二进制神经网络(BNNS)对现实世界中嵌入式设备显示出巨大的希望。作为实现强大BNN的关键步骤之一,规模因子计算在减少其实价对应物的性能差距方面起着至关重要的作用。然而,现有的BNN忽略了实价重量和尺度因子的固有双线关系,从而导致训练过程不足引起的亚最佳模型。为了解决这个问题,提出了复发性双线性优化,以通过将固有的双线性变量关联到背面传播过程中,以改善BNNS(RBONN)的学习过程。我们的工作是从双线性角度优化BNN的首次尝试。具体而言,我们采用经常​​性优化和密度 - 列表来依次回溯稀疏的实价过滤器,该过滤器将经过充分的训练并基于可控的学习过程达到其性能限制。我们获得了强大的rbonn,在各种模型和数据集上的最先进的BNN上表现出令人印象深刻的性能。特别是,在对象检测的任务下,rbonn具有出色的概括性能。我们的代码在https://github.com/stevetsui/rbonn上进行开源。
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在本文中,我们调查了正规化的力量,即在解决广泛形式的游戏(EFGS)方面的加强学习和优化方面的常见技术。我们提出了一系列新算法,基于正规化游戏的回报功能,并建立一组收敛结果,这些结果严格改善了现有的假设或更强的收敛保证。特别是,我们首先证明了膨胀的乐观镜下降(DOMD),一种用于求解EFG的有效变体,具有自适应正则化可以实现快速的$ \ tilde o(1/t)$ last-Ilt-Ilt-Ilt-It-last-Ilt-It-titer-In-titer-Inter-In-Elt-It-Triperate Connergengengenge没有纳什平衡(NE)的独特性假设。此外,正规化的膨胀倍增权重更新(reg-domwu)是reg-domd的实例,进一步享受了$ \ tilde o(1/t)$ ther-tir-tir-tir-tir-tir-tir-ter-tir-tir-ter-tir-tir-tir-tir-tir-tir-tir-tir-tir-ter-ter-ter-ter-ter-ter-ter-ter-ter-tir-ter-ter-tir-trientate Convergence。这解决了一个关于OMWU算法是否可以在没有EFG和正常形式游戏文献中的唯一假设的情况下获得的迭代融合的一个悬而未决的问题。其次,我们表明,正式化的反事实遗憾最小化(reg-cfr),具有乐观的镜像下降算法的变体作为遗憾少量器,可以实现$ o(1/t^{1/4})$ best-Ilterate和$ $ o(1/t^{3/4})$用于在EFG中查找NE的平均值收敛率。最后,我们表明Reg-CFR可以实现渐近的最后一介质收敛,而最佳$ O(1/t)$平均识别收敛速率可用于查找扰动的EFGS的NE,这对于找到近似广泛形式的完美非常有用平衡(EFPE)。据我们所知,它们构成了CFR型算法的第一个最后近期收敛结果,同时匹配SOTA平均识别收敛速率在寻找非扰动的EFG中的NE中。我们还提供数值结果来证实我们算法的优势。
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通过从完全标记的源域中利用数据,无监督域适应(UDA)通过显式差异最小化数据分布或对抗学习来提高未标记的目标域上的分类性能。作为增强,通过利用模型预测来加强目标特征识别期间涉及类别对齐。但是,在目标域上的错误类别预测中产生的伪标签不准确以及由源域的过度录制引起的分发偏差存在未探明的问题。在本文中,我们提出了一种模型 - 不可知的两阶段学习框架,这大大减少了使用软伪标签策略的缺陷模型预测,并避免了课程学习策略的源域上的过度拟合。从理论上讲,它成功降低了目标域上预期误差的上限的综合风险。在第一阶段,我们用分布对齐的UDA方法训练一个模型,以获得具有相当高的置位目标域上的软语义标签。为了避免在源域上的过度拟合,在第二阶段,我们提出了一种课程学习策略,以自适应地控制来自两个域的损失之间的加权,以便训练阶段的焦点从源分布逐渐移位到目标分布,以预测信心提升了目标分布在目标领域。对两个知名基准数据集的广泛实验验证了我们提出框架促进促进顶级UDA算法的性能的普遍效果,并展示其一致的卓越性能。
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Bilevel optimization plays an essential role in many machine learning tasks, ranging from hyperparameter optimization to meta-learning. Existing studies on bilevel optimization, however, focus on either centralized or synchronous distributed setting. The centralized bilevel optimization approaches require collecting massive amount of data to a single server, which inevitably incur significant communication expenses and may give rise to data privacy risks. Synchronous distributed bilevel optimization algorithms, on the other hand, often face the straggler problem and will immediately stop working if a few workers fail to respond. As a remedy, we propose Asynchronous Distributed Bilevel Optimization (ADBO) algorithm. The proposed ADBO can tackle bilevel optimization problems with both nonconvex upper-level and lower-level objective functions, and its convergence is theoretically guaranteed. Furthermore, it is revealed through theoretic analysis that the iteration complexity of ADBO to obtain the $\epsilon$-stationary point is upper bounded by $\mathcal{O}(\frac{1}{{{\epsilon ^2}}})$. Thorough empirical studies on public datasets have been conducted to elucidate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed ADBO.
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Entity Alignment (EA), which aims to detect entity mappings (i.e. equivalent entity pairs) in different Knowledge Graphs (KGs), is critical for KG fusion. Neural EA methods dominate current EA research but still suffer from their reliance on labelled mappings. To solve this problem, a few works have explored boosting the training of EA models with self-training, which adds confidently predicted mappings into the training data iteratively. Though the effectiveness of self-training can be glimpsed in some specific settings, we still have very limited knowledge about it. One reason is the existing works concentrate on devising EA models and only treat self-training as an auxiliary tool. To fill this knowledge gap, we change the perspective to self-training to shed light on it. In addition, the existing self-training strategies have limited impact because they introduce either much False Positive noise or a low quantity of True Positive pseudo mappings. To improve self-training for EA, we propose exploiting the dependencies between entities, a particularity of EA, to suppress the noise without hurting the recall of True Positive mappings. Through extensive experiments, we show that the introduction of dependency makes the self-training strategy for EA reach a new level. The value of self-training in alleviating the reliance on annotation is actually much higher than what has been realised. Furthermore, we suggest future study on smart data annotation to break the ceiling of EA performance.
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In dense image segmentation tasks (e.g., semantic, panoptic), existing methods can hardly generalize well to unseen image domains, predefined classes, and image resolution & quality variations. Motivated by these observations, we construct a large-scale entity segmentation dataset to explore fine-grained entity segmentation, with a strong focus on open-world and high-quality dense segmentation. The dataset contains images spanning diverse image domains and resolutions, along with high-quality mask annotations for training and testing. Given the high-quality and -resolution nature of the dataset, we propose CropFormer for high-quality segmentation, which can improve mask prediction using high-res image crops that provide more fine-grained image details than the full image. CropFormer is the first query-based Transformer architecture that can effectively ensemble mask predictions from multiple image crops, by learning queries that can associate the same entities across the full image and its crop. With CropFormer, we achieve a significant AP gain of $1.9$ on the challenging fine-grained entity segmentation task. The dataset and code will be released at http://luqi.info/entityv2.github.io/.
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