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This chapter sheds light on the synaptic organization of the brain from the perspective of computational neuroscience. It provides an introductory overview on how to account for empirical data in mathematical models, implement them in software, and perform simulations reflecting experiments. This path is demonstrated with respect to four key aspects of synaptic signaling: the connectivity of brain networks, synaptic transmission, synaptic plasticity, and the heterogeneity across synapses. Each step and aspect of the modeling and simulation workflow comes with its own challenges and pitfalls, which are highlighted and addressed in detail.
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Image generation and image completion are rapidly evolving fields, thanks to machine learning algorithms that are able to realistically replace missing pixels. However, generating large high resolution images, with a large level of details, presents important computational challenges. In this work, we formulate the image generation task as completion of an image where one out of three corners is missing. We then extend this approach to iteratively build larger images with the same level of detail. Our goal is to obtain a scalable methodology to generate high resolution samples typically found in satellite imagery data sets. We introduce a conditional progressive Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN), that generates the missing tile in an image, using as input three initial adjacent tiles encoded in a latent vector by a Wasserstein auto-encoder. We focus on a set of images used by the United Nations Satellite Centre (UNOSAT) to train flood detection tools, and validate the quality of synthetic images in a realistic setup.
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We introduce the concepts of inverse solvability and security for a generic linear forward model and demonstrate how they can be applied to models used in federated learning. We provide examples of such models which differ in the resulting inverse solvability and security as defined in this paper. We also show how the large number of users participating in a given iteration of federated learning can be leveraged to increase both solvability and security. Finally, we discuss possible extensions of the presented concepts including the nonlinear case.
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There is an increasing need in our society to achieve faster advances in Science to tackle urgent problems, such as climate changes, environmental hazards, sustainable energy systems, pandemics, among others. In certain domains like chemistry, scientific discovery carries the extra burden of assessing risks of the proposed novel solutions before moving to the experimental stage. Despite several recent advances in Machine Learning and AI to address some of these challenges, there is still a gap in technologies to support end-to-end discovery applications, integrating the myriad of available technologies into a coherent, orchestrated, yet flexible discovery process. Such applications need to handle complex knowledge management at scale, enabling knowledge consumption and production in a timely and efficient way for subject matter experts (SMEs). Furthermore, the discovery of novel functional materials strongly relies on the development of exploration strategies in the chemical space. For instance, generative models have gained attention within the scientific community due to their ability to generate enormous volumes of novel molecules across material domains. These models exhibit extreme creativity that often translates in low viability of the generated candidates. In this work, we propose a workbench framework that aims at enabling the human-AI co-creation to reduce the time until the first discovery and the opportunity costs involved. This framework relies on a knowledge base with domain and process knowledge, and user-interaction components to acquire knowledge and advise the SMEs. Currently,the framework supports four main activities: generative modeling, dataset triage, molecule adjudication, and risk assessment.
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从语义视觉知识中生成图像是一项具有挑战性的任务,与诸如类标签或文本描述之类的替代方案相比,以复杂,微妙和明确的方式调节合成过程很有用。尽管存在以语义表示为条件的生成方法,但除了对对象之间的约束规范外,它们没有提供控制生成过程的方法。例如,迭代生成或修改图像通过手动添加特定项目的可能性是所需的属性,据我们所知,文献尚未在文献中得到充分研究。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种基于变压器的方法,该方法以场景图为条件,相反,该方法针对最近的基于变压器的方法,还采用解码器来自动构成图像,从而使合成过程更有效和可控。提出的体系结构由三个模块组成:1)图形卷积网络,以编码输入图的关系; 2)编码器码头变压器,可自动加入构成输出图像; 3)一种自动编码器,用于生成用作变压器每个生成步骤的输入/输出的表示。在CIFAR10和MNIST图像上获得的结果表明,我们的模型能够满足由场景图定义的语义约束,并通过考虑到所需目标的用户提供的部分渲染,以模拟场景中的视觉对象之间的关系。
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