通过纳入缺失区域的先验知识,通常用于图像染色的辅助损失导致更好的重建性能。但是,它通常需要充分利用辅助损失的潜力需要很多努力,因为加权辅助损失不当会分散模型从染色任务中的注意力,并且辅助损失的有效性可能在培训过程中变化。此外,辅助损失的设计需要域专业知识。在这项工作中,我们介绍了辅助损耗适应(Adaption)算法动态调整辅助丢失的参数,以更好地帮助主要任务。我们的算法基于更好的辅助损耗的原理是通过梯度下降的几个步骤提高主要损失性能的原理。然后,我们检查了两个常用的辅助损失,以适应\ ac {ala}来调整它们的参数。实验结果表明,ALA诱导比固定辅助损失更具竞争力的耐受效果。特别是,只需用\ ac {ALA}结合辅助损耗,现有的染色方法可以在未经明确地结合精密网络设计或结构知识的情况下实现增加的性能。
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In this paper we explore the task of modeling (semi) structured object sequences; in particular we focus our attention on the problem of developing a structure-aware input representation for such sequences. In such sequences, we assume that each structured object is represented by a set of key-value pairs which encode the attributes of the structured object. Given a universe of keys, a sequence of structured objects can then be viewed as an evolution of the values for each key, over time. We encode and construct a sequential representation using the values for a particular key (Temporal Value Modeling - TVM) and then self-attend over the set of key-conditioned value sequences to a create a representation of the structured object sequence (Key Aggregation - KA). We pre-train and fine-tune the two components independently and present an innovative training schedule that interleaves the training of both modules with shared attention heads. We find that this iterative two part-training results in better performance than a unified network with hierarchical encoding as well as over, other methods that use a {\em record-view} representation of the sequence \cite{de2021transformers4rec} or a simple {\em flattened} representation of the sequence. We conduct experiments using real-world data to demonstrate the advantage of interleaving TVM-KA on multiple tasks and detailed ablation studies motivating our modeling choices. We find that our approach performs better than flattening sequence objects and also allows us to operate on significantly larger sequences than existing methods.
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Deploying reliable deep learning techniques in interdisciplinary applications needs learned models to output accurate and ({even more importantly}) explainable predictions. Existing approaches typically explicate network outputs in a post-hoc fashion, under an implicit assumption that faithful explanations come from accurate predictions/classifications. We have an opposite claim that explanations boost (or even determine) classification. That is, end-to-end learning of explanation factors to augment discriminative representation extraction could be a more intuitive strategy to inversely assure fine-grained explainability, e.g., in those neuroimaging and neuroscience studies with high-dimensional data containing noisy, redundant, and task-irrelevant information. In this paper, we propose such an explainable geometric deep network dubbed as NeuroExplainer, with applications to uncover altered infant cortical development patterns associated with preterm birth. Given fundamental cortical attributes as network input, our NeuroExplainer adopts a hierarchical attention-decoding framework to learn fine-grained attentions and respective discriminative representations to accurately recognize preterm infants from term-born infants at term-equivalent age. NeuroExplainer learns the hierarchical attention-decoding modules under subject-level weak supervision coupled with targeted regularizers deduced from domain knowledge regarding brain development. These prior-guided constraints implicitly maximizes the explainability metrics (i.e., fidelity, sparsity, and stability) in network training, driving the learned network to output detailed explanations and accurate classifications. Experimental results on the public dHCP benchmark suggest that NeuroExplainer led to quantitatively reliable explanation results that are qualitatively consistent with representative neuroimaging studies.
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Forecasts by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF; EC for short) can provide a basis for the establishment of maritime-disaster warning systems, but they contain some systematic biases.The fifth-generation EC atmospheric reanalysis (ERA5) data have high accuracy, but are delayed by about 5 days. To overcome this issue, a spatiotemporal deep-learning method could be used for nonlinear mapping between EC and ERA5 data, which would improve the quality of EC wind forecast data in real time. In this study, we developed the Multi-Task-Double Encoder Trajectory Gated Recurrent Unit (MT-DETrajGRU) model, which uses an improved double-encoder forecaster architecture to model the spatiotemporal sequence of the U and V components of the wind field; we designed a multi-task learning loss function to correct wind speed and wind direction simultaneously using only one model. The study area was the western North Pacific (WNP), and real-time rolling bias corrections were made for 10-day wind-field forecasts released by the EC between December 2020 and November 2021, divided into four seasons. Compared with the original EC forecasts, after correction using the MT-DETrajGRU model the wind speed and wind direction biases in the four seasons were reduced by 8-11% and 9-14%, respectively. In addition, the proposed method modelled the data uniformly under different weather conditions. The correction performance under normal and typhoon conditions was comparable, indicating that the data-driven mode constructed here is robust and generalizable.
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Accurate path following is challenging for autonomous robots operating in uncertain environments. Adaptive and predictive control strategies are crucial for a nonlinear robotic system to achieve high-performance path following control. In this paper, we propose a novel learning-based predictive control scheme that couples a high-level model predictive path following controller (MPFC) with a low-level learning-based feedback linearization controller (LB-FBLC) for nonlinear systems under uncertain disturbances. The low-level LB-FBLC utilizes Gaussian Processes to learn the uncertain environmental disturbances online and tracks the reference state accurately with a probabilistic stability guarantee. Meanwhile, the high-level MPFC exploits the linearized system model augmented with a virtual linear path dynamics model to optimize the evolution of path reference targets, and provides the reference states and controls for the low-level LB-FBLC. Simulation results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy on a quadrotor path following task under unknown wind disturbances.
