From smoothly pursuing moving objects to rapidly shifting gazes during visual search, humans employ a wide variety of eye movement strategies in different contexts. While eye movements provide a rich window into mental processes, building generative models of eye movements is notoriously difficult, and to date the computational objectives guiding eye movements remain largely a mystery. In this work, we tackled these problems in the context of a canonical spatial planning task, maze-solving. We collected eye movement data from human subjects and built deep generative models of eye movements using a novel differentiable architecture for gaze fixations and gaze shifts. We found that human eye movements are best predicted by a model that is optimized not to perform the task as efficiently as possible but instead to run an internal simulation of an object traversing the maze. This not only provides a generative model of eye movements in this task but also suggests a computational theory for how humans solve the task, namely that humans use mental simulation.
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With the success of Vision Transformers (ViTs) in computer vision tasks, recent arts try to optimize the performance and complexity of ViTs to enable efficient deployment on mobile devices. Multiple approaches are proposed to accelerate attention mechanism, improve inefficient designs, or incorporate mobile-friendly lightweight convolutions to form hybrid architectures. However, ViT and its variants still have higher latency or considerably more parameters than lightweight CNNs, even true for the years-old MobileNet. In practice, latency and size are both crucial for efficient deployment on resource-constraint hardware. In this work, we investigate a central question, can transformer models run as fast as MobileNet and maintain a similar size? We revisit the design choices of ViTs and propose an improved supernet with low latency and high parameter efficiency. We further introduce a fine-grained joint search strategy that can find efficient architectures by optimizing latency and number of parameters simultaneously. The proposed models, EfficientFormerV2, achieve about $4\%$ higher top-1 accuracy than MobileNetV2 and MobileNetV2$\times1.4$ on ImageNet-1K with similar latency and parameters. We demonstrate that properly designed and optimized vision transformers can achieve high performance with MobileNet-level size and speed.
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Channel and spatial attention mechanism has proven to provide an evident performance boost of deep convolution neural networks (CNNs). Most existing methods focus on one or run them parallel (series), neglecting the collaboration between the two attentions. In order to better establish the feature interaction between the two types of attention, we propose a plug-and-play attention module, which we term "CAT"-activating the Collaboration between spatial and channel Attentions based on learned Traits. Specifically, we represent traits as trainable coefficients (i.e., colla-factors) to adaptively combine contributions of different attention modules to fit different image hierarchies and tasks better. Moreover, we propose the global entropy pooling (GEP) apart from global average pooling (GAP) and global maximum pooling (GMP) operators, an effective component in suppressing noise signals by measuring the information disorder of feature maps. We introduce a three-way pooling operation into attention modules and apply the adaptive mechanism to fuse their outcomes. Extensive experiments on MS COCO, Pascal-VOC, Cifar-100, and ImageNet show that our CAT outperforms existing state-of-the-art attention mechanisms in object detection, instance segmentation, and image classification. The model and code will be released soon.
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In many real-world settings agents engage in strategic interactions with multiple opposing agents who can employ a wide variety of strategies. The standard approach for designing agents for such settings is to compute or approximate a relevant game-theoretic solution concept such as Nash equilibrium and then follow the prescribed strategy. However, such a strategy ignores any observations of opponents' play, which may indicate shortcomings that can be exploited. We present an approach for opponent modeling in multiplayer imperfect-information games where we collect observations of opponents' play through repeated interactions. We run experiments against a wide variety of real opponents and exact Nash equilibrium strategies in three-player Kuhn poker and show that our algorithm significantly outperforms all of the agents, including the exact Nash equilibrium strategies.
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Obtaining the position of ego-vehicle is a crucial prerequisite for automatic control and path planning in the field of autonomous driving. Most existing positioning systems rely on GPS, RTK, or wireless signals, which are arduous to provide effective localization under weak signal conditions. This paper proposes a real-time positioning system based on the detection of the parking numbers as they are unique positioning marks in the parking lot scene. It does not only can help with the positioning with open area, but also run independently under isolation environment. The result tested on both public datasets and self-collected dataset show that the system outperforms others in both performances and applies in practice. In addition, the code and dataset will release later.
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Variational autoencoders (VAEs) are powerful tools for learning latent representations of data used in a wide range of applications. In practice, VAEs usually require multiple training rounds to choose the amount of information the latent variable should retain. This trade-off between the reconstruction error (distortion) and the KL divergence (rate) is typically parameterized by a hyperparameter $\beta$. In this paper, we introduce Multi-Rate VAE (MR-VAE), a computationally efficient framework for learning optimal parameters corresponding to various $\beta$ in a single training run. The key idea is to explicitly formulate a response function that maps $\beta$ to the optimal parameters using hypernetworks. MR-VAEs construct a compact response hypernetwork where the pre-activations are conditionally gated based on $\beta$. We justify the proposed architecture by analyzing linear VAEs and showing that it can represent response functions exactly for linear VAEs. With the learned hypernetwork, MR-VAEs can construct the rate-distortion curve without additional training and can be deployed with significantly less hyperparameter tuning. Empirically, our approach is competitive and often exceeds the performance of multiple $\beta$-VAEs training with minimal computation and memory overheads.
