Robotics software is pushing the limits of software engineering practice. The 3rd International Workshop on Robotics Software Engineering held a panel on "the best practices for robotic software engineering". This article shares the key takeaways that emerged from the discussion among the panelists and the workshop, ranging from architecting practices at the NASA/Caltech Jet Propulsion Laboratory, model-driven development at Bosch, development and testing of autonomous driving systems at Waymo, and testing of robotics software at XITASO. Researchers and practitioners can build on the contents of this paper to gain a fresh perspective on their activities and focus on the most pressing practices and challenges in developing robotics software today.
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When comparing approximate Gaussian process (GP) models, it can be helpful to be able to generate data from any GP. If we are interested in how approximate methods perform at scale, we may wish to generate very large synthetic datasets to evaluate them. Na\"{i}vely doing so would cost \(\mathcal{O}(n^3)\) flops and \(\mathcal{O}(n^2)\) memory to generate a size \(n\) sample. We demonstrate how to scale such data generation to large \(n\) whilst still providing guarantees that, with high probability, the sample is indistinguishable from a sample from the desired GP.
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神经肌肉疾病,例如脊柱肌肉萎缩(SMA)和Duchenne肌肉营养不良症(DMD),导致6,000名儿童中有1例的渐进性肌肉变性和运动功能丧失。传统的上肢运动功能评估不能定量测量患者的性能,这使得很难跟踪进度的增量变化。评估神经肌肉疾病儿童的运动功能特别具有挑战性,因为他们在实验过程中可能会紧张或兴奋,或者简直太年轻而无法遵循精确的说明。这些挑战转化为混杂因素,例如执行臂卷曲的不同部分较慢或更快(相位变异性),从而影响评估的运动质量。本文使用曲线注册和形状分析来暂时对齐轨迹,同时提取平均参考形状。距这种平均形状的距离用于评估运动质量。所提出的指标是混杂因素(例如相位变异性)的不变性,同时提出了几种临床相关的见解。首先,控制和患者人群的功能分数在统计上存在显着差异(p $ = $ 0.0213 $ \ le $ 0.05)。接下来,患者队列中的几名患者能够与健康队列进行运动,反之亦然。我们的指标是根据可穿戴设备计算的,与Brooke的分数有关((P $ = $ 0.00063 $ \ le $ $ 0.05))以及基于功能测定法的电动机功能评估((P $ = $ = $ 0.0006 $ \ le $ 0.05)) 。这些结果表明了日常生活中无处不在的运动质量评估的希望。
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We present a dynamic path planning algorithm to navigate an amphibious rotor craft through a concave time-invariant obstacle field while attempting to minimize energy usage. We create a nonlinear quaternion state model that represents the rotor craft dynamics above and below the water. The 6 degree of freedom dynamics used within a layered architecture to generate motion paths for the vehicle to follow and the required control inputs. The rotor craft has a 3 dimensional map of its surroundings that is updated via limited range onboard sensor readings within the current medium (air or water). Path planning is done via PRM and D* Lite.
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Current Virtual Reality (VR) environments lack the rich haptic signals that humans experience during real-life interactions, such as the sensation of texture during lateral movement on a surface. Adding realistic haptic textures to VR environments requires a model that generalizes to variations of a user's interaction and to the wide variety of existing textures in the world. Current methodologies for haptic texture rendering exist, but they usually develop one model per texture, resulting in low scalability. We present a deep learning-based action-conditional model for haptic texture rendering and evaluate its perceptual performance in rendering realistic texture vibrations through a multi part human user study. This model is unified over all materials and uses data from a vision-based tactile sensor (GelSight) to render the appropriate surface conditioned on the user's action in real time. For rendering texture, we use a high-bandwidth vibrotactile transducer attached to a 3D Systems Touch device. The result of our user study shows that our learning-based method creates high-frequency texture renderings with comparable or better quality than state-of-the-art methods without the need for learning a separate model per texture. Furthermore, we show that the method is capable of rendering previously unseen textures using a single GelSight image of their surface.
