In this work, we propose a self-supervised multi-agent system, termed a memory-like adaptive modeling multi-agent learning system (MAMMALS), that realizes online learning towards behavioral pattern clustering tasks for time series. Encoding the visual behaviors as discrete time series(DTS), and training and modeling them in the multi-agent system with a bio-memory-like form. We finally implemented a fully decentralized multi-agent system design framework and completed its feasibility verification in a surveillance video application scenario on vehicle path clustering. In multi-agent learning, using learning methods designed for individual agents will typically perform poorly globally because of the behavior of ignoring the synergy between agents.
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Cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) has achieved significant results, most notably by leveraging the representation-learning abilities of deep neural networks. However, large centralized approaches quickly become infeasible as the number of agents scale, and fully decentralized approaches can miss important opportunities for information sharing and coordination. Furthermore, not all agents are equal -- in some cases, individual agents may not even have the ability to send communication to other agents or explicitly model other agents. This paper considers the case where there is a single, powerful, \emph{central agent} that can observe the entire observation space, and there are multiple, low-powered \emph{local agents} that can only receive local observations and are not able to communicate with each other. The central agent's job is to learn what message needs to be sent to different local agents based on the global observations, not by centrally solving the entire problem and sending action commands, but by determining what additional information an individual agent should receive so that it can make a better decision. In this work we present our MARL algorithm \algo, describe where it would be most applicable, and implement it in the cooperative navigation and multi-agent walker domains. Empirical results show that 1) learned communication does indeed improve system performance, 2) results generalize to heterogeneous local agents, and 3) results generalize to different reward structures.
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Proper functioning of connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) is crucial for the safety and efficiency of future intelligent transport systems. Meanwhile, transitioning to fully autonomous driving requires a long period of mixed autonomy traffic, including both CAVs and human-driven vehicles. Thus, collaboration decision-making for CAVs is essential to generate appropriate driving behaviors to enhance the safety and efficiency of mixed autonomy traffic. In recent years, deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has been widely used in solving decision-making problems. However, the existing DRL-based methods have been mainly focused on solving the decision-making of a single CAV. Using the existing DRL-based methods in mixed autonomy traffic cannot accurately represent the mutual effects of vehicles and model dynamic traffic environments. To address these shortcomings, this article proposes a graph reinforcement learning (GRL) approach for multi-agent decision-making of CAVs in mixed autonomy traffic. First, a generic and modular GRL framework is designed. Then, a systematic review of DRL and GRL methods is presented, focusing on the problems addressed in recent research. Moreover, a comparative study on different GRL methods is further proposed based on the designed framework to verify the effectiveness of GRL methods. Results show that the GRL methods can well optimize the performance of multi-agent decision-making for CAVs in mixed autonomy traffic compared to the DRL methods. Finally, challenges and future research directions are summarized. This study can provide a valuable research reference for solving the multi-agent decision-making problems of CAVs in mixed autonomy traffic and can promote the implementation of GRL-based methods into intelligent transportation systems. The source code of our work can be found at
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Imitation learning techniques aim to mimic human behavior in a given task. An agent (a learning machine) is trained to perform a task from demonstrations by learning a mapping between observations and actions. The idea of teaching by imitation has been around for many years, however, the field is gaining attention recently due to advances in computing and sensing as well as rising demand for intelligent applications. The paradigm of learning by imitation is gaining popularity because it facilitates teaching complex tasks with minimal expert knowledge of the tasks. Generic imitation learning methods could potentially reduce the problem of teaching a task to that of providing demonstrations; without the need for explicit programming or designing reward functions specific to the task. Modern sensors are able to collect and transmit high volumes of data rapidly, and processors with high computational power allow fast processing that maps the sensory data to actions in a timely manner. This opens the door for many potential AI applications that require real-time perception and reaction such as humanoid robots, self-driving vehicles, human computer interaction and computer games to name a few. However, specialized algorithms are needed to effectively and robustly learn models as learning by imitation poses its own set of challenges. In this paper, we survey imitation learning methods and present design options in different steps of the learning process. We introduce a background and motivation for the field as well as highlight challenges specific to the imitation problem. Methods for designing and evaluating imitation learning tasks are categorized and reviewed. Special attention is given to learning methods in robotics and games as these domains are the most popular in the literature and provide a wide array of problems and methodologies. We extensively discuss combining imitation learning approaches using different sources and methods, as well as incorporating other motion learning methods to enhance imitation. We also discuss the potential impact on industry, present major applications and highlight current and future research directions.
