我们提出Dave Aquatic Virtual Environals(Dave),这是用于水下机器人,传感器和环境的开源仿真堆栈。传统的机器人模拟器并非旨在应对海洋环境带来的独特挑战,包括但不限于在空间和时间上变化的环境条件,受损或具有挑战性的感知以及在通常未探索的环境中数据的不可用。考虑到各种传感器和平台,对于不可避免地抵制更广泛采用的特定用例,车轮通常会重新发明。在现有模拟器的基础上,我们提供了一个框架,以帮助加快算法的开发和评估,否则这些算法需要在海上需要昂贵且耗时的操作。该框架包括基本的构建块(例如,新车,水跟踪多普勒速度记录仪,基于物理的多微型声纳)以及开发工具(例如,动态测深的产卵,洋流),使用户可以专注于方法论,而不是方法。比软件基础架构。我们通过示例场景,测深数据导入,数据检查的用户界面和操纵运动计划以及可视化来演示用法。
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Reading comprehension of legal text can be a particularly challenging task due to the length and complexity of legal clauses and a shortage of expert-annotated datasets. To address this challenge, we introduce the Merger Agreement Understanding Dataset (MAUD), an expert-annotated reading comprehension dataset based on the American Bar Association's 2021 Public Target Deal Points Study, with over 39,000 examples and over 47,000 total annotations. Our fine-tuned Transformer baselines show promising results, with models performing well above random on most questions. However, on a large subset of questions, there is still room for significant improvement. As the only expert-annotated merger agreement dataset, MAUD is valuable as a benchmark for both the legal profession and the NLP community.
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Vision-based tactile sensors have gained extensive attention in the robotics community. The sensors are highly expected to be capable of extracting contact information i.e. haptic information during in-hand manipulation. This nature of tactile sensors makes them a perfect match for haptic feedback applications. In this paper, we propose a contact force estimation method using the vision-based tactile sensor DIGIT, and apply it to a position-force teleoperation architecture for force feedback. The force estimation is done by building a depth map for DIGIT gel surface deformation measurement and applying a regression algorithm on estimated depth data and ground truth force data to get the depth-force relationship. The experiment is performed by constructing a grasping force feedback system with a haptic device as a leader robot and a parallel robot gripper as a follower robot, where the DIGIT sensor is attached to the tip of the robot gripper to estimate the contact force. The preliminary results show the capability of using the low-cost vision-based sensor for force feedback applications.
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In 2019 Kerdels and Peters proposed a grid cell model (GCM) based on a Differential Growing Neural Gas (DGNG) network architecture as a computationally efficient way to model an Autoassociative Memory Cell (AMC) \cite{Kerdels_Peters_2019}. An important feature of the DGNG architecture with respect to possible applications in the field of computational neuroscience is its \textit{capacity} refering to its capability to process and uniquely distinguish input signals and therefore obtain a valid representation of the input space. This study evaluates the capacity of a two layered DGNG grid cell model on the Fashion-MNIST dataset. The focus on the study lies on the variation of layer sizes to improve the understanding of capacity properties in relation to network parameters as well as its scaling properties. Additionally, parameter discussions and a plausability check with a pixel/segment variation method are provided. It is concluded, that the DGNG model is able to obtain a meaningful and plausible representation of the input space and to cope with the complexity of the Fashion-MNIST dataset even at moderate layer sizes.
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Early detection of relevant locations in a piece of news is especially important in extreme events such as environmental disasters, war conflicts, disease outbreaks, or political turmoils. Additionally, this detection also helps recommender systems to promote relevant news based on user locations. Note that, when the relevant locations are not mentioned explicitly in the text, state-of-the-art methods typically fail to recognize them because these methods rely on syntactic recognition. In contrast, by incorporating a knowledge base and connecting entities with their locations, our system successfully infers the relevant locations even when they are not mentioned explicitly in the text. To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach, and due to the lack of datasets in this area, we also contribute to the research community with a gold-standard multilingual news-location dataset, NewsLOC. It contains the annotation of the relevant locations (and their WikiData IDs) of 600+ Wikinews articles in five different languages: English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. Through experimental evaluations, we show that our proposed system outperforms the baselines and the fine-tuned version of the model using semi-supervised data that increases the classification rate. The source code and the NewsLOC dataset are publicly available for being used by the research community at https://github.com/vsuarezpaniagua/NewsLocation.