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Nine language-vision AI models trained on web scrapes with the Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining (CLIP) objective are evaluated for evidence of a bias studied by psychologists: the sexual objectification of girls and women, which occurs when a person's human characteristics are disregarded and the person is treated as a body or a collection of body parts. A first experiment uses standardized images of women from the Sexual OBjectification and EMotion Database, and finds that, commensurate with prior research in psychology, human characteristics are disassociated from images of objectified women: the model's recognition of emotional state is mediated by whether the subject is fully or partially clothed. Embedding association tests (EATs) return significant effect sizes for both anger (d >.8) and sadness (d >.5). A second experiment measures the effect in a representative application: an automatic image captioner (Antarctic Captions) includes words denoting emotion less than 50% as often for images of partially clothed women than for images of fully clothed women. A third experiment finds that images of female professionals (scientists, doctors, executives) are likely to be associated with sexual descriptions relative to images of male professionals. A fourth experiment shows that a prompt of "a [age] year old girl" generates sexualized images (as determined by an NSFW classifier) up to 73% of the time for VQGAN-CLIP (age 17), and up to 40% of the time for Stable Diffusion (ages 14 and 18); the corresponding rate for boys never surpasses 9%. The evidence indicates that language-vision AI models trained on automatically collected web scrapes learn biases of sexual objectification, which propagate to downstream applications.
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Algorithms that involve both forecasting and optimization are at the core of solutions to many difficult real-world problems, such as in supply chains (inventory optimization), traffic, and in the transition towards carbon-free energy generation in battery/load/production scheduling in sustainable energy systems. Typically, in these scenarios we want to solve an optimization problem that depends on unknown future values, which therefore need to be forecast. As both forecasting and optimization are difficult problems in their own right, relatively few research has been done in this area. This paper presents the findings of the ``IEEE-CIS Technical Challenge on Predict+Optimize for Renewable Energy Scheduling," held in 2021. We present a comparison and evaluation of the seven highest-ranked solutions in the competition, to provide researchers with a benchmark problem and to establish the state of the art for this benchmark, with the aim to foster and facilitate research in this area. The competition used data from the Monash Microgrid, as well as weather data and energy market data. It then focused on two main challenges: forecasting renewable energy production and demand, and obtaining an optimal schedule for the activities (lectures) and on-site batteries that lead to the lowest cost of energy. The most accurate forecasts were obtained by gradient-boosted tree and random forest models, and optimization was mostly performed using mixed integer linear and quadratic programming. The winning method predicted different scenarios and optimized over all scenarios jointly using a sample average approximation method.
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We apply the vision transformer, a deep machine learning model build around the attention mechanism, on mel-spectrogram representations of raw audio recordings. When adding mel-based data augmentation techniques and sample-weighting, we achieve comparable performance on both (PRS and CCS challenge) tasks of ComParE21, outperforming most single model baselines. We further introduce overlapping vertical patching and evaluate the influence of parameter configurations. Index Terms: audio classification, attention, mel-spectrogram, unbalanced data-sets, computational paralinguistics
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Common to all different kinds of recurrent neural networks (RNNs) is the intention to model relations between data points through time. When there is no immediate relationship between subsequent data points (like when the data points are generated at random, e.g.), we show that RNNs are still able to remember a few data points back into the sequence by memorizing them by heart using standard backpropagation. However, we also show that for classical RNNs, LSTM and GRU networks the distance of data points between recurrent calls that can be reproduced this way is highly limited (compared to even a loose connection between data points) and subject to various constraints imposed by the type and size of the RNN in question. This implies the existence of a hard limit (way below the information-theoretic one) for the distance between related data points within which RNNs are still able to recognize said relation.
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The proliferation of automatic faithfulness metrics for summarization has produced a need for benchmarks to evaluate them. While existing benchmarks measure the correlation with human judgements of faithfulness on model-generated summaries, they are insufficient for diagnosing whether metrics are: 1) consistent, i.e., decrease as errors are introduced into a summary, 2) effective on human-written texts, and 3) sensitive to different error types (as summaries can contain multiple errors). To address these needs, we present a benchmark of unfaithful minimal pairs (BUMP), a dataset of 889 human-written, minimally different summary pairs, where a single error (from an ontology of 7 types) is introduced to a summary from the CNN/DailyMail dataset to produce an unfaithful summary. We find BUMP complements existing benchmarks in a number of ways: 1) the summaries in BUMP are harder to discriminate and less probable under SOTA summarization models, 2) BUMP enables measuring the consistency of metrics, and reveals that the most discriminative metrics tend not to be the most consistent, 3) BUMP enables the measurement of metrics' performance on individual error types and highlights areas of weakness for future work.
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