Finetuning image-text models such as CLIP achieves state-of-the-art accuracies on a variety of benchmarks. However, recent works like WiseFT (Wortsman et al., 2021) and LP-FT (Kumar et al., 2022) have shown that even subtle differences in the finetuning process can lead to surprisingly large differences in the final performance, both for in-distribution (ID) and out-of-distribution (OOD) data. In this work, we show that a natural and simple approach of mimicking contrastive pretraining consistently outperforms alternative finetuning approaches. Specifically, we cast downstream class labels as text prompts and continue optimizing the contrastive loss between image embeddings and class-descriptive prompt embeddings (contrastive finetuning). Our method consistently outperforms baselines across 7 distribution shifts, 6 transfer learning, and 3 few-shot learning benchmarks. On WILDS-iWILDCam, our proposed approach FLYP outperforms the top of the leaderboard by $2.3\%$ ID and $2.7\%$ OOD, giving the highest reported accuracy. Averaged across 7 OOD datasets (2 WILDS and 5 ImageNet associated shifts), FLYP gives gains of $4.2\%$ OOD over standard finetuning and outperforms the current state of the art (LP-FT) by more than $1\%$ both ID and OOD. Similarly, on 3 few-shot learning benchmarks, our approach gives gains up to $4.6\%$ over standard finetuning and $4.4\%$ over the state of the art. In total, these benchmarks establish contrastive finetuning as a simple, intuitive, and state-of-the-art approach for supervised finetuning of image-text models like CLIP. Code is available at
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测试时间适应(TTA)是指适应神经网络以进行分配变化,仅在测试时间内从新域中访问未标记的测试样本。先前的TTA方法优化了无监督的目标,例如帐篷中的模型预测的熵[Wang等,2021],但目前尚不清楚到底是什么使TTA损失良好。在本文中,我们首先提出一个令人惊讶的现象:如果我们尝试在广泛的功能上衡量最佳的TTA损失,那么我们恢复了与(温度缩放版本的)非常相似的函数帐篷采用的软磁性 - 凝集。但是,只有在我们正在适应的分类器通过跨凝结训练的情况下,这才能保持;如果通过平方损失训练,则会出现不同的最佳TTA损失。为了解释这一现象,我们通过训练损失的凸结合物分析了TTA。我们表明,在自然条件下,这种(无监督的)共轭功能可以看作是对原始监督损失的局部近似值,实际上,它恢复了元学习发现的最佳损失。这导致了一种通用食谱,可用于为通用类的任何给定监督培训损失功能找到良好的TTA损失。从经验上讲,我们的方法始终在广泛的基准测试中统治其他基线。当应用于新型损失功能的分类器时,我们的方法尤其令人感兴趣,例如,最近所传播的polyloss与基于熵的损失有很大的不同。此外,我们表明我们的方法也可以用非常特定的软标签解释为一种自我训练,我们将其称为共轭伪标记。总体而言,我们的方法为更好地理解和改善测试时间适应提供了广泛的框架。代码可在上找到。
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我们考虑对表格数据的自我监督表示学习(SSL)的任务:表格-SSL。典型的基于学习的SSL方法需要实例数据增强,这对于非结构化表格数据很难设计。现有的表格SSL方法以相对临时的方式设计这种增强性,并且无法捕获基础数据歧管。我们提出了一种新的基于重建的方法,而不是针对表格SSL的基于增强的方法,称为表格数据(MET),不需要增强。 MET基于视觉-SSL的流行MAE方法[He等,2021],并使用两个关键想法:(i)由于表格数据集中的每个坐标都具有独特的含义,因此我们需要为所有坐标使用单独的表示形式,(ii)除了标准损失外,还使用对抗性重建损失。五个不同表格数据集的经验结果表明,MET在所有这些数据集上实现了新的最新技术(SOTA),并且比当前的SOTA方法提高了9%。我们通过实验在精心设计的简单数据集上进行了更多的启示。
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Object movement identification is one of the most researched problems in the field of computer vision. In this task, we try to classify a pixel as foreground or background. Even though numerous traditional machine learning and deep learning methods already exist for this problem, the two major issues with most of them are the need for large amounts of ground truth data and their inferior performance on unseen videos. Since every pixel of every frame has to be labeled, acquiring large amounts of data for these techniques gets rather expensive. Recently, Zhao et al. [1] proposed one of a kind Arithmetic Distribution Neural Network (ADNN) for universal background subtraction which utilizes probability information from the histogram of temporal pixels and achieves promising results. Building onto this work, we developed an intelligent video surveillance system that uses ADNN architecture for motion detection, trims the video with parts only containing motion, and performs anomaly detection on the trimmed video.
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Several self-supervised representation learning methods have been proposed for reinforcement learning (RL) with rich observations. For real-world applications of RL, recovering underlying latent states is crucial, particularly when sensory inputs contain irrelevant and exogenous information. In this work, we study how information bottlenecks can be used to construct latent states efficiently in the presence of task-irrelevant information. We propose architectures that utilize variational and discrete information bottlenecks, coined as RepDIB, to learn structured factorized representations. Exploiting the expressiveness bought by factorized representations, we introduce a simple, yet effective, bottleneck that can be integrated with any existing self-supervised objective for RL. We demonstrate this across several online and offline RL benchmarks, along with a real robot arm task, where we find that compressed representations with RepDIB can lead to strong performance improvements, as the learned bottlenecks help predict only the relevant state while ignoring irrelevant information.
