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In both terrestrial and marine ecology, physical tagging is a frequently used method to study population dynamics and behavior. However, such tagging techniques are increasingly being replaced by individual re-identification using image analysis. This paper introduces a contrastive learning-based model for identifying individuals. The model uses the first parts of the Inception v3 network, supported by a projection head, and we use contrastive learning to find similar or dissimilar image pairs from a collection of uniform photographs. We apply this technique for corkwing wrasse, Symphodus melops, an ecologically and commercially important fish species. Photos are taken during repeated catches of the same individuals from a wild population, where the intervals between individual sightings might range from a few days to several years. Our model achieves a one-shot accuracy of 0.35, a 5-shot accuracy of 0.56, and a 100-shot accuracy of 0.88, on our dataset.
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Networks have become indispensable and ubiquitous structures in many fields to model the interactions among different entities, such as friendship in social networks or protein interactions in biological graphs. A major challenge is to understand the structure and dynamics of these systems. Although networks evolve through time, most existing graph representation learning methods target only static networks. Whereas approaches have been developed for the modeling of dynamic networks, there is a lack of efficient continuous time dynamic graph representation learning methods that can provide accurate network characterization and visualization in low dimensions while explicitly accounting for prominent network characteristics such as homophily and transitivity. In this paper, we propose the Piecewise-Velocity Model (PiVeM) for the representation of continuous-time dynamic networks. It learns dynamic embeddings in which the temporal evolution of nodes is approximated by piecewise linear interpolations based on a latent distance model with piecewise constant node-specific velocities. The model allows for analytically tractable expressions of the associated Poisson process likelihood with scalable inference invariant to the number of events. We further impose a scalable Kronecker structured Gaussian Process prior to the dynamics accounting for community structure, temporal smoothness, and disentangled (uncorrelated) latent embedding dimensions optimally learned to characterize the network dynamics. We show that PiVeM can successfully represent network structure and dynamics in ultra-low two-dimensional spaces. It outperforms relevant state-of-art methods in downstream tasks such as link prediction. In summary, PiVeM enables easily interpretable dynamic network visualizations and characterizations that can further improve our understanding of the intrinsic dynamics of time-evolving networks.
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Recommendation Systems (RSs) are ubiquitous in modern society and are one of the largest points of interaction between humans and AI. Modern RSs are often implemented using deep learning models, which are infamously difficult to interpret. This problem is particularly exasperated in the context of recommendation scenarios, as it erodes the user's trust in the RS. In contrast, the newly introduced Tsetlin Machines (TM) possess some valuable properties due to their inherent interpretability. TMs are still fairly young as a technology. As no RS has been developed for TMs before, it has become necessary to perform some preliminary research regarding the practicality of such a system. In this paper, we develop the first RS based on TMs to evaluate its practicality in this application domain. This paper compares the viability of TMs with other machine learning models prevalent in the field of RS. We train and investigate the performance of the TM compared with a vanilla feed-forward deep learning model. These comparisons are based on model performance, interpretability/explainability, and scalability. Further, we provide some benchmark performance comparisons to similar machine learning solutions relevant to RSs.
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变形金刚是使用多层自我注意力头的神经网络模型。注意力是在变形金刚中实现的,作为“键”和“查询”的上下文嵌入。变形金刚允许从不同层重新集合注意力信息,并同时处理所有输入,在处理大量数据时,它们比复发性神经网络更方便。近年来,变形金刚在自然语言处理任务上表现出色。同时,已经做出了巨大的努力,以使变压器适应机器学习的其他领域,例如Swin Transformer和Decision Transformer。 Swin Transformer是一种有前途的神经网络体系结构,将图像像素分为小斑块,并在固定尺寸的(移位)窗口内应用本地自我发挥操作。决策变压器已成功地将变形金刚应用于离线增强学习,并表明来自Atari游戏的随机步行样本足以让代理商学习优化的行为。但是,将在线强化学习与变形金刚结合在一起是更具挑战性的。在本文中,我们进一步探讨了不修改强化学习政策的可能性,而仅使用Swin Transformer的自我发明体系结构代替卷积神经网络架构。也就是说,我们旨在改变代理商对世界的看法,而不是代理商如何计划世界。我们在街机学习环境中对49场比赛进行实验。结果表明,在街机学习环境中,使用SWIN Transform在强化学习中的评估得分明显更高。因此,我们得出的结论是,在线强化学习可以从用空间令牌嵌入来利用自我侵犯中受益。
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作为工业机器人的一般趋势,正在开发或重新设计的安全功能越来越多的安全功能,而不是通过安全继电器或互锁电路等物理硬件处理。这一趋势强化了补充基于传统,基于输入的测试和质量手术的重要性,这些测试和质量程序在今天广泛应用于行业,具有正式的验证和模型检查方法。为此,本文侧重于ABB工业涂料机器人中的代表性安全关键系统,即高压静电控制系统(HVC)。 HVC产生的高压的实际收敛性,对于安全操作必不可少,使用新颖的和一般共同验证框架正式验证,其中硬件和软件模型通过平台映射相关。这种方法使得具有高度多样化和专业的工具的务实组合。本文的主要贡献包括有关如何在工具之间传输硬件抽象和验证结果的详细信息,以便验证系统级安全性。值得注意的是,本文中考虑的HVC应用程序具有相当通用的反馈控制器形式。因此,这里报告的共同验证框架和经验对跟踪设定值引用的任何网络物理系统也非常相关。
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