尽管近年来在多机构增强学习(MARL)方面取得了重大进展,但复杂领域的协调仍然是一个挑战。 MARL的工作通常专注于解决代理与环境中所有其他代理和实体互动的任务;但是,我们观察到现实世界任务通常由几个局部代理相互作用(子任务)的几个隔离实例组成,并且每个代理都可以有意义地专注于一个子任务,以排除环境中其他所有内容。在这些综合任务中,成功的策略通常可以分解为两个决策级别:代理人分配给特定的子任务,并且每个代理人仅针对其指定的子任务有效地采取行动。这种分解的决策提供了强烈的结构感应偏见,大大降低了代理观察空间,并鼓励在训练期间重复使用和组成子任务特异性策略,而不是将子任务的每个新组成视为独特的。我们介绍了ALMA,这是一种利用这些结构化任务的一般学习方法。阿尔玛同时学习高级子任务分配策略和低级代理政策。我们证明,阿尔玛(Alma)在许多具有挑战性的环境中学习了复杂的协调行为,表现优于强大的基准。 Alma的模块化还使其能够更好地概括为新的环境配置。最后,我们发现,尽管ALMA可以整合受过训练的分配和行动策略,但最佳性能仅通过共同训练所有组件才能获得。我们的代码可从https://github.com/shariqiqbal2810/alma获得
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Several self-supervised representation learning methods have been proposed for reinforcement learning (RL) with rich observations. For real-world applications of RL, recovering underlying latent states is crucial, particularly when sensory inputs contain irrelevant and exogenous information. In this work, we study how information bottlenecks can be used to construct latent states efficiently in the presence of task-irrelevant information. We propose architectures that utilize variational and discrete information bottlenecks, coined as RepDIB, to learn structured factorized representations. Exploiting the expressiveness bought by factorized representations, we introduce a simple, yet effective, bottleneck that can be integrated with any existing self-supervised objective for RL. We demonstrate this across several online and offline RL benchmarks, along with a real robot arm task, where we find that compressed representations with RepDIB can lead to strong performance improvements, as the learned bottlenecks help predict only the relevant state while ignoring irrelevant information.
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Quantitative cephalometric analysis is the most widely used clinical and research tool in modern orthodontics. Accurate localization of cephalometric landmarks enables the quantification and classification of anatomical abnormalities, however, the traditional manual way of marking these landmarks is a very tedious job. Endeavours have constantly been made to develop automated cephalometric landmark detection systems but they are inadequate for orthodontic applications. The fundamental reason for this is that the amount of publicly available datasets as well as the images provided for training in these datasets are insufficient for an AI model to perform well. To facilitate the development of robust AI solutions for morphometric analysis, we organise the CEPHA29 Automatic Cephalometric Landmark Detection Challenge in conjunction with IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2023). In this context, we provide the largest known publicly available dataset, consisting of 1000 cephalometric X-ray images. We hope that our challenge will not only derive forward research and innovation in automatic cephalometric landmark identification but will also signal the beginning of a new era in the discipline.
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We propose RANA, a relightable and articulated neural avatar for the photorealistic synthesis of humans under arbitrary viewpoints, body poses, and lighting. We only require a short video clip of the person to create the avatar and assume no knowledge about the lighting environment. We present a novel framework to model humans while disentangling their geometry, texture, and also lighting environment from monocular RGB videos. To simplify this otherwise ill-posed task we first estimate the coarse geometry and texture of the person via SMPL+D model fitting and then learn an articulated neural representation for photorealistic image generation. RANA first generates the normal and albedo maps of the person in any given target body pose and then uses spherical harmonics lighting to generate the shaded image in the target lighting environment. We also propose to pretrain RANA using synthetic images and demonstrate that it leads to better disentanglement between geometry and texture while also improving robustness to novel body poses. Finally, we also present a new photorealistic synthetic dataset, Relighting Humans, to quantitatively evaluate the performance of the proposed approach.
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Denoising diffusion models hold great promise for generating diverse and realistic human motions. However, existing motion diffusion models largely disregard the laws of physics in the diffusion process and often generate physically-implausible motions with pronounced artifacts such as floating, foot sliding, and ground penetration. This seriously impacts the quality of generated motions and limits their real-world application. To address this issue, we present a novel physics-guided motion diffusion model (PhysDiff), which incorporates physical constraints into the diffusion process. Specifically, we propose a physics-based motion projection module that uses motion imitation in a physics simulator to project the denoised motion of a diffusion step to a physically-plausible motion. The projected motion is further used in the next diffusion step to guide the denoising diffusion process. Intuitively, the use of physics in our model iteratively pulls the motion toward a physically-plausible space. Experiments on large-scale human motion datasets show that our approach achieves state-of-the-art motion quality and improves physical plausibility drastically (>78% for all datasets).