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In this paper, we empirically analyze a simple, non-learnable, and nonparametric Nadaraya-Watson (NW) prediction head that can be used with any neural network architecture. In the NW head, the prediction is a weighted average of labels from a support set. The weights are computed from distances between the query feature and support features. This is in contrast to the dominant approach of using a learnable classification head (e.g., a fully-connected layer) on the features, which can be challenging to interpret and can yield poorly calibrated predictions. Our empirical results on an array of computer vision tasks demonstrate that the NW head can yield better calibration than its parametric counterpart, while having comparable accuracy and with minimal computational overhead. To further increase inference-time efficiency, we propose a simple approach that involves a clustering step run on the training set to create a relatively small distilled support set. In addition to using the weights as a means of interpreting model predictions, we further present an easy-to-compute "support influence function," which quantifies the influence of a support element on the prediction for a given query. As we demonstrate in our experiments, the influence function can allow the user to debug a trained model. We believe that the NW head is a flexible, interpretable, and highly useful building block that can be used in a range of applications.
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Photo-realistic style transfer aims at migrating the artistic style from an exemplar style image to a content image, producing a result image without spatial distortions or unrealistic artifacts. Impressive results have been achieved by recent deep models. However, deep neural network based methods are too expensive to run in real-time. Meanwhile, bilateral grid based methods are much faster but still contain artifacts like overexposure. In this work, we propose the \textbf{Adaptive ColorMLP (AdaCM)}, an effective and efficient framework for universal photo-realistic style transfer. First, we find the complex non-linear color mapping between input and target domain can be efficiently modeled by a small multi-layer perceptron (ColorMLP) model. Then, in \textbf{AdaCM}, we adopt a CNN encoder to adaptively predict all parameters for the ColorMLP conditioned on each input content and style image pair. Experimental results demonstrate that AdaCM can generate vivid and high-quality stylization results. Meanwhile, our AdaCM is ultrafast and can process a 4K resolution image in 6ms on one V100 GPU.
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When analyzing confidential data through a privacy filter, a data scientist often needs to decide which queries will best support their intended analysis. For example, an analyst may wish to study noisy two-way marginals in a dataset produced by a mechanism M1. But, if the data are relatively sparse, the analyst may choose to examine noisy one-way marginals, produced by a mechanism M2 instead. Since the choice of whether to use M1 or M2 is data-dependent, a typical differentially private workflow is to first split the privacy loss budget rho into two parts: rho1 and rho2, then use the first part rho1 to determine which mechanism to use, and the remainder rho2 to obtain noisy answers from the chosen mechanism. In a sense, the first step seems wasteful because it takes away part of the privacy loss budget that could have been used to make the query answers more accurate. In this paper, we consider the question of whether the choice between M1 and M2 can be performed without wasting any privacy loss budget. For linear queries, we propose a method for decomposing M1 and M2 into three parts: (1) a mechanism M* that captures their shared information, (2) a mechanism M1' that captures information that is specific to M1, (3) a mechanism M2' that captures information that is specific to M2. Running M* and M1' together is completely equivalent to running M1 (both in terms of query answer accuracy and total privacy cost rho). Similarly, running M* and M2' together is completely equivalent to running M2. Since M* will be used no matter what, the analyst can use its output to decide whether to subsequently run M1'(thus recreating the analysis supported by M1) or M2'(recreating the analysis supported by M2), without wasting privacy loss budget.
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We summarize our TRECVID 2022 Ad-hoc Video Search (AVS) experiments. Our solution is built with two new techniques, namely Lightweight Attentional Feature Fusion (LAFF) for combining diverse visual / textual features and Bidirectional Negation Learning (BNL) for addressing queries that contain negation cues. In particular, LAFF performs feature fusion at both early and late stages and at both text and video ends to exploit diverse (off-the-shelf) features. Compared to multi-head self attention, LAFF is much more compact yet more effective. Its attentional weights can also be used for selecting fewer features, with the retrieval performance mostly preserved. BNL trains a negation-aware video retrieval model by minimizing a bidirectionally constrained loss per triplet, where a triplet consists of a given training video, its original description and a partially negated description. For video feature extraction, we use pre-trained CLIP, BLIP, BEiT, ResNeXt-101 and irCSN. As for text features, we adopt bag-of-words, word2vec, CLIP and BLIP. Our training data consists of MSR-VTT, TGIF and VATEX that were used in our previous participation. In addition, we automatically caption the V3C1 collection for pre-training. The 2022 edition of the TRECVID benchmark has again been a fruitful participation for the RUCMM team. Our best run, with an infAP of 0.262, is ranked at the second place teamwise.
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