Face manipulation detection has been receiving a lot of attention for the reliability and security of the face images. Recent studies focus on using auxiliary information or prior knowledge to capture robust manipulation traces, which are shown to be promising. As one of the important face features, the face depth map, which has shown to be effective in other areas such as the face recognition or face detection, is unfortunately paid little attention to in literature for detecting the manipulated face images. In this paper, we explore the possibility of incorporating the face depth map as auxiliary information to tackle the problem of face manipulation detection in real world applications. To this end, we first propose a Face Depth Map Transformer (FDMT) to estimate the face depth map patch by patch from a RGB face image, which is able to capture the local depth anomaly created due to manipulation. The estimated face depth map is then considered as auxiliary information to be integrated with the backbone features using a Multi-head Depth Attention (MDA) mechanism that is newly designed. Various experiments demonstrate the advantage of our proposed method for face manipulation detection.
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Future work sentences (FWS) are the particular sentences in academic papers that contain the author's description of their proposed follow-up research direction. This paper presents methods to automatically extract FWS from academic papers and classify them according to the different future directions embodied in the paper's content. FWS recognition methods will enable subsequent researchers to locate future work sentences more accurately and quickly and reduce the time and cost of acquiring the corpus. The current work on automatic identification of future work sentences is relatively small, and the existing research cannot accurately identify FWS from academic papers, and thus cannot conduct data mining on a large scale. Furthermore, there are many aspects to the content of future work, and the subdivision of the content is conducive to the analysis of specific development directions. In this paper, Nature Language Processing (NLP) is used as a case study, and FWS are extracted from academic papers and classified into different types. We manually build an annotated corpus with six different types of FWS. Then, automatic recognition and classification of FWS are implemented using machine learning models, and the performance of these models is compared based on the evaluation metrics. The results show that the Bernoulli Bayesian model has the best performance in the automatic recognition task, with the Macro F1 reaching 90.73%, and the SCIBERT model has the best performance in the automatic classification task, with the weighted average F1 reaching 72.63%. Finally, we extract keywords from FWS and gain a deep understanding of the key content described in FWS, and we also demonstrate that content determination in FWS will be reflected in the subsequent research work by measuring the similarity between future work sentences and the abstracts.
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Marine waves significantly disturb the unmanned surface vehicle (USV) motion. An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) can hardly land on a USV that undergoes irregular motion. An oversized landing platform is usually necessary to guarantee the landing safety, which limits the number of UAVs that can be carried. We propose a landing system assisted by tether and robot manipulation. The system can land multiple UAVs without increasing the USV's size. An MPC controller stabilizes the end-effector and tracks the UAVs, and an adaptive estimator addresses the disturbance caused by the base motion. The working strategy of the system is designed to plan the motion of each device. We have validated the manipulator controller through simulations and well-controlled indoor experiments. During the field tests, the proposed system caught and placed the UAVs when the disturbed USV roll range was approximately 12 degrees.
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Code generation models have achieved impressive performance. However, they tend to be brittle as slight edits to a prompt could lead to very different generations; these robustness properties, critical for user experience when deployed in real-life applications, are not well understood. Most existing works on robustness in text or code tasks have focused on classification, while robustness in generation tasks is an uncharted area and to date there is no comprehensive benchmark for robustness in code generation. In this paper, we propose ReCode, a comprehensive robustness evaluation benchmark for code generation models. We customize over 30 transformations specifically for code on docstrings, function and variable names, code syntax, and code format. They are carefully designed to be natural in real-life coding practice, preserve the original semantic meaning, and thus provide multifaceted assessments of a model's robustness performance. With human annotators, we verified that over 90% of the perturbed prompts do not alter the semantic meaning of the original prompt. In addition, we define robustness metrics for code generation models considering the worst-case behavior under each type of perturbation, taking advantage of the fact that executing the generated code can serve as objective evaluation. We demonstrate ReCode on SOTA models using HumanEval, MBPP, as well as function completion tasks derived from them. Interesting observations include: better robustness for CodeGen over InCoder and GPT-J; models are most sensitive to syntax perturbations; more challenging robustness evaluation on MBPP over HumanEval.
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For sequence generation, both autoregressive models and non-autoregressive models have been developed in recent years. Autoregressive models can achieve high generation quality, but the sequential decoding scheme causes slow decoding speed. Non-autoregressive models accelerate the inference speed with parallel decoding, while their generation quality still needs to be improved due to the difficulty of modeling multi-modalities in data. To address the multi-modality issue, we propose Diff-Glat, a non-autoregressive model featured with a modality diffusion process and residual glancing training. The modality diffusion process decomposes the modalities and reduces the modalities to learn for each transition. And the residual glancing sampling further smooths the modality learning procedures. Experiments demonstrate that, without using knowledge distillation data, Diff-Glat can achieve superior performance in both decoding efficiency and accuracy compared with the autoregressive Transformer.
