大脑计算机界面(BCI)具有解决许多大脑信号分析局限性,精神障碍分辨率以及通过神经控制的植入物恢复缺失的肢体功能的巨大潜力。但是,尚无单一可用,并且存在安全的日常生活使用情况。大多数拟议的植入物都有多个实施问题,例如感染危害和散热,这限制了它们的可用性,并使通过法规和质量控制生产更具挑战性。无线植入物不需要颅骨慢性伤口。但是,当前植入物芯片内部的复杂聚类神经元识别算法消耗了大量功率和带宽,从而导致更高的散热问题并排出植入物的电池。尖峰分类是侵入性BCI芯片的核心单位,在功耗,准确性和区域中起着重要作用。因此,在这项研究中,我们提出了一个低功率自适应的简化VLSI体系结构,“ Zydeco风格”,用于BCI Spike Sorting,在最坏情况下,计算上的计算较差,其精度较高,高达93.5%。该体系结构使用带有外部物联网医疗ICU设备的低功率蓝牙无线通信模块。在Verilog中实现并模拟了所提出的架构。此外,我们正在提出植入概念设计。
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The Internet of Senses (IoS) holds the promise of flawless telepresence-style communication for all human `receptors' and therefore blurs the difference of virtual and real environments. We commence by highlighting the compelling use cases empowered by the IoS and also the key network requirements. We then elaborate on how the emerging semantic communications and Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) paradigms along with 6G technologies may satisfy the requirements of IoS use cases. On one hand, semantic communications can be applied for extracting meaningful and significant information and hence efficiently exploit the resources and for harnessing a priori information at the receiver to satisfy IoS requirements. On the other hand, AI/ML facilitates frugal network resource management by making use of the enormous amount of data generated in IoS edge nodes and devices, as well as by optimizing the IoS performance via intelligent agents. However, the intelligent agents deployed at the edge are not completely aware of each others' decisions and the environments of each other, hence they operate in a partially rather than fully observable environment. Therefore, we present a case study of Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDP) for improving the User Equipment (UE) throughput and energy consumption, as they are imperative for IoS use cases, using Reinforcement Learning for astutely activating and deactivating the component carriers in carrier aggregation. Finally, we outline the challenges and open issues of IoS implementations and employing semantic communications, edge intelligence as well as learning under partial observability in the IoS context.
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We discover a robust self-supervised strategy tailored towards molecular representations for generative masked language models through a series of tailored, in-depth ablations. Using this pre-training strategy, we train BARTSmiles, a BART-like model with an order of magnitude more compute than previous self-supervised molecular representations. In-depth evaluations show that BARTSmiles consistently outperforms other self-supervised representations across classification, regression, and generation tasks setting a new state-of-the-art on 11 tasks. We then quantitatively show that when applied to the molecular domain, the BART objective learns representations that implicitly encode our downstream tasks of interest. For example, by selecting seven neurons from a frozen BARTSmiles, we can obtain a model having performance within two percentage points of the full fine-tuned model on task Clintox. Lastly, we show that standard attribution interpretability methods, when applied to BARTSmiles, highlight certain substructures that chemists use to explain specific properties of molecules. The code and the pretrained model are publicly available.
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Misinformation spread over social media has become an undeniable infodemic. However, not all spreading claims are made equal. If propagated, some claims can be destructive, not only on the individual level, but to organizations and even countries. Detecting claims that should be prioritized for fact-checking is considered the first step to fight against spread of fake news. With training data limited to a handful of languages, developing supervised models to tackle the problem over lower-resource languages is currently infeasible. Therefore, our work aims to investigate whether we can use existing datasets to train models for predicting worthiness of verification of claims in tweets in other languages. We present a systematic comparative study of six approaches for cross-lingual check-worthiness estimation across pairs of five diverse languages with the help of Multilingual BERT (mBERT) model. We run our experiments using a state-of-the-art multilingual Twitter dataset. Our results show that for some language pairs, zero-shot cross-lingual transfer is possible and can perform as good as monolingual models that are trained on the target language. We also show that in some languages, this approach outperforms (or at least is comparable to) state-of-the-art models.
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视觉世界可以以稀疏相互作用的不同实体来嘲笑。在动态视觉场景中发现这种组合结构已被证明对端到端的计算机视觉方法有挑战,除非提供明确的实例级别的监督。利用运动提示的基于老虎机的模型最近在学习代表,细分和跟踪对象的情况下没有直接监督显示了巨大的希望,但是它们仍然无法扩展到复杂的现实世界多对象视频。为了弥合这一差距,我们从人类发展中汲取灵感,并假设以深度信号形式的场景几何形状的信息可以促进以对象为中心的学习。我们介绍了一种以对象为中心的视频模型SAVI ++,该模型经过训练,可以预测基于插槽的视频表示的深度信号。通过进一步利用模型缩放的最佳实践,我们能够训练SAVI ++以细分使用移动摄像机记录的复杂动态场景,其中包含在自然主义背景上具有不同外观的静态和移动对象,而无需进行分割监督。最后,我们证明,通过使用从LIDAR获得的稀疏深度信号,Savi ++能够从真实World Waymo Open DataSet中的视频中学习新兴对象细分和跟踪。
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