Large language models (LLMs) have led to a series of breakthroughs in natural language processing (NLP), owing to their excellent understanding and generation abilities. Remarkably, what further sets these models apart is the massive amounts of world knowledge they internalize during pretraining. While many downstream applications provide the model with an informational context to aid its performance on the underlying task, how the model's world knowledge interacts with the factual information presented in the context remains under explored. As a desirable behavior, an LLM should give precedence to the context whenever it contains task-relevant information that conflicts with the model's memorized knowledge. This enables model predictions to be grounded in the context, which can then be used to update or correct specific model predictions without frequent retraining. By contrast, when the context is irrelevant to the task, the model should ignore it and fall back on its internal knowledge. In this paper, we undertake a first joint study of the aforementioned two properties, namely controllability and robustness, in the context of LLMs. We demonstrate that state-of-the-art T5 and PaLM (both pretrained and finetuned) could exhibit poor controllability and robustness, which do not scale with increasing model size. As a solution, we propose a novel method - Knowledge Aware FineTuning (KAFT) - to strengthen both controllability and robustness by incorporating counterfactual and irrelevant contexts to standard supervised datasets. Our comprehensive evaluation showcases the utility of KAFT across model architectures and sizes.
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人纹理感知是多感官输入的加权平均值:视觉和触觉。当视觉传感机制提取全局特征时,触觉机制通过提取本地特征来补充它。文献中缺乏耦合的视觉效果数据集是研究类似于人类质地知觉的多模式融合策略的挑战。本文介绍了一个视觉数据集,可扩大现有的触觉数据集。我们提出了一种新型的深层融合体系结构,该融合体使用四种类型的融合策略融合了视觉和触觉数据:求和,串联,最大程度和注意力。我们的模型仅在触觉(SVM -92.60%)和仅视觉(FENET -50-50-85.01%)体系结构方面显示出显着的性能改进(97.22%)。在几种融合技术中,注意引导的体系结构可提高分类的精度。我们的研究表明,类似于人类纹理感知,提出的模型选择了两种方式(视觉和触觉)的加权组合,从而导致表面粗糙度分类的精度较高。它选择最大化视觉模态失败的触觉方式的重量,反之亦然。
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大型预估计模型(例如GPT-3)取得了显着的性能,在训练过程中暴露于大量数据上。类似地,将如此大型模型提炼成紧凑的模型以进行有效的部署,也需要大量(标记或未标记的)培训数据。在本文中,我们提出了培训高质量紧凑型模型的教师指导培训(TGT)框架,该模型利用了预验证的生成模型获得的知识,同时避免了大量数据的需求。 TGT利用了教师获得基础数据域的良好表示的事实,该事实通常对应于比输入空间要低得多的尺寸歧管。此外,我们可以使用老师通过采样或基于梯度的方法来更有效地探索输入空间。因此,使TGT对于有限的数据或长尾设置特别有吸引力。我们正式在我们的概括范围内正式捕获了所提出的数据域探索的好处。我们发现TGT可以提高几个图像分类基准以及一系列文本分类和检索任务的准确性。
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本文提出了一种新颖的邻居搜索算法,可实现TPU(Google Tensor处理单元)的峰值性能,超过了最先进的GPU算法,其召回水平相似。所提出的算法的设计是由准确的加速器性能模型的动机,该模型同时考虑了内存和指令瓶颈。我们的算法具有预期召回的分析保证,并且不需要维护复杂的索引数据结构或调整,因此它适用于经常更新的应用程序。我们的工作可在TPU上的Jax和Tensorflow的开源软件包中获得。
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与SGD相比,Adam等自适应梯度方法允许对现代深层网络(尤其是大型语言模型)进行强有力的培训。但是,适应性的使用不仅是为了额外的记忆,而且还提出了一个基本问题:SGD等非自适应方法可以享受类似的好处吗?在本文中,我们通过提议通过以下一般配方提议实现健壮和记忆效率的培训来为这个问题提供肯定的答案:(1)修改体系结构并使IT规模不变,即参数规模不影响。网络的输出,(2)使用SGD和重量衰减的训练,以及(3)剪辑全局梯度标准与重量标准成比例成正比,乘以$ \ sqrt {\ tfrac {\ tfrac {2 \ lambda} {\ eta}} {\ eta}}} $, $ \ eta $是学习率,而$ \ lambda $是权重腐烂。我们表明,这种一般方法是通过证明其收敛性仅取决于初始化和损失的规模来重新恢复参数和丢失的强大,而标准SGD甚至可能不会收敛许多初始化。在我们的食谱之后,我们设计了一个名为Sibert的Bert版本的比例不变版本,该版本仅由Vanilla SGD进行训练时,可以实现与Bert在下游任务中受过自适应方法训练的BERT相当的性能。
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Real-world classification problems typically exhibit an imbalanced or long-tailed label distribution, wherein many labels are associated with only a few samples. This poses a challenge for generalisation on such labels, and also makes naïve learning biased towards dominant labels. In this paper, we present two simple modifications of standard softmax cross-entropy training to cope with these challenges. Our techniques revisit the classic idea of logit adjustment based on the label frequencies, either applied post-hoc to a trained model, or enforced in the loss during training. Such adjustment encourages a large relative margin between logits of rare versus dominant labels. These techniques unify and generalise several recent proposals in the literature, while possessing firmer statistical grounding and empirical performance. A reference implementation of our methods is available at:, long-tail learning has received renewed interest in the context of neural networks. Two active strands of work involve post-hoc normalisation of the classification weights [