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Data scarcity is a notable problem, especially in the medical domain, due to patient data laws. Therefore, efficient Pre-Training techniques could help in combating this problem. In this paper, we demonstrate that a model trained on the time direction of functional neuro-imaging data could help in any downstream task, for example, classifying diseases from healthy controls in fMRI data. We train a Deep Neural Network on Independent components derived from fMRI data using the Independent component analysis (ICA) technique. It learns time direction in the ICA-based data. This pre-trained model is further trained to classify brain disorders in different datasets. Through various experiments, we have shown that learning time direction helps a model learn some causal relation in fMRI data that helps in faster convergence, and consequently, the model generalizes well in downstream classification tasks even with fewer data records.
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滚动轴承是旋转机械的最关键组成部分。及时识别有缺陷的轴承可能会阻止整个机械系统的故障。由于机器零件的快速发展,机械状况监测场已进入大数据阶段。当使用大量数据时,手动特征提取方法的缺点是效率低下和不准确。近年来,诸如深度学习方法之类的数据驱动方法已成功用于机械智能故障检测。卷积神经网络(CNN)主要用于早期研究中,以检测和识别轴承断层。但是,CNN模型遭受了难以管理故障时间信息的缺点,这导致缺乏分类结果。在这项研究中,使用最先进的视觉变压器(VIT)对轴承缺陷进行了分类。使用Case Western Reserve University(CWRU)实验室实验数据对轴承缺陷进行了分类。该研究还考虑了除正常轴承条件外,在0负载情况下的13种不同类型的缺陷。使用短时傅立叶变换(STFT),将振动信号转换为2D时频图像。 2D时频图像用作VIT的输入参数。该模型的总体准确度为98.8%。
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在视频中,人类的行为是三维(3D)信号。这些视频研究了人类行为的时空知识。使用3D卷积神经网络(CNN)研究了有希望的能力。 3D CNN尚未在静止照片中为其建立良好的二维(2D)等效物获得高输出。董事会3D卷积记忆和时空融合面部训练难以防止3D CNN完成非凡的评估。在本文中,我们实施了混合深度学习体系结构,该体系结构结合了Stip和3D CNN功能,以有效地增强3D视频的性能。实施后,在每个时空融合圈中进行训练的较详细和更深的图表。训练模型在处理模型的复杂评估后进一步增强了结果。视频分类模型在此实现模型中使用。引入了使用深度学习的多媒体数据分类的智能3D网络协议,以进一步了解人类努力中的时空关联。在实施结果时,著名的数据集(即UCF101)评估了提出的混合技术的性能。结果击败了提出的混合技术,该混合动力技术基本上超过了最初的3D CNN。将结果与文献的最新框架进行比较,以识别UCF101的行动识别,准确度为95%。
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本文提出了一种新颖的像素级分布正则化方案(DRSL),用于自我监督的语义分割域的适应性。在典型的环境中,分类损失迫使语义分割模型贪婪地学习捕获类间变化的表示形式,以确定决策(类)边界。由于域的转移,该决策边界在目标域中未对齐,从而导致嘈杂的伪标签对自我监督域的适应性产生不利影响。为了克服这一限制,以及捕获阶层间变化,我们通过类感知的多模式分布学习(MMDL)捕获了像素级内的类内变化。因此,捕获阶层内变化所需的信息与阶层间歧视所需的信息明确分开。因此,捕获的功能更具信息性,导致伪噪声低的伪标记。这种分离使我们能够使用前者的基于跨凝结的自学习,在判别空间和多模式分布空间中进行单独的对齐。稍后,我们通过明确降低映射到同一模式的目标和源像素之间的距离来提出一种新型的随机模式比对方法。距离度量标签上计算出的距离度量损失,并从多模式建模头部反向传播,充当与分割头共享的基本网络上的正常化程序。关于合成到真实域的适应设置的全面实验的结果,即GTA-V/Synthia to CityScapes,表明DRSL的表现优于许多现有方法(MIOU的最小余量为2.3%和2.5%,用于MIOU,而合成的MIOU到CityScapes)。
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