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Domain adaptation aims to transfer the knowledge acquired by models trained on (data-rich) source domains to (low-resource) target domains, for which a popular method is invariant representation learning. While they have been studied extensively for classification and regression problems, how they apply to ranking problems, where the data and metrics have a list structure, is not well understood. Theoretically, we establish a domain adaptation generalization bound for ranking under listwise metrics such as MRR and NDCG. The bound suggests an adaptation method via learning list-level domain-invariant feature representations, whose benefits are empirically demonstrated by unsupervised domain adaptation experiments on real-world ranking tasks, including passage reranking. A key message is that for domain adaptation, the representations should be analyzed at the same level at which the metric is computed, as we show that learning invariant representations at the list level is most effective for adaptation on ranking problems.
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Modern autonomous driving system is characterized as modular tasks in sequential order, i.e., perception, prediction and planning. As sensors and hardware get improved, there is trending popularity to devise a system that can perform a wide diversity of tasks to fulfill higher-level intelligence. Contemporary approaches resort to either deploying standalone models for individual tasks, or designing a multi-task paradigm with separate heads. These might suffer from accumulative error or negative transfer effect. Instead, we argue that a favorable algorithm framework should be devised and optimized in pursuit of the ultimate goal, i.e. planning of the self-driving-car. Oriented at this goal, we revisit the key components within perception and prediction. We analyze each module and prioritize the tasks hierarchically, such that all these tasks contribute to planning (the goal). To this end, we introduce Unified Autonomous Driving (UniAD), the first comprehensive framework up-to-date that incorporates full-stack driving tasks in one network. It is exquisitely devised to leverage advantages of each module, and provide complementary feature abstractions for agent interaction from a global perspective. Tasks are communicated with unified query design to facilitate each other toward planning. We instantiate UniAD on the challenging nuScenes benchmark. With extensive ablations, the effectiveness of using such a philosophy is proven to surpass previous state-of-the-arts by a large margin in all aspects. The full suite of codebase and models would be available to facilitate future research in the community.
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With the development of a series of Galaxy sky surveys in recent years, the observations increased rapidly, which makes the research of machine learning methods for galaxy image recognition a hot topic. Available automatic galaxy image recognition researches are plagued by the large differences in similarity between categories, the imbalance of data between different classes, and the discrepancy between the discrete representation of Galaxy classes and the essentially gradual changes from one morphological class to the adjacent class (DDRGC). These limitations have motivated several astronomers and machine learning experts to design projects with improved galaxy image recognition capabilities. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel learning method, ``Hierarchical Imbalanced data learning with Weighted sampling and Label smoothing" (HIWL). The HIWL consists of three key techniques respectively dealing with the above-mentioned three problems: (1) Designed a hierarchical galaxy classification model based on an efficient backbone network; (2) Utilized a weighted sampling scheme to deal with the imbalance problem; (3) Adopted a label smoothing technique to alleviate the DDRGC problem. We applied this method to galaxy photometric images from the Galaxy Zoo-The Galaxy Challenge, exploring the recognition of completely round smooth, in between smooth, cigar-shaped, edge-on and spiral. The overall classification accuracy is 96.32\%, and some superiorities of the HIWL are shown based on recall, precision, and F1-Score in comparing with some related works. In addition, we also explored the visualization of the galaxy image features and model attention to understand the foundations of the proposed scheme.
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We introduce anchored radial observations (ARO), a novel shape encoding for learning neural field representation of shapes that is category-agnostic and generalizable amid significant shape variations. The main idea behind our work is to reason about shapes through partial observations from a set of viewpoints, called anchors. We develop a general and unified shape representation by employing a fixed set of anchors, via Fibonacci sampling, and designing a coordinate-based deep neural network to predict the occupancy value of a query point in space. Differently from prior neural implicit models, that use global shape feature, our shape encoder operates on contextual, query-specific features. To predict point occupancy, locally observed shape information from the perspective of the anchors surrounding the input query point are encoded and aggregated through an attention module, before implicit decoding is performed. We demonstrate the quality and generality of our network, coined ARO-Net, on surface reconstruction from sparse point clouds, with tests on novel and unseen object categories, "one-shape" training, and comparisons to state-of-the-art neural and classical methods for reconstruction and tessellation.
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The quality of knowledge retrieval is crucial in knowledge-intensive conversations. Two common strategies to improve the retrieval quality are finetuning the retriever or generating a self-contained query, while they encounter heavy burdens on expensive computation and elaborate annotations. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised query enhanced approach for knowledge-intensive conversations, namely QKConv. There are three modules in QKConv: a query generator, an off-the-shelf knowledge selector, and a response generator. Without extra supervision, the end-to-end joint training of QKConv explores multiple candidate queries and utilizes corresponding selected knowledge to yield the target response. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we conducted comprehensive experiments on conversational question-answering, task-oriented dialogue, and knowledge-grounded conversation. Experimental results demonstrate that QKConv achieves state-of-the-art performance compared to unsupervised methods and competitive performance compared to supervised methods.
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