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In recent years multi-label, multi-class video action recognition has gained significant popularity. While reasoning over temporally connected atomic actions is mundane for intelligent species, standard artificial neural networks (ANN) still struggle to classify them. In the real world, atomic actions often temporally connect to form more complex composite actions. The challenge lies in recognising composite action of varying durations while other distinct composite or atomic actions occur in the background. Drawing upon the success of relational networks, we propose methods that learn to reason over the semantic concept of objects and actions. We empirically show how ANNs benefit from pretraining, relational inductive biases and unordered set-based latent representations. In this paper we propose deep set conditioned I3D (SCI3D), a two stream relational network that employs latent representation of state and visual representation for reasoning over events and actions. They learn to reason about temporally connected actions in order to identify all of them in the video. The proposed method achieves an improvement of around 1.49% mAP in atomic action recognition and 17.57% mAP in composite action recognition, over a I3D-NL baseline, on the CATER dataset.
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Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated excellent zero-shot generalization to new language tasks. However, effective utilization of LLMs for zero-shot visual question-answering (VQA) remains challenging, primarily due to the modality disconnection and task disconnection between LLM and VQA task. End-to-end training on vision and language data may bridge the disconnections, but is inflexible and computationally expensive. To address this issue, we propose \emph{Img2Prompt}, a plug-and-play module that provides the prompts that can bridge the aforementioned modality and task disconnections, so that LLMs can perform zero-shot VQA tasks without end-to-end training. In order to provide such prompts, we further employ LLM-agnostic models to provide prompts that can describe image content and self-constructed question-answer pairs, which can effectively guide LLM to perform zero-shot VQA tasks. Img2Prompt offers the following benefits: 1) It can flexibly work with various LLMs to perform VQA. 2)~Without the needing of end-to-end training, it significantly reduces the cost of deploying LLM for zero-shot VQA tasks. 3) It achieves comparable or better performance than methods relying on end-to-end training. For example, we outperform Flamingo~\cite{Deepmind:Flamingo2022} by 5.6\% on VQAv2. On the challenging A-OKVQA dataset, our method even outperforms few-shot methods by as much as 20\%.
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Recent NLP models have the great ability to generalise `zero-shot' to new tasks using only an instruction as guidance. However, these approaches usually repeat their instructions with every input, requiring costly reprocessing of lengthy instructions for every inference example. To alleviate this, we introduce Hypernetworks for INstruction Tuning (HINT), which convert task instructions and examples using a pretrained text encoder into parameter-efficient modules inserted into an underlying model, eliminating the need to include instructions in the model input. Compared to prior approaches that concatenate instructions with every input instance, we find that HINT models are significantly more compute-efficient and consistently outperform these approaches for a given inference budget.
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As information extraction (IE) systems have grown more capable at whole-document extraction, the classic task of \emph{template filling} has seen renewed interest as a benchmark for evaluating them. In this position paper, we call into question the suitability of template filling for this purpose. We argue that the task demands definitive answers to thorny questions of \emph{event individuation} -- the problem of distinguishing distinct events -- about which even human experts disagree. We show through annotation studies and error analysis that this raises concerns about the usefulness of template filling evaluation metrics, the quality of datasets for the task, and the ability of models to learn it. Finally, we consider possible solutions.
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Machine learning models are increasingly deployed for critical decision-making tasks, making it important to verify that they do not contain gender or racial biases picked up from training data. Typical approaches to achieve fairness revolve around efforts to clean or curate training data, with post-hoc statistical evaluation of the fairness of the model on evaluation data. In contrast, we propose techniques to \emph{prove} fairness using recently developed formal methods that verify properties of neural network models.Beyond the strength of guarantee implied by a formal proof, our methods have the advantage that we do not need explicit training or evaluation data (which is often proprietary) in order to analyze a given trained model. In experiments on two familiar datasets in the fairness literature (COMPAS and ADULTS), we show that through proper training, we can reduce unfairness by an average of 65.4\% at a cost of less than 1\% in AUC score.
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