视觉世界可以以稀疏相互作用的不同实体来嘲笑。在动态视觉场景中发现这种组合结构已被证明对端到端的计算机视觉方法有挑战,除非提供明确的实例级别的监督。利用运动提示的基于老虎机的模型最近在学习代表,细分和跟踪对象的情况下没有直接监督显示了巨大的希望,但是它们仍然无法扩展到复杂的现实世界多对象视频。为了弥合这一差距,我们从人类发展中汲取灵感,并假设以深度信号形式的场景几何形状的信息可以促进以对象为中心的学习。我们介绍了一种以对象为中心的视频模型SAVI ++,该模型经过训练,可以预测基于插槽的视频表示的深度信号。通过进一步利用模型缩放的最佳实践,我们能够训练SAVI ++以细分使用移动摄像机记录的复杂动态场景,其中包含在自然主义背景上具有不同外观的静态和移动对象,而无需进行分割监督。最后,我们证明,通过使用从LIDAR获得的稀疏深度信号,Savi ++能够从真实World Waymo Open DataSet中的视频中学习新兴对象细分和跟踪。
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从物体及其在3D空间中的几何形状方面对世界的组成理解被认为是人类认知的基石。促进神经网络中这种表示形式的学习有望实质上提高标记的数据效率。作为朝着这个方向发展的关键步骤,我们在学习3D一致的复杂场景分解的问题上取得了进展,以无监督的方式将复杂场景分解为单个对象。我们介绍对象场景表示变压器(OSRT),这是一个以3D为中心的模型,其中各个对象表示通过新颖的视图合成自然出现。 OSRT比现有方法更为复杂,具有更大的对象和背景的复杂场景。同时,由于其光场参数化和新型的插槽混合器解码器,它在组成渲染时的多个数量级更快。我们认为,这项工作不仅将加速未来的建筑探索和扩展工作,而且还将成为以对象为中心和神经场景表示社区的有用工具。
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Current supervised visual detectors, though impressive within their training distribution, often fail to segment out-of-distribution scenes into their constituent entities. Recent test-time adaptation methods use auxiliary self-supervised losses to adapt the network parameters to each test example independently and have shown promising results towards generalization outside the training distribution for the task of image classification. In our work, we find evidence that these losses can be insufficient for instance segmentation tasks, without also considering architectural inductive biases. For image segmentation, recent slot-centric generative models break such dependence on supervision by attempting to segment scenes into entities in a self-supervised manner by reconstructing pixels. Drawing upon these two lines of work, we propose Slot-TTA, a semi-supervised instance segmentation model equipped with a slot-centric inductive bias, that is adapted per scene at test time through gradient descent on reconstruction or novel view synthesis objectives. We show that test-time adaptation in Slot-TTA greatly improves instance segmentation in out-of-distribution scenes. We evaluate Slot-TTA in several 3D and 2D scene instance segmentation benchmarks and show substantial out-of-distribution performance improvements against state-of-the-art supervised feed-forward detectors and self-supervised test-time adaptation methods.
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Neural networks leverage robust internal representations in order to generalise. Learning them is difficult, and often requires a large training set that covers the data distribution densely. We study a common setting where our task is not purely opaque. Indeed, very often we may have access to information about the underlying system (e.g. that observations must obey certain laws of physics) that any "tabula rasa" neural network would need to re-learn from scratch, penalising performance. We incorporate this information into a pre-trained reasoning module, and investigate its role in shaping the discovered representations in diverse self-supervised learning settings from pixels. Our approach paves the way for a new class of representation learning, grounded in algorithmic priors.
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Learning object-centric representations of complex scenes is a promising step towards enabling efficient abstract reasoning from low-level perceptual features. Yet, most deep learning approaches learn distributed representations that do not capture the compositional properties of natural scenes. In this paper, we present the Slot Attention module, an architectural component that interfaces with perceptual representations such as the output of a convolutional neural network and produces a set of task-dependent abstract representations which we call slots. These slots are exchangeable and can bind to any object in the input by specializing through a competitive procedure over multiple rounds of attention. We empirically demonstrate that Slot Attention can extract object-centric representations that enable generalization to unseen compositions when trained on unsupervised object discovery and supervised property prediction tasks.
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图形结构数据的深层生成模型为化学合成问题提供了一个新的角度:通过优化直接生成分子图的可区分模型,可以在化学结构的离散和广阔空间中侧键入昂贵的搜索程序。我们介绍了Molgan,这是一种用于小分子图的隐式,无似然生成模型,它规避了对以前基于可能性的方法的昂贵图形匹配程序或节点订购启发式方法的需求。我们的方法适应生成对抗网络(GAN)直接在图形结构数据上操作。我们将方法与增强学习目标结合起来,以鼓励具有特定所需化学特性的分子产生。在QM9化学数据库的实验中,我们证明了我们的模型能够生成接近100%有效化合物。莫尔根(Molgan)与最近使用基于字符串的分子表示(微笑)表示的提案和基于似然的方法直接生成图的方法进行了比较。 https://github.com/nicola-decao/molgan上的代码
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变异自动编码器(VAE)是最常用的无监督机器学习模型之一。但是,尽管对先前和后验的高斯分布的默认选择通常代表了数学方便的分布通常会导致竞争结果,但我们表明该参数化无法用潜在的超球体结构对数据进行建模。为了解决这个问题,我们建议使用von Mises-fisher(VMF)分布,从而导致超级潜在空间。通过一系列实验,我们展示了这种超球vae或$ \ mathcal {s} $ - vae如何更适合于用超球形结构捕获数据,同时胜过正常的,$ \ mathcal {n} $ - vae-,在其他数据类型的低维度中。http://github.com/nicola-decao/s-vae-tf和https://github.com/nicola-decao/nicola-decao/s-vae-pytorch
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Interacting systems are prevalent in nature, from dynamical systems in physics to complex societal dynamics. The interplay of components can give rise to complex behavior, which can often be explained using a simple model of the system's constituent parts. In this work, we introduce the neural relational inference (NRI) model: an unsupervised model that learns to infer interactions while simultaneously learning the dynamics purely from observational data. Our model takes the form of a variational auto-encoder, in which the latent code represents the underlying interaction graph and the reconstruction is based on graph neural networks. In experiments on simulated physical systems, we show that our NRI model can accurately recover ground-truth interactions in an unsupervised manner. We further demonstrate that we can find an interpretable structure and predict complex dynamics in real motion capture and sports tracking data.
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