The self-configuring nnU-Net has achieved leading performance in a large range of medical image segmentation challenges. It is widely considered as the model of choice and a strong baseline for medical image segmentation. However, despite its extraordinary performance, nnU-Net does not supply a measure of uncertainty to indicate its possible failure. This can be problematic for large-scale image segmentation applications, where data are heterogeneous and nnU-Net may fail without notice. In this work, we introduce a novel method to estimate nnU-Net uncertainty for medical image segmentation. We propose a highly effective scheme for posterior sampling of weight space for Bayesian uncertainty estimation. Different from previous baseline methods such as Monte Carlo Dropout and mean-field Bayesian Neural Networks, our proposed method does not require a variational architecture and keeps the original nnU-Net architecture intact, thereby preserving its excellent performance and ease of use. Additionally, we boost the segmentation performance over the original nnU-Net via marginalizing multi-modal posterior models. We applied our method on the public ACDC and M&M datasets of cardiac MRI and demonstrated improved uncertainty estimation over a range of baseline methods. The proposed method further strengthens nnU-Net for medical image segmentation in terms of both segmentation accuracy and quality control.
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In this paper, we introduce a novel approach for ground plane normal estimation of wheeled vehicles. In practice, the ground plane is dynamically changed due to braking and unstable road surface. As a result, the vehicle pose, especially the pitch angle, is oscillating from subtle to obvious. Thus, estimating ground plane normal is meaningful since it can be encoded to improve the robustness of various autonomous driving tasks (e.g., 3D object detection, road surface reconstruction, and trajectory planning). Our proposed method only uses odometry as input and estimates accurate ground plane normal vectors in real time. Particularly, it fully utilizes the underlying connection between the ego pose odometry (ego-motion) and its nearby ground plane. Built on that, an Invariant Extended Kalman Filter (IEKF) is designed to estimate the normal vector in the sensor's coordinate. Thus, our proposed method is simple yet efficient and supports both camera- and inertial-based odometry algorithms. Its usability and the marked improvement of robustness are validated through multiple experiments on public datasets. For instance, we achieve state-of-the-art accuracy on KITTI dataset with the estimated vector error of 0.39{\deg}. Our code is available at
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变分量子本层(VQE)是一种领先的策略,可利用嘈杂的中间量子量子(NISQ)机器来解决化学问题的表现优于经典方法。为了获得大规模问题的计算优势,可行的解决方案是量子分布式优化(QUDIO)方案,该方案将原始问题分配到$ K $子问题中,并将其分配给$ K $量子机器,然后将其分配给并行优化。尽管有可证明的加速度比率,但Qudio的效率可能会因同步操作而大大降低。为了征服这个问题,我们在这里提议在量子分布式优化期间,将洗牌措施涉及到当地的汉密尔顿人。与Qudio相比,Shuffle-Qudio显着降低了量子处理器之间的通信频率,并同时达到了更好的训练性。特别是,我们证明,Shuffle-Qudio可以比Qudio更快地收敛速率。进行了广泛的数值实验,以验证估计分子的基态能量的任务中,隔离式时间速度允许壁式时间速度和低近似误差。我们从经验上证明,我们的建议可以与其他加速技术(例如操作员分组)无缝集成,以进一步提高VQE的疗效。
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Unlike existing knowledge distillation methods focus on the baseline settings, where the teacher models and training strategies are not that strong and competing as state-of-the-art approaches, this paper presents a method dubbed DIST to distill better from a stronger teacher. We empirically find that the discrepancy of predictions between the student and a stronger teacher may tend to be fairly severer. As a result, the exact match of predictions in KL divergence would disturb the training and make existing methods perform poorly. In this paper, we show that simply preserving the relations between the predictions of teacher and student would suffice, and propose a correlation-based loss to capture the intrinsic inter-class relations from the teacher explicitly. Besides, considering that different instances have different semantic similarities to each class, we also extend this relational match to the intra-class level. Our method is simple yet practical, and extensive experiments demonstrate that it adapts well to various architectures, model sizes and training strategies, and can achieve state-of-the-art performance consistently on image classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation tasks. Code is available at: .
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Context-aware decision support in the operating room can foster surgical safety and efficiency by leveraging real-time feedback from surgical workflow analysis. Most existing works recognize surgical activities at a coarse-grained level, such as phases, steps or events, leaving out fine-grained interaction details about the surgical activity; yet those are needed for more helpful AI assistance in the operating room. Recognizing surgical actions as triplets of <instrument, verb, target> combination delivers comprehensive details about the activities taking place in surgical videos. This paper presents CholecTriplet2021: an endoscopic vision challenge organized at MICCAI 2021 for the recognition of surgical action triplets in laparoscopic videos. The challenge granted private access to the large-scale CholecT50 dataset, which is annotated with action triplet information. In this paper, we present the challenge setup and assessment of the state-of-the-art deep learning methods proposed by the participants during the challenge. A total of 4 baseline methods from the challenge organizers and 19 new deep learning algorithms by competing teams are presented to recognize surgical action triplets directly from surgical videos, achieving mean average precision (mAP) ranging from 4.2% to 38.1%. This study also analyzes the significance of the results obtained by the presented approaches, performs a thorough methodological comparison between them, in-depth result analysis, and proposes a novel ensemble method for enhanced recognition. Our analysis shows that surgical workflow analysis is not yet solved, and also highlights interesting directions for future research on fine-grained surgical activity recognition which is of utmost importance for the development of AI in surgery.
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