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我们提出了Adios,这是一个用于自我监督学习的遮罩图像模型(MIM)框架,同时使用对抗性目标学习掩盖功能和图像编码器。对图像编码器进行了训练,以最大程度地减少原始图像的表示形式与蒙版图像的表示之间的距离。相反,掩蔽函数旨在最大化此距离。阿迪奥斯(Adios)始终改进有关各种任务和数据集的最先进的自我监督学习(SSL)方法 - 包括Imagenet100和STL10上的分类,CIFAR10/100上的转移学习,Flowers102和Inaturalist,以及鲁棒性在背景挑战中进行了评估(Xiao等,2021) - 同时产生语义意义的面具。与MAE,BEIT和IBOT等现代MIM模型不同,Adios不依赖视觉变压器的图像斑点令牌构造,并且可以用卷积的骨架来实现。我们进一步证明,与对流行MIM模型中使用的掩盖方案相比,阿迪奥斯学到的面具在改善SSL方法的表示方面更有效。
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双耳音频为听众提供了沉浸式体验,可以增强增强和虚拟现实。然而,录制双耳音频需要专门设置,具有左耳和右耳的麦克风的假人头部。这种录制设置难以构建和设置,因此单声道音频已成为公共设备中的首选选择。为了获得与双耳音频相同的影响,最近的努力已经针对从场景的视觉输入上升降单声道音频到双耳音频。这种方法没有使用一个重要的提示来任务:不同声音产生对象来自麦克风的距离。在这项工作中,我们认为场景的深度映射可以作为诱导场景中不同对象的距离信息的代理,用于音频双耳的任务。我们提出了一种新颖的编码器解码器架构,具有分层关注机制来共同编码图像,深度和音频特征。我们在最先进的变压器网络上设计网络,用于图像和深度表示。我们凭经验展示了所提出的方法对于两个具有挑战性的公共数据集公平游戏和音乐 - 立体声舒适地表现出最先进的方法。我们还展示了定性结果,该方法能够专注于任务所需的正确信息。项目详细信息可用于\ url {https://krantiparida.github.io/projects/bomobinaural.html}
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受欢迎的LSPE($ \ lambda $)策略评估算法被重新审视,以导出从一段时间内提供高概率性能保证的浓度。
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使用Martingale浓度不平等,浓度界限为“从时间到$ n_0 $ on”是针对带有承包图的随机近似算法以及Martingale差异和Markov噪声的。这些应用于增强学习算法,尤其是异步Q学习和TD(0)。
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Multimodal VAEs seek to model the joint distribution over heterogeneous data (e.g.\ vision, language), whilst also capturing a shared representation across such modalities. Prior work has typically combined information from the modalities by reconciling idiosyncratic representations directly in the recognition model through explicit products, mixtures, or other such factorisations. Here we introduce a novel alternative, the MEME, that avoids such explicit combinations by repurposing semi-supervised VAEs to combine information between modalities implicitly through mutual supervision. This formulation naturally allows learning from partially-observed data where some modalities can be entirely missing -- something that most existing approaches either cannot handle, or do so to a limited extent. We demonstrate that MEME outperforms baselines on standard metrics across both partial and complete observation schemes on the MNIST-SVHN (image-image) and CUB (image-text) datasets. We also contrast the quality of the representations learnt by mutual supervision against standard approaches and observe interesting trends in its ability to capture relatedness between data.
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给定来自动态图的图形边缘,我们如何以在线方式将异常得分分配给边缘和子图,以便使用恒定的时间和内存来检测异常行为?例如,在入侵检测中,现有工作试图检测异常的边缘或异常子图,但并非两者兼而有之。在本文中,我们首先将Count-Min草图数据结构扩展到高阶草图。该高阶草图具有保留密集的子图结构的有用属性(输入中的密集子图转换为数据结构中的密集子膜)。然后,我们提出了4种利用这种增强数据结构的在线算法,该算法(a)检测边缘和图异常; (b)在恒定内存和每个新到达边缘的恒定内存和恒定更新时间中处理每个边缘,并且; (c)在4个现实世界数据集上优于最先进的基线。我们的方法是第一种流媒体方法,该方法结合了密集的子图搜索以在恒定内存和时间中检测图形异常。
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We present a principled approach to incorporating labels in VAEs that captures the rich characteristic information associated with those labels. While prior work has typically conflated these by learning latent variables that directly correspond to label values, we argue this is contrary to the intended effect of supervision in VAEs-capturing rich label characteristics with the latents. For example, we may want to capture the characteristics of a face that make it look young, rather than just the age of the person. To this end, we develop the CCVAE, a novel VAE model and concomitant variational objective which captures label characteristics explicitly in the latent space, eschewing direct correspondences between label values and latents. Through judicious structuring of mappings between such characteristic latents and labels, we show that the CCVAE can effectively learn meaningful representations of the characteristics of interest across a variety of supervision schemes. In particular, we show that the CCVAE allows for more effective and more general interventions to be performed, such as smooth traversals within the characteristics for a given label, diverse conditional generation, and transferring characteristics across datapoints.
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Designing experiments often requires balancing between learning about the true treatment effects and earning from allocating more samples to the superior treatment. While optimal algorithms for the Multi-Armed Bandit Problem (MABP) provide allocation policies that optimally balance learning and earning, they tend to be computationally expensive. The Gittins Index (GI) is a solution to the MABP that can simultaneously attain optimality and computationally efficiency goals, and it has been recently used in experiments with Bernoulli and Gaussian rewards. For the first time, we present a modification of the GI rule that can be used in experiments with exponentially-distributed rewards. We report its performance in simulated 2- armed and 3-armed experiments. Compared to traditional non-adaptive designs, our novel GI modified design shows operating characteristics comparable in learning (e.g. statistical power) but substantially better in earning (e.g. direct benefits). This illustrates the potential that designs using a GI approach to allocate participants have to improve participant benefits, increase efficiencies, and reduce experimental costs in adaptive multi-armed experiments with exponential rewards.
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