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Starcraft II多代理挑战(SMAC)被创建为合作多代理增强学习(MARL)的具有挑战性的基准问题。 SMAC专注于星际争霸微管理的问题,并假设每个单元都由独立行动并仅具有本地信息的学习代理人单独控制;假定通过分散执行(CTDE)进行集中培训。为了在SMAC中表现良好,MARL算法必须处理多机构信贷分配和联合行动评估的双重问题。本文介绍了一种新的体系结构Transmix,这是一个基于变压器的联合行动值混合网络,与其他最先进的合作MARL解决方案相比,我们显示出高效且可扩展的。 Transmix利用变形金刚学习更丰富的混合功能的能力来结合代理的个人价值函数。它与以前的SMAC场景上的工作相当,并且在困难场景上胜过其他技术,以及被高斯噪音损坏的场景以模拟战争的雾。
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Reinforcement learning in multi-agent scenarios is important for real-world applications but presents challenges beyond those seen in singleagent settings. We present an actor-critic algorithm that trains decentralized policies in multiagent settings, using centrally computed critics that share an attention mechanism which selects relevant information for each agent at every timestep. This attention mechanism enables more effective and scalable learning in complex multiagent environments, when compared to recent approaches. Our approach is applicable not only to cooperative settings with shared rewards, but also individualized reward settings, including adversarial settings, as well as settings that do not provide global states, and it makes no assumptions about the action spaces of the agents. As such, it is flexible enough to be applied to most multi-agent learning problems.
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多目标自组织追求(SOP)问题已广泛应用,并被认为是一个充满挑战的分布式系统的自组织游戏,在该系统中,智能代理在其中合作追求具有部分观察的多个动态目标。这项工作为分散的多机构系统提出了一个框架,以提高智能代理的搜索和追求能力。我们将一个自组织的系统建模为可观察到的马尔可夫游戏(POMG),具有权力下放,部分观察和非通信的特征。然后将拟议的分布式算法:模糊自组织合作协同进化(FSC2)杠杆化,以解决多目标SOP中的三个挑战:分布式自组织搜索(SOS),分布式任务分配和分布式单目标追踪。 FSC2包括一种协调的多代理深钢筋学习方法,该方法使均匀的代理能够学习天然SOS模式。此外,我们提出了一种基于模糊的分布式任务分配方法,该方法将多目标SOP分解为几个单目标追求问题。合作进化原则用于协调每个单一目标问题的分布式追随者。因此,可以缓解POMG中固有的部分观察和分布式决策的不确定性。实验结果表明,在所有三个子任务中,分布式不传动的多机构协调都具有部分观察结果,而2048 FSC2代理可以执行有效的多目标SOP,其捕获率几乎为100%。
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未来的互联网涉及几种新兴技术,例如5G和5G网络,车辆网络,无人机(UAV)网络和物联网(IOT)。此外,未来的互联网变得异质并分散了许多相关网络实体。每个实体可能需要做出本地决定,以在动态和不确定的网络环境下改善网络性能。最近使用标准学习算法,例如单药强化学习(RL)或深入强化学习(DRL),以使每个网络实体作为代理人通过与未知环境进行互动来自适应地学习最佳决策策略。但是,这种算法未能对网络实体之间的合作或竞争进行建模,而只是将其他实体视为可能导致非平稳性问题的环境的一部分。多机构增强学习(MARL)允许每个网络实体不仅观察环境,还可以观察其他实体的政策来学习其最佳政策。结果,MAL可以显着提高网络实体的学习效率,并且最近已用于解决新兴网络中的各种问题。在本文中,我们因此回顾了MAL在新兴网络中的应用。特别是,我们提供了MARL的教程,以及对MARL在下一代互联网中的应用进行全面调查。特别是,我们首先介绍单代机Agent RL和MARL。然后,我们回顾了MAL在未来互联网中解决新兴问题的许多应用程序。这些问题包括网络访问,传输电源控制,计算卸载,内容缓存,数据包路由,无人机网络的轨迹设计以及网络安全问题。
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尖峰神经网络(SNN)引起了脑启发的人工智能和计算神经科学的广泛关注。它们可用于在多个尺度上模拟大脑中的生物信息处理。更重要的是,SNN是适当的抽象水平,可以将大脑和认知的灵感带入人工智能。在本文中,我们介绍了脑启发的认知智力引擎(Braincog),用于创建脑启发的AI和脑模拟模型。 Braincog将不同类型的尖峰神经元模型,学习规则,大脑区域等作为平台提供的重要模块。基于这些易于使用的模块,BrainCog支持各种受脑启发的认知功能,包括感知和学习,决策,知识表示和推理,运动控制和社会认知。这些受脑启发的AI模型已在各种受监督,无监督和强化学习任务上有效验证,并且可以用来使AI模型具有多种受脑启发的认知功能。为了进行大脑模拟,Braincog实现了决策,工作记忆,神经回路的结构模拟以及小鼠大脑,猕猴大脑和人脑的整个大脑结构模拟的功能模拟。一个名为BORN的AI引擎是基于Braincog开发的,它演示了如何将Braincog的组件集成并用于构建AI模型和应用。为了使科学追求解码生物智能的性质并创建AI,Braincog旨在提供必要且易于使用的构件,并提供基础设施支持,以开发基于脑部的尖峰神经网络AI,并模拟认知大脑在多个尺度上。可以在上找到Braincog的在线存储库。
