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从Linac Coohent Light Source(LCLS-II)和高级光子源升级(APS-U)等工具产生的数据中迅速提取可行的信息,由于高(最高(最高为TB/S)数据速率)变得越来越具有挑战性。常规的基于物理的信息检索方法很难快速检测有趣的事件,以便及时关注罕见事件或纠正错误。机器学习〜(ML)学习廉价替代分类器的方法是有希望的替代方法,但是当仪器或样品变化导致ML性能降解时可能会灾难性地失败。为了克服此类困难,我们提出了一个新的数据存储和ML模型培训体系结构,旨在组织大量的数据和模型,以便在检测到模型降解时,可以快速查询先验模型和/或数据。针对新条件进行了微调。我们表明,与当前最新的训练速度提高了200倍和92X端到端模型更新时间的速度相比,我们的方法最多可以达到100倍数据标记的速度。
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Explainable Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the form of an interpretable and semiautomatic approach to stage grading ocular pathologies such as Diabetic retinopathy, Hypertensive retinopathy, and other retinopathies on the backdrop of major systemic diseases. The experimental study aims to evaluate an explainable staged grading process without using deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) directly. Many current CNN-based deep neural networks used for diagnosing retinal disorders might have appreciable performance but fail to pinpoint the basis driving their decisions. To improve these decisions' transparency, we have proposed a clinician-in-the-loop assisted intelligent workflow that performs a retinal vascular assessment on the fundus images to derive quantifiable and descriptive parameters. The retinal vessel parameters meta-data serve as hyper-parameters for better interpretation and explainability of decisions. The semiautomatic methodology aims to have a federated approach to AI in healthcare applications with more inputs and interpretations from clinicians. The baseline process involved in the machine learning pipeline through image processing techniques for optic disc detection, vessel segmentation, and arteriole/venule identification.
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This work proposes Multi-task Meta Learning (MTML), integrating two learning paradigms Multi-Task Learning (MTL) and meta learning, to bring together the best of both worlds. In particular, it focuses simultaneous learning of multiple tasks, an element of MTL and promptly adapting to new tasks with fewer data, a quality of meta learning. It is important to highlight that we focus on heterogeneous tasks, which are of distinct kind, in contrast to typically considered homogeneous tasks (e.g., if all tasks are classification or if all tasks are regression tasks). The fundamental idea is to train a multi-task model, such that when an unseen task is introduced, it can learn in fewer steps whilst offering a performance at least as good as conventional single task learning on the new task or inclusion within the MTL. By conducting various experiments, we demonstrate this paradigm on two datasets and four tasks: NYU-v2 and the taskonomy dataset for which we perform semantic segmentation, depth estimation, surface normal estimation, and edge detection. MTML achieves state-of-the-art results for most of the tasks. Although semantic segmentation suffers quantitatively, our MTML method learns to identify segmentation classes absent in the pseudo labelled ground truth of the taskonomy dataset.
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现代机器学习研究依赖于相对较少的精心策划数据集。即使在这些数据集中,通常在“不整合”或原始数据中,从业人员也面临着重要的数据质量和多样性问题,这些问题可能会非常强烈地解决。应对这些挑战的现有方法往往会对特定问题做出强烈的假设,并且通常需要先验知识或元数据,例如域标签。我们的工作与这些方法是正交的:相反,我们专注于为元数据考古学提供一个统一和有效的框架 - 在数据集中发现和推断示例的元数据。我们使用简单的转换策划了可能存在的数据集(例如,错误标记,非典型或过度分布示例)中可能存在的数据子集,并利用这些探针套件之间的学习动力学差异来推断感兴趣的元数据。我们的方法与跨不同任务的更复杂的缓解方法相提并论:识别和纠正标签错误的示例,对少数民族样本进行分类,优先考虑与培训相关的点并启用相关示例的可扩展人类审核。
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In this paper, we propose a graph neural network to detect objects from a LiDAR point cloud. Towards this end, we encode the point cloud efficiently in a fixed radius near-neighbors graph. We design a graph neural network, named Point-GNN, to predict the category and shape of the object that each vertex in the graph belongs to. In Point-GNN, we propose an auto-registration mechanism to reduce translation variance, and also design a box merging and scoring operation to combine detections from multiple vertices accurately. Our experiments on the KITTI benchmark show the proposed approach achieves leading accuracy using the point cloud alone and can even surpass fusion-based algorithms. Our results demonstrate the potential of using the graph neural network as a new approach for 3D object detection. The code is available at https://github.com/WeijingShi/Point-GNN.
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回归不连续性设计(RDDS)已成为因果推理最广泛使用的准实验工具之一。他们依赖于其无法操纵运行变量的关键假设 - 在实践中经常违反的假设,危及点识别。在本文中,我们介绍了一种新的方法,可以在夏普和模糊的RDD中兴趣的因果参数提供部分识别界限。该方法首先使用对运行变量的未操纵密度的日志凹陷假设估计样本中的操纵器数。然后,当我们从数据中删除该数量的点以及快速计算方法时,它会导出最佳和最坏情况的界限。我们将此程序应用于阿布扎比血库的献血数据集,以获得捐助者延期对未来志愿行为的因果效果。我们发现,尽管在数据中进行了重大操纵,但我们能够检测到传统方法,例如甜甜圈RDD,失败的因果效果。
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