In this work, we propose a self-supervised multi-agent system, termed a memory-like adaptive modeling multi-agent learning system (MAMMALS), that realizes online learning towards behavioral pattern clustering tasks for time series. Encoding the visual behaviors as discrete time series(DTS), and training and modeling them in the multi-agent system with a bio-memory-like form. We finally implemented a fully decentralized multi-agent system design framework and completed its feasibility verification in a surveillance video application scenario on vehicle path clustering. In multi-agent learning, using learning methods designed for individual agents will typically perform poorly globally because of the behavior of ignoring the synergy between agents.
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变异量子算法(VQA)在NISQ时代表现出巨大的潜力。在VQA的工作流程中,Ansatz的参数迭代更新以近似所需的量子状态。我们已经看到了各种努力,以较少的大门起草更好的安萨兹。在量子计算机中,栅极Ansatz最终将转换为控制信号,例如TransMons上的微波脉冲。并且对照脉冲需要精心校准,以最大程度地减少误差(例如过度旋转和旋转)。在VQA的情况下,此过程将引入冗余,但是VQAS的变异性能自然可以通过更新幅度和频率参数来处理过度旋转和重组的问题。因此,我们提出了PAN,这是一种用于VQA的天然脉冲ANSATZ GENTARATOR框架。我们生成具有可训练参数用于振幅和频率的天然脉冲ansatz。在我们提出的锅中,我们正在调整参数脉冲,这些脉冲在NISQ计算机上得到了内在支持。考虑到本机 - 脉冲ANSATZ不符合参数迁移规则,我们需要部署非级别优化器。为了限制发送到优化器的参数数量,我们采用了一种生成本机 - 脉冲ANSATZ的渐进式方式。实验是在模拟器和量子设备上进行的,以验证我们的方法。当在NISQ机器上采用时,PAN获得的延迟平均提高了86%。 PAN在H2和HEH+上的VQE任务分别能够达到99.336%和96.482%的精度,即使NISQ机器中有很大的噪声。
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尖峰神经网络(SNN)引起了脑启发的人工智能和计算神经科学的广泛关注。它们可用于在多个尺度上模拟大脑中的生物信息处理。更重要的是,SNN是适当的抽象水平,可以将大脑和认知的灵感带入人工智能。在本文中,我们介绍了脑启发的认知智力引擎(Braincog),用于创建脑启发的AI和脑模拟模型。 Braincog将不同类型的尖峰神经元模型,学习规则,大脑区域等作为平台提供的重要模块。基于这些易于使用的模块,BrainCog支持各种受脑启发的认知功能,包括感知和学习,决策,知识表示和推理,运动控制和社会认知。这些受脑启发的AI模型已在各种受监督,无监督和强化学习任务上有效验证,并且可以用来使AI模型具有多种受脑启发的认知功能。为了进行大脑模拟,Braincog实现了决策,工作记忆,神经回路的结构模拟以及小鼠大脑,猕猴大脑和人脑的整个大脑结构模拟的功能模拟。一个名为BORN的AI引擎是基于Braincog开发的,它演示了如何将Braincog的组件集成并用于构建AI模型和应用。为了使科学追求解码生物智能的性质并创建AI,Braincog旨在提供必要且易于使用的构件,并提供基础设施支持,以开发基于脑部的尖峰神经网络AI,并模拟认知大脑在多个尺度上。可以在上找到Braincog的在线存储库。
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在本文中,我们介绍了VCSL(视频复制段本地化),这是一种新的综合段级注释的视频复制数据集。与受视频级注释或小规模限制的现有复制检测数据集相比,VCSL不仅具有两个段级标签的数据级,其中有160k现实的视频副本对,其中包含超过280k的本地化copied seggment对,而且还包含超过280k涵盖各种视频类别和各种视频持续时间。每个收集的视频对中的所有复制段均经过手动提取,并伴随着精确注释的启动和结束时间戳。除了数据集外,我们还提出了一种新颖的评估协议,该协议可以更好地衡量视频对之间复制重叠段的预测准确性,并在不同情况下显示出改善的适应性。通过使用拟议的数据集和评估指标对几个基线和最先进的细分级视频副本检测方法进行基准测试,我们提供了一项全面的分析,可以揭示当前方法的优势和劣势作品。 VCSL数据集,公制和基准代码均在上公开获得。
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基于骨架的动作识别广泛用于各种区域,例如监视和人机相互作用。现有模型主要以监督方式学习,从而根据标签昂贵时可能是不可行的大规模标记数据。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的对比度重建表示学习网络(CRRL),其同时为无监督的基于骨架的动作识别捕获姿势和运动动力学。它主要由三部分组成:序列重建器,对比运动学习者和信息定影器。序列重建者通过重建学习从骨架坐标序列的表示,因此学习的表示倾向于聚焦在琐碎的姿势坐标上并且在运动学习中犹豫不决。为了增强运动的学习,对比运动学习者分别在从坐标序列和附加速度序列中学到的表示之间进行对比学习。最后,在信息定位器中,我们探讨了将序列重建器和对比运动学习者结合的各种策略,并建议通过基于知识蒸馏的融合策略同时捕获姿势和动作,从而将动作学习从对比运动学习者转移到序列中的序列重建者。在若干基准测试中,即NTU RGB + D 60,NTU RGB + D 120,CMU Mocap和NW-UCLA的实验结果证明了所提出的CRRL方法​​的承诺,到目前为止的现有方法。
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随着阿里巴巴的业务在各种行业中扩大世界各地,对大数据云计算平台的服务质量和可靠性施加了更高的标准,这构成了阿里巴巴云的基础设施。然而,由于系统架构复杂,这些平台中的根本原因分析是非微不足道的。在本文中,我们提出了一个根本原因分析框架,称为Cloudrca,它利用包括关键绩效指标(KPI),日志以及拓扑的异构多源数据,并通过最先进的异常提取重要特征检测和日志分析技术。然后在知识通知的分层贝叶斯网络(KHBN)模型中使用工程化特征,以推断出高精度和效率的根本原因。消融研究和综合实验比较表明,与现有框架,Cloudrca 1相比,Cloudrca 1)始终如一地优于不同云系统的F1分数的现有方法; 2)由于KHBN的层次结构,可以处理新颖的根本原因; 3)相对于算法配置更强大地执行; 4)在数据和特征尺寸中更有利地缩放。实验还表明,可以采用跨平台转移学习机制来进一步提高10%以上的准确性。 Cloudrca已被整合到阿里巴巴云的诊断系统中,并在三个典型的云计算平台中使用,包括MaxCompute,实时计算和Hologres。它节省了站点可靠性工程师(SRES)在过去的十二个月内解决故障的时间超过20美元,并且显着提高了服务可靠性。
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As a common weather, rain streaks adversely degrade the image quality. Hence, removing rains from an image has become an important issue in the field. To handle such an ill-posed single image deraining task, in this paper, we specifically build a novel deep architecture, called rain convolutional dictionary network (RCDNet), which embeds the intrinsic priors of rain streaks and has clear interpretability. In specific, we first establish a RCD model for representing rain streaks and utilize the proximal gradient descent technique to design an iterative algorithm only containing simple operators for solving the model. By unfolding it, we then build the RCDNet in which every network