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Sarcasm is a form of irony that involves saying or writing something that is opposite or opposite to what one really means, often in a humorous or mocking way. It is often used to mock or mock someone or something, or to be humorous or amusing. Sarcasm is usually conveyed through tone of voice, facial expressions, or other forms of nonverbal communication, but it can also be indicated by the use of certain words or phrases that are typically associated with irony or humor. Sarcasm detection is difficult because it relies on context and non-verbal cues. It can also be culturally specific, subjective and ambiguous. In this work, we fine-tune the RoBERTa based sarcasm detection model presented in Abaskohi et al. [2022] to get to within 0.02 F1 of the state-of-the-art (Hercog et al. [2022]) on the iSarcasm dataset (Oprea and Magdy [2019]). This performance is achieved by augmenting iSarcasm with a pruned version of the Self Annotated Reddit Corpus (SARC) (Khodak et al. [2017]). Our pruned version is 100 times smaller than the subset of SARC used to train the state-of-the-art model.
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State-of-the-art automatic augmentation methods (e.g., AutoAugment and RandAugment) for visual recognition tasks diversify training data using a large set of augmentation operations. The range of magnitudes of many augmentation operations (e.g., brightness and contrast) is continuous. Therefore, to make search computationally tractable, these methods use fixed and manually-defined magnitude ranges for each operation, which may lead to sub-optimal policies. To answer the open question on the importance of magnitude ranges for each augmentation operation, we introduce RangeAugment that allows us to efficiently learn the range of magnitudes for individual as well as composite augmentation operations. RangeAugment uses an auxiliary loss based on image similarity as a measure to control the range of magnitudes of augmentation operations. As a result, RangeAugment has a single scalar parameter for search, image similarity, which we simply optimize via linear search. RangeAugment integrates seamlessly with any model and learns model- and task-specific augmentation policies. With extensive experiments on the ImageNet dataset across different networks, we show that RangeAugment achieves competitive performance to state-of-the-art automatic augmentation methods with 4-5 times fewer augmentation operations. Experimental results on semantic segmentation, object detection, foundation models, and knowledge distillation further shows RangeAugment's effectiveness.
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In this work, we explore a useful but often neglected methodology for robustness analysis of text generation evaluation metrics: stress tests with synthetic data. Basically, we design and synthesize a wide range of potential errors and check whether they result in a commensurate drop in the metric scores. We examine a range of recently proposed evaluation metrics based on pretrained language models, for the tasks of open-ended generation, translation, and summarization. Our experiments reveal interesting insensitivities, biases, or even loopholes in existing metrics. For example, we find that BERTScore ignores truncation errors in summarization, and MAUVE (built on top of GPT-2) is insensitive to errors at the beginning of generations. Further, we investigate the reasons behind these blind spots and suggest practical workarounds for a more reliable evaluation of text generation.
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In this work, we introduce IndicXTREME, a benchmark consisting of nine diverse tasks covering 18 languages from the Indic sub-continent belonging to four different families. Across languages and tasks, IndicXTREME contains a total of 103 evaluation sets, of which 51 are new contributions to the literature. To maintain high quality, we only use human annotators to curate or translate\footnote{for IndicXParaphrase, where an automatic translation system is used, a second human verification and correction step is done.} our datasets. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first effort toward creating a standard benchmark for Indic languages that aims to test the zero-shot capabilities of pretrained language models. We also release IndicCorp v2, an updated and much larger version of IndicCorp that contains 20.9 billion tokens in 24 languages. We pretrain IndicBERT v2 on IndicCorp v2 and evaluate it on IndicXTREME to show that it outperforms existing multilingual language models such as XLM-R and MuRIL.
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Multi-lingual language models (LM), such as mBERT, XLM-R, mT5, mBART, have been remarkably successful in enabling natural language tasks in low-resource languages through cross-lingual transfer from high-resource ones. In this work, we try to better understand how such models, specifically mT5, transfer *any* linguistic and semantic knowledge across languages, even though no explicit cross-lingual signals are provided during pre-training. Rather, only unannotated texts from each language are presented to the model separately and independently of one another, and the model appears to implicitly learn cross-lingual connections. This raises several questions that motivate our study, such as: Are the cross-lingual connections between every language pair equally strong? What properties of source and target language impact the strength of cross-lingual transfer? Can we quantify the impact of those properties on the cross-lingual transfer? In our investigation, we analyze a pre-trained mT5 to discover the attributes of cross-lingual connections learned by the model. Through a statistical interpretation framework over 90 language pairs across three tasks, we show that transfer performance can be modeled by a few linguistic and data-derived features. These observations enable us to interpret cross-lingual understanding of the mT5 model. Through these observations, one can favorably choose the best source language for a task, and can anticipate its training data demands. A key finding of this work is that similarity of syntax, morphology and phonology are good predictors of cross-lingual transfer, significantly more than just the lexical similarity of languages. For a given language, we are able to predict zero-shot performance, that increases on a logarithmic scale with the number of few-shot target language data points.
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