Continual learning (CL) learns a sequence of tasks incrementally. There are two popular CL settings, class incremental learning (CIL) and task incremental learning (TIL). A major challenge of CL is catastrophic forgetting (CF). While a number of techniques are already available to effectively overcome CF for TIL, CIL remains to be highly challenging. So far, little theoretical study has been done to provide a principled guidance on how to solve the CIL problem. This paper performs such a study. It first shows that probabilistically, the CIL problem can be decomposed into two sub-problems: Within-task Prediction (WP) and Task-id Prediction (TP). It further proves that TP is correlated with out-of-distribution (OOD) detection, which connects CIL and OOD detection. The key conclusion of this study is that regardless of whether WP and TP or OOD detection are defined explicitly or implicitly by a CIL algorithm, good WP and good TP or OOD detection are necessary and sufficient for good CIL performances. Additionally, TIL is simply WP. Based on the theoretical result, new CIL methods are also designed, which outperform strong baselines in both CIL and TIL settings by a large margin.
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Classification bandits are multi-armed bandit problems whose task is to classify a given set of arms into either positive or negative class depending on whether the rate of the arms with the expected reward of at least h is not less than w for given thresholds h and w. We study a special classification bandit problem in which arms correspond to points x in d-dimensional real space with expected rewards f(x) which are generated according to a Gaussian process prior. We develop a framework algorithm for the problem using various arm selection policies and propose policies called FCB and FTSV. We show a smaller sample complexity upper bound for FCB than that for the existing algorithm of the level set estimation, in which whether f(x) is at least h or not must be decided for every arm's x. Arm selection policies depending on an estimated rate of arms with rewards of at least h are also proposed and shown to improve empirical sample complexity. According to our experimental results, the rate-estimation versions of FCB and FTSV, together with that of the popular active learning policy that selects the point with the maximum variance, outperform other policies for synthetic functions, and the version of FTSV is also the best performer for our real-world dataset.
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The long-standing theory that a colour-naming system evolves under the dual pressure of efficient communication and perceptual mechanism is supported by more and more linguistic studies including the analysis of four decades' diachronic data from the Nafaanra language. This inspires us to explore whether artificial intelligence could evolve and discover a similar colour-naming system via optimising the communication efficiency represented by high-level recognition performance. Here, we propose a novel colour quantisation transformer, CQFormer, that quantises colour space while maintaining the accuracy of machine recognition on the quantised images. Given an RGB image, Annotation Branch maps it into an index map before generating the quantised image with a colour palette, meanwhile the Palette Branch utilises a key-point detection way to find proper colours in palette among whole colour space. By interacting with colour annotation, CQFormer is able to balance both the machine vision accuracy and colour perceptual structure such as distinct and stable colour distribution for discovered colour system. Very interestingly, we even observe the consistent evolution pattern between our artificial colour system and basic colour terms across human languages. Besides, our colour quantisation method also offers an efficient quantisation method that effectively compresses the image storage while maintaining a high performance in high-level recognition tasks such as classification and detection. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior performance of our method with extremely low bit-rate colours. We will release the source code soon.
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While natural systems often present collective intelligence that allows them to self-organize and adapt to changes, the equivalent is missing in most artificial systems. We explore the possibility of such a system in the context of cooperative object manipulation using mobile robots. Although conventional works demonstrate potential solutions for the problem in restricted settings, they have computational and learning difficulties. More importantly, these systems do not possess the ability to adapt when facing environmental changes. In this work, we show that by distilling a planner derived from a gradient-based soft-body physics simulator into an attention-based neural network, our multi-robot manipulation system can achieve better performance than baselines. In addition, our system also generalizes to unseen configurations during training and is able to adapt toward task completions when external turbulence and environmental changes are applied.
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