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在过去的几十年中,多机构增强学习(MARL)一直在学术界和行业受到广泛关注。 MAL中的基本问题之一是如何全面评估不同的方法。在视频游戏或简单的模拟场景中评估了大多数现有的MAL方法。这些方法在实际情况下,尤其是多机器人系统中的性能仍然未知。本文介绍了一个可扩展的仿真平台,用于多机器人增强学习(MRRL),称为SMART,以满足这一需求。确切地说,智能由两个组成部分组成:1)一个模拟环境,该环境为培训提供了各种复杂的交互场景,以及2)现实世界中的多机器人系统,用于现实的性能评估。此外,SMART提供了代理环境API,这些API是算法实现的插件。为了说明我们平台的实用性,我们就合作驾驶车道变更方案进行了案例研究。在案例研究的基础上,我们总结了MRRL的一些独特挑战,这些挑战很少被考虑。最后,我们为鼓励和增强MRRL研究的仿真环境,相关的基准任务和最先进的基线开放。
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Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a popular machine learning paradigm where intelligent agents interact with the environment to fulfill a long-term goal. Driven by the resurgence of deep learning, Deep RL (DRL) has witnessed great success over a wide spectrum of complex control tasks. Despite the encouraging results achieved, the deep neural network-based backbone is widely deemed as a black box that impedes practitioners to trust and employ trained agents in realistic scenarios where high security and reliability are essential. To alleviate this issue, a large volume of literature devoted to shedding light on the inner workings of the intelligent agents has been proposed, by constructing intrinsic interpretability or post-hoc explainability. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive review of existing works on eXplainable RL (XRL) and introduce a new taxonomy where prior works are clearly categorized into model-explaining, reward-explaining, state-explaining, and task-explaining methods. We also review and highlight RL methods that conversely leverage human knowledge to promote learning efficiency and performance of agents while this kind of method is often ignored in XRL field. Some challenges and opportunities in XRL are discussed. This survey intends to provide a high-level summarization of XRL and to motivate future research on more effective XRL solutions. Corresponding open source codes are collected and categorized at
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Adequate strategizing of agents behaviors is essential to solving cooperative MARL problems. One intuitively beneficial yet uncommon method in this domain is predicting agents future behaviors and planning accordingly. Leveraging this point, we propose a two-level hierarchical architecture that combines a novel information-theoretic objective with a trajectory prediction model to learn a strategy. To this end, we introduce a latent policy that learns two types of latent strategies: individual $z_A$, and relational $z_R$ using a modified Graph Attention Network module to extract interaction features. We encourage each agent to behave according to the strategy by conditioning its local $Q$ functions on $z_A$, and we further equip agents with a shared $Q$ function that conditions on $z_R$. Additionally, we introduce two regularizers to allow predicted trajectories to be accurate and rewarding. Empirical results on Google Research Football (GRF) and StarCraft (SC) II micromanagement tasks show that our method establishes a new state of the art being, to the best of our knowledge, the first MARL algorithm to solve all super hard SC II scenarios as well as the GRF full game with a win rate higher than $95\%$, thus outperforming all existing methods. Videos and brief overview of the methods and results are available at:
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