Automated driving technology has gained a lot of momentum in the last few years. For the exploration field, navigation is the important key for autonomous operation. In difficult scenarios such as snowy environment, the road is covered with snow and road detection is impossible in this situation using only basic techniques. This paper introduces detection of snowy road in forest environment using RGB camera. The method combines noise filtering technique with morphological operation to classify the image component. By using the assumption that all road is covered by snow and the snow part is defined as road area. From the perspective image of road, the vanishing point of road is one of factor to scope the region of road. This vanishing point is found with fitting triangle technique. The performance of algorithm is evaluated by two error value: False Negative Rate and False Positive Rate. The error shows that the method has high efficiency for detect road with straight road but low performance for curved road. This road region will be applied with depth information from camera to detect for obstacle in the future work.
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Vehicle routing problems and other combinatorial optimization problems have been approximately solved by reinforcement learning agents with policies based on encoder-decoder models with attention mechanisms. These techniques are of substantial interest but still cannot solve the complex routing problems that arise in a realistic setting which can have many trucks and complex requirements. With the aim of making reinforcement learning a viable technique for supply chain optimization, we develop new extensions to encoder-decoder models for vehicle routing that allow for complex supply chains using classical computing today and quantum computing in the future. We make two major generalizations. First, our model allows for routing problems with multiple trucks. Second, we move away from the simple requirement of having a truck deliver items from nodes to one special depot node, and instead allow for a complex tensor demand structure. We show how our model, even if trained only for a small number of trucks, can be embedded into a large supply chain to yield viable solutions.
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Problem instances of a size suitable for practical applications are not likely to be addressed during the noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) period with (almost) pure quantum algorithms. Hybrid classical-quantum algorithms have potential, however, to achieve good performance on much larger problem instances. We investigate one such hybrid algorithm on a problem of substantial importance: vehicle routing for supply chain logistics with multiple trucks and complex demand structure. We use reinforcement learning with neural networks with embedded quantum circuits. In such neural networks, projecting high-dimensional feature vectors down to smaller vectors is necessary to accommodate restrictions on the number of qubits of NISQ hardware. However, we use a multi-head attention mechanism where, even in classical machine learning, such projections are natural and desirable. We consider data from the truck routing logistics of a company in the automotive sector, and apply our methodology by decomposing into small teams of trucks, and we find results comparable to human truck assignment.
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降低(DR)在高维数据的视觉分析中起着至关重要的作用。 DR的主要目的是揭示隐藏的模式,这些模式位于固有的低维歧管上。但是,当歧管被某些有影响力的数据属性严重扭曲或隐藏时,DR通常会忽略重要模式。本文介绍了一个功能学习框架FEALM,旨在为非线性DR生成优化的数据投影集,以便在隐藏的歧管中捕获重要模式。这些投影产生了最大不同的最近邻居图,因此由此产生的DR结果显着差异。为了获得这种功能,我们设计了一种优化算法,并引入了一种新的图形差异度量,称为邻居形状差异。此外,我们开发交互式可视化,以帮助比较获得的DR结果和每个DR结果的解释。我们通过使用合成数据集和对现实世界数据集的多个案例研究进行实验来证明FEALM的有效性。
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图表学习方法的理论分析通常假设输入图的完全观察。由于实践中的可扩展性问题,这种假设可能对处理任何大小的图表都不有用。在这项工作中,我们在部分观察设置中开发了图形分类问题的理论框架(即,子图采样)。在图形限制理论中配备了洞察力,我们提出了一种新的图形分类模型,用于在随机采样的子图和新颖的拓扑上工作,以表征模型的可颂扬性。我们的理论框架在图形上提供了迷你批量学习的理论验证,并导致新的学习 - 理论上的泛化界限以及尺寸概括地,而不是输入的假设。
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To control humanoid robots, the reference pose of end effector(s) is planned in task space, then mapped into the reference joints by IK. By viewing that problem as approximate quadratic programming (QP), recent QP solvers can be applied to solve it precisely, but iterative numerical IK solvers based on Jacobian are still in high demand due to their low computational cost. However, the conventional Jacobian-based IK usually clamps the obtained joints during iteration according to the constraints in practice, causing numerical instability due to non-smoothed objective function. To alleviate the clamping problem, this study explicitly considers the joint constraints, especially the box constraints in this paper, inside the new IK solver. Specifically, instead of clamping, a mirror descent (MD) method with box-constrained real joint space and no-constrained mirror space is integrated with the Jacobian-based IK, so-called MD-IK. In addition, to escape local optima nearly on the boundaries of constraints, a heuristic technique, called $\epsilon$-clamping, is implemented as margin in software level. Finally, to increase convergence speed, the acceleration method for MD is integrated assuming continuity of solutions at each time. As a result, the accelerated MD-IK achieved more stable and enough fast tracking performance compared to the conventional IK solvers. The low computational cost of the proposed method mitigated the time delay until the solution is obtained in real-time humanoid gait control, achieving a more stable gait.
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