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Federated learning (FL) allows multiple clients cooperatively train models without disclosing local data. However, the existing works fail to address all these practical concerns in FL: limited communication resources, dynamic network conditions and heterogeneous client properties, which slow down the convergence of FL. To tackle the above challenges, we propose a heterogeneity-aware FL framework, called FedCG, with adaptive client selection and gradient compression. Specifically, the parameter server (PS) selects a representative client subset considering statistical heterogeneity and sends the global model to them. After local training, these selected clients upload compressed model updates matching their capabilities to the PS for aggregation, which significantly alleviates the communication load and mitigates the straggler effect. We theoretically analyze the impact of both client selection and gradient compression on convergence performance. Guided by the derived convergence rate, we develop an iteration-based algorithm to jointly optimize client selection and compression ratio decision using submodular maximization and linear programming. Extensive experiments on both real-world prototypes and simulations show that FedCG can provide up to 5.3$\times$ speedup compared to other methods.
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Is it possible to leverage large scale raw and raw parallel corpora to build a general learned metric? Existing learned metrics have gaps to human judgements, are model-dependent or are limited to the domains or tasks where human ratings are available. In this paper, we propose SEScore2, a model-based metric pretrained over million-scale synthetic dataset constructed by our novel retrieval augmented data synthesis pipeline. SEScore2 achieves high correlation to human judgements without any human rating supervisions. Importantly, our unsupervised SEScore2 can outperform supervised metrics, which are trained on the News human ratings, at the TED domain. We evaluate SEScore2 over four text generation tasks across three languages. SEScore2 outperforms all prior unsupervised evaluation metrics in machine translation, speech translation, data-to-text and dialogue generation, with average Kendall improvements 0.158. SEScore2 even outperforms SOTA supervised BLEURT at data-to-text, dialogue generation and overall correlation.
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We tackle a new problem of multi-view camera and subject registration in the bird's eye view (BEV) without pre-given camera calibration. This is a very challenging problem since its only input is several RGB images from different first-person views (FPVs) for a multi-person scene, without the BEV image and the calibration of the FPVs, while the output is a unified plane with the localization and orientation of both the subjects and cameras in a BEV. We propose an end-to-end framework solving this problem, whose main idea can be divided into following parts: i) creating a view-transform subject detection module to transform the FPV to a virtual BEV including localization and orientation of each pedestrian, ii) deriving a geometric transformation based method to estimate camera localization and view direction, i.e., the camera registration in a unified BEV, iii) making use of spatial and appearance information to aggregate the subjects into the unified BEV. We collect a new large-scale synthetic dataset with rich annotations for evaluation. The experimental results show the remarkable effectiveness of our proposed method.
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Multi-modal and multi-hop question answering aims to answer a question based on multiple input sources from different modalities. Previous methods retrieve the evidence separately and feed the retrieved evidence to a language model to generate the corresponding answer. However, these methods fail to build connections between candidates and thus cannot model the inter-dependent relation during retrieval. Moreover, the reasoning process over multi-modality candidates can be unbalanced without building alignments between different modalities. To address this limitation, we propose a Structured Knowledge and Unified Retrieval Generation based method (SKURG). We align the sources from different modalities via the shared entities and map them into a shared semantic space via structured knowledge. Then, we utilize a unified retrieval-generation decoder to integrate intermediate retrieval results for answer generation and adaptively determine the number of retrieval steps. We perform experiments on two multi-modal and multi-hop datasets: WebQA and MultimodalQA. The results demonstrate that SKURG achieves state-of-the-art performance on both retrieval and answer generation.
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In order for automated mobile vehicles to navigate in the real world with minimal collision risks, it is necessary for their planning algorithms to consider uncertainties from measurements and environmental disturbances. In this paper, we consider analytical solutions for a conservative approximation of the mutual probability of collision between two robotic vehicles in the presence of such uncertainties. Therein, we present two methods, which we call unitary scaling and principal axes rotation, for decoupling the bivariate integral required for efficient approximation of the probability of collision between two vehicles including orientation effects. We compare the conservatism of these methods analytically and numerically. By closing a control loop through a model predictive guidance scheme, we observe through Monte-Carlo simulations that directly implementing collision avoidance constraints from the conservative approximations remains infeasible for real-time planning. We then propose and implement a convexification approach based on the tightened collision constraints that significantly improves the computational efficiency and robustness of the predictive guidance scheme.
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