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Federated learning is a distributed machine learning paradigm in which a large number of clients coordinate with a central server to learn a model without sharing their own training data. Standard federated optimization methods such as Federated Averaging (FEDAVG) are often difficult to tune and exhibit unfavorable convergence behavior. In non-federated settings, adaptive optimization methods have had notable success in combating such issues. In this work, we propose federated versions of adaptive optimizers, including ADAGRAD, ADAM, and YOGI, and analyze their convergence in the presence of heterogeneous data for general nonconvex settings. Our results highlight the interplay between client heterogeneity and communication efficiency. We also perform extensive experiments on these methods and show that the use of adaptive optimizers can significantly improve the performance of federated learning.
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Several recently proposed stochastic optimization methods that have been successfully used in training deep networks such as RMSPROP, ADAM, ADADELTA, NADAM are based on using gradient updates scaled by square roots of exponential moving averages of squared past gradients. In many applications, e.g. learning with large output spaces, it has been empirically observed that these algorithms fail to converge to an optimal solution (or a critical point in nonconvex settings). We show that one cause for such failures is the exponential moving average used in the algorithms. We provide an explicit example of a simple convex optimization setting where ADAM does not converge to the optimal solution, and describe the precise problems with the previous analysis of ADAM algorithm. Our analysis suggests that the convergence issues can be fixed by endowing such algorithms with "long-term memory" of past gradients, and propose new variants of the ADAM algorithm which not only fix the convergence issues but often also lead to improved empirical performance.
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Quadruped robots are currently used in industrial robotics as mechanical aid to automate several routine tasks. However, presently, the usage of such a robot in a domestic setting is still very much a part of the research. This paper discusses the understanding and virtual simulation of such a robot capable of detecting and understanding human emotions, generating its gait, and responding via sounds and expression on a screen. To this end, we use a combination of reinforcement learning and software engineering concepts to simulate a quadruped robot that can understand emotions, navigate through various terrains and detect sound sources, and respond to emotions using audio-visual feedback. This paper aims to establish the framework of simulating a quadruped robot that is emotionally intelligent and can primarily respond to audio-visual stimuli using motor or audio response. The emotion detection from the speech was not as performant as ERANNs or Zeta Policy learning, still managing an accuracy of 63.5%. The video emotion detection system produced results that are almost at par with the state of the art, with an accuracy of 99.66%. Due to its "on-policy" learning process, the PPO algorithm was extremely rapid to learn, allowing the simulated dog to demonstrate a remarkably seamless gait across the different cadences and variations. This enabled the quadruped robot to respond to generated stimuli, allowing us to conclude that it functions as predicted and satisfies the aim of this work.
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Searching long egocentric videos with natural language queries (NLQ) has compelling applications in augmented reality and robotics, where a fluid index into everything that a person (agent) has seen before could augment human memory and surface relevant information on demand. However, the structured nature of the learning problem (free-form text query inputs, localized video temporal window outputs) and its needle-in-a-haystack nature makes it both technically challenging and expensive to supervise. We introduce Narrations-as-Queries (NaQ), a data augmentation strategy that transforms standard video-text narrations into training data for a video query localization model. Validating our idea on the Ego4D benchmark, we find it has tremendous impact in practice. NaQ improves multiple top models by substantial margins (even doubling their accuracy), and yields the very best results to date on the Ego4D NLQ challenge, soundly outperforming all challenge winners in the CVPR and ECCV 2022 competitions and topping the current public leaderboard. Beyond achieving the state-of-the-art for NLQ, we also demonstrate unique properties of our approach such as gains on long-tail object queries, and the ability to perform zero-shot and few-shot NLQ.
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