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在从训练的数据集中学习后,AI Chatbot提供了令人印象深刻的响应。在这十年中,大多数研究工作都表现出深层神经模型优于任何其他模型。 RNN模型定期用于确定序列相关的问题,如问题和IT答案。这种方法熟悉每个人都是SEQ2SEQ学习。在SEQ2SEQ模型机制中,它具有编码器和解码器。编码器嵌入任何输入序列,以及解码器嵌入输出序列。为了加强SEQ2SEQ模型性能,请将注意力添加到编码器和解码器中。之后,变压器模型已经将其自身作为高性能模型引入,具有多种关注机制,用于解决与序列相关的困境。该模型与基于RNN的模型相比减少了训练时间,并且还实现了序列转换的最先进的性能。在这项研究中,我们基于孟加拉普通知识问题答案(QA)数据集,应用了孟加拉一般知识聊天聊天的变压器模型。它在应用的QA数据上得分为85.0 BLEU。要检查变压器模型性能的比较,我们将注意到SEQ2SEQ模型,请注意我们的数据集得分23.5 BLEU。
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Deep neural networks (DNNs) are vulnerable to a class of attacks called "backdoor attacks", which create an association between a backdoor trigger and a target label the attacker is interested in exploiting. A backdoored DNN performs well on clean test images, yet persistently predicts an attacker-defined label for any sample in the presence of the backdoor trigger. Although backdoor attacks have been extensively studied in the image domain, there are very few works that explore such attacks in the video domain, and they tend to conclude that image backdoor attacks are less effective in the video domain. In this work, we revisit the traditional backdoor threat model and incorporate additional video-related aspects to that model. We show that poisoned-label image backdoor attacks could be extended temporally in two ways, statically and dynamically, leading to highly effective attacks in the video domain. In addition, we explore natural video backdoors to highlight the seriousness of this vulnerability in the video domain. And, for the first time, we study multi-modal (audiovisual) backdoor attacks against video action recognition models, where we show that attacking a single modality is enough for achieving a high attack success rate.
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Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) swarms are considered as a promising technique for next-generation communication networks due to their flexibility, mobility, low cost, and the ability to collaboratively and autonomously provide services. Distributed learning (DL) enables UAV swarms to intelligently provide communication services, multi-directional remote surveillance, and target tracking. In this survey, we first introduce several popular DL algorithms such as federated learning (FL), multi-agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL), distributed inference, and split learning, and present a comprehensive overview of their applications for UAV swarms, such as trajectory design, power control, wireless resource allocation, user assignment, perception, and satellite communications. Then, we present several state-of-the-art applications of UAV swarms in wireless communication systems, such us reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS), virtual reality (VR), semantic communications, and discuss the problems and challenges that DL-enabled UAV swarms can solve in these applications. Finally, we describe open problems of using DL in UAV swarms and future research directions of DL enabled UAV swarms. In summary, this survey provides a comprehensive survey of various DL applications for UAV swarms in extensive scenarios.
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Compared to regular cameras, Dynamic Vision Sensors or Event Cameras can output compact visual data based on a change in the intensity in each pixel location asynchronously. In this paper, we study the application of current image-based SLAM techniques to these novel sensors. To this end, the information in adaptively selected event windows is processed to form motion-compensated images. These images are then used to reconstruct the scene and estimate the 6-DOF pose of the camera. We also propose an inertial version of the event-only pipeline to assess its capabilities. We compare the results of different configurations of the proposed algorithm against the ground truth for sequences of two publicly available event datasets. We also compare the results of the proposed event-inertial pipeline with the state-of-the-art and show it can produce comparable or more accurate results provided the map estimate is reliable.
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