module has clear physical meanings and corresponds to each operation involved in the algorithm. This good interpretability greatly facilitates an easy visualization and analysis on what happens inside the network and why it works well in inference process. Moreover, taking into account the domain gap issue in real scenarios, we further design a novel dynamic RCDNet, where the rain kernels can be dynamically inferred corresponding to input rainy images and then help shrink the space for rain layer estimation with few rain maps so as to ensure a fine generalization performance in the inconsistent scenarios of rain types between training and testing data. By end-to-end training such an interpretable network, all involved rain kernels and proximal operators can be automatically extracted, faithfully characterizing the features of both rain and clean background layers, and thus naturally lead to better deraining performance. Comprehensive experiments substantiate the superiority of our method, especially on its well generality to diverse testing scenarios and good interpretability for all its modules. Code is available in \emph{\url{}}.
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This paper focuses on designing efficient models with low parameters and FLOPs for dense predictions. Even though CNN-based lightweight methods have achieved stunning results after years of research, trading-off model accuracy and constrained resources still need further improvements. This work rethinks the essential unity of efficient Inverted Residual Block in MobileNetv2 and effective Transformer in ViT, inductively abstracting a general concept of Meta-Mobile Block, and we argue that the specific instantiation is very important to model performance though sharing the same framework. Motivated by this phenomenon, we deduce a simple yet efficient modern \textbf{I}nverted \textbf{R}esidual \textbf{M}obile \textbf{B}lock (iRMB) for mobile applications, which absorbs CNN-like efficiency to model short-distance dependency and Transformer-like dynamic modeling capability to learn long-distance interactions. Furthermore, we design a ResNet-like 4-phase \textbf{E}fficient \textbf{MO}del (EMO) based only on a series of iRMBs for dense applications. Massive experiments on ImageNet-1K, COCO2017, and ADE20K benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of our EMO over state-of-the-art methods, \eg, our EMO-1M/2M/5M achieve 71.5, 75.1, and 78.4 Top-1 that surpass \textbf{SoTA} CNN-/Transformer-based models, while trading-off the model accuracy and efficiency well.
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Decompilation aims to transform a low-level program language (LPL) (eg., binary file) into its functionally-equivalent high-level program language (HPL) (e.g., C/C++). It is a core technology in software security, especially in vulnerability discovery and malware analysis. In recent years, with the successful application of neural machine translation (NMT) models in natural language processing (NLP), researchers have tried to build neural decompilers by borrowing the idea of NMT. They formulate the decompilation process as a translation problem between LPL and HPL, aiming to reduce the human cost required to develop decompilation tools and improve their generalizability. However, state-of-the-art learning-based decompilers do not cope well with compiler-optimized binaries. Since real-world binaries are mostly compiler-optimized, decompilers that do not consider optimized binaries have limited practical significance. In this paper, we propose a novel learning-based approach named NeurDP, that targets compiler-optimized binaries. NeurDP uses a graph neural network (GNN) model to convert LPL to an intermediate representation (IR), which bridges the gap between source code and optimized binary. We also design an Optimized Translation Unit (OTU) to split functions into smaller code fragments for better translation performance. Evaluation results on datasets containing various types of statements show that NeurDP can decompile optimized binaries with 45.21% higher accuracy than state-of-the-art neural decompilation frameworks.
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