模的,预训练的语言模型几乎没有学习的方法是回答有关代码问题的有力方法,例如,如何完成给定的代码示例,甚至从头开始生成代码段。这些模型的成功提出了一个问题,它们是否可以作为构建广泛代码生成工具的基础。传统上,此类工具是为每个任务手动和单独构建的。取而代之的是,只需提供一些示例或对预期工具行为的自然语言描述,就可以从单个预训练的语言模型中获取不同的工具。本文研究了代码的最先进的,预先训练的代码模型,Codex可能会达到此目的。我们考虑通过一系列传统工具针对的三个代码操纵和代码生成任务:(i)代码突变; (ii)从自然语言文档中测试甲骨文的生成; (iii)测试案例生成。对于每个任务,我们将几杆学习与手动构建的工具进行比较。我们的结果表明,基于模型的工具补充(代码突变),在PAR上(测试Oracle生成),甚至超越了其各自的传统构建的工具(测试案例生成),同时施加了开发它们的努力。通过比较基于模型的工具的不同变体的有效性,我们提供了有关如何将适当输入(“提示”)设计到模型以及模型大小的影响的见解。例如,我们发现,提供对代码生成任务的小型自然语言描述是改善预测的一种简单方法。总体而言,我们得出的结论是,很少有语言模型令人惊讶地有效,但是还有更多的工作要做,例如探索更多样化的方式来促使和解决更多有关任务。
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The Codex model has demonstrated extraordinary competence in synthesizing code from natural language problem descriptions. However, in order to reveal unknown failure modes and hidden biases, such large-scale models must be systematically subjected to multiple and diverse evaluation studies. In this work, we evaluate the code synthesis capabilities of the Codex model based on a set of 115 Python problem statements from a popular competitive programming portal: HackerRank. Our evaluation shows that Codex is indeed proficient in Python, solving 96% of the problems in a zero-shot setting, and 100% of the problems in a few-shot setting. However, Codex exhibits clear signs of generating memorized code based on our evaluation. This is alarming, especially since the adoption and use of such models could directly impact how code is written and produced in the foreseeable future. With this in mind, we further discuss and highlight some of the prominent risks associated with large-scale models of source code. Finally, we propose a framework for code-synthesis evaluation using variations of problem statements based on mutations.
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