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Reliable uncertainty quantification in deep neural networks is very crucial in safety-critical applications such as automated driving for trustworthy and informed decision-making. Assessing the quality of uncertainty estimates is challenging as ground truth for uncertainty estimates is not available. Ideally, in a well-calibrated model, uncertainty estimates should perfectly correlate with model error. We propose a novel error aligned uncertainty optimization method and introduce a trainable loss function to guide the models to yield good quality uncertainty estimates aligning with the model error. Our approach targets continuous structured prediction and regression tasks, and is evaluated on multiple datasets including a large-scale vehicle motion prediction task involving real-world distributional shifts. We demonstrate that our method improves average displacement error by 1.69% and 4.69%, and the uncertainty correlation with model error by 17.22% and 19.13% as quantified by Pearson correlation coefficient on two state-of-the-art baselines.
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TensorFlow GNN(TF-GNN)是张量曲线的图形神经网络的可扩展库。它是从自下而上设计的,以支持当今信息生态系统中发生的丰富的异质图数据。Google的许多生产模型都使用TF-GNN,最近已作为开源项目发布。在本文中,我们描述了TF-GNN数据模型,其KERAS建模API以及相关功能,例如图形采样,分布式训练和加速器支持。
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