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Neural network-based approaches for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) have recently received special attention. However, the large majority of neural PDE solvers only apply to rectilinear domains, and do not systematically address the imposition of Dirichlet/Neumann boundary conditions over irregular domain boundaries. In this paper, we present a framework to neurally solve partial differential equations over domains with irregularly shaped (non-rectilinear) geometric boundaries. Our network takes in the shape of the domain as an input (represented using an unstructured point cloud, or any other parametric representation such as Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines) and is able to generalize to novel (unseen) irregular domains; the key technical ingredient to realizing this model is a novel approach for identifying the interior and exterior of the computational grid in a differentiable manner. We also perform a careful error analysis which reveals theoretical insights into several sources of error incurred in the model-building process. Finally, we showcase a wide variety of applications, along with favorable comparisons with ground truth solutions.
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Machine learning is the study of computer algorithms that can automatically improve based on data and experience. Machine learning algorithms build a model from sample data, called training data, to make predictions or judgments without being explicitly programmed to do so. A variety of wellknown machine learning algorithms have been developed for use in the field of computer science to analyze data. This paper introduced a new machine learning algorithm called impact learning. Impact learning is a supervised learning algorithm that can be consolidated in both classification and regression problems. It can furthermore manifest its superiority in analyzing competitive data. This algorithm is remarkable for learning from the competitive situation and the competition comes from the effects of autonomous features. It is prepared by the impacts of the highlights from the intrinsic rate of natural increase (RNI). We, moreover, manifest the prevalence of the impact learning over the conventional machine learning algorithm.
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We consider stochastic gradient descents on the space of large symmetric matrices of suitable functions that are invariant under permuting the rows and columns using the same permutation. We establish deterministic limits of these random curves as the dimensions of the matrices go to infinity while the entries remain bounded. Under a "small noise" assumption the limit is shown to be the gradient flow of functions on graphons whose existence was established in arXiv:2111.09459. We also consider limits of stochastic gradient descents with added properly scaled reflected Brownian noise. The limiting curve of graphons is characterized by a family of stochastic differential equations with reflections and can be thought of as an extension of the classical McKean-Vlasov limit for interacting diffusions. The proofs introduce a family of infinite-dimensional exchangeable arrays of reflected diffusions and a novel notion of propagation of chaos for large matrices of interacting diffusions.
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在分布式深度学习的背景下,陈旧的权重或梯度的问题可能导致算法性能差。这个问题通常通过延迟耐受算法来解决,并在目标函数和步进尺寸上有一些温和的假设。在本文中,我们提出了一种不同的方法来开发一种新算法,称为$ \ textbf {p} $ redicting $ \ textbf {c} $ lipping $ \ textbf {a} $ synchronous $ \ textbf {s} textbf {g} $ radient $ \ textbf {d} $ escent(aka,pc-asgd)。具体而言,PC -ASGD有两个步骤 - $ \ textIt {预测步骤} $利用泰勒扩展利用梯度预测来减少过时的权重的稳固性,而$ \ textit {clivipping step} $选择性地降低了过时的权重,以减轻过时的权重他们的负面影响。引入权衡参数以平衡这两个步骤之间的影响。从理论上讲,考虑到平滑的物镜函数弱键和非凸的延迟延迟的延迟,我们介绍了收敛速率。还提出了一种实用的PC-ASGD变体,即采用条件来帮助确定权衡参数。对于经验验证,我们在两个基准数据集上使用两个深神经网络体系结构演示了该算法的性能。
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三角形流量,也称为kn \“{o}的Rosenblatt测量耦合,包括用于生成建模和密度估计的归一化流模型的重要构建块,包括诸如实值的非体积保存变换模型的流行自回归流模型(真实的NVP)。我们提出了三角形流量统计模型的统计保证和样本复杂性界限。特别是,我们建立了KN的统计一致性和kullback-leibler估算器的rospblatt的kullback-leibler估计的有限样本会聚率使用实证过程理论的工具测量耦合。我们的结果突出了三角形流动下播放功能类的各向异性几何形状,优化坐标排序,并导致雅各比比流动的统计保证。我们对合成数据进行数值实验,以说明我们理论发现的实际意义。
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我们提出了一种新的多功能增强学习的新型政策梯度方法,其利用了两个不同的差异减少技术,并且不需要在迭代上进行大量批次。具体而言,我们提出了一种基于势头的分散策略梯度跟踪(MDPGT),其中使用新的基于动量的方差减少技术来接近具有重要性采样的本地策略梯度代理,并采用中间参数来跟踪两个连续的策略梯度代理。此外,MDPGT可证明$ \ mathcal {o}的最佳可用样本复杂性(n ^ { - 1} \ epsilon ^ {-3})$,用于汇聚到全球平均值的$ \ epsilon $ -stationary点n $本地性能函数(可能是非旋转)。这优于在分散的无模型增强学习中的最先进的样本复杂性,并且当用单个轨迹初始化时,采样复杂性与现有的分散的政策梯度方法获得的样本复杂性匹配。我们进一步验证了高斯策略函数的理论索赔。当所需的误差容忍$ \ epsilon $足够小时,MDPGT导致线性加速,以前已经在分散的随机优化中建立,但不是为了加强学习。最后,我们在多智能体增强学习基准环境下提供了实证结果,以支持我们的理论发现。
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