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Participants in political discourse employ rhetorical strategies -- such as hedging, attributions, or denials -- to display varying degrees of belief commitments to claims proposed by themselves or others. Traditionally, political scientists have studied these epistemic phenomena through labor-intensive manual content analysis. We propose to help automate such work through epistemic stance prediction, drawn from research in computational semantics, to distinguish at the clausal level what is asserted, denied, or only ambivalently suggested by the author or other mentioned entities (belief holders). We first develop a simple RoBERTa-based model for multi-source stance predictions that outperforms more complex state-of-the-art modeling. Then we demonstrate its novel application to political science by conducting a large-scale analysis of the Mass Market Manifestos corpus of U.S. political opinion books, where we characterize trends in cited belief holders -- respected allies and opposed bogeymen -- across U.S. political ideologies.
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While inferring common actor states (such as position or velocity) is an important and well-explored task of the perception system aboard a self-driving vehicle (SDV), it may not always provide sufficient information to the SDV. This is especially true in the case of active emergency vehicles (EVs), where light-based signals also need to be captured to provide a full context. We consider this problem and propose a sequential methodology for the detection of active EVs, using an off-the-shelf CNN model operating at a frame level and a downstream smoother that accounts for the temporal aspect of flashing EV lights. We also explore model improvements through data augmentation and training with additional hard samples.
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A key feature of federated learning (FL) is to preserve the data privacy of end users. However, there still exist potential privacy leakage in exchanging gradients under FL. As a result, recent research often explores the differential privacy (DP) approaches to add noises to the computing results to address privacy concerns with low overheads, which however degrade the model performance. In this paper, we strike the balance of data privacy and efficiency by utilizing the pervasive social connections between users. Specifically, we propose SCFL, a novel Social-aware Clustered Federated Learning scheme, where mutually trusted individuals can freely form a social cluster and aggregate their raw model updates (e.g., gradients) inside each cluster before uploading to the cloud for global aggregation. By mixing model updates in a social group, adversaries can only eavesdrop the social-layer combined results, but not the privacy of individuals. We unfold the design of SCFL in three steps. \emph{i) Stable social cluster formation. Considering users' heterogeneous training samples and data distributions, we formulate the optimal social cluster formation problem as a federation game and devise a fair revenue allocation mechanism to resist free-riders. ii) Differentiated trust-privacy mapping}. For the clusters with low mutual trust, we design a customizable privacy preservation mechanism to adaptively sanitize participants' model updates depending on social trust degrees. iii) Distributed convergence}. A distributed two-sided matching algorithm is devised to attain an optimized disjoint partition with Nash-stable convergence. Experiments on Facebook network and MNIST/CIFAR-10 datasets validate that our SCFL can effectively enhance learning utility, improve user payoff, and enforce customizable privacy protection.
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Object instance segmentation is a key challenge for indoor robots navigating cluttered environments with many small objects. Limitations in 3D sensing capabilities often make it difficult to detect every possible object. While deep learning approaches may be effective for this problem, manually annotating 3D data for supervised learning is time-consuming. In this work, we explore zero-shot instance segmentation (ZSIS) from RGB-D data to identify unseen objects in a semantic category-agnostic manner. We introduce a zero-shot split for Tabletop Objects Dataset (TOD-Z) to enable this study and present a method that uses annotated objects to learn the ``objectness'' of pixels and generalize to unseen object categories in cluttered indoor environments. Our method, SupeRGB-D, groups pixels into small patches based on geometric cues and learns to merge the patches in a deep agglomerative clustering fashion. SupeRGB-D outperforms existing baselines on unseen objects while achieving similar performance on seen objects. Additionally, it is extremely lightweight (0.4 MB memory requirement) and suitable for mobile and robotic applications. The dataset split and code will be made publicly available upon acceptance.
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Modern telecom systems are monitored with performance and system logs from multiple application layers and components. Detecting anomalous events from these logs is key to identify security breaches, resource over-utilization, critical/fatal errors, etc. Current supervised log anomaly detection frameworks tend to perform poorly on new types or signatures of anomalies with few or unseen samples in the training data. In this work, we propose a meta-learning-based log anomaly detection framework (LogAnMeta) for detecting anomalies from sequence of log events with few samples. LoganMeta train a hybrid few-shot classifier in an episodic manner. The experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed method
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Transformer-based models have been widely demonstrated to be successful in computer vision tasks by modelling long-range dependencies and capturing global representations. However, they are often dominated by features of large patterns leading to the loss of local details (e.g., boundaries and small objects), which are critical in medical image segmentation. To alleviate this problem, we propose a Dual-Aggregation Transformer Network called DuAT, which is characterized by two innovative designs, namely, the Global-to-Local Spatial Aggregation (GLSA) and Selective Boundary Aggregation (SBA) modules. The GLSA has the ability to aggregate and represent both global and local spatial features, which are beneficial for locating large and small objects, respectively. The SBA module is used to aggregate the boundary characteristic from low-level features and semantic information from high-level features for better preserving boundary details and locating the re-calibration objects. Extensive experiments in six benchmark datasets demonstrate that our proposed model outperforms state-of-the-art methods in the segmentation of skin lesion images, and polyps in colonoscopy images. In addition, our approach is more robust than existing methods in various challenging situations such as small object segmentation and ambiguous object boundaries.
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Users' involvement in creating and propagating news is a vital aspect of fake news detection in online social networks. Intuitively, credible users are more likely to share trustworthy news, while untrusted users have a higher probability of spreading untrustworthy news. In this paper, we construct a dual-layer graph (i.e., the news layer and the user layer) to extract multiple relations of news and users in social networks to derive rich information for detecting fake news. Based on the dual-layer graph, we propose a fake news detection model named Us-DeFake. It learns the propagation features of news in the news layer and the interaction features of users in the user layer. Through the inter-layer in the graph, Us-DeFake fuses the user signals that contain credibility information into the news features, to provide distinctive user-aware embeddings of news for fake news detection. The training process conducts on multiple dual-layer subgraphs obtained by a graph sampler to scale Us-DeFake in large scale social networks. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets illustrate the superiority of Us-DeFake which outperforms all baselines, and the users' credibility signals learned by interaction relation can notably improve the performance of our model.
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Task-oriented dialogue systems often assist users with personal or confidential matters. For this reason, the developers of such a system are generally prohibited from observing actual usage. So how can they know where the system is failing and needs more training data or new functionality? In this work, we study ways in which realistic user utterances can be generated synthetically, to help increase the linguistic and functional coverage of the system, without compromising the privacy of actual users. To this end, we propose a two-stage Differentially Private (DP) generation method which first generates latent semantic parses, and then generates utterances based on the parses. Our proposed approach improves MAUVE by 3.8$\times$ and parse tree node-type overlap by 1.4$\times$ relative to current approaches for private synthetic data generation, improving both on fluency and semantic coverage. We further validate our approach on a realistic domain adaptation task of adding new functionality from private user data to a semantic parser, and show gains of 1.3$\times$ on its accuracy